Very Short Questions With Answer (1 Mark Each)
Q. 1. What is Environment?
Ans. All round conditions and forces of man are collectively known as, Environment. In his book ‘Sociology and Social Problems’ Ross wrote that, ‘‘Environment is any external force which affects our life.’’ In the same way Gisbert says, that ‘‘Environment is all that which surrounds any thing by all-around and which directly affects him.’’
Q. 2. Give types of
Ans. According of Landis, Environment is of three types:
(i) Natural environment
(ii) Social environment
(iii) Cultural environment.
Q. 3. What is Natural Environment?
Q. 4. What is meant by social environment?
Ans. Environment which is made by man to live a better life is known as Social environment. Social environment is made collectively by institutions, associations groups, organizations etc. of society. Human life is directly affected by Social environment from his birth till death.
Q. 5. What is cultural environment?
Ans. Cultural environment is that environment which is made by man, which is a part of non-material culture and which can not be seen. We can include Social values, traditions, folk ways, mores, language, social knowledge, morality, art, literature, beliefs, rules, laws etc. in cultural environment.
Q. 6. What is technological environment?
Q. 7. What is artificial environment?
Ans. Artificial environment is that environment which is made by humans to fulfil their needs according to their wish and with the help of technology and Science.
For example humans have made large canals to use river water as drinking water and for irrigation.
Q. 8. What is the major source of things which are available in the world?
Ans. Major source of things available in the world is nature because everything starts from nature.
Q. 9. What is meant by Ecology?
Ans. Ecology is the web of those biological and physical elements of which human is also an element. Mountains, rivers, oceans, plains, flora-fauna, animals etc. all are part of ecology.
Q. 10. What is meant by Water Pollution?
Ans. When humans throw waste materials into water and change pure water into polluted water then it is known as water pollution.
Q. 11. What are the causes of water pollution?
Ans. Water pollution is caused due to throwing waste material into rivers, by throwing industrial waste into rivers, using chemical urea into fields etc.
Q. 12. What is meant by Noise Pollution?
Ans. Noise pollution is that pollution which is caused due to noise caused by horns of vehicles and noise caused by different machines, wood cutters etc.
Q. 13. What is meant by Global Warming?
Ans. Increasing of global temperature is known as global warming.
Q. 14. What do you mean by Hydrology?
Ans. The science of water and its flows is known as hydrology. In other words you can say that broad structure of water resources in a country or region is hydrology.
Q. 15. What is meant by Deforestation?
Short Questions With Answer (2 Mark Each)
Q. 1. What is meant by Environment?
Ans. Meaning of the word environment is our surrounding in which we live and do our activities. Other parts of environment like animals, flora and fauna etc. also affect humans and they themselves are affected by this. In this way meaning of environment is by all those conditions and impacts which affect humans at any place and at any time.
Q. 2. What is meant by Environment Pollution?
Ans. In modern age of science and technology, humans are not only doing progress but are causing destruction as well. Main reason of this destruction is environment pollution. Mainly environment pollution is that unnecessary change in air, water and physical, chemical and biological features of earth which are useful for humans but are dangerous for animals, flora and fauna and for atmosphere as well. So it is clear that environment pollution is not only caused by emission of few dangerous elements in the environment but is also caused due to deficiency of any decisive part in environment.
Q. 3. Give major types of environment pollution.
Ans. Environment pollution is mainly of five types.
(i) Air Pollution
(ii) Water Pollution
(iii) Noise Pollution
(iv) Soil Pollution
(v) Nuclear Pollution.
Q. 4. What is meant by Air Pollution?
Ans. Atmosphere of earth is a mixture of many gases in which each gas is in specific quantity. If quantity of any of these gases is increased then it is known as air pollution because this can lead to danger to life on earth. For example decreasing quantity of Ozone gas leads to coming of Sun’s ultraviolet rays on earth. These rays can cause many skin problems to the people on earth.
Q. 5. What are the major sources of Air Pollution?
(i) Natural resources like Volcanic eruption, forest fire, process of soil erosion through wind etc.
(ii) Industries like factories and gases by burning coal and fuel in vehicles.
(iii) Emission of smoke through vehicles like cars, buses, trucks, scooters etc.
(iv) Domestic resources like kitchen gas, gases from A.C.’s fridge etc., burning of coal and kerosene oil, giving fire to wastage etc.
Q. 6. Which problems occur due to air pollution?
Ans. (i) Air pollution leads to increase in global warming and global temperature.
(ii) Smoky fog is caused due to air pollution.
(iii) Air pollution leads to occurrence of acidic rain in diffrent parts of the world.
(iv) People suffer with many diseases, like breathing problem, due to air pollution.
Q. 7. What is meant by Water Pollution?
Ans. Many human activities are the causes of water pollution. Yet this pollution does happen due to natural factors but nature itself corrects that pollution. But this is not possible in case of humans. When we throw waste material into pure water or in river then pure water is changed into polluted water. This is known as water pollution.
Q. 8. Give causes of water pollution.
Ans. (i) When we throw used domestic water into river then pure water gets polluted.
(ii) Waste material of industries is thrown into rivers.
(iii) Chemical urea and pesticides are used in agricultural fields.
(iv) Water is heated in industries and then is thrown into rivers.
(v) Leakage of crude oil in oceans also leads to water pollution.
Q. 9. Which problems occur due to water pollution?
Ans. (i) Organisms living in water dies due to water pollution.
(ii) Polluted water cannot be used for trees and plants.
(iii) Polluted water can cause diseases to humans.
(iv) Polluted water can cause lungs cancer.
(v) Polluted water can reduce production of crops.
Q. 10. What do you mean by soil pollution?
Ans. Meaning of soil erosion is the mixing of any liquid or solid into soil with which fertility of the soil could be reduced. For example trees are fruitful for the fertility of soil. But many human activities are becoming causes of soil pollution. In this way mixing of extra material into soil is known as soil pollution.
Q. 11. What are the causes of soil pollution?
Ans. (i) Excessive use of chemical urea and pesticides in agriculture.
(ii) When industrial waste and water goes into the fields.
(iii) Urban wastage and severage is one of the main reason of soil pollution.
(iv) Unburnt elements came out of industrial smoke are one of the cause of soil pollution.
(v) Mixing of chemicals with soil leads to soil erosion.
Q. 12. What are the causes of Noise Pollution?
Ans. (i) Noise pollution occurs due to noise came out of means of entertainment.
(ii) Noise of crackers and noise of high volume loud speakers leads to causing of noise pollution.
(iii) Noise pollution occurs due to noise of industries, machines, wood cutters etc.
(iv) Horns of cars, buses, trucks and motor cycles can also cause noise pollution.
Q. 13. ‘Our natural resources are reducing quite rapidly’. Why?
Ans. Our natural resources are reducing quite rapidly due to a number of factors but the most important is population explosion or is rapidly increasing population.
If population is increasing then lot of resources are required to give them a good life.
The need of resources is fulfilled through natural resources. They need house to live in, food to eat, clothes to wear, means of transport to move from one place to another etc. A number of things are there which are very much necessary to live a better life. These things are either non-renewable or if are renewable then at very slow pace. That’s why once the resources are used then they cannot be produced again.
As a result our natural resources are reducing quite rapidly.
Q. 14. ‘‘Environment pollution can lead to harmful results for society.’’ Explain the statement.
Ans. There is no denying the fact that environment pollution can lead to quite dangerous results for human race. If we look carefully then no aspect of environment is remained non-polluted. These days vehicles, means of transport are causing a lot of pollution. Industries are causing water pollution, cutting of forests is causing soil pollution, lot of noise is causing noise pollution. We can give hundreds of examples which are causing lot of pollution. If air will get polluted then we will not be able to get clean and pure air to breathe in. With water pollution, we will not be able to get pure water to drink. Soil erosion can cause floods and cutting of forests can lead to scarcity of rainfall. We will not be able to listen with noise pollution. If pollution will be caused with this pace then our lives will be filled with pollution and living a pure and better life will become a dream. So there is a need to protect our environment unless our lives will become a living hell.
Q. 15. What is the need to conserve the environment?
Ans. There is a need to conserve the environment because it plays a very important role in living a good life. Humans need few basic things to live like food, water, clothes, air etc. If water and air will becomes polluted then we will not be able to live a healthy life and even will die at quite young age. Except this natural resources are required to live. But the demand of natural resources is increasing due to rapid increase in population. If these will be used at this pace then very little will be left for our coming generations and there will be a war to get these resources. Land is reducing due to cutting of forests, level of underground water is going down. So there is a need to become serious for conservation of environment unless it would be difficult to live a better and healthy life.