Multiple Choice Questions
Q1: When was the ‘Consumer Protection’ Act amended?
(a) In 1990 and 1992
(b) In 1992 and 1995
(c) In 1989 and 1991
(d) In 1991 and 1993
Q2: In the market place rules and regulations are needed for the production of:
(a) Sellers
(b) Suppliers
(c) Consumers
(d) Owners
Q3: When was the ‘Right to Information Act’ passed?
(a) In October, 2005
(b) In October, 2006
(c) In September, 2005
(d) In September, 2006
Q1: COPRA applies only to goods.
Q2: ndia is one of the many countries in the world which has exclusive courts for consumer redressal.
Q3: When a consumer feels that he has been exploited, he must fill a case in the district consumer court.
Q4: It is worthwhile to move to consumer courts only if damages incurred are of high value.
Q5: Hallmark is the certification maintained for standardization of jeweler.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: What do sellers usually do when there is a complaint regarding a good or service that had been bought?
Q2: When did the consumer movement come into being in an organised form in India?
Q3: What are the details given on the packing of a commodity?
Q4: The consumer movement in India has led to the formation of various organisations. Name them.
Q5: How do organisations like consumer forums help consumers?
Q6: What is adulteration?
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: Why COPRA is enacted in India?
Q2: What do you understand by consumer protection?
Q3: How do the logos ISI, Agmark or Hallmark help consumers?
Q4: Mention a few Organizations that provide certification of standardization in India.
What do you mean by ISO?
Q5: What is the need for consumer awareness?
Q6: Mention the consumer’s ‘right to choose’ with an example.
Q7: Describe the conditions in which markets do not work in a fair manner.
Q8: What is the three-tier quasi-judicial machinery in India under COPRA?
Q9: How does consumer awareness help our society?
Long Answer Type Questions
Q1: What are the different forms of consumer exploitation?
Q2: What are the factors responsible for the consumer exploitation?
Q3: What are consumer protection councils?
What are consumer forums?
Q4: Describe salient feature of Consumer Protection Act of 1986. How did it enhance the powers of the redressal machinery of India?
Q5: Explain the main causes for the increase in the prices. Give two arguments in favour of regulating the rising prices.
Q6: Attempt a brief note on COPRA.
The solutions of the worksheet "Worksheet Solutions: Consumer Rights"
65 videos|525 docs|79 tests
1. What are the key consumer rights that every individual should know? | ![]() |
2. How can consumers file a complaint if their rights are violated? | ![]() |
3. What is the importance of the Consumer Protection Act? | ![]() |
4. What should a consumer do if they receive a defective product? | ![]() |
5. Are there any penalties for businesses that violate consumer rights? | ![]() |