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Modes of Nutrition | Advance Learner Course: Science Class 6 PDF Download


Food is the most important and basic thing for life. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are the components of food. These components are necessary for all living beings. All plants and animals require food for their growth and getting energy. The process of utilization of food by an animal to obtain energy for growth and development is known as nutrition. Plants make their food themselves but animals cannot. Hence, animals depend directly or indirectly on the plants.Modes of Nutrition | Advance Learner Course: Science Class 6Nutrition in Plants


Ques 1: What are the components of food?

Ans: Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are the components of food.

Ques 2: What is nutrition?

Ans: The process of utilization of food by a living organism to obtain energy is called nutrition.

Ques 3: Why is need of nutrition?

Ans: Animals do not make their food themselves which plants do. Animals eat plants or plant-eating animals. Hence, animals are directly or indirectly depend on plants.

Mode of Nutrition in Plants

Autotrophic Nutrition

Auto means self and trophos means nourishment. Plants are called autotrophs because they make their food themselves. The making of food for themselves is called Autotrophic nutrition. Autotrophic nutrition is found in green plants.


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Heterotrophic Nutrition

The word Heterotrophic is the combination of two words i.e. Hetero + Trophos. Hetero means ‘others’ and ‘trophos’ means nourishment. If organisms depend on others for their food, it is called heterotrophic nutrition.

Animals cannot make their food themselves. They depend for food upon plants. Therefore, nutrition in animals is called Heterotrophic Nutrition. Animals are known as Heterotrophs.

Saprotrophic Nutrition

The taking of nutrients by an organism from dead and decaying matter in the form of a solution is called saprotrophic nutrition. The organisms which use the saprotrophic mode of nutrition are called saprotrophs.

Example: fungi.



Ques 1: What are autotrophs?

Ans: Organisms that make their food themselves are called autotrophs.

Ques 2: What is autotrophic mode of nutrition?

Ans: The mode of nutrition in which the organism makes its own food is called autotrophic mode of nutrition.

Ques 3: Give some example of autotrophs.

Ans: All green plants, such as grass, mango, bougainvillaea, etc. are examples of autotrophs.

Ques 4: What is heterotrophic mode of nutrition?

Ans: The mode of nutrition in which an organism takes food from another organism is called heterotrophic mode of nutrition. The nutrition in animals and non-green plants is an example of heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

Tiger: A HeterotrophTiger: A Heterotroph

Ques 5: Give examples of Heterotrophs.

Ans: Animals and non-green plants are examples of heterotrophs.

Ques 6: What is saprotrophs?

Ans: Plants which get their nutrition from dead or decaying plants in liquid form are called saprotrophs.

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FAQs on Modes of Nutrition - Advance Learner Course: Science Class 6

1. What are the different modes of nutrition in plants?
Ans. Plants have two modes of nutrition, autotrophic and heterotrophic. Autotrophic plants are those that can produce their food through photosynthesis, while heterotrophic plants cannot produce their food and rely on other organisms for their nutrition.
2. What is photosynthesis?
Ans. Photosynthesis is the process by which autotrophic plants produce their food using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil. Chlorophyll in the plant's leaves captures sunlight and converts it into energy, which is then used to break down carbon dioxide and water molecules to produce glucose.
3. How do heterotrophic plants obtain their nutrition?
Ans. Heterotrophic plants obtain their nutrition by consuming other organisms. They can be further divided into parasitic, saprophytic, and insectivorous plants. Parasitic plants obtain their nutrition by attaching themselves to their host plant and absorbing their nutrients. Saprophytic plants feed on dead and decaying matter, while insectivorous plants trap and digest insects for their nutrition.
4. What is the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?
Ans. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plant cells that plays a vital role in photosynthesis. It absorbs light energy from the sun and uses it to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. Chlorophyll is necessary for the process of photosynthesis as it captures the energy required for the reaction.
5. Can all plants perform photosynthesis?
Ans. No, not all plants can perform photosynthesis. Some plants, like the heterotrophic plants, cannot produce their food and rely on other organisms for their nutrition. Additionally, some plants that are capable of photosynthesis may not perform it efficiently due to environmental factors like lack of sunlight or water.
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