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Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics PDF Download

PAGE NO 25.12:

Question 1:

The number of hours, spent by a school boy on different activities in a working day, is given below:

Number of hours8742324

Present the information in the form of a pie-chart.


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value / sum of component values × 360)
Here, total number of hours = 24
Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

ActivityNumber of hoursSector angle
Sleep88/24 × 360 = 120o
School77/24 × 360 = 105o
Home44/24 × 360 = 60o
Play22/24 × 360 = 30o
Others33/24 × 360 = 45o

Now, the pie chat that represents the given data can be constructed by following the steps given below:
Step 1 : Draw a circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here, the largest central angle is 120o. Draw a sector with the central angle 120o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter-clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise direction in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them as shown as in the figure below.

Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics


PAGE NO 25.12:

Question 2:

Employees of a company have been categorized according to their religions as given below:

Number of workers4203002251051080

Draw a pie-chart to represent the above information.


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value / sum of component values × 360ο)
Here, total number of workers = 1050
Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

ReligionNumber of workersSector angle
Hindu420420/1050 × 360 = 144
Muslim300300/1050 × 360 = 102.9
Sikh225225/1050 × 360 = 77.14
Christian105105/1050 × 360 = 36

Note: The total number of workers is 1050, not 1080.

Now, the pie chat that represents the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here, the largest central angle is 144o. Draw a sector with the central angle 144o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise direction in the descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them as shown as in the figure below.
Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

PAGE NO 25.12:

Question 3:

In one day the sales (in rupees) of different items of a baker's shop are given below:

ItemsOrdinary breadFruit breadCakes and PastriesBiscuitsOthersTotal
Sales (in Rs)260401006020480

Draw a pie-chart representing the above sales.


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360)
Here, total sales = Rs 480
Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

ItemSale (in Rs)Sector angle
Ordinary bread260260/480 × 360 = 195
Fruit bread4040/480 × 360 = 30
Cakes and pastries100100/480 × 360 = 75
Biscuits6060/480 × 360 = 45
Others2020/480 × 360 = 15

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here, the largest central angle is 195o. Draw a sector with the central angle 195o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise direction in the descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in the figure below.
Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

PAGE NO 25.12:

Question 4:

The following data shows the expenditure of a person on different items during a month. Represent the data by a pie-chart.

Items of expenditureRentEducationFoodClothingOthers
Amount (in Rs)27001800240015002400


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360)
Here, total amount = Rs 10800
Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

ItemAmount (in Rs)Sector angle
Rent27002700/10800 × 360 = 90
Education18001800/10800 × 360 = 60
Food24002400/10800 × 360 = 80
Clothing15001500/10800 × 360 = 50
Others24002400/10800 × 360 = 80

Total : 10800 (in Rs)

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here, the largest central angle is 90o. Draw a sector with the central angle 90oin such a way that one radius coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise direction in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in the figure below.
Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics


PAGE NO 25.12:

Question 5:

The percentages of various categories of workers in a state are given in the following table.

CategoiesCulti-vatorsAgricultural LabourersIndustrial WorkersCommercial WorkersOthers
% of workers402512.51012.5

Present the information in the form a pie-chart.


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360)
Here, total percentage of workers = 100
Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

CategoryPercentage of workersSector angle
Cultivators4040/100 × 360 = 144
Agricultural labourers2525/100 × 360 = 90
Industrial workers12.512.5/100 × 360 = 45
Commercial workers1010/100 × 360 = 36
Others12.512.5/100 × 360 = 45

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here, the largest central angle is 144o. Draw a sector with the central angle 144o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise direction in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in figure below.

Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics


PAGE NO 25.12:

Question 6:

The following table shows the expenditure incurred by a publisher in publishing a book:

Expenditure (in%)35%20%10%5%30%

Present the above data in the form of a pie-chart.


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360)
Here the total % of expenditures = 100%
Thus the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

ItemExpenditure (in %)Sector angle
Paper3535/100 × 360 = 126
Printing2020/100 × 360 = 72
Binding1010/100 × 360 = 36
Advertising55/100 × 360 = 18
Miscellaneous3030/100 × 360 = 108

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here, the largest central angle is 126o. Draw a sector with the central angle 126o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise direction in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in figure below.

Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

PAGE NO 25.12:

Question 7:

Percentage of the different products of a village in a particular district are given below. Draw a pie-chart representing this information.



We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360ο)
Here, the total % of items = 100
Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

Item In %Sector angle
Wheat125/341.6641.66/100 × 360 = 149.97
Pulses125/620.8320.83/100 × 360 = 74.98
Jwar25/212.512.5/100 × 360 = 45
Groundnuts50/316.6616.66/100 × 360 = 59.97
Vegetables25/38.338.33/100 × 360 = 29.98

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here the largest central angle is 149.97o. Draw a sector with the central angle 149.97o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise sense in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in the figure below.
Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

PAGE NO 25.13:

Question 8:

Draw a pie-diagram for the following data of expenditure pattern in a family:

ItemsFoodClothingRentEducationUnforeseen eventsMidicine
Expenditure (in percent)40%20%10%10%15%5%


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360ο)
Here, the total % of items = 100
Thus, central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

ItemExpenditureSector angle
Food40%40/100 × 360 = 144
Clothing20%20/100 × 360 = 72
Rent10%10/100 × 360 = 36
Education10%10/100 × 360 = 36
Unforeseen events15%15/100 × 360 = 54
Medicine5%5/100 × 360 = 18

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here the largest central angle is 144o. Draw a sector with the central angle 144o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise sense in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in figure below.

Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

PAGE NO 25.13:

Question 9:

Draw a pie-diagram of the areas of continents of the world given in the following table:

ContinentsAsiaU.S.S.RAfricaEuropeNoth AmericaSouth AmericaAustralia
  (in million sq. km)


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360)
Here, total area in million sq km = 133.3
Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

ContinentArea (in million sq. km)Sector angle
Asia26.926.9/133.3 × 360 = 72.6
U.S.S.R20.520.5/133.3 × 360 = 55.4
Africa30.330.3/133.3 × 360 = 81.8
Europe4.94.9/133.3 × 360 = 13.2
North America24.324.3/133.3 × 360 = 65.6
South America17.917.9/133.3 × 360 = 48.3
Australia8.58.5/133.3 × 360 = 23

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here the largest central angle is 81.8o. Draw a sector with the central angle 81.8o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise sense in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in figure below.
Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics


PAGE NO 25.13:

Question 10:

The following data gives the amount spent on the construction of a house. Draw a pie diagram.

  (in thousand Rs)


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360)
Here. the total expenditures = 300 (in thousand Rs)
Thus the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

(in thousand Rs)
Sector angle
Cement6060/300 × 360 = 72
Timber3030/300 × 360 = 36
Bricks4545/300 × 360 = 54
Labour7575/300 × 360 = 90
Steel4545/300 × 360 = 54
Miscellaneous4545/300 × 360 = 54

Total expenditure: 300 (in thousand Rs)

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here the largest central angle is 90o. Draw a sector with the central angle 90oin such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing the other items in the clockwise direction in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in figure below.
Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics


PAGE NO 25.13:

Question 11:

The following table shows how a student spends his pocket money during the course of a month. Represent it by a pie-diagram.

ItemsFoodEntertainmentOther expenditureSavings


We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360)
Here, total expenditure = 100%
Thus, central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

  (in %)
Sector angles
Food4040/100 × 360 = 144
Entertainment2525/100 × 360 = 90
Other expenditures2020/100 × 360 = 72
Savings1515/100 × 360 = 54

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here the largest central angle is 144o. Draw a sector with the central angle 144o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing the other items in the clockwise sense in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in figure below.
Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

The document Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics is a part of the Class 8 Course RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics.
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FAQs on Chapter 25 - Data Handling-III (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions - RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

1. What is the importance of data handling in mathematics?
Ans. Data handling is important in mathematics as it helps in organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data. It allows us to make informed decisions, identify patterns, and draw conclusions based on the data collected.
2. How can data be represented graphically?
Ans. Data can be represented graphically using various types of graphs such as bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and histograms. These graphical representations help in visualizing the data and making it easier to understand and interpret.
3. What is the difference between mean, median, and mode?
Ans. Mean is the average value calculated by summing up all the values and dividing by the total number of values. Median is the middle value in a set of data when arranged in ascending or descending order. Mode is the value that appears most frequently in a set of data.
4. How can outliers affect the measures of central tendency?
Ans. Outliers are extreme values that are significantly different from the other values in a data set. They can affect the measures of central tendency such as mean, median, and mode. Outliers can skew the mean towards their direction, while the median and mode are less affected by outliers.
5. How can we calculate the range of a data set?
Ans. The range of a data set is calculated by finding the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the data set. It gives an idea of the spread or variability of the data.
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