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Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering PDF Download

3.6.2 Overall mass transfer coefficients 
Experimentally the mass transfer film coefficients ky and kx are difficult to measure except for cases where the concentration difference across one phase is small and can be neglected. Under these circumstances, the overall mass transfer coefficients Ky and Kx are measured on the basis of the gas phase or the liquid phase. The entire two-phase mass transfer effect can then be measured in terms of gas phase molar fraction driving force as:
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                      (3.76)
where, Ky is based on the overall driving force for the gas phase, in mole/m2.s and y*A  is the value of concentration in the gas phase that would be in the equilibrium with xAL. Similarly, the entire two-phase mass transfer effect can then be measured in terms of liquid phase molar fraction driving force as:
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                         (3.77)
where Kx is based on the overall driving force for the liquid phase, in mole/m2.s and x*A  is the value of concentration in the liquid phase that would be in the equilibrium with yAG. A relation between the overall coefficients and the individual mass transfer film coefficients can be obtained when the equilibrium relation is linear as yAi = mxAi . The linear equilibrium condition can be obtained at the low concentrations, where Henry’s law is applicable. Here the proportionality constant m is defined as m= H/P. Utilizing the relationship, yAi =mxAi   , gas and liquid phase concentrations can be related by 
y*A = mxAL                                                          (3.78)
yAG = mx*A                                                  (3.79)

Rearranging Equation (3.76), one can get
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                             (3.80)
From geometry, yAG - y*A  can be written as
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                       (3.81)

Substituting Equation (3.81) in Equation (3.80)
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                      (3.82)
The substitution of Equation (3.76) into the Equation (3.82) relates overall gas phase mass transfer coefficient (Ky) to the individual film coefficients by
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                              (3.83)
Similarly the relation of overall liquid phase mass transfer coefficient (Kx) to the individual film coefficients can be derived as follows:
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                              (3.84)


Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                                        (3.85)
The following relationships between the mass transfer resistances can be made from the Equations (3.83) and (3.85):
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                            (3.86)
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                           (3.87) 
If solute A is very soluble in the liquid, m is very small. Then the term m/kx in Equation (3.83) becomes minor and consequently the major resistance is represented by 1/ky. In this case, it is said that the rate of mass transfer is gas phase controlled. In the extreme it becomes:
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                     (3.88)
The total resistance equals the gas film resistance. The absorption of a very soluble gas, such as ammonia in water is an example of this kind. Conversely when solute A is relatively insoluble in the liquid, m is very large. Consequently the first term of Equation (3.85) becomes minor and the major resistance to the mass transfer resides within the liquid. The system becomes liquid film controlling. Finally this becomes:
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering                      (3.89)
The total resistance equals the liquid film resistance. The absorption of a gas of low solubility, such as carbon dioxide or oxygen in water is of this type of system.

Example problem 3.3: 
In an experimental study of the absorption of ammonia by water in a wetted-wall column, the value of overall mass transfer coefficient, KG was found to be 2.75 x 10-6 kmol/m-s-kPa. At one point in the column, the composition of the gas and liquid phases were 8.0 and 0.115 mole% NH3, respectively. The temperature was 300K and the total pressure was 1 atm. Eighty five % of the total resistance to mass transfer was found to be in the gas phase. At 300 K, Ammonia –water solutions follows Henry’s law upto 5 mole% ammonia in the liquid, with m = 1.64 when the total pressure is 1 atm. Calculate the individual film coefficients and the interfacial concentrations. Interfacial concentrations lie on the equilibrium line. 

Solution 3.3: 
The first step in the solution is to convert the given overall coefficient from KG to Ky.
Ky = KG P = 2.75 x 10-6 x 101.3 = 2.786 x 10-4 kmol/m2-s

For a gas-phase resistance that accounts for 85% of the total resistance,
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering  
From Equation, Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering  by substituting the values of Ky , ky and m
kx = 3.05 x 10-3 kmol/m2-s

To estimate the ammonia flux and the interfacial concentrations at this particular point in the column use the equation, y*A = mxA,L to calculate
y*A = mxA,L = 1.64 x 1.15 x 10-3 = 1.886 x 10-3  
The flux is from equation
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering
Calculate the gas-phase interfacial concentration from equation,
Na = ky( yAG - yA,i) as
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering
Since the interfacial concentrations lie on the equilibrium line,
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering


a  Cross-sectional area [m2 ]                             
s  Fraction of surface renewed/unit time [-]
C  Molar concentration [mol/m3 ]                       
Sav Average cross-sectional area for diffusion [m2 ]
d  Diameter [m]                                                   
T  Temperature [K]
dp  Diameter of a particle [m]                               
t  Time [s]
DAB    Diffusivity of A in B [m2/s]                               
u  Velocity [m/s]
DE  Eddy diffusivity [m2/s]                                     
U  average velocity [m/s]
DK  Knudsen diffusion coefficient [m2/s]               
Ua  Free stream velocity [m/s]
DS  Surface diffusion coefficient [m2/s]               
V   Volume [m3 ]
ED  Activation energy [J/mol]                               
w  Mass fraction [-]
Gm  Molar mass velocity [mol/m2.s]                   
W  Mass transfer rate [mol/s]
Gy  Mass velocity of gas [kg/m2.s]                       
x  Mole fraction for liquid [-]
ΔHVA  Latent heat of vaporization of component A [J/mol]   
y  Mole fraction for gas [-]                                                       
J  Flux based on arbitrary                                     
X,Y, Z  Coordinates
K  Proportionality constant defined in Equation (1.79) [-]                                
x*,y* Equilibrium mole fraction of solute in liquid and gas phase,respectively [-]
K  Overall mass transfer coefficient [m/s]             
φ  Association factor [-]
k/,k Individual mass transfer coefficient [m/s]
ε     Porosity [-] l  Length [m]                                                       
v  Molar volume [mol/m3 ]                   
m  Mass [kg]                                                           
Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering Packing fraction [-]
M  Molecular weight                                               
σAB   Characteristic length parameter of binary mixture of A and B [m]
N  Flux [mol/m2.s]                                                     
τ  Tortuosity [-]
p   Partial pressure [N/m2 ]                                     
Ω  collision integral [-]
P  Total pressure [N/m2 ]                                       
ρ  Density [kg/m]
PVVapor pressure of A [N/m2 ]                           
δ  Film thickness [m]
r  Radius [m]                                                         
μ Viscosity [kg/m.s]
R   Universal gas constant [J/mol.K]

The document Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients | Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering is a part of the Chemical Engineering Course Mass Transfer.
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FAQs on Overall Mass Transfer Coefficients - Mass Transfer - Chemical Engineering

1. What is a mass transfer coefficient in chemical engineering?
Ans. A mass transfer coefficient is a parameter used in chemical engineering to quantify the rate at which a component is transferred from one phase to another, such as from a gas phase to a liquid phase. It represents the effectiveness of the mass transfer process and is influenced by factors such as fluid properties, temperature, and surface area.
2. How is the overall mass transfer coefficient determined?
Ans. The overall mass transfer coefficient is typically determined experimentally by conducting mass transfer experiments in a controlled setup. By measuring the change in concentration or partial pressure of a component over time, and knowing the driving force for mass transfer, the overall mass transfer coefficient can be calculated using appropriate mass transfer models or correlations.
3. What factors affect the overall mass transfer coefficient in chemical engineering?
Ans. Several factors can affect the overall mass transfer coefficient in chemical engineering. These include the properties of the fluids involved (such as viscosity and diffusivity), the surface area available for mass transfer, the temperature and pressure conditions, the presence of any chemical reactions, and the choice of mass transfer equipment or device.
4. How can the overall mass transfer coefficient be improved in industrial processes?
Ans. There are several ways to improve the overall mass transfer coefficient in industrial processes. Some common strategies include increasing the surface area available for mass transfer (e.g., using packing materials or structured internals), optimizing the temperature and pressure conditions, using agitation or mixing techniques to enhance contact between phases, and selecting appropriate mass transfer equipment or devices based on the specific process requirements.
5. What are some common applications of mass transfer coefficients in chemical engineering?
Ans. Mass transfer coefficients are widely used in chemical engineering for various applications. Some common examples include the design and optimization of distillation columns, absorption and stripping processes, extraction and separation processes, and catalytic reactors. Mass transfer coefficients play a crucial role in determining the efficiency and performance of these processes, and their accurate estimation is essential for process design and scale-up.
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