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Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering PDF Download

Fully Developed Turbulent Flow In A Pipe For Moderate Reynolds Numbers 


  • The ratio of Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering for the aforesaid profile is found out by considering the volume flow rate Q as 

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

From equation (34.23)   


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                                                        (34.24a)



  • Now, for different values of (for different Reynolds numbers) we shall obtain different values of  Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering from Eq.(34.24a). On substitution of Blasius resistance formula (34.22) in Eq.(34.21), the following expression for the shear stress at the wall can be obtained.

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

  • For n=7, Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering becomes equal to 0.8. substituting Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering =0.8 in the above equation, we get

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                 (34.24b)


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering


where uis friction velocity. However, Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering may be spitted into   Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  and we obtain 

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering



Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                             (34.25a)



  • Now we can assume that the above equation is not only valid at the pipe axis (y = R) but also at any distance from the wall y and a general form is proposed as



Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                    (34.25b)


  • Concluding Remarks :
  1. It can be said that (1/7)th power velocity distribution law (24.38b) can be derived from Blasius's resistance formula (34.22) . 
  2. Equation (34.24b) gives the shear stress relationship in pipe flow at a moderate Reynolds number, i.e Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering Unlike very high Reynolds number flow, here laminar effect cannot be neglected and the laminar sub layer brings about remarkable influence on the outer zones. 
  3. The friction factor for pipe flows,f, defined by Eq. (34.22) is valid for a specific range of Reynolds number and for a particular surface condition.


    Skin Friction Coefficient For Boundary Layers On A Flat Plate

  • Calculations of skin friction drag on lifting surface and on aerodynamic bodies are somewhat similar to the analyses of skin friction on a flat plate. Because of zero pressure gradient, the flat plate at zero incidence is easy to consider. In some of the applications cited above, the pressure gradient will differ from zero but the skin friction will not be dramatically different so long there is no separation. 
  • We begin with the momentum integral equation for flat plate boundary layer which is valid for both laminar and turbulent flow.

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                           (34.26a)

nvoking the definition of Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  Eq.(34.26a) can be written as


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                                (34.26b)



  • Due to the similarity in the laws of wall, correlations of previous section may be applied to the flat plate by substituting δ for R and U for the time mean velocity at the pipe centre.The rationale for using the turbulent pipe flow results in the situation of a turbulent flow over a flat plate is to consider that the time mean velocity, at the centre of the pipe is analogous to the free stream velocity, both the velocities being defined at the edge of boundary layer thickness.


             Finally, the velocity profile will be [following Eq. (34.24)]


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                     (34.27)              



Evaluating momentum thickness with this profile, we shall obtain

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                         (34.28)


Consequently, the law of shear stress (in range o Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering for the flat plate is found out by making use of the pipe flow expression of Eq. (34.24b) as


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Substituting U for Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering and δ  for R in the above expression, we get


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                            (34.29)

Once again substituting Eqs (34.28) and (34.29) in Eq.(34.26), we obtain


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                  (34.30)         


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering


Continued...Skin Friction Coefficient For Boundary Layers On A Flat Plate


  • For simplicity, if we assume that the turbulent boundary layer grows from the leading edge of the plate we shall be able to apply the boundary conditions x = 0, δ = 0 which will yield C = 0, and Eq. (34.30) will become From Eqs (34.26b), (34.28) and (34.31), it is possible to calculate the average skin friction coefficient on a flat plate as

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                    (34.31)

Where   Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                       

From Eqs (34.26b), (34.28) and (34.31), it is possible to calculate the average skin friction coefficient on a flat plate as

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                            (34.32)


                     It can be shown that Eq. (34.32) predicts the average skin friction coefficient correctly in the regime of Reynolds number below 

2 x 106.

  • This result is found to be in good agreement with the experimental results in the range of Reynolds number between 5 x 105and 107 which is given by

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                          (34.33)

        Equation (34.33) is a widely accepted correlation for the average value of turbulent skin friction coefficient on a flat plate.

  • With the help of Nikuradse's experiments, Schlichting obtained the semi empirical equation for the average skin friction coefficient as


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                                               (34.34)  


Equation (34.34) was derived asssuming the flat plate to be completely turbulent over its entire length . In reality, a portion of it is laminar from the leading edge to some downstream position. For this purpose, it was suggested to use


Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                               (34.35a)   


          where A has various values depending on the value of Reynolds number at which the transition takes place.

  • If the trasition is assumed to take place around a Reynolds number of 5 x 105, the average skin friction correlation of Schlichling can be written as

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                           (34.35b)


          All that we have presented so far, are valid for a smooth plate.

  • Schlichting used a logarithmic expression for turbulent flow over a rough surface and derived

Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering                    (34.36)


The document Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering.
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FAQs on Universal Velocity Distribution Law & Friction Factor in Duct Flows - 2 - Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

1. What is the Universal Velocity Distribution Law?
Ans. The Universal Velocity Distribution Law, also known as the Law of the Wall, is a fundamental principle in fluid mechanics that describes the velocity profile of a fluid flow near a solid boundary. It states that the velocity of the fluid at any point near the boundary is directly proportional to the logarithm of the distance from the boundary.
2. How is the Universal Velocity Distribution Law applied in duct flows?
Ans. In duct flows, the Universal Velocity Distribution Law is used to determine the velocity profile across the cross-section of the duct. By applying the law, engineers can analyze the distribution of velocities and understand how the fluid behaves near the walls of the duct. This information is crucial for the design and optimization of duct systems in civil engineering.
3. What is the significance of the friction factor in duct flows?
Ans. The friction factor, also known as the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, is a dimensionless quantity used to describe the amount of resistance to fluid flow in ducts. It is an essential parameter in hydraulic calculations and pressure drop calculations in duct systems. The friction factor depends on various factors such as the roughness of the duct surface, Reynolds number, and the flow regime.
4. How is the friction factor calculated for duct flows?
Ans. The friction factor for duct flows can be calculated using various empirical equations and correlations, such as the Colebrook-White equation or the Swamee-Jain equation. These equations consider factors such as the relative roughness of the duct surface, Reynolds number, and the flow regime to determine the friction factor. Additionally, charts and tables are available to estimate the friction factor based on these parameters.
5. How does the Universal Velocity Distribution Law affect the design of duct systems in civil engineering?
Ans. The Universal Velocity Distribution Law plays a crucial role in the design of duct systems in civil engineering. By understanding the velocity profile near the walls of the duct, engineers can optimize the design to ensure uniform flow distribution and minimize pressure losses. The law helps in determining the appropriate duct size, flow rate, and velocity distribution, thereby improving the efficiency and performance of the system.
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