`Reach for The Top’ topic has been bifurcated in two-part. Each part of the topic contains a heroic story of two young girls. The heroine in the first part is a young Mountaineer Santosh Yadav and the heroine of the second part is Maria Sharapova tennis sensation of the world. Santosh Yadav was born in a small village of Haryana state. She belonged to an agriculturist family. Her family was of the opinion of traditional values and they were patient to keep their prevailing customs but she rose to the highest glory by her hard efforts. In the same way, Maria Sharapova rises to the top of the tennis world by her hard efforts. She became the world’s number one tennis sensation and now becomes the most glamorous sensation of the modern world.
Introduction (2):
“Reach for the Top” (Part I) is an inspirational account of the phenomenal success and achievements of an Indian woman mountaineer, Santosh Yadav, who beat all odds and prejudices to script a success story, thanks to her sterling qualities of perseverance, patience, commitment, persistence and constancy of purpose.
“Reach for the Top” is based on the theme that success comes to those who dare and do. This theme runs throughout the account of Santosh Yadav’s education, training and success as a woman mountaineer in a country where discrimination against women is rampant. Santosh defied all odds, customs, traditions, and prejudices to script her phenomenal success through hard work, persistent effort, focus on the goal and mental and physical toughness. Santosh has really reached the highest peak that a woman mountaineer could reach, not just once but twice. She is a wonderful role-model to emulate.
The title “Reach for the Top” is an appropriate title for the biographical feature on Santosh Yadav, both literally and metaphorically.
means the mountaintop, especially of Mt. The ‘top’ here not only Everest but also the pinnacle of glory. Santosh reached both the tops with Elan, thanks to her sterling qualities of body and mind, and thanks also to the training and support she received.
“Reach for the Top” as an imperative phrase gives a call to the readers to do their best and strive to achieve excellence and glory in their own area of interest through hard work, persistent efforts, the constancy of purpose, strong will, and meticulous planning.
Conquered = got victory over, फ़तेह करना ; regarded = considered,माना जाना ; blessing=boon, आशीर्वाद,वरदान ; curse = a bad omen, अभिशाप ; expecting =hoping, उम्मीद होना ; assumed = though,सोचा ; holy man = saint, साधु ; destiny = luck.भाग्य ; Contentment = satisfaction,संतुष्टि ; determination = true resolution,दृढ़ निश्चय ; affluent =rich/prosper, संपन्न ; afford = bear, वहन करना ; in line with = according to, का अनुसरण करते हुए; prevailing= the normal system, प्रचलित; the last thing = the least important thing, सबसे महत्वहीन बात; enrolled = got admission, दाखिला ले लिय ा; urge = desire, इच्छा ; Vanishing = getting out of sight, आंखों से ओझल हो जाते हुए ;check out = find out,पता लगाना ;affirmative = positive, सकारात्मक; motivated = inspired, प्रेरित किय ा; headed straight for = went toward,सीधा चला गया ; apology = forgiveness, क्षमा याचना ; expedition = risky job, जोखिम पूर्ण कार्य ; rapidly= fastly, तेजी से ; resistance = opposite power, प्रतिरोधक शक्ति ; altitude = height, ऊंचाई ; equipped = furnished, सुसज्जित ; endurance = tolerance, सहनशक्ति ; culmination = top point, चरम बिंदु ; Securing= getting, प्राप्त करते हुए ; unique = strange, अद् भुत ; annals = history, इतिहास; top honours = highest awards, सर्वोच्च पुरूस्कार; literally = in reality, सचमुच; enormity = hugeness, विशालत ा;held it aloft = held it up high, ऊंचा रखना ; fervent = strong and sincere feeling, सच्चा –पक्का ; garbage = rubbish, कूड़ा–कर्कट ; Seale–climb; Twice—two times; Regard—to consider; Blessing—grace; Holy man—saint Assume—pretend; Surprise—an unexpected event; Nevertheless—in spite of that; notwithstanding;Contentment—a state of happiness and satisfaction; Traditional—related to customs; Terms—likes and dislikes; Prefer—choose; Beginning—starting; Determine—decide to do something of definitely;Rational—showing reason; Affluent—rich; Landowner—owner of land; Afford—be able; Prevailing—existing; Custom—tradition; System—setting; Pressure—force; Threaten—frighten; Enrol—to take admission; Proper—right; Refuse- deny; Politely—in peaceful manner; Agree—to have same opinion;Wish—desire; Bit more—little more; Urge—desire; Face—front; Vanish- to disappear; Decide—to choose something; Except— not including; Mountaineer— one who climbs mountain; Pleasant— enjoyable; Affirmative—to say `yes Motivate— to make someone wants to do something well;Institute— organisation; Supposed to be—it means an obligation; Apology- apologise; Permission— consent; Thereafter— after that time; Expedition— mission; Climbing— scale; Skills—ability to do an act; Mature-completely grew; Develop-grow; Remarkable-unusual; Iron will-strong determination;Amazing—surprising; Mental—relating to the mind; Toughness-strong and durable; Repeatedly—again and again; Culmination—the highest point of something; especially attained after a long time;Sincerity-truthfulness; Achieve-gain; Feat-something difficult; Concern-worry; Desire—wish; Fellow—companion; During-within a period of time; Mission-expedition; Provide—give; Special—not usual;Care—look after; Manage-to succeed in doing something.
98 videos|532 docs|74 tests
1. What is the Reach for the Top exam? | ![]() |
2. How can I prepare for the Reach for the Top exam? | ![]() |
3. How is the Reach for the Top exam conducted? | ![]() |
4. What are the benefits of participating in the Reach for the Top exam? | ![]() |
5. How can I register for the Reach for the Top exam? | ![]() |