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Class 9 English: Sample Question Paper Term I- 10 (With Solutions) PDF Download

Ques 1: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. 
In democratic countries any effort to restrict the freedom of the press is rightly condemned. However, this freedom can be easily abused. Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events. Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold sufferings to individuals by publishing details about their private lives. Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they cannot only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but can even overthrow a government. The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press. The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 25000 inhabitants in South Dakota. As the parents had five children, life was a perpetual struggle against poverty. They were expecting their sixth child and were faced with even more pressing economic problems. If they had only one more child the fact would have passed unnoticed. They would have continued to struggle against economic odds and would have lived in obscurity. But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy, an event which radically changed their lives. The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers. The news was of national importance, for the couple had become the parents of the only quintuplets in America. Their rise to fame was swift. Television cameras and newspapers carried the news to everyone in thecountry. Newspapers and magazines offered the family huge sums for the exclusive right to publishphotographs. Gifts poured in not only from unknown people, but from baby food and soap manufacturers who wished to advertise their products. The old farmhouse the family lived in was tobe replaced by a new $100000 home. Reporters kept pressing interviews so lawyers had to be employed to act as the spokesmen of the family at press conferences.
(a) Answer the following questions.
(i) What is condemned in democratic countries?
(ii) Why is the freedom of press a matter of abuse?
(iii) How do reporters cause suffering to individuals?
(iv) Who are responsible for such abuses?
(v) What is the power of the press?
(vi) What does change the lives of ordinary people?
(vii) Who are employed at press conferences?
(viii) What role does the television play?
(i) The effort to restrict the freedom of press is rightly condemned in democratic countries.
(ii) The freedom of press is abused because the published news reveal the private lives of men.
(iii) Reporters cause suffering to individuals by publishing details about the private lives of people.
(iv) Newspapers and reporters are responsible for such abuses.
(v) The power of the press lies in exaggerating the news to such an extent that a poor family acquires fameand fortune.
(vi) The influence of newspapers changes the lives of ordinary people.
(vii) Lawyers are employed at press conferences.
(viii) Television cameras carry the news wide across the country to everyone.

Ques 2: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
It is agreed that disasters have become a way of life. We simply can't wish them away. Be it earthquakes, cyclones, floods, landslides, sea-erosion or fires. But we are definitely in a stage to marginalize their effects. Because these calamities by themselves do not kill people, it is the structurally deficient buildings that give way burying within themselves the hapless many. The recent earthquake in Gujarat has indeed shaken all of us. Whereas Bhuj, at the epicentre of the quake, has turned into debris, many a buildings in Ahmedabad, 400 kms away, also simply collapsed. Surprising was the fact that the lower floors of many buildings sank into the soil. In the cyclone affected coastal Andhra and Odisha, majority of the houses were razed to the ground due to inadequate structural provisions. Stories of major fires in buildings in urban areas are too frequent to be missed by any of us. Why is it that same intensity of earthquake in Gujarat killed over 30000 people and destroyed over 3.5 lakhhouses and in Seattle with the same earthquake two weeks later, only one died, that too of heart attack with no damage to buildings. Sadly, a major portion of this loss to life and property was, in fact, avoidable, had the habitations been constructed with structural safety precautions and disaster resistant provisions, as already available in the National Building Codes and Earthquake Codes and Enactments. With details on disaster proneness of various regions for natural calamities already available through theVulnerability Atlas, what is needed is a determined effort to enforce a techno-legal regime to ensure incorporation of safety provisions in new construction as well the strengthening of existing vulnerable buildings in the operative buildings. Byelaws of the local bodies. So also for fire safety, we need to design and construct buildings with fire safety provisions. Insisting on annual renewal certificates to ensure proper maintenance could avoid many a fire hazards. The designs without structural soundness, execution with inferior quality of material and workmanship and scant attention to safety norms and disaster resistant features in construction are all fraught with serious risk and hazard to both life and property. It is indeed heartening to note that large number of discerning home owners have already started asking searching questions to the builders if the building is structurally safe for all situations. This never used to happen earlier.
(a) Answer the following questions.
(i) Name some disasters that have become a way of life.
(ii) What happened in Gujarat earthquake?
(iii) What is Vulnerability Atlas?
(vi) What should be done for fire safety?

(b) Answer the following questions.
(i) What is the meaning of the word 'deficient'?
(ii) Give a synonym for the word 'incorporation' in the passage.
(iii) Give the opposite for the word 'inferior' in the passage.
(iv) Pick out a word from the passage that means- 'hardly any'.
(i) Some disasters that have become away of life are earthquakes, cyclones, floods, fires.
(ii) The recent earthquake in Gujarat, Bhuj, has shaken many buildings in Ahmedabad at a distance of 400 kms away from the spot.
(iii) The Vulnerability Atlas gives the detailed information on disaster proneness of various regions for natural calamities.
(iv) We should construct buildings with fire safety provisions for fire safety.

(b) (i) The word means not having enough.
(ii) The synonym is implementation.
(iii) The opposite is superior.
(iv) The word is "scant".

Ques 3: Recently you visited Indian Art Gallery. Many paintings adorned the mounting wall. Your joy knew nobounds to see the paintings. Write your feelings in a diary in 100 - 120 words.
You come across various incidents of misbehavior of youngsters with their teachers and parents. Youare worried of at the fall in human values. Write an article on "The Changing Value Systems and A Need for Reorientation' in about 100-120 words.
10th May, 20XX Friday 7:00 p.m. Dear Diary Enormous collection of colourful paintings and stone carvings decorated with festoons atthe Indian Art, Gallery touched my heart with excessive joy and inspiration today. It was a beautiful experience to see the colourfully adorned mounting wall of the exhibition with fair brush sway followed by brand. The paintings were the life-like creations. There were splendid collections of masterpieces by MF Hussain, RK. Laxman and numerous national award winners. It was a different, world of colours and art that spoke the human mind. The paintings were creations in water colour that- were based on themes from human life, nature and modern society. The paintings bore the floating happenings of day-to-day life in the stream of colour. They carried the message of motivation.

The Changing Value Systems And A Need for Reorientation By Anushka Roy There has been a tremendous shift in our value systems over the last few decades. The codes of conduct, whether moral, ethical, social or professional have shown a drastic downward regressive movement. Parents have failed to inculcate moral values among their children. Their upbringing is getting increasingly problematic. People have stopped looking inward and peace and spirituality are beyond the reach of the common person. Therefore, nervous problems, stress related disorders and diseases afflicting the mind have become rampant. It has given a rise to the crime rate. So, slowing down the fast pace of life and teaching values are the need of the hour. People have to do introspection to understand Indian values and follow them.

Ques 4: Write a short story in about 150 - 200 words beginning with the following line.
''We were just about to board the plane when ...........''
We were just about to board the plane when a loud blare of announcement terrified us? ''All passengers about to board Indigo 15A should immediately deboard and gather in the waiting hall. The flight is cancelled ". It went on repeating when we were all shocked and disappointed. I sat with my sister at the corner chair and pondered on the parting words of my mother. It was 11 o'clock and I could see the dark airport road outside. I was thinking of my mother's premonition that she had earlier warned after consulting the religious calendar that it would be an unlucky hour for a journey. Suddenly an old lady came rushing withthe words- "There has been a time bomb!" Everybody waiting in the hall were allstunned. I suddenly saw a way to handle the whole thing. We took a decision to call the police and the accused person was arrested after five hours of investigation. Five policemen came running with the stenguns ready. I said hoarsely- "Quick he is armed" I again remembered my mother and watched the proceedings silently.

Ques 5: Read the following paragraph carefully and fill in the blank with one correct word.
(a) ........never seen a house on fire before. So, when I heard fire engines with loud alarm bells rushing past
(b), I quickly came out a
(c) ........ streets away and joined the crowd.
(a) have
(b) my
(c) few

Ques 6:  In the following passage one word is missing. A '/' is provided instead. Write the correct word in the space provided.
(a) He / never repeat that mistake ...............
(b) Had I seen you, I/have come ...............
(c) He applied / his superior office for promotion...............
(d) He applied / hard to his success ...............
(a) will
(b) would
(c) to
(d) himself

Ques 7: Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done foryou as an example.
pre s sure/be/high/will Pressure will be high.
(i) love/to go/I/morning walk/father/with/daily/for a/my
(ii) track suits/sports shoes/and/My father/I/and/wear our/for/the/walk
(iii) is fresh/the air/morning/the/in
(i) I love to go for a morning walk daily with my father.
(ii) My father and I wear our track suits and sports shoes for the walk.
(iii) The air is fresh in the morning.

Ques 8: Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
"Till last by Philip's farm I flow To join the brimming river, For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever"
(i) Where is Philip's farm situated?
(ii) What does the phrase 'brimming river' mean?
(iii) Which poetic device is used here?
"They carried the big dog into the house. Marcy took one look at Duke's breathing/ at his brown eyes with the stubbornness gone."
(i) What happened to Duke?
(ii) What does the word "stubbornness" mean?
(iii) Whose 'eyes' are referred here?
Ans: (i) Philip's farm is situated close to the brimming river in which the Brook finally merges.
(ii) Brimming river suggests that the river is over flowing with water.
(iii) Personification and refrain have been used here.

(i) Duke was drugged and his injuries were severe.
(ii) The word means obstinacy.
(iii) Duke's eyes are referred here.

Ques 9: Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(i) Why did William Wordsworth say, 'The music in my heart-I bore'?
(ii) Why do you think that the women at the temple discuss the latest episode of 'Kashi Yatre'?
(iii) Why was Gaston not in favour of buying the villa initially?
(iv) What are the two ways in which the Brook is similar to life?
(i) William Wordsworth could not forget the melodious voice of the girl in the valley. He felt that the amazing music of that girl will remain in his heart, even after returning from the valley.
(ii) Women at the temple joined in the gossip to discuss the latest episodes of 'Kashi Yatre' as they enjoyed the similarity with the protagonist who also had the desire to go to Kashi once.
(iii) Gaston was not willing to buy the villa initially because he knew that Jeanne was buying the villa for her parents. He did not want to spend money for her parents.
(iv) The Brook is quite similar to human life. It makes sallying noises like a new born baby when it emerges from its source. It appears to groan while facing hurdles like the humans do.

Ques 10: Was Gaston right in what he did to his wife and Mrs Al Smith? Explain your stance in 80-100 words.
You are Krishtakka. Write a diary expressing your feelings why you liked 'Kashi Yatre' and how it motivated you to learn to read. (80 - 100 words)
In the story 'Villa for Sale', Gaston sells the villa to Mrs Al Smith pretending to be the owner of the villa. Though he made a profit of a hundred thousand francs, what he did was not ethically correct. He not only cheated Mrs Smith, but also his wife. He broke her trust. Such a person cannot be trusted. The story may create an impression that he was very clever, but he was a dishonest person. Nothing in life is more important than honesty. An honest person is trusted by all.

20th July, 20XX 10:pm Monday, 10: p.m. Pear Diary As reader I am an ardent lover of Triveni's writing and I sincerely cherish to share some importantmoments that I have shared with the famous novel 'Kashi Yatre'. The novel has touched meso much that I have developed a sincere passion to read the novel. The earnest desire to know the story has encouraged me to become literate. I have worked for hours to learn howto read with my granddaughter. I have kept the novel as a symbol of the novel as a symbol of the story behind my motivation to become educated.

Ques 11:  Answer any one of the following questions in about 150-200 words.
Describe the metropolis and Gulliver's experience in the city.(Gulliver s Travels)
Analyse the character of the king of Brobdingnag.(Gulliver's Travels)

Why did the friends agree when George said, "No oil"?(Three Men in a Boat)
Analyse the significance of Stivvings in the novel. (Three Men in a Boat)
Gulliver's Travels Gulliver's repeated petitions for freedom at last got a favorable response from the emperor. Gulliver, the Man-Mountain was granted the permission to explore the metropolis with certain conditions. He was not allowed to cause any harm to the inhabitants. The Lilliputians were asked to avoid being crushed by the Man-Mountain. As Gulliver entered the city high?which was all about eleven inches broad so that a coach or horses could be driven on it. The people lived in three to five storied buildings. The emperor's palace was situated at the centre of the city and Gulliver built two stools to have a close look at the magnificence of the palace. He reached the innermost court to cherish the splendid apartments of the young princess and the empress. He heartily greeted the hands of the young princess. Gulliver enjoyed his visit to the metropolis as he travelled the miniature city that looked like a theatre backdrop to him. As anobserver, Gulliver cherished to see the far-stretched garden like country side with fields and flower beds in aminiature dimension of seven feet height.

The King of Brobdingnag in contrast to the emperor of Lilliput, was a man of true intellect, well-versed in politicsto rule his people, wisely and compassionately. Despite his physical stature, he behaved with Gulliver, in absolute benevolence. He considered Gulliver as a rational being despite his physical diminutive stature. Theking was a peace-loving person of moralethics. So his response was limited to accept Gulliver's advice on in corporation of gun powder and books. Gulliver proudly described for the king, the society and the government of England. But it created a negative impression to the king. England appeared ridiculous to the king of Brobdingnag with its moral corruption. The King of Brobdingnag was a man of huge physical stature and his physical feature also metaphorically suggested his moral superiority. The king belonged to his own country where the system was based on moralvalues. When the king questioned Gulliver closely about England, he could not analyse the words of Gulliver. Tohim it seemed that England was only a place where "the most pernicious race of little" creatures ever lived. Three Men in a Boat As the friends continued with further discussions on items to be taken for the trip, it was decided that no paraffinoil was to be taken to cook the meals. George took the initiative to take a frying pan, a tea pot, a kettle and amethylated spirit for breakfast. He refused to take an oil stove and the friends agreed with him to takemethylated spirit stove as a better alternative for the paraffin oil. They feared to carry the oil stove as they already had a previous experience. Once they had taken an oil stove when the oil accidentally oozed down therudder and flowed down the entire boat causing a mess to their journey. It even oozed down into the river water. The smell of the paraffin oil rose up in the air. They were in a confused state as wherever they went, the pungentscent seemed to follow them.

The narrator has presented the character of Stivvings with humour to justify his thought that there are people who want what they do not have and have what they do not want. Stivvings was a boy in narrator's school, wholoved studying and wished to give his efforts. But he used to fall ill very often anohad to miss the school in circumstances. On the other hand, every other boy in the school wished that they would fall sick frequently and miss school but the situation was such that they could not. Stivvings was a boy who otherwise wanted to earn laurels for the school and make his parents proud. This incident is a humourous description as the narrator himself never fell ill during school days, but only invacations he would be down with cough, cold and other problems. Stivvings was also known by the other name/Sand ford and Merton'. The curious case of Stivvings adds a humourous tone to the novel.

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1. What is the format of the Class 9 English Term I Sample Question Paper?
Ans. The format of the Class 9 English Term I Sample Question Paper consists of 10 questions with solutions provided.
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