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Important Questions & Answers: Cultural Change - 1 | Sociology Class 12 - Humanities/Arts PDF Download

Very Short Answer Type Question

Q.1. Who founded the Indian Brahmo Samaj?

The Indian Brahmo Samaj was founded by Keshav Chandra Sen in 1866 CE.

Q.2. Where did Jotiba Phuley open the first school?

Jotiba Pauley opened the first school at Pune.

Q.3. What is the full form of D.A.V.?

The full form of D.A.V. is Dayanand Anglo Vedic.

Q.4. Who is known as the father of Modern India?

Raja Ram Mohun Roy is known as the father of Modern India.

Q.5. Why mobility is present in social reform?

Mobility is present in social reform because the social reforms are not the same in all ages and all societies. That’s why it is mobile.

Q.6. What are the two objectives of social welfare?

  • The First objective of social welfare is that the needs of members of the society could be fulfilled.
  • To establish social relations with which people should be able to develop their abilities.

Q.7. Name any three social reformers.

  • Raja Ram Mohun Roy
  • Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  • Swami Dayanand Saraswati
  • Swami Vivekanand.

Q.8. What is the main difference between social welfare and social reform?

Social welfare aims at the all-round development of lower castes and backward classes of the society but social reformers wanted to remove evils and bring changes in the society.

Q.9. What were the main objectives of Satya Shodhak Samaj?

  • To challenge the prevailing supremacy of the Brahmins.
  • To work for education, freedom, and equality of women.

Q.10. What is a Cultural Movement?

A movement that starts with an objective of protection of its own culture is known as a cultural movement. For example, a tribal movement.

Q.11. What was the main objective of Swami Vivekanand?

The main objective of the life of Swami Vivekanand was to encourage spiritualism and to fill the gap which exists in our daily life.

Q.12. What were the main objectives of the reform movement among the Parsis?

  • Parsis gave stress on women’s education.
  • The main objective of the reform movement in Paris was to eradicate funda-mental rules of marriage

Q.13. Who gave the word ‘Sarvodaya’?

The word Sarvodaya was given by Mahatma Gandhi.

Q.14. What were the main teachings of Vivekanand?

  • Life is a religion. So living life is considered a religion.
  • The service of humans is equal to the service of Shiva.
  • God resides within the humans.
  • Modern techniques should be used to serve humans.

Q.15. What is a Secular country?

That country is known as a secular country where any particular religion is not respected but all the religions are equally respected and that country does not have its own religion. All religions of the country are equal before it.

Q.16. What is Secularisation?
What is the meaning of Secularisation in the Western context?

The meaning of Secularisation is that whatever was religious earlier now hardly remains religious. Now, all religions are equal and no religion is superior or inferior. It has tried to bring science and reasoning in ideas, traditions, religion, etc. to secularism.

Q.17. Give four features of Sanskritisation.

  • Lower castes try to imitate higher castes in Sanskritisation.
  • This is a continuous process.
  • Social change takes place in the status of lower castes.
  • People of lower castes try to imitate the living style, habits, traditions, etc. of higher castes.

Q.18. What is Cultural Change?

When changes start to occur in the culture of any society or country then it is known as cultural change.

Q.19. What was the impact of Islam on our society?

  • The Purdah system came into our society due to Islam.
  • Islam has affected the caste system and the restrictions of the caste system became more rigid.
  • Many Hindus converted into Muslims due to Islam.

Q.20. What is the relationship between modernization and secularisation?

Relationship between Modernization and Secularization :

  • The two are together for they are linked.
  • They are both parts of a set of modern ideas.
  • Change in attitude towards religion.
  • Change in ceremonies, rituals, taboos, festivals, sacrifices, social networking etc.

Q.21. Who founded Rama Krishan Mission?

Rama Krishan Mission was founded by Swami Vivekanand in 1897 CE.

Q.22. Who started the Satya Shodhak Samaj?

Satya Shodhak Samaj was started by Jotiba Phule against the Brahmins.

Q.23. Who founded the first school for girls?

Jotiba Pauley founded the first school for girls in 1851 CE.

Q.24. Why were the tribal movements started?

Tribal movements were started for the security of the tribal culture so that they could not be mixed with the other cultures.

Q.25. What is a Social Reform?

When any intellectual of the society, starts any movement against the existing evils of the society and tries to change these evils then this effort is known as social reform.

Q.26. What is social welfare?

All those organized social efforts are included in social welfare with the help of which all the members of society get some facilities to develop themselves in an efficient way. Lower and backward classes especially care in the works of social welfare so that all-round development and welfare of the whole of the society can take place.

Q.27. What have we got from our freedom movement?

We got independence from our freedom movement. The whole of the Indian population stood against the British. In this movement, the sentiments of nationalism were aroused. Lower castes also became conscious and they also stood with the upper castes against the Britishers.

Q.28. Who gave the concept of Basic Education?

Mahatma Gandhi gave the concept of Basic Education in 1937.

Q.29. What were the main objectives of the Swadeshi Movement?

  • To clarify and to give importance to the heritage of India.
  • To work for the structural development of the country.

Q.30. What is Political Movement?

The movement started to achieve political objectives is known as a political movement. For example, the freedom movement of India.

Q.31. Why caste-based movements were started before independence?

  • Before independence, caste-based movements were started to challenge the supremacy of the Brahmins and other upper castes.
  • To uplift the social status of own caste in the social hierarchy.

Q.32. Give the two features of Arya Samaj.

  • Arya Samaj favored widow remarriage and opposed child marriage.
  • Arya Samaj gave stress on the eradication of untouchability and reading of the Vedas.

Q.33. Why are reform movements known as social movements?

The main objective of reform movements was to remove religious and social evils prevailing in the society. That’s why these movements are known as social movements.

Q.34. Why did the Sati system prevail in our society?

  • Sati system prevailed in our society because marriage was considered as the relation of many births. So the wife also had to die with the death of her husband.
  • There was another assumption attached to this, that God will be happy with this and Sati will get salvation.

Q.35. Which religious language was used in ancient times?

Sanskrit was used as a religious language in ancient times.

Q.36. What is Sanskritisation?

When people of lower castes start to imitate higher castes and try to mix themselves with the higher castes then this process is known as Sanskritisation.

Q.37. What is Westernisation?
What do you understand by the term Westernization?

When the views, ways of living, and habits of western countries are being adopted in our country then it is known as westernization.

Q.38. How has westernization affected our society?

  • The caste system has weakened due to westernization.
  • Separation in marriages and the number of divorces increased due to westernization.
  • Females have come out to work in offices.
  • Joint families started to change into nuclear families.

Q.39. What is Culture?

Whatever humans have achieved, till today, with their intelligence is called culture. It is a collection of views, ideas, ways, material things that are transmitted from one generation to another. Culture is a learned behavior.

Q.40. What is a Dominant Caste?

That caste that has more cultivable land and which is imitated by lower castes is known as the dominant caste.

Short Answer Type Question

Q.41. What changes were brought with the help of socio-reform movements?

India is a welfare state, in which everyone gets equal opportunities. The main objective of a welfare state is to make the life of the people happy. But this could be possible if all the existing beliefs and evils of society are removed. Only socio-reforms movements can remove them. Nothing can be obtained only by making laws. For this, reforms are necessary for society. For example, laws are present for child marriage, dowry system, child labor, etc., but these things are common in our country. All these things are obstacles to the development of our country. If we want to develop our society then socio-reform movements are necessary. That’s why socio-reform movements are necessary to bring about changes in society.

Q.42. What is the nature of social movements?

  • Social movements are not institutions because institutions are permanent and traditional and are considered as a necessary aspect of the culture. These movements come to an end themselves after the achievement of their objective.
  • Social movements are not associations as well because associations have their own constitutions. The movement is generally informal, unorganized, and is against traditions.
  • Social movements are neither pressure nor sectional groups because these movements demand changes in social norms.

Q.43. What were the main objectives of Brahmo Samaj?

Brahmo Samaj was founded by Raja Ram Mohun Roy in 1828 CE. with the following objectives :

  • It is the main objective was to remove certain social evils from the society like Sati Pratha, child marriage, caste system, restriction on widow remarriage, etc.
  • This Samaj was in favor of giving education to women so that they could uplift their social status.
  • Brahmo Samaj was also in favor of inter-caste marriages.
  • Sati Prohibition Act, 1829 and Widow Remarriage Act, 1856 were passed because of the efforts of Brahmo Samaj.

Q.44. Explain the reform works done among Muslims.

The main contribution was given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan for initiating the reform movement among Muslims. After 1857 CE., he observed that Muslims were against the British and were suppressed. So he initiated reform works to uplift the status of Muslims. He tried to remove many social evils prevailing in the Muslim society. He published a magazine and encouraged the Muslims to adopt new techniques. One school at Aligarh was founded in 1875 CE., because of his efforts, which later on became Aligarh Muslim University in 1918 CE. He propagated against Polygamy, the Purdah system, Child marriage, etc. He was in favor of women’s education. In the same way, many other social reformers tried to bring consciousness among Muslims. In 1906 CE. the Muslim League was founded which was mainly responsible for the creation of Pakistan.

Q.45. What do you know about the reform movement among the Parsis?

  • Different communities and classes of Indian society initiated the Socio Reform Movements for their people in the 19th century. It was also started among Parsis. In 1851, few Parsi leaders like Dada Bhai Naoroji, Naoroji Furodonji, and J.B. Bacha, started a religious reform organization called ‘Rehnumai Majdyasan Sabha’. The main objective of this Sabha was to bring reforms among Parsis and to connect Parsis with the process of modernization.
  • Parsis organized a religious conference in 1900 CE. Except for all these, Parsi leaders motivated the followers of the Parsi religion to leave their religious superstitions through magazines, newspapers, essays, lectures, etc. They also initiated some works for women’s education and to uplift their social status. Just because of their efforts, Parsis became one of the most westernized classes in Indian Society.

Q.46. What was the contribution of Raja Ram Mohun Roy to the social reforms of India?

Raja Ram Mohun Roy is also known as the ‘father of modern India’. He gave a great contribution in initiating the socio-reform movement in India whose description is given below:

  • Just because of his efforts, the British government declared, one of the most dangerous social evil of Indian Society, Sati Pratha as illegal in 1829 by enacting a law against it.
  • Raja Ram Mohun Roy founded the Brahmo Samaj in 1828 which worked for a long time in removing social evils from Indian society.
  • Raja Ram Mohun Roy advocated western education because he himself was a western educated intellectual and he motivated young Indians to receive western education.
  • He raised his voice against the caste system prevalent in Indian Society.
  • He also raised his voice against Sati Pratha, child marriage, girl education, and widow remarriage.

Q.47. What were the main features of social movements which were started before independence?

Following were the main features of social movements started before the independence:

  • The main feature of these movements was to reestablish Hinduism because it was severely attacked by Muslim rulers and Britishers.
  • To uplift the social status of females, Harijans and exploited classes so that they could also live a better life.
  • These movements wanted to remove traditional fundamental ideas and to establish new social systems in the society.
  • These movements wanted to remove the inequality of the caste system and wanted to establish the feeling of equality and fraternity in the society.
  • These movements wanted to develop feelings of love, fraternity, tolerance, sacrifice, etc. among the Indian masses.

Q.48. What are the main features of Reformist Movements?

Following are the main features of reformist movements :

  • The reformist movement always wants to bring reforms to the old social system.
  • The speed of the reformist movement is always slow.
  • Peaceful methods are always used in reformist movements and these are initiated for a peaceful change of society.
  • These generally exist in democratic countries.

Q.49. State the main differences between the Brahmo Samaj and the Arya Samaj.

The sacred scripture of Arya Samaj is ‘Satyarth Prakash’ but there is no religious scripture of Brahmo Samaj.

  • In Arya Samaj, Vedas are considered as the base of everything but no such thing is prevalent in Brahmo Samaj.
  • Arya Samaj gave stress on reading the local language but the founder of Brahmo Samaj gave stress on reading the English language.
  • Arya Samaj gave specific stress on women’s education but Raja Ram Mohan Roy founder of Brahmo Samaj gave stress on the eradication of Sati Pratha.
  • Founder of Arya Samaj Swami Dayanand Saraswati gave stress on adopting Vedic culture but Raja Ram Mohan Roy has no hesitation in adopting western culture.

Q.50. Mention something about the process of Sanskritisation.

According to M.N. Srinivas, “Sanskritisation means not only the adoption of new customs and habits but also the exposure to new ideas and values which have been frequently expressed in the vast body of Sanskrit literature, sacred as well as secular, karma, dharma, Paap, Maya, Sansar and moksha are examples of some of the most common Sanskrit theological ideas and when people become Sanskritised these words are used frequently.

Q.51. What is meant by Secularism?

M.N. Srinivas says that “The term secularisation implies that what was previously regarded as religious now ceasing to be such, and it also implies the process of differentiation which results in the various aspects of society, economic, political, legal and moral becoming increasingly discrete in relation to each other.” So secularisation is that process in which explanation of human behavior is done on the basis of religion, but is based upon rationalism. The effect of religion is decreasing in daily life and the impact of science and objectivity is increasing day by day.

Q.52. Give two characteristics of modernization.

  • Social Differentiation: Many sectors of society became complex due to the process of modernization. Because of this, the process of differentiation has been fastened.
  • Social Mobility: Ancient social, economic elements are changed because of modernization and new values of human ideals are established.

Q.53. How modernization increases social mobility?

Social mobility is the main characteristic of modern societies. Division of labor, specialization, different occupations, industries, business, means of communication, and transportation in urban society have increased social mobility. Every person can succeed with his intelligence and capabilities. He can adopt that occupation which is more suitable for him. He can even change his place of residence with the occupation. In this way, with social mobility, new values are developed in place of old traditional values. So from this, we can say that modernization increases social mobility.

Q.54. State the important elements of secularisation.

  • Lack of Religiousness: Changes took place in religious beliefs. Importance was given to practical profits. It means that anybody can be influenced without region.
  • Rationality: In this, every work and problem is discussed on the basis of rationals with which faith in old superstitions has been reduced.
  • Differentiation: Different aspects of society like economic, political, social, etc. are differentiated from each other and the effect of religion in these areas has been reduced.

Q.55. Write any two changes due to secularisation.

  • Change in the concept of pollution and purity: Ancient views of pollution and purity have been reduced. Now food of every caste is known as pure. Equal relations have been established in different religions.
  • Change in rituals: Most of the rituals related to Hinduism, for example, rituals related to the birth of a child or widow, come to an end. Individual capabilities have become important.

Q.56. Define the term assimilation.

Assimilation is a process of cultural unification and homogenization with which newly entering or subordinate groups lose their distinctive culture and adopt the culture of the dominant majority. This process could be forced or voluntary and generally is incomplete because the subordinate group is never given the complete membership on equal terms.

Q.57. Give four features of social movements.

  • Social movements are always anti-social.
  • Social movements are always planned and deliberate efforts.
  • Their main objectives are to bring reforms in the society.
  • Collective efforts are required because one person cannot bring changes in society.

Q.58. Why were socio-reform movements started in India?
State the main concerns of 19th century’s social reforms?

Socio-reform movements were started in India due to the following reasons:-

  • Social evils of Indian society were attached to religion.
  • Society was divided on the basis of caste and caste was made on the basis of religion. Breaking caste rules was considered a sin.
  • The status of women was very low because of which they had no importance in society.
  • The Indian society was full of illiterate people.
  • Many social evils were present in the Indian society like caste system, Sati system, child marriage, child infanticide, restrictions on widow remarriage, etc.
  • That’s why social reformers decided to bring reforms in the society and social reform movements were started in India.

Q.59. Write the names of a few of the organizations of the 19th and 20th century who initiated the socio-reform works.

  • Arya Samaj
  • Brahmo Samaj
  • Prarthna Samaj
  • Sangat Sabha
  • Rama Krishna Mission
  • Harijan Sewak Sangha
  • Vidhva Vivaha Sangh
  • Arya Mahila Samaj.

Q.60. What do you know about the Swadeshi Movement?

The meaning of the Swadeshi movement is to encourage the people to use things made in our country, to propagate the culture of our own country, to encourage national education, and to establish local industries. It also meant to boycott foreign goods, educational institutions, banks, shops, etc. It was started after 1905 when the British divided Bengal. That’s why the people of Bengal started the Swadeshi Movement, which very quickly spread to all parts of the country. Locally made goods were encouraged in this and foreign-made goods were boycotted. General masses largely partici¬pated in it. As a result, consumption of local goods increased. Indian industries were developed, national education was encouraged and people started to work against the foreign government.

Q.61. Why were the Tribal Movements started?

  • People belonging to hundreds of tribes live in different parts of India. They have their specific way of living. They have very limited needs. They are very conscious as to maintain their culture and tribal identity. If tribal people observe that their culture is being interfered with and efforts are made to change it or their demands are overlooked or if there is any danger in maintaining their tribal identity, then they generally take the path of movements.
  • For example, a movement was initiated for Jharkhand to be declared as a separate state and they succeeded in it. Birsa Munda started a movement of the Munda tribe against Christianity. First was called as ‘Birsa God’ by his tribe. Because of his efforts, many converted tribal people rejoined the Hindu religion. So tribal movements were started to maintain their culture and tribal identity.

Q.62. What were Gandhiji’s views about the prevailing evils of society?

Following are the views of Gandhiji’s about the prevailing evils of society:

  • According to Gandhiji, lower castes should be given equal status as compared to upper castes. That’s why he gave them the name of ‘Harijan’ and worked a lot for their upliftment.
  • According to him, females are equal to males. That’s why he invited them to join in the national movement and lakhs of women joined him.
  • Gandhiji was against alcoholism. That’s why he started a movement against it in 1926.
  • According to him, freedom of the country is of no use unless untouchability could not be removed from society.

Q.63. What were the main features of the Revolutionary movement?

Following were the main features of the revolutionary movement:

  • The revolutionary movement wanted to throw away the existing system and wanted to establish a new social system.
  • Violent and repressive measures are used in the revolutionary movement.
  • These were initiated at a time when the masses wanted to remove social evils.
  • These are always initiated to remove the autocratic rule and its ruler.
  • It is always quick and spontaneous.

Q.64. What were the main objectives of the Singh Sabha Movement?

Following were the main objectives of the Singh Sabha Movement:

  • To re-establish the sacredness of Sikhism.
  • To develop Sikh religion and cultural literature.
  • To bring back converted Sikhs into Sikhism.
  • To remove the prevailing superstitions and evils from Sikhism.
  • To spread and propagate education.
  • To work for the equal rights of males and females.
  • To work for the propaganda of Sikhism.

Q.65. What are the results of westernization?

  • Change in Institutions: Many changes took place in the institutions of our society due to westernization. The strictness of marriage, family, caste system, and religion no longer prevails in our modern society.
  • Change in Values: Values of society are also changing due to this. Everyone came to know about the right to equality after receiving education. Individualism and formal relations are increasing day by day.
  • Change in the importance of religion: The importance of religion has also decreased due to this. In earlier times, people were afraid of religion but now they use only that part of the religion that is required.
  • The spread of education: Education in our country is spreading day by day. The literacy rate of our country is 74% and it is increasing day by day.

Q.66. Explain the meaning of Westernisation.
Define Westernisation.

According to M.N. Srinivas, “I have used the term westernization to characterize the changes brought about in Indian society and culture as a result of over 150 years of British rule and the term subsuming changes occurring at different levels technology, institutions, ideology, and values.” So from this, it is clear that the concept of westernization includes the changes which came in institutions, ideology, etc. of Indian Society and which took place due to political and cultural contacts with western countries.

Q.67. Give differences between Sanskritisation and Westernisation.

Important Questions & Answers: Cultural Change - 1 | Sociology Class 12 - Humanities/Arts

Q.68. Which two changes come due to modernization?

  • Secularisation: The ideal of secularisation has been established in Indian society. Members of any religious group can achieve the highest or higher post of the country. Qualities of cooperation, love, and patience create equality in society. This is because of Modernization.
  • Industrialization: With the advent of industrialization, the growing demands of the increasing population of India were fulfilled. On one side, large scale industries came into being and on the other side, domestic industries and joint families came to an end.

Q.69. The establishment of new classes takes place with modernization. How?

The process of modernization gives enough opportunities to a person. That is why new classes are established in society. If there is only one class in society, then that society will be known as a classless society. That is why new classes came into being in the modem society. Another reason for new classes came into being because different persons have different abilities because of which they are different from each other from the point of view of money, occupation, and education. That is why new classes are emerging. Money is important in our modern society. That is why people are divided into different classes on a political and religious basis. Labour unions are using the warpath to achieve their goals. Even people of different occupations have made their own unions.

Q.70. Mention two factors of secularisation.

Modern Education: With modem education, the sense of high and low comes to an end and the person attains his position on the basis of his ability. Knowledge of people has increased.

Development of means of Transport and Communication: With the development of means of transport and communication, people have come closer to each other. The sense of untouchability and high-low discrimination has been reduced and equal relations have been established.

Q.71. What is the effect of secularisation on the family?

The joint family system was very important in Indian society right from the beginning, because most of the people depend upon agriculture and they need manpower for agriculture. India is far behind from the development point of view. But under the influence of Secularisation, the outlook of the people towards old traditions has changed. Most of the functions of the family have been taken away by other institutions. The joint family system has weakened.

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