Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

Temperature effect

Consider an unloaded two-hinged arch of span L . When the arch undergoes a uniform temperature change of T°C , then its span would increase by α L T if it were allowed to expand freely (vide Fig 33.3a). α is the co-efficient of thermal expansion of the arch material. Since the arch is restrained from the horizontal movement, a horizontal force is induced at the support as the temperature is increased.

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Now applying the Castigliano’s first theorem,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                           (33.12)

Solving for H ,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                       (33.13)

The second term in the denominator may be neglected, as the axial rigidity is quite high. Neglecting the axial rigidity, the above equation can be written as

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                               (33.14)

Example 33.1
A semicircular two hinged arch of constant cross section is subjected to a concentrated load as shown in Fig 33.4a. Calculate reactions of the arch and draw bending moment diagram.

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)


Taking moment of all forces about hinge B leads to,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                               (1)

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

From Fig. 33.4b

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
ds = R dθ                                                (2)

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Now, the horizontal reaction H may be calculated by the following expression,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                        (3)

Now M0 the bending moment at any cross section of the arch when one of the hinges is replaced by a roller support is given by,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)


  Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                     (4)

Integrating the numerator in equation (3),

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

= 52761.00 + 225(645.275 − 410.676) = 105545 .775                       (5)

The value of denominator in equation (3), after integration is,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                              (6)

Hence, the horizontal thrust at the support is,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                          (7)

Bending moment diagram

Bending moment M at any cross section of the arch is given by, 

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

M = 439.95(1 − cosθ) − 298.5 sinθ − 40(15(1 − cosθ ) − 8)          θc ≤ θ ≤ π                    (9) 

Using equations (8) and (9), bending moment at any angle θ can be computed. The bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 33.4c.

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)


Example 33.2
A two hinged parabolic arch of constant cross section has a span of 60m and a rise of 10m. It is subjected to loading as shown in Fig.33.5a. Calculate reactions of the arch if the temperature of the arch is raised by 40°C. Assume co-efficient of thermal expansion as α = 12 × 10-6/ °C.

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Taking A as the origin, the equation of two hinged parabolic arch may be written as,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                       (1)

The given problem is solved in two steps. In the first step calculate the horizontal reaction due to 40kN load applied at C. In the next step calculate the horizontal reaction due to rise in temperature. Adding both, one gets the horizontal reaction at the hinges due to combined external loading and temperature change. The horizontal reaction due to 40kN load may be calculated by the following equation,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                      (2a)

For temperature loading, horizontal reaction is given by,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                        (2b)

Where L is the span of the arch.

For 40kN load,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                     (3)

Please note that in the above equation, the integrations are carried out along the x-axis instead of the curved arch axis. The error introduced by this change in the variables in the case of flat arches is negligible. Using equation (1), the above equation (3) can be easily evaluated.

The vertical reaction A is calculated by taking moment of all forces about B . Hence,

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Now consider the equation (3),

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

= 6480.76 + 69404.99 = 74885.75                                   (4) 

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                                  (5)

= 3200

Hence, the horizontal reaction due to applied mechanical loads alone is given by

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                      (6)

The horizontal reaction due to rise in temperature is calculated by equation (2b),

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Taking E = 200 kN/mm2 and I = 0.0333 m4

H2 = 59.94 kN.                              (7) 

Hence the total horizontal thrust H =H1 + H2 = 83.65 kN.

When the arch shape is more complicated, the integrations Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) are accomplished numerically. For this purpose, divide the arch span in to equals divisions. Length of each division is represented by (Δs) (vide Fig.33.5b). At the midpoint of each division calculate the ordinate  yi by using the equation  Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) The above integrals are approximated as, 

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                  (8)

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                     (9) 

The complete computation for the above problem for the case of external loading is shown in the following table.  

Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Table 1. Numerical integration of equations (8) and (9)

Segme nt No Horizontal distance x Measured from A (m) Correspond ing yi (m) Moment at that Point (M0)i (kNm) (M0)i yi (Δs)i (y)i2 (Δs)i
131.99 9.991139 .88621.66 
295.129 9.979179 .082156.06 
3157.52 99.951349 7.75337.5
4219.12 59.931419 2.18496.86 
5279.92 19.911306 2.65588.06 
6339.91 79.891068 5.47588.06
7399.11 39.877636 .902496.86
8457.59 9.85449 3.25337.5 
9515.15 9.83183 0.798156.06 
10571.919.8122 5.83421.66


Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)               (10)

This compares well with the horizontal reaction computed from the exact integration.

Two-hinged arch is the statically indeterminate structure to degree one. Usually, the horizontal reaction is treated as the redundant and is evaluated by the method of least work. Towards this end, the strain energy stored in the twohinged arch during deformation is given. The reactions developed due to thermal loadings are discussed. Finally, a few numerical examples are solved to illustrate the procedure.

The document Two Hinged Arch - 2 | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) is a part of the Civil Engineering (CE) Course Structural Analysis.
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FAQs on Two Hinged Arch - 2 - Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What is a two hinged arch?
Ans. A two hinged arch is a structural system commonly used in civil engineering. It consists of two hinges or joints at the base of the arch, allowing it to rotate and distribute the load evenly. This type of arch is commonly used in bridges and other structures due to its ability to withstand forces and provide stability.
2. How does a two hinged arch work?
Ans. A two hinged arch works by transferring the load it carries to the supports at its base. The hinges at the base allow rotation, which helps distribute the load evenly along the arch. This evenly distributed load helps to minimize stress and maximize the stability of the structure.
3. What are the advantages of using a two hinged arch?
Ans. There are several advantages of using a two hinged arch in civil engineering projects. Firstly, it provides a cost-effective solution as it requires less material compared to other arch types. Secondly, it allows for larger spans, enabling the construction of longer bridges without the need for additional supports. Additionally, the hinge joints allow for some flexibility, making the structure more resistant to external forces such as earthquakes.
4. What are the limitations of a two hinged arch?
Ans. While two hinged arches have many advantages, they also have some limitations. One limitation is that they are not suitable for supporting heavy vertical loads, as the hinges can experience excessive rotation under extreme loads. Additionally, the hinges require careful design and maintenance to ensure their proper functioning and longevity.
5. Can a two hinged arch be used in seismic regions?
Ans. Yes, a two hinged arch can be used in seismic regions. However, certain design considerations need to be taken into account to ensure the structure's safety. The hinges should be designed to allow for rotational movement during an earthquake, and the arch should be properly reinforced to withstand lateral forces. Additionally, the foundations need to be designed to resist the seismic forces acting on the structure.
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