Q1: What is the process in which pollen is transferred by insects to other flowers?
Ans: Pollination
Explanation: The process in which pollen is transferred by insects to other flowers is called insect pollination. In this process, insects such as bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, and flies visit flowers in search of nectar or pollen. While they are feeding, pollen grains from the flower's stamen (male reproductive organ) attach to the insect's body, typically on their legs or hairs. When the insect moves to another flower of the same species, some of the pollen grains may brush off onto the stigma (female reproductive organ) of that flower, leading to pollination and fertilization.
Q2: The rose is the national flower of the USA, The Maldives and which other country?
Ans: England
Explanation: The rose is the national flower of the United States and the Maldives. It is also the national flower of Bulgaria.
Q3: What kind of flower is the fleur-de-lis?
Ans: A lily.
Explanation: The fleur-de-lis is not a specific flower but rather a stylized representation of a lily. It is a symbol that has been used historically in various contexts, including as a symbol of French royalty and heraldry. The term "fleur-de-lis" translates to "flower of the lily" in English.
Q4: Amorphophallus titanums, or titan arums, are commonly referred to as corpse flowers. Why did they gain this nickname?
Ans: Due to their smell
Explanation: The Amorphophallus titanum, or titan arum, gained the nickname "corpse flower" due to its strong odor, which resembles the smell of rotting flesh. The plant emits this foul odor when it blooms, which serves to attract carrion beetles and other pollinators that are attracted to decaying matter. The smell helps the plant ensure that it is pollinated by insects that mistake it for a dead animal.
Q5: Saffron is the most expensive spice by weight. From which flower do you get the spice Saffron?
Ans: Crocus sativus
Explanation: Saffron is obtained from the flower known as Crocus sativus, commonly referred to as the saffron crocus. The spice saffron is derived from the dried stigmas of this flower. Each saffron crocus flower produces only three red stigmas, which are hand-picked and dried to obtain the saffron threads used in cooking.
Q6: Which small, white flower is commonly used to make tea?
Ans: Chamomile
Explanation: The small, white flower commonly used to make tea is the chamomile flower. Chamomile tea is made from the dried flowers of the chamomile plant, specifically the Matricaria chamomilla or Chamaemelum nobile species.
Q7: Vanilla comes from which flowering plants?
Ans: Orchids
Explanation: Vanilla comes from the flowering plants of the genus Vanilla, particularly Vanilla planifolia. The vanilla orchid is a vine-like plant that produces the vanilla bean, which is used to extract the aromatic vanilla flavor.
Q8: What name is given to the smaller flowers you find in a dandelion’s head?
Ans: Florets
Explanation: The smaller flowers found in a dandelion's head are called florets. Dandelion flowers are composite flowers, consisting of many individual florets clustered together to form the characteristic spherical shape.
Q9: Which Disney princess shares her name with a small, fragrant, white flower?
Ans: Jasmine
Explanation: The Disney princess who shares her name with a small, fragrant, white flower is Jasmine. Jasmine flowers are known for their sweet fragrance and are often associated with love and beauty.
Q10: Red roses are associated with love, however the other colors can have a different meaning. Which color of rose, which now signifies friendship, signified jealousy in Victorian times?
Ans: Yellow
Explanation: In Victorian times, the color yellow was associated with jealousy rather than friendship. Therefore, yellow roses, which now symbolize friendship, would have been associated with jealousy during that period.
Q11: Which of these flowers is not edible: dandelion, lovage, hyacinth, or passionflower?
Ans: Hyacinth
Explanation: Hyacinth is not an edible flower. While dandelions, lovage, and passionflowers have culinary uses, hyacinth flowers are primarily grown for their ornamental value and are not typically consumed.
Q12: What is the name of the sweet fluid that insects drink from flowers?
Ans: Nectar
Explanation: The sweet fluid that insects drink from flowers is called nectar. Nectar is a sugary liquid secreted by the flowers to attract pollinators. It serves as a reward for the insects, providing them with energy while inadvertently facilitating the transfer of pollen.
Q13: Van Gogh’s 1888 painting depicts which kind of yellow flowers in a vase?
Ans: Sunflowers
Explanation: Van Gogh's 1888 painting that depicts yellow flowers in a vase is called "Vase with Twelve Sunflowers." The painting is one of Van Gogh's most famous works and is part of a series he created featuring sunflowers.
Q14: Which plant produces the largest individual flower on earth?
Ans: Rafflesia arnoldii
Explanation: The plant that produces the largest individual flower on earth is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This parasitic plant is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia and produces flowers that can reach over three feet in diameter and weigh up to 24 pounds.
Q15: Which flower is associated with Buddhism, yoga, and also ancient Egyptians?
Ans: Lotus
Explanation: The lotus flower is associated with Buddhism, yoga, and ancient Egyptians. In Buddhism, the lotus is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. In yoga, the lotus position (Padmasana) is a seated posture associated with meditation and inner peace. In ancient Egyptian culture, the lotus was a symbol of creation and rebirth.
Q16: In the USA, and many other countries around the world, which flower is traditionally given on Mother’s Day?
Ans: Carnations
Explanation: In the USA, and many other countries around the world, it is traditional to give carnations on Mother's Day. Carnations, particularly pink and red ones, have become synonymous with Mother's Day and are often given as a symbol of love and gratitude for mothers.
Q17: The juice from which flower was previously used to make glue?
Ans: Bluebells
Explanation: The juice from the acacia tree was previously used to make glue. Acacia sap, also known as gum arabic, has adhesive properties and was historically used as a binder or adhesive in various applications, including making glue.
Q18: What is the common name for the flowering plant digitalis?
Ans: Foxglove
Explanation: The common name for the flowering plant digitalis is foxglove. Digitalis refers to the genus of flowering plants, and foxglove is a specific common name used to refer to several species within that genus, particularly Digitalis purpurea.
Q19: The peduncle is which part of a flower?
Ans: The stalk
Explanation: The peduncle is the part of a flower that connects the flower to the stem or main branch. It is essentially the flower's stalk, supporting the flower and providing a connection for nutrients and water.
Q20: What is the national flower of Scotland?
Ans: Thistle
Explanation: The national flower of Scotland is the thistle. The thistle is a prickly purple flower that represents resilience, bravery, and national pride in Scottish culture and history.
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