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Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics PDF Download

PAGE NO 27.15:

Question 1:

The following table shows the number of patients discharged from a hospital with HIV diagnosis in different years:

Number of patients:150170195225230

Represent this information by a graph.


Here, years is an independent variable and the number of patients is a dependent variable. So, we take years on the x-axis and the number of patients on the y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
On x-axis: 2 cm = 1 year
On y-axis: 1 cm = 10 patients
Also, let us assume that on the x-axis, origin (O) represents 2001 and on the y-axis, origin (O) represents 120, i.e. O (2001, 120).
Now, let us plot (2002, 150), (2003, 170), (2004, 195), (2005, 225), (2006, 230). These points are joined to get the graph representing the given information as shown in the figure below.
 Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Question 2:

The following table shows the amount of rice grown by a farmer in different years:

Rice grown (in quintals):200180240260250200270

Plot a graph to illustrate this information.


Here, year is an independent variable and quantity of rice grown is a dependent variable. So, we take years on the x-axis and quantity of rice grown on the y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
On x-axis: 2 cm = 1 year
On y-axis: 1 cm = 20 quintals
Let us assume that the origin O represents the coordinates (1999, 160).
Now, let us plot (2000, 200), (2001, 180), (2002, 240), (2003, 260), (2004, 250),(2005, 200),(2006, 270). These points are joined to get the graph representing the given information as shown in the figure below.
Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Question 3:

The following table gives the information regarding the number of persons employed to a piece of work and time taken to complete the work:

Number of persons:2468
Time taken (in days):12643

Plot a graph of this information.


Here, number of persons is an independent variable and time taken is a dependent variable. So, we take the number of persons on the x-axis and time taken on the y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
On x-axis: 2 cm = 2 persons
On y-axis: 2 cm = 2 days
Now, let us plot (2, 12), (4, 6), (6, 4), (8, 3). These points are joined to get the graph representing the given information as shown in the figure below.Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Question 4:

The following table gives the information regarding length of a side of a square and its area:

Length of a side (in cm):12345
Area of square (in cm2):1491625

Draw a graph to illustrate this information.


Here, length of a side is an independent variable and area of square is a dependent variable. So, we take length of a side on the x-axis and area of square on the y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
On x-axis: 2 cm = 1 cm
On y-axis: 1 cm = 2 cm2
Now we plot (1,1), (2,4), (3,9), (4,16), (5,25). These points are joined to get the graph representing the given information as shown in the figure below.Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

PAGE NO 27.16:

Question 5:

The following table shows the sales of a commodity during the years 2000 to 2006.

Sales (in lakhs of Rs):

Draw a graph of this information.


Here, year is an independent variable and sales is a dependent variable. So, we take year on the x-axis and sales on the y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
On x-axis: 2 cm = 1 year
On y-axis: 2 cm = 1 lakh rupees
Assume that on x-axis, origin (O) represents 1991.
So, the coordinates of O are (1991,0).
Now, let us plot (2000, 1.5), (2001, 1.8), (2002, 2.4), (2003, 3.2), (2004, 5.4), (2005, 7.8) and (2006, 8.6). These points are joined to get the graph representing the given information as shown in the figure below.

Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Question 6:

Draw the temperature-time graph in each of the following cases:

Time (in hours):7:009:0011:0013:0015:0017:0019:0021:00
Temperature (°F) in:1001011041021009910098


Time (in hours):8:0010:0012:0014:0016:0018:0020:00
Temperature (°F) in:1001011041039998100


Here, time is an independent variable and temperature is a dependent variable. So, we take time on the x-axis and temperature on the y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
For point (i):
On x-axis: 1 cm = 1 hours
On y-axis: 1 cm = 2οF
For point (ii):
On x-axis: 2 cm = 2 hours
On y-axis: 1 cm = 1οF
Let us assume that on the x-axis, the coordinate of origin is 6:00.
On y-axis, the coordinate of origin is 94οF .
So, the coordinates of O are (6:00, 94).
Now, let us plot (7:00, 100), (9:00, 101), (11:00, 104),..(21:00, 98) for point (i) and (8:00, 100), (10:00, 101), (12:00, 104),...,(20:00, 100) for point (ii). These points are joined to get the graphs representing the given information as shown in the figures below.

Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Question 7:

Draw the velocity-time graph from the following data:

Time (in hours):7:008:009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:00
Speed (in km/hr):3045605070504045


Here, time is an independent variable and speed is a dependent variable. So, we take time on the x-axis and speed on the y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
On x-axis: 2 big division = 1 hour
On y-axis: 1 big division = 10 km/hr
Let us assume that on the x-axis, the coordinate of origin (O) is 7:00.
So, the coordinates of O are (7:00,0).
Now, let us plot (7:00,30), (8:00,45), (9:00,60), (10:00,50), (11:00,70), (12:00,50), (13:00,40), (14:00,45). These points are joined to get the graph representing the given information as shown in the figure below.
Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Question 8:

The runs scored by a cricket team in first 15 overs are given below:


Draw the graph representing the above data in two different ways as a graph and as a bar chart.


Here, over is an independent variable and run is a dependent variable. So, we take overs on the x-axis and runs the on y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
On x-axis: 1 cm = 1 over
On y-axis: 1 cm = 2 runs
Now, let us plot (I,2), (II,1), (III,4),...,(XV,12). These points are joined to get the graph representing the given information as shown in the figure below.
Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Question 9:

The runs scored by two teams A and B in first 10 overs are given below:

Team A:21894561062
Team B:562105634810

Draw a graph depicting the data, making the graphs on the same axes in each case in two different ways as a graph and as a bar chart.


Here, over is an independent variable and run is a dependent variable. So, we take overs on x-axis and runs on y-axis.
Let us choose the following scale:
On x-axis: 1 cm = 1 over
On y-axis: 1 cm = 1 run
Now, let us plot (I,2), (II,1), (III,8),...,(X,2) for team A and (I,5), (II,6), (III,8),....(X,10) for team B. These points are joined to get the graph representing the given information as shown in the figure below.

Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

The document Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions | RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics is a part of the Class 8 Course RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics.
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FAQs on Chapter 27 - Introduction to Graphs (Part - 1), Class 8, Maths RD Sharma Solutions - RD Sharma Solutions for Class 8 Mathematics

1. What is the concept of graphs in mathematics?
Ans. In mathematics, graphs are used to represent and analyze relationships between different objects or data points. They consist of vertices (also known as nodes) and edges, where the vertices represent the objects and the edges represent the connections or relationships between them. Graphs are widely used in various fields, such as computer science, transportation, social networks, and more.
2. How do you determine the number of edges in a graph?
Ans. To determine the number of edges in a graph, you can use the Handshaking Lemma. According to this lemma, the sum of the degrees of all the vertices in a graph is equal to twice the number of edges. Therefore, you can calculate the number of edges by dividing the sum of the degrees by 2. For example, if the sum of the degrees is 10, then the graph has 5 edges.
3. What is a directed graph?
Ans. A directed graph, also known as a digraph, is a type of graph where the edges have a specific direction associated with them. In a directed graph, the edges are represented by arrows, indicating the direction of the relationship between the vertices. For example, if vertex A is connected to vertex B with an arrow pointing from A to B, it means that there is a one-way relationship from A to B.
4. Can a graph have loops and parallel edges?
Ans. Yes, a graph can have loops and parallel edges. A loop is an edge that connects a vertex to itself, forming a cycle within the graph. Parallel edges, on the other hand, refer to multiple edges that connect the same pair of vertices. Loops and parallel edges are allowed in graph theory and can occur in certain situations, although they may not be commonly encountered in simple graphs.
5. How can graphs be used to solve real-life problems?
Ans. Graphs have various applications in solving real-life problems. They can be used to model and analyze networks, such as transportation systems, social networks, and electrical circuits. Graph algorithms can help optimize routes, find the shortest path, identify critical points, and analyze the flow of information or resources. Graphs can also be used to represent and solve scheduling problems, resource allocation problems, and project management problems.
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