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Class 12 Political Science Previous Year: Short Questions with Answers- Globalisation

Q.1. (a) Highlight any two causes of globalisation.    [2024]
(b) Highlight any two positive effects of globalisation.  
(a) Causes of globalization:
(i) The advanced communication technology, i.e. invention of the telegraph, telephone and the microchips, internet, smartphone etc.
(ii) Advanced means of transport helped the ideas, capital, commodities and people move in a quicker and wider way from one part of the world to another.
(iii) Facility of easy flow of commodities, people and capital from one place to another.
(iv) Interdependence of nations.
(v) Policy of liberalisation.
(b) Positive effects of globalization:
(i) It enhances interconnectedness.
(ii) Facilitate transfer of knowledge and technology.
(iii) Increase the consumers’ choices.
(iv) FDI in poor countries is easy.
(v) Increase in economic development.
(vi) Efficiency of state increases.
(vii) Cultural homogenisation increases.

Q.2. Write any two political consequences of globalisation.    [2024]
Political consequences of globalization:
(i) It results in an erosion of state capacity.
(ii) Structure of state is changed from welfare to minimalist state.
(iii) Maintenance of law and order and the security have become the core functions of the state.
(iv) Markets become the prime determinant of economic and social priorities.

Q.3. (a) Explain the difference between cultural homogenization and cultural heterogenization.    [2024]
(b) Explain any two economic consequences of globalization.
Ans. (a) 
(i) According to some observers , globalisation leads to rise of a  uniform culture or what is called  Cultural homogenisation. The culture of the politically and economically dominant society leaves its imprint on a less powerful society.
(ii) On the other hand, all cultures accept outside influences all the time. Sometimes external influences only enlarge our choices and modify our culture without overwhelming the traditional culture. Thus, each culture becomes more different and distinctive. This phenomenon is called Cultural hetrogenisation.
(b) Economic consequences of Globalisation:
(i) It involves many international institutions like IMF, WTO , etc, that determine economic policies across the world.
(ii) It involves greater economic flows from different countries of the world.
(iii) It involves greater trade in commodities.
(iv) Restrictions on imports and exports are reduced.

Q.4. Explain any four consequences of Globalisation.    [2024]
Consequences of globalisation:
(i) The old welfare state is now giving way to a more minimalist state to perform functions.
(ii) The entry and the increased role of multinational companies all over the world has led to a reduction in the capacity of government to take decision on their own.
(iii) Globalisations has involved greater trade in commodities across the globe.
(iv) Cultural effect of globalisation leads to the rise of a uniform culture.

Q.5. “Globalisation is the outcome of developed technology.” Support the statement with two examples.    [2023]
Ans. Globalisation is the outcome of developed technology as:
(i) Better communication technology has promoted the flow of ideas by smartphones, internet, telephone, etc.
(ii) The flow of ideas, capital, commodities and people to move more easily from one part of the world to another with the help of developed technology.

Q.6. Analyse any two effects of globalisation on your daily life.    [2023]
Every candidate may give different effects:  
(i) More job  opportunities are available at the international level.
(ii) Standard of living has risen.
(iii) Markets have lot of choices for the customers.
(iv) New brands have flooded the international Market.
(v) New Gadgets have changed the life style.
(vi) Food of Different nations is available for consumption.
(vii) Films/Music of different nations is available in the market.  

Q.7. “Globalisation has shifted power from nation-states to global consumers.” Support the statement with two arguments.    [2023]
(i) Globalisation results in an erosion of state capacity that is, the ability of government to do what they want to do.
(ii) All over the world ,the concept of welfare state is now giving way to a more minimalistic state.
(iii) The increased role of MNC's all over the world leads to a reduction in the capacity of government to take decisions on their own.
(iv) As an outcome of new technology, states have become more powerful than they were earlier. But the emphasis now lies on the Global consumers.
(v) Now it is the market that becomes the prime  determinant of social and economic priorities.

Q.8. Highlight any four effects of globalization on the culture of India.    [2023]
Effects of globalization on the Culture of India:
(i) Many festivals have entered and added to our culture like Valentines Day, Christmas and Halloween etc.
(ii) New dressing sense and style like Jeans, Tops, T-shirts etc. have invaded our traditional dresses like Kurta, Pyjama and Dhoti etc.
(iii) Cinema, Music and Dance forms have also been affected by Globalization.
(iv) Food habits and items have changed. Pizza, Burger, Noodles are popular now.
(v) Markets have also changed and Mall culture/ Online shopping has entered and became popular.

Q.9. Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:    [2023]
Globalisation as a concept fundamentally deals with flows. These flows could be of various kinds -ideas moving from one part of the world to another, capital shunted between two or more places, commodities being traded across borders and people moving in search of better livelihoods to different parts of the world .The crucial element is the ‘worldwide interconnectedness' that is created and sustained as a consequence of these constant flows.  
(i) ‘Worldwide interconnectedness’ is also known as:
(a) Globalisation
(b) Liberalisation
(c) Socialisation
(d) Privatisation
(ii) Dimensions of globalisation are:
(a) political, social and spiritual
(b) social, economic and geographical
(c) political, economic and environmental
(d) political, social and economic
(iii) Which among the following increases economic activities?
(a) Decline in employment
(b) Increase in the index of poverty
(c) Strong global economic growth
(d) Great decline in the trade
(iv) Which one of the following is an impact of globalisation?
(a) The power of the states has increased.
(b) New trade barriers have been imposed.
(c) Choice of the customer has increased.
(d) It has given a boost to local industries.
Ans. (i) 
(a) Globalisation
(ii) (d) Political, Social and Economic
(iii) (c) Strong global economic growth
(iv) (c) Choice of the customer has increased.

Q.10. Which of the statements are true about globalisation?
(i) Globalisation is purely an economic phenomenon.
(ii) Globalisation began in 1991.
(iii) Globalisation is the same thing as westernisation.
(iv) Globalisation is a multidimensional phenomenon.
(iv) Globalisation is a multidimensional phenomenon.

Q.11. Which of the statements are true about the impact of globalisation?
(i) Globalisation has been uneven in its impact on states and societies.
(ii) Globalisation has had a uniform impact on all states and societies.
(iii) The impact of globalisation has been confined to the political sphere.
(iv) Globalisation inevitably results in cultural homogeneity.
(i) Globalisation has been uneven in its impact on states and societies.

Q.12. Which of the statements are true about the causes of globalisation?
(i) Technology is an important cause of globalisation.
(ii) Globalisation is caused by a particular community of people.
(iii) Globalisation originated in the US.
(iv) Economic interdependence alone causes globalisation.
(i) Technology is an important cause of globalisation.

Q.13. Which of the statements are true about globalisation?
(i) Globalisation is only about movement of  commodities.
(ii) Globalisation does not involve a conflict of values.
(iii) Services are an insignificant part of globalisation.
(iv) Globalisation is about worldwide interconnectedness.
(iv) Globalisation is about world–wide interconnectedness.

Q.14. ‘Welfare State is getting replaced by market.’Analyse the reason for this change.
Globalisation results in an erosion of state capacity. All over the world, the old welfare state is now giving way to a more minimalist state that performs certain core functions such as maintenance of law and order and the security of its citizens. However, it withdraws from many of its earlier welfare functions directed at economic and social well being. In place of the welfare state,it is the market that becomes prime determinant of economic and social priorities. The entry and the increased role of MNCs all over the world lead to reduction in the capacity of government to take decisions on their own.

Q.15. “Globalisation is a multidimensional concept.”Justify the statement.
Globalisation refers to integration of an economy with the other countries based on interdependence. It is a multidimensional concept having political,economic and cultural manifestations. It is the process of exchange of ideas, capital commodities and people.

Q.16. What is globalisation? Highlight any three causes of globalisation.
Globalisation is integration of an economy with other economies alongwith the free flow of trade and capital.
Process of globalisation is the result of :
(i) Historical factors
(ii) Role of international organisations like IMF and WTO.
(iii) Liberalisation and privatisation.
(iv) Technological innovations

Q.17. What is worldwide interconnectedness? What are its components?
The worldwide interconnectedness implies to interlink the world through free flow of goods and services, technology, ideas and people across the globe to extend globalisation.
This contains three components:
(i) Capital flow : It is the flow of resources through loans or business investments among the countries.
(ii) Trade flow : It refers to exchange of goods among countries.
(iii) Labour flow : It refers to ‘brain grain’ by creating favourable conditions for employment.

Q.18. How do per capita income and population growth affect the economic disparity in the world? Suggest any two ways to reduce economic disparity between the poor and the rich at the global level.
Per capita income and population growth affect in the economic disparity all over the world. High per capita income and low population growth make the rich countries get richer. On the othe hand, per capita low income and high population growth make poor countries get poorer.
Ways to reduce economic disparity include :
(i) At the global level, the poor countries hit by this economic disparity will have to decrease population growth and increase of income.
(ii) Countries affected by the economic disparity will have to make maximum use of their resources judiciously. They will have to strengthen their economic, political, social and cultural structures as to bridge the gap of economic disparity.

Q. 19. Explain any two positive and two negative effects of globalisation.
Positive effects of globalisation include
(i) Increase in the volume of trade in terms of goods and services.
(ii) Attracts private foreign capital investment.
(iii) Creates new job opportunities.
(iv) Raises standard of living.
(v) Increases production efficiency and healthy competition.
(vi) Attracts foreign direct investment.
Negative effects of globalisation include
(i) Widened income disparities by making rich richer and poor poorer.
(ii) It is the reason for depletion of flora and fauna in the country.

Q. 20. Explain any three benefits of globalisation with examples.
Economic benefits :
(i) It involves greater economic flows among various countries.
(ii) It has enhanced trade in commodities among countries.
(iii) The restrictions on the imports and movement of capital have also been reduced.
(iv) This has spread internet and computer related services across national boundaries.
Technological benefits :Technological equipments like telephone, internet and microchip have contributed to globalisation by exchanging ideas, capital and people to make convenient to move from one place to another at a fast pace to stimulate the process of globalisation.
Political benefits :
(i) The primary status remains unchallenged on the basis of political community.
(ii) To some extent, developing countries have received a boost to become more powerful and strong.

Q. 21. Show with the help of one example that globalisation has affected the dress culture of India.
Globalisation has affected the dress culture of India by
(i) Westernisation of the dress tastes of girls in schools and colleges.
(ii) It has harmed the traditional culture of India.

Q.22. Has there been resistance to globalisation in India?
Yes, resistance to globalisation in India has come from different quarters. There have been left wing protests to economic liberalisation voiced through political parties as well as through forums like the Indian Social Forum. Resistance to globalisation has also come from the political right taking the form of objecting particularly to various cultural influences — ranging from the availability of foreign television channels provided by cable networks, celebration of Valentine’s Day, and westernisation of the dress tastes of girl students in schools and colleges.

Q. 23. Explain any four negative consequences of globalisation for the people of India.
Negative consequences of globalisation on India :
(i) Expensive seeds purchased from MNCs compelled farmers committing suicides due to crop failure.
(ii) Slowly and gradually MNCs started buying India companies, resulted in instability in market.
(iii) While some advances were made in certain arenas, critical sectors such as health, housing and primary education did not receive the attention they deserved.
(iv) India had a fairly sluggish rate of economic growth. In 1991, responding to a financial crisis and to desire for higher rates of economic growth which yet to be achieved.
(v) De-regulated various sectors including trade and foreign investment.

Q. 24. What are the economic implications of globalisation? How has globalisation impacted on India with regard to this particular dimension?
Economic implications of globalisation include :
(i) It involves greater economic flows among various countries.
(ii) It has enhanced trade in commodities among countries.
(iii) The restrictions on the imports and movement of capital have also been reduced.
(iv) This has spread internet and computer related services across national boundaries.
Impact of globalisation on India :
(a) More new jobs have been created in the MNCs like cell phones, fast food, etc.
(b) India is playing a crucial role among developing countries in trade and commerce by making some companies multinational themselves, like Tata Motors, Ranbaxy, etc.
(c) Foreign direct investment has also been increased.
(d) It has invited inflow of foreign capital and export-oriented activities.

Q. 25. How has globalisation impacted on India and how is India in turn impacting on globalisation?
For impact of globalisation on India
Impact of India on globalisation:
(i) Through responding to 1991 financial crisis, Indian economy was liberalised to attract foreign direct investment.
(ii) India introduced new trade policy reforms to remove tariffs and restrictions imposed on imports.
(iii) Under industries, it abolished licensing system exempting a few specified industries only.
(iv) Banking operations by private sectors were permitted to expand in the country.
(v) To promote globalisation, India has adopted an open economy.

The document Class 12 Political Science Previous Year: Short Questions with Answers- Globalisation is a part of the Humanities/Arts Course Political Science Class 12.
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FAQs on Class 12 Political Science Previous Year: Short Questions with Answers- Globalisation

1. What is globalization and how has it impacted the world economy?
Ans. Globalization is the process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence among countries. It has impacted the world economy by increasing international trade, investment, and cultural exchange.
2. What are the benefits of globalization?
Ans. Some of the benefits of globalization include increased economic growth, job creation, access to a wider variety of goods and services, and cultural exchange.
3. What are the negative effects of globalization?
Ans. Some negative effects of globalization include income inequality, loss of cultural identity, environmental degradation, and exploitation of labor in developing countries.
4. How has globalization affected developing countries?
Ans. Globalization has both positive and negative impacts on developing countries. It can lead to economic growth and job creation, but it can also result in increased inequality and exploitation of workers.
5. How can countries mitigate the negative effects of globalization?
Ans. Countries can mitigate the negative effects of globalization by implementing policies that protect workers' rights, promote environmental sustainability, and ensure fair trade practices. Additionally, investing in education and infrastructure can help countries take advantage of the benefits of globalization.
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