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Class 8 Social Science: Sample Question Paper – 6 | Social Studies (SST) Class 8 PDF Download

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Sub: - Social Science              Time:- 3 Hours 
Date:-                     Marks:- 90 
General Instructions:-  
1. The question paper has 31 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.      
2. Marks are indicated against each question. 
3. All questions are compulsory. 
4. Write same question number as given in the question paper while answering a 
question in your answer book. 
5.  (i)Answer to MCQ questions of 1 mark should be out of (a),(b),(c),(d)only. 
(ii)Answer to questions of 3marks should not exceed 60 words each. 
(iii) Answer to questions of 4 marks should not exceed 120 words each. 
6. Maps should be attached inside the answer book. 
Q.1) Which one of the following is generated from organic waste or animal dung and    
      kitchen waste?              (1M) 
(a) Geothermal energy              (c)  Natural gas 
(b) Wind energy                        (d)   Biogas      
Q.2) Where did the first modern mechanized textile industry develop in the world    (1M)             
(a)   China    c)Britain 
(b) France    d)India                                 
Q.3) Which one of the following comes under the public sector?          (1M) 
(a) TISCO                    (c)SAIL 
(b) Reliance               (d)   None of these         
Q.4) Which state is having highest density of population in India?             (1M)                   
(a) Kerala                         (c)   Karnataka 
(b) West Bengal            (d)  U.P.              
Q.5) Who among the following is popularly known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’?        (1M) 
(a) Abdul Gaffar Khan (c)Mahatma Gandhi  
(b) Sardar Patel   (d) A.O.Hume      
Q.6) Which of the following state joined the Indian Union after the end of Portuguese 
      rule ?                                            (1M)   
(a) Maharashtra         (c)   Sikkim 
(b) Goa      (d)   Tamil Nadu               
Q.7) From which country India adopted Five Year plan?                 (1M)                       
(a) USA             (c)   USSR (1) 
(b) U.K.                (d)   None of these     
Q.8) Up to what age the children in India cannot be employed in dangerous works?    (1M)      
(a) 12 years                     (c) 15 years 
(b)    13 years                (d)  14 years                 
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Sub: - Social Science              Time:- 3 Hours 
Date:-                     Marks:- 90 
General Instructions:-  
1. The question paper has 31 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.      
2. Marks are indicated against each question. 
3. All questions are compulsory. 
4. Write same question number as given in the question paper while answering a 
question in your answer book. 
5.  (i)Answer to MCQ questions of 1 mark should be out of (a),(b),(c),(d)only. 
(ii)Answer to questions of 3marks should not exceed 60 words each. 
(iii) Answer to questions of 4 marks should not exceed 120 words each. 
6. Maps should be attached inside the answer book. 
Q.1) Which one of the following is generated from organic waste or animal dung and    
      kitchen waste?              (1M) 
(a) Geothermal energy              (c)  Natural gas 
(b) Wind energy                        (d)   Biogas      
Q.2) Where did the first modern mechanized textile industry develop in the world    (1M)             
(a)   China    c)Britain 
(b) France    d)India                                 
Q.3) Which one of the following comes under the public sector?          (1M) 
(a) TISCO                    (c)SAIL 
(b) Reliance               (d)   None of these         
Q.4) Which state is having highest density of population in India?             (1M)                   
(a) Kerala                         (c)   Karnataka 
(b) West Bengal            (d)  U.P.              
Q.5) Who among the following is popularly known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’?        (1M) 
(a) Abdul Gaffar Khan (c)Mahatma Gandhi  
(b) Sardar Patel   (d) A.O.Hume      
Q.6) Which of the following state joined the Indian Union after the end of Portuguese 
      rule ?                                            (1M)   
(a) Maharashtra         (c)   Sikkim 
(b) Goa      (d)   Tamil Nadu               
Q.7) From which country India adopted Five Year plan?                 (1M)                       
(a) USA             (c)   USSR (1) 
(b) U.K.                (d)   None of these     
Q.8) Up to what age the children in India cannot be employed in dangerous works?    (1M)      
(a) 12 years                     (c) 15 years 
(b)    13 years                (d)  14 years                 
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Q.9) In which year Employment of Manual Scavengers and construction of Dry Latrine  
     Prohibition Act was passed?                               (1M) 
(a) 2003                   (c)   1993 
(b) 2001                 (d)   1989               
Q.10) Who among the following are referred to as ‘Dalits among the Dalits’?           (1M) 
(a)Folk Musicians        (c) Bishnois 
(b) Musahars        (d) Agricultural Labourers            
Q.11) “Agriculture is the major occupation in developing countries like India.”Expain any 
three points to support the above statement.                     (3M) 
Q.12) Differentiate between extensive and intensive agriculture.                 (3M) 
Q.13) Why are the cotton textile units in Ahmedabad falling sick? Discuss any three 
reasons.                                                        (3M) 
Q.14) “Bangalore is called the silicon valley of India.” Justify with the help of three suitable 
Explain with suitable examples how public sector industries are different from private 
sector industries.                                                                           (3M)                 
Q.15) Describe the role of printing press in the mobilization of public opinion in India.   (3M)                
Q.16) Why did the British introduce railways in India? Explain any three reasons.          (3M)  
Q.17) Who were called as Moderates? Mention any four demands of moderates.  (1+2=3M)       
Q.18) Write the two major proposals made by the Cabinet Mission. What was the attitude of 
Muslim League towards the Cabinet Mission?     (2+1=3M) 
What are the major provisions of the Government of India Act of 1935? 
Q.19) Explain any three financial powers of President.            (3M) 
Q.20) “India has single unified and integrated judicial system.”Justify the statement.   (3M) 
What is meant by reservation policy? How does it benefit the backward classes? 
Q.22)   What are the provisions mentioned in the Constitution to establish equality in the          
           Society?                          (3M) 
          Mention any six provisions of prevention of Atrocities Act 1989.               (6x ½ =3M) 
Q.23) What is energy crisis? Compare conventional source of energy with non conventional  
           sources of energy.                                               (1+4=5M) 
Q.24) What is age structure? How does it reflect the working and non working population? 
          Define sex-ratio. Mention four reasons responsible for declining of sex-ratio in India. 
Q.25) a) Describe the police organization of Cornwallis. 
 b)Name any four services which were looked after by NDMC during the British rule.
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Sub: - Social Science              Time:- 3 Hours 
Date:-                     Marks:- 90 
General Instructions:-  
1. The question paper has 31 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.      
2. Marks are indicated against each question. 
3. All questions are compulsory. 
4. Write same question number as given in the question paper while answering a 
question in your answer book. 
5.  (i)Answer to MCQ questions of 1 mark should be out of (a),(b),(c),(d)only. 
(ii)Answer to questions of 3marks should not exceed 60 words each. 
(iii) Answer to questions of 4 marks should not exceed 120 words each. 
6. Maps should be attached inside the answer book. 
Q.1) Which one of the following is generated from organic waste or animal dung and    
      kitchen waste?              (1M) 
(a) Geothermal energy              (c)  Natural gas 
(b) Wind energy                        (d)   Biogas      
Q.2) Where did the first modern mechanized textile industry develop in the world    (1M)             
(a)   China    c)Britain 
(b) France    d)India                                 
Q.3) Which one of the following comes under the public sector?          (1M) 
(a) TISCO                    (c)SAIL 
(b) Reliance               (d)   None of these         
Q.4) Which state is having highest density of population in India?             (1M)                   
(a) Kerala                         (c)   Karnataka 
(b) West Bengal            (d)  U.P.              
Q.5) Who among the following is popularly known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’?        (1M) 
(a) Abdul Gaffar Khan (c)Mahatma Gandhi  
(b) Sardar Patel   (d) A.O.Hume      
Q.6) Which of the following state joined the Indian Union after the end of Portuguese 
      rule ?                                            (1M)   
(a) Maharashtra         (c)   Sikkim 
(b) Goa      (d)   Tamil Nadu               
Q.7) From which country India adopted Five Year plan?                 (1M)                       
(a) USA             (c)   USSR (1) 
(b) U.K.                (d)   None of these     
Q.8) Up to what age the children in India cannot be employed in dangerous works?    (1M)      
(a) 12 years                     (c) 15 years 
(b)    13 years                (d)  14 years                 
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Q.9) In which year Employment of Manual Scavengers and construction of Dry Latrine  
     Prohibition Act was passed?                               (1M) 
(a) 2003                   (c)   1993 
(b) 2001                 (d)   1989               
Q.10) Who among the following are referred to as ‘Dalits among the Dalits’?           (1M) 
(a)Folk Musicians        (c) Bishnois 
(b) Musahars        (d) Agricultural Labourers            
Q.11) “Agriculture is the major occupation in developing countries like India.”Expain any 
three points to support the above statement.                     (3M) 
Q.12) Differentiate between extensive and intensive agriculture.                 (3M) 
Q.13) Why are the cotton textile units in Ahmedabad falling sick? Discuss any three 
reasons.                                                        (3M) 
Q.14) “Bangalore is called the silicon valley of India.” Justify with the help of three suitable 
Explain with suitable examples how public sector industries are different from private 
sector industries.                                                                           (3M)                 
Q.15) Describe the role of printing press in the mobilization of public opinion in India.   (3M)                
Q.16) Why did the British introduce railways in India? Explain any three reasons.          (3M)  
Q.17) Who were called as Moderates? Mention any four demands of moderates.  (1+2=3M)       
Q.18) Write the two major proposals made by the Cabinet Mission. What was the attitude of 
Muslim League towards the Cabinet Mission?     (2+1=3M) 
What are the major provisions of the Government of India Act of 1935? 
Q.19) Explain any three financial powers of President.            (3M) 
Q.20) “India has single unified and integrated judicial system.”Justify the statement.   (3M) 
What is meant by reservation policy? How does it benefit the backward classes? 
Q.22)   What are the provisions mentioned in the Constitution to establish equality in the          
           Society?                          (3M) 
          Mention any six provisions of prevention of Atrocities Act 1989.               (6x ½ =3M) 
Q.23) What is energy crisis? Compare conventional source of energy with non conventional  
           sources of energy.                                               (1+4=5M) 
Q.24) What is age structure? How does it reflect the working and non working population? 
          Define sex-ratio. Mention four reasons responsible for declining of sex-ratio in India. 
Q.25) a) Describe the police organization of Cornwallis. 
 b)Name any four services which were looked after by NDMC during the British rule.
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Q.26) Why did the British divide Bengal? What was the reaction of Indians? (2+3=5M)
Mention any three programmes of the Non-Co-operation Movement. Why did Gandhiji 
decide to withdraw this movement? 
Q.27) “It is the dream of all Indians that India should emerge as a vibrant and dynamic  
            country and make progress in all fields.” Comment.             (5M)                
Q.28) a) What do you mean by collective responsibility? 
b) Explain any three functions of the Prime Minister as the head of the government. 
Q.29)  a) What are the qualifications required to be a judge of the Supreme Court? 
 b) Why are Lok Adalats called People’s court?              (3+2=5M) 
Q.30) ‘The rich culture of Adivasis is an important part of India’s heritage.’ Explain with the   
            help of lifestyle of Bishnois.            (5M) 
Explain the term ‘Minority’. Why should minorities be provided their rightful place? 
Suggest any two suitable ways to provide the rightful place to minorities. (1+2+2=5M)  
Q.31 (i)Two features A and B are marked on the given political map of the world. Identify 
these features with the help of following information and write their correct names on 
the lines marked in the map. 
(A) An important bauxite producing country in North America 
(B) A petroleum producing country in Africa 
 (ii) On the same political map of the world; locate and label the following with   
                 appropriate symbols 
(C) Brazil-An important iron ore producing country. 
(D)  Japan – An important cotton textile manufacturing country in Asia (2+2=4M)
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FAQs on Class 8 Social Science: Sample Question Paper – 6 - Social Studies (SST) Class 8

1. What is the importance of sample question papers in preparing for Class 8 Social Science exams?
Ans. Sample question papers are important as they help students understand the pattern and structure of the actual exam. By solving these papers, students can get an idea of the type of questions that can be asked, the marking scheme, and the time management required during the exam.
2. How can sample question papers be used effectively for exam preparation?
Ans. Sample question papers can be used effectively by first solving them without any time constraint. This helps in understanding the concepts and identifying areas where more practice is needed. After that, students can solve the papers within the given time limit to practice time management skills and improve speed and accuracy.
3. Are the sample question papers provided in this article specifically designed for Class 8 Social Science exams?
Ans. Yes, the sample question papers provided in this article are specifically designed for Class 8 Social Science exams. They cover the topics and concepts that are part of the Class 8 Social Science curriculum and are meant to help students prepare effectively for their exams.
4. Can solving sample question papers alone guarantee success in Class 8 Social Science exams?
Ans. Solving sample question papers alone cannot guarantee success in exams. While they are a valuable resource for practice and preparation, it is important for students to also study their textbooks, notes, and other reference materials. Understanding concepts, regular revision, and seeking clarification from teachers are equally important for achieving good results.
5. How should students use the answer key provided with the sample question papers?
Ans. The answer key provided with the sample question papers should be used to evaluate the performance after solving the papers. Students can compare their answers with the given solutions and identify any mistakes or areas that need improvement. It is important to understand the correct answers and learn from any errors made during the practice.
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