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Unit 6: Preparation of Financial Statements of Banks: Notes | Advanced Accounting for CA Intermediate PDF Download

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 Page 1

? Learn how to prepare profit and loss account of a bank. 
? Compute tax provision, transfer to statutory reserve, provisions 
on non-performing assets, income recognition on NPA, 
depreciation on current investments 
? Learn how to prepare Balance-sheet 
While preparing financial statements, banks have to follow various guidelines / 
directions given by RBI/Government of India governing the Financial Statements. 
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are prepared as on 31st March every 
year by all the Banks.  They contain 18 schedules as under 
Schedules forming part of Form A – Balance Sheet Schedule -  
1. Capital Schedule 
2. Reserves & Surplus Schedule 
3. Deposits Schedule 
4. Borrowings Schedule    
5. Other Liabilities and Provisions Schedule    
6. Cash and balances with RBI Schedule    
7. Balances with Banks and money at call and short notice.  
8. Investments  
Page 2

? Learn how to prepare profit and loss account of a bank. 
? Compute tax provision, transfer to statutory reserve, provisions 
on non-performing assets, income recognition on NPA, 
depreciation on current investments 
? Learn how to prepare Balance-sheet 
While preparing financial statements, banks have to follow various guidelines / 
directions given by RBI/Government of India governing the Financial Statements. 
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are prepared as on 31st March every 
year by all the Banks.  They contain 18 schedules as under 
Schedules forming part of Form A – Balance Sheet Schedule -  
1. Capital Schedule 
2. Reserves & Surplus Schedule 
3. Deposits Schedule 
4. Borrowings Schedule    
5. Other Liabilities and Provisions Schedule    
6. Cash and balances with RBI Schedule    
7. Balances with Banks and money at call and short notice.  
8. Investments  
9. Advances 
10. Fixed Assets 
11. Other Assets 
12. Contingent Liabilities / Bills for Collection 
Schedules forming Part of Form B – Profit and Loss Account. 
13. Interest Earned.  
14. Other Income.  
15. Interest Expended. 
16. Operating Expenses.  
17. Schedules forming Part of Annual Report  
18. Significant Accounting Policies.  
19. Notes forming part of accounts.  
The Assets side of the Balance Sheet has been arranged in such a manner that liquid 
assets such as Cash, Balances with Banks and Investments are shown in that order. 
This enables the investor to quickly identify how much the Bank is liquid enough to 
meet its commitment towards its customers. This arrangement of Assets is from 
liquid to fixed assets in contrast to corporate balance sheets where the 
arrangement is from fixed to liquid. While preparing financial statements, banks 
have to follow various guidelines / directions given by RBI/Government of India 
governing the Financial Statements. 
Forms for the preparation and presentation of financial statements of banking 
companies have been given in Annexure I & II along with compliance guidelines of 
RBI given in Annexure III at the end of this chapter. In this unit we shall straightaway 
go to the problems relating to preparation of final accounts of banks. 
Illustration 1 
From the following information, prepare a Balance Sheet of ADT International Bank 
as on 31st March, 20X1 giving the relevant schedules and also specify any four 
Principal Accounting Polices:           ` in lakhs 
 Dr. Cr. 
Share Capital  198.00 
19,80,000 Shares of ` 10 each   
Page 3

? Learn how to prepare profit and loss account of a bank. 
? Compute tax provision, transfer to statutory reserve, provisions 
on non-performing assets, income recognition on NPA, 
depreciation on current investments 
? Learn how to prepare Balance-sheet 
While preparing financial statements, banks have to follow various guidelines / 
directions given by RBI/Government of India governing the Financial Statements. 
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are prepared as on 31st March every 
year by all the Banks.  They contain 18 schedules as under 
Schedules forming part of Form A – Balance Sheet Schedule -  
1. Capital Schedule 
2. Reserves & Surplus Schedule 
3. Deposits Schedule 
4. Borrowings Schedule    
5. Other Liabilities and Provisions Schedule    
6. Cash and balances with RBI Schedule    
7. Balances with Banks and money at call and short notice.  
8. Investments  
9. Advances 
10. Fixed Assets 
11. Other Assets 
12. Contingent Liabilities / Bills for Collection 
Schedules forming Part of Form B – Profit and Loss Account. 
13. Interest Earned.  
14. Other Income.  
15. Interest Expended. 
16. Operating Expenses.  
17. Schedules forming Part of Annual Report  
18. Significant Accounting Policies.  
19. Notes forming part of accounts.  
The Assets side of the Balance Sheet has been arranged in such a manner that liquid 
assets such as Cash, Balances with Banks and Investments are shown in that order. 
This enables the investor to quickly identify how much the Bank is liquid enough to 
meet its commitment towards its customers. This arrangement of Assets is from 
liquid to fixed assets in contrast to corporate balance sheets where the 
arrangement is from fixed to liquid. While preparing financial statements, banks 
have to follow various guidelines / directions given by RBI/Government of India 
governing the Financial Statements. 
Forms for the preparation and presentation of financial statements of banking 
companies have been given in Annexure I & II along with compliance guidelines of 
RBI given in Annexure III at the end of this chapter. In this unit we shall straightaway 
go to the problems relating to preparation of final accounts of banks. 
Illustration 1 
From the following information, prepare a Balance Sheet of ADT International Bank 
as on 31st March, 20X1 giving the relevant schedules and also specify any four 
Principal Accounting Polices:           ` in lakhs 
 Dr. Cr. 
Share Capital  198.00 
19,80,000 Shares of ` 10 each   
Statutory Reserve  231.00 
Net Profit before Appropriation  150.00 
Profit and Loss Account  412.00 
Fixed Deposit Account  517.00 
Savings Deposit Account  450.00 
Current Accounts 28.00 520.12 
Bills Payable  0.10 
Cash credits 812.10  
Borrowings from other Banks  110.00 
Cash in Hand 160.15  
Cash with RBI 37.88  
Cash with other Banks 155.87  
Money at Call 210.12  
Gold 55.23  
Government Securities 110.17  
Premises 155.70  
Furniture 70.12  
Term Loan 792.88  
 2,588.22 2,588.22 
Additional Information: 
Bills for collection  18,10,000 
Acceptances and endorsements 14,12,000 
Claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debt 55,000 
Depreciation- Premises 1,10,000 
Depreciation - Furniture 78,000 
50% of the Term Loans are secured by Government guarantees. 10% of cash credit 
(including Debit balance in Current A/c) is unsecured. Transfer 25% of its profit to the 
reserve fund. 
Page 4

? Learn how to prepare profit and loss account of a bank. 
? Compute tax provision, transfer to statutory reserve, provisions 
on non-performing assets, income recognition on NPA, 
depreciation on current investments 
? Learn how to prepare Balance-sheet 
While preparing financial statements, banks have to follow various guidelines / 
directions given by RBI/Government of India governing the Financial Statements. 
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are prepared as on 31st March every 
year by all the Banks.  They contain 18 schedules as under 
Schedules forming part of Form A – Balance Sheet Schedule -  
1. Capital Schedule 
2. Reserves & Surplus Schedule 
3. Deposits Schedule 
4. Borrowings Schedule    
5. Other Liabilities and Provisions Schedule    
6. Cash and balances with RBI Schedule    
7. Balances with Banks and money at call and short notice.  
8. Investments  
9. Advances 
10. Fixed Assets 
11. Other Assets 
12. Contingent Liabilities / Bills for Collection 
Schedules forming Part of Form B – Profit and Loss Account. 
13. Interest Earned.  
14. Other Income.  
15. Interest Expended. 
16. Operating Expenses.  
17. Schedules forming Part of Annual Report  
18. Significant Accounting Policies.  
19. Notes forming part of accounts.  
The Assets side of the Balance Sheet has been arranged in such a manner that liquid 
assets such as Cash, Balances with Banks and Investments are shown in that order. 
This enables the investor to quickly identify how much the Bank is liquid enough to 
meet its commitment towards its customers. This arrangement of Assets is from 
liquid to fixed assets in contrast to corporate balance sheets where the 
arrangement is from fixed to liquid. While preparing financial statements, banks 
have to follow various guidelines / directions given by RBI/Government of India 
governing the Financial Statements. 
Forms for the preparation and presentation of financial statements of banking 
companies have been given in Annexure I & II along with compliance guidelines of 
RBI given in Annexure III at the end of this chapter. In this unit we shall straightaway 
go to the problems relating to preparation of final accounts of banks. 
Illustration 1 
From the following information, prepare a Balance Sheet of ADT International Bank 
as on 31st March, 20X1 giving the relevant schedules and also specify any four 
Principal Accounting Polices:           ` in lakhs 
 Dr. Cr. 
Share Capital  198.00 
19,80,000 Shares of ` 10 each   
Statutory Reserve  231.00 
Net Profit before Appropriation  150.00 
Profit and Loss Account  412.00 
Fixed Deposit Account  517.00 
Savings Deposit Account  450.00 
Current Accounts 28.00 520.12 
Bills Payable  0.10 
Cash credits 812.10  
Borrowings from other Banks  110.00 
Cash in Hand 160.15  
Cash with RBI 37.88  
Cash with other Banks 155.87  
Money at Call 210.12  
Gold 55.23  
Government Securities 110.17  
Premises 155.70  
Furniture 70.12  
Term Loan 792.88  
 2,588.22 2,588.22 
Additional Information: 
Bills for collection  18,10,000 
Acceptances and endorsements 14,12,000 
Claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debt 55,000 
Depreciation- Premises 1,10,000 
Depreciation - Furniture 78,000 
50% of the Term Loans are secured by Government guarantees. 10% of cash credit 
(including Debit balance in Current A/c) is unsecured. Transfer 25% of its profit to the 
reserve fund. 
Balance Sheet of ADT International Bank 
As on 31st March, 20X1 
(` in lacs) 
Capital and Liabilities Schedule As on 
As on  
Share Capital 1 1,98.00  
Reserves and Surplus 2 7,93.00  
Deposits 3 14,87.12  
Borrowings 4 1,10.00  
Other liabilities and provisions 5 0.10  
Cash and balances with RBI 6 219.63  
Balances with banks and money    
 at call and short notice 7 344.39  
Investments 8 1,65.40  
Advances 9 16,32.98  
Fixed Assets 10 2,25.82  
Other Assets 11 –  
Contingent liabilities 12 14.67  
Bills for collection  18.10  
Schedule 1— Capital 
Authorised Capital – 
Issued, Subscribed and  
Paid up Capital  
19,80,000 Shares of ` 10 each 1,98.00 
Page 5

? Learn how to prepare profit and loss account of a bank. 
? Compute tax provision, transfer to statutory reserve, provisions 
on non-performing assets, income recognition on NPA, 
depreciation on current investments 
? Learn how to prepare Balance-sheet 
While preparing financial statements, banks have to follow various guidelines / 
directions given by RBI/Government of India governing the Financial Statements. 
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are prepared as on 31st March every 
year by all the Banks.  They contain 18 schedules as under 
Schedules forming part of Form A – Balance Sheet Schedule -  
1. Capital Schedule 
2. Reserves & Surplus Schedule 
3. Deposits Schedule 
4. Borrowings Schedule    
5. Other Liabilities and Provisions Schedule    
6. Cash and balances with RBI Schedule    
7. Balances with Banks and money at call and short notice.  
8. Investments  
9. Advances 
10. Fixed Assets 
11. Other Assets 
12. Contingent Liabilities / Bills for Collection 
Schedules forming Part of Form B – Profit and Loss Account. 
13. Interest Earned.  
14. Other Income.  
15. Interest Expended. 
16. Operating Expenses.  
17. Schedules forming Part of Annual Report  
18. Significant Accounting Policies.  
19. Notes forming part of accounts.  
The Assets side of the Balance Sheet has been arranged in such a manner that liquid 
assets such as Cash, Balances with Banks and Investments are shown in that order. 
This enables the investor to quickly identify how much the Bank is liquid enough to 
meet its commitment towards its customers. This arrangement of Assets is from 
liquid to fixed assets in contrast to corporate balance sheets where the 
arrangement is from fixed to liquid. While preparing financial statements, banks 
have to follow various guidelines / directions given by RBI/Government of India 
governing the Financial Statements. 
Forms for the preparation and presentation of financial statements of banking 
companies have been given in Annexure I & II along with compliance guidelines of 
RBI given in Annexure III at the end of this chapter. In this unit we shall straightaway 
go to the problems relating to preparation of final accounts of banks. 
Illustration 1 
From the following information, prepare a Balance Sheet of ADT International Bank 
as on 31st March, 20X1 giving the relevant schedules and also specify any four 
Principal Accounting Polices:           ` in lakhs 
 Dr. Cr. 
Share Capital  198.00 
19,80,000 Shares of ` 10 each   
Statutory Reserve  231.00 
Net Profit before Appropriation  150.00 
Profit and Loss Account  412.00 
Fixed Deposit Account  517.00 
Savings Deposit Account  450.00 
Current Accounts 28.00 520.12 
Bills Payable  0.10 
Cash credits 812.10  
Borrowings from other Banks  110.00 
Cash in Hand 160.15  
Cash with RBI 37.88  
Cash with other Banks 155.87  
Money at Call 210.12  
Gold 55.23  
Government Securities 110.17  
Premises 155.70  
Furniture 70.12  
Term Loan 792.88  
 2,588.22 2,588.22 
Additional Information: 
Bills for collection  18,10,000 
Acceptances and endorsements 14,12,000 
Claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debt 55,000 
Depreciation- Premises 1,10,000 
Depreciation - Furniture 78,000 
50% of the Term Loans are secured by Government guarantees. 10% of cash credit 
(including Debit balance in Current A/c) is unsecured. Transfer 25% of its profit to the 
reserve fund. 
Balance Sheet of ADT International Bank 
As on 31st March, 20X1 
(` in lacs) 
Capital and Liabilities Schedule As on 
As on  
Share Capital 1 1,98.00  
Reserves and Surplus 2 7,93.00  
Deposits 3 14,87.12  
Borrowings 4 1,10.00  
Other liabilities and provisions 5 0.10  
Cash and balances with RBI 6 219.63  
Balances with banks and money    
 at call and short notice 7 344.39  
Investments 8 1,65.40  
Advances 9 16,32.98  
Fixed Assets 10 2,25.82  
Other Assets 11 –  
Contingent liabilities 12 14.67  
Bills for collection  18.10  
Schedule 1— Capital 
Authorised Capital – 
Issued, Subscribed and  
Paid up Capital  
19,80,000 Shares of ` 10 each 1,98.00 
Schedule 2— Reserves and Surplus 
(1) Statutory Reserve-   
 Opening balance 2,31.00  
 Additions during the year 37.50  
(2) Balance in Profit & Loss   
 Account (W.N. 1)  524.50 
Schedule 3— Deposits 
(i) Demand deposits from others 5,20.12 
(ii) Saving bank deposits 4,50.00 
(iii) Fixed Deposits 5,17.00 
Schedule 4— Borrowings 
Borrowing in India-  
Other banks 1,10.00 
Schedule 5— Other Liabilities and Provisions 
Bills Payable 0.10 
Schedule 6— Cash and balances with RBI 
(i) Cash in hand 1,60.15 
(ii) Balances with RBI  
 In current account (W.N. 2) 59.48 
Schedule 7—Balances with banks and money at call and short notice 
1. In India  
 (i) Balances with banks  
  (a)  in current accounts (W.N. 3) 1,34.27 
 (ii) Money at call and short notice 2,10.12 
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53 videos|121 docs|6 tests

FAQs on Unit 6: Preparation of Financial Statements of Banks: Notes - Advanced Accounting for CA Intermediate

1. What is the purpose of preparing financial statements for banks?
Ans. The purpose of preparing financial statements for banks is to provide information about the bank's financial position, performance, and cash flows. These statements help stakeholders, such as investors, regulators, and customers, assess the bank's solvency, profitability, and liquidity. Financial statements also assist in credit analysis, risk assessment, and decision-making processes.
2. What are the key components of financial statements for banks?
Ans. The key components of financial statements for banks include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows, and accompanying notes. The balance sheet presents the bank's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time. The income statement shows the bank's revenues, expenses, and net income over a given period. The statement of changes in equity reflects the changes in shareholders' equity during the reporting period. The statement of cash flows reports the bank's cash inflows and outflows from operating, investing, and financing activities.
3. How do banks prepare financial statements in accordance with accounting standards?
Ans. Banks prepare financial statements in accordance with accounting standards by following the specific guidelines and principles outlined in the applicable accounting framework, such as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). They ensure that all relevant financial transactions and events are recognized, measured, and disclosed accurately and consistently. Banks also consider specific industry-related accounting standards and regulatory requirements that may impact their financial reporting.
4. What are the key considerations for preparing financial statements of banks?
Ans. When preparing financial statements of banks, key considerations include the classification and measurement of financial instruments, impairment of loans and other assets, provisioning for potential losses, recognition of income from interest and fees, fair value measurement, and disclosure of risk exposures. Banks need to carefully assess the nature and characteristics of their financial assets and liabilities, evaluate credit risks, and estimate potential losses to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their financial statements.
5. Why are the accompanying notes important in financial statements for banks?
Ans. The accompanying notes in financial statements for banks provide additional information and explanations about the bank's accounting policies, significant accounting estimates, and other relevant disclosures. These notes help users of financial statements understand the basis of preparation, key assumptions, and judgments made by management. They provide details about the bank's risk exposures, contingent liabilities, related party transactions, and other significant events that may impact the bank's financial position and performance. The accompanying notes enhance the transparency and completeness of the financial statements.
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Unit 6: Preparation of Financial Statements of Banks: Notes | Advanced Accounting for CA Intermediate
