High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

 High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria

At relatively high pressures the VLE relations used in the last section lose exactness especially with respect to the activity coefficient-based approach for description of the non-ideal behaviour of the liquid phase. This is because the assumption that the activity coefficients are weakly dependent on pressure no longer remains a realistic approximation. In addition, the gas phase P-V-T behaviour can no longer be described by the truncated virial EOS. Under such conditions a use of a higher order EOS, which may be applied both to the gas and liquid phase is preferred. As we have seen in chapter 2, the cubic EOS provides just that advantage; besides they offer a reasonable balance between accuracy and computational complexity. We start with the general criterion for phase equilibria as applied to vapourliquid systems, given by eqn. 6.127:

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                    ..(7.62) 

An alternative form of the last equation results from introduction of the fugacity coefficient using eqn. 6.129 and 6.130: 


High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)          ..(7.63) 

The last equation reduces to:

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                                       ..(7.64) 


VLE of pure species
For the special case of pure species i, equation 7.64 reduces to:

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ....(7.65)
If both High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)  are expressed in terms of cubic EOS as defined by any of the eqns. 6.104 to 6.107, for a given T one may obtain the saturation vapour pressure by means of suitable algorithm . 

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

VLE from K-value Correlations for Hydrocarbon Systems
Using eqn. 7.64 one can write, Ki = yi /xi
Alternately:  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                         ...(7.66)

As evident from eqns. 6.155 to 6.157, the expression for species fugacity coefficients for mixtures described by cubic EOS are relatively complex, which in turn makes the estimation of the K-factors difficult as iterative solutions to obtaining T, P and/or compositions are inevitable. As demonstrated in the last section, this is true even for the fugacity and activity coefficient based formulation of the VLE problem. The use of cubic EOS for description of fugacity coefficients of species in both phases poses additional difficulty owing to the intrinsic complexity of the expressions shown in eqns. 6.155 to 6.157.   

However, in the case of VLE of light hydrocarbon mixtures a reasonable simplification may be achieved by assuming ideal solution behaviour for both the phases. This is a relatively practical approximation as hydrocarbons being non-polar in nature, the intermolecular interactions are generally weaker than amongst polar molecules. In effect in the case of lighter hydrocarbons (C1-C10) the interactions between the same species and those between dissimilar species are not significantly different. This forms the basis of assuming ideal solution behaviour for such system. It may be noted that since equilibrium pressures in light hydrocarbon systems tend to be ‘high’ (as they are lowboiling) under practical conditions of distillation processes, ideal solution behaviour yields far more accurate results than would be possible by ideal gas assumption. 

We develop next the result that obtains owing to the assumption of ideal solution behaviour. The chemical potential of all species in an ideal solution is given by eqn. 6.77: 

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.67)

For a real solution:  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.68)

At the same time for pure species at same  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.69)

From eqns. (7.68) and (7.69) it follows that: 

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.70)
From (7.67)  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.71)

Thus from eqns. (7.70) and (7.71): 

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.72)

For an ideal solution LHS of (7.72) is identically zero; hence for such a solution:

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.73)

For a real gas mixture the fugacity coefficientφˆi is defined by:  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

In analogy, for a real solution we defineφ  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

Or:  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.74)

Using (7.74) for an ideal solution:  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.75)

 Using (7.73) in (7.75) it follows:  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                      ...(7.76)

Thus for an ideal solution:  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.76)

Now considering the light hydrocarbon systems, the application of eqn. 7.76 in 7.66 gives: 

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.77)

Using eqn. 6.119 we substitute for the fugacity High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) Thus: 


High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

Where, High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) is the molar volume of pure species i as a saturated liquid. Thus the K-value is given by: 

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                       ...(7.78)

The advantage of eqn. 7.78 is that it is a function of the properties of the pure species only, and therefore its dependence on composition of the vapour and liquid phases is eliminated. The K-factor then is a function of temperature and pressure alone. The terms High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) in eqn. 7.78 can in principle be computed using expression provided by cubic EOS (i.e., eqns. 6.104 – 6.107) or a corresponding expression from an higher order EOS, including the generalized correlation (section 6.9). This allows K-factors for light hydrocarbons to be as functions of T and P.  

However, it may be noted that the computation of fugacities at high pressures (and/or temperatures) can potentially be rendered difficult as above the critical temperature the liquid state is necessarily hypothetical, while at pressures higher than the saturation pressure the vapour state is hypothetical. This is corrected for by some form of extrapolations to those hypothetical states. Various approaches have been described in the literature  The nomographs of K-factors (see figs. 7.11 and 7.12) reported by Dadyburjor provide an example of one such approach.

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)
Fig. 7.11 K-factors in light hydrocarbon systems (low temperature range)
[Source: Dadyburjor; D.B., Chem. Eng.Progr., Vol. 74 (4) pp.85-86 (1978)].


High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)
Fig. 7.12 K-factors in light hydrocarbon systems (high temperature range)

The nomographs may be conveniently used purpose of VLE calculations in hydrocarbon systems as they the K-factors for each species can be estimated at a given T and P. This is done by drawing a straight line connecting the given temperature and pressure; the corresponding Ki value is read off from the point of intersection of this line with the Ki curve for a particular species. For bubble point (either T or P) calculations one uses: 

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                  .....(7.79)


  •  For pressure calculation: If High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) assumed pressure is lower than the correct value; High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) the assumed pressure is higher than the correct pressure. Thus, pressure needs to be revised for the next step of calculation.
  • Similarly, for temperature calculation: if High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE), assumed temperature is higher than the  correct value;  High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) the assumed temperature is lower than the correct value. Thus, temperature needs to be revised for the next step of calculation.


On the other hand the solution for dew point calculations derives from: 

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)                                  .....(7.80)

  • For pressure calculation:High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) assumed pressure is higher than the correct value; if High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)the assumed pressure is lower than the correct pressure. Thus, pressure needs to be revised for the next step of calculation.
  • Similarly, for temperature calculation: if High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)assumed temperature is lower than its  correct value; if High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) the assumed temperature is higher than its correct value. Thus, temperature needs to be revised for the next step of calculation.

The use of these equations illustrated below using an example. 


High Pressure VLE using cubic EOS 

This constitutes a generalized approach without any simplifying assumptions such as employed for light hydrocarbons. The governing relation thus is eqn. 7.66.

High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

The fugacity of each species, either in vapour or liquid phase, is computed using the expressions that apply to use of cubic EOS (eqns. 6.155 to 6.157). For relevant VLE calculations once again the eqns. 7.79 and 7.80 are employed. The steps for computing (for example) the bubble pressure are enlisted below. The basic principle used for other types of standard calculations (such as discussed for low to moderate pressure VLE systems, table 7.1) remains the same.


Bubble pressure algorithm: 

Given T and {x} , to calculate P and { y }

a) Solve for P and { y } first by assuming Raoult’s Law algorithm for bubble pressure

b) Using solution in ‘a’ estimate {K } using eqn. 7.66 with the given values of T and {x } ; and the latest values of P and { y }

c) Next calculate {Kx } and High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)
d) Calculate all High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

e) Using normalized { y} , recalculate {Ki } and ii i ∑ Kx
f) Has High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) changed between steps ‘c’ and ‘e’? If yes return to step ‘d’

g) If High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) has not changed between two successive iterations between steps ‘c’ and ‘e’ is High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

h) If yes, the last values of P and { yi ≡ Kixi} give the final bubble temperature Pb (f) ,and vapour compositions. 

i) If no, and last ii High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) then Plast < Pb(f) ; revise to new P as: new High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) and return to  step (c).and return to step ‘b’.

j) If no, and last ii High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) then Plast < Pb(f)  revise to new P as: new High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) and  return to step (c).and return to step ‘b’. 

The document High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria | Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE) is a part of the Civil Engineering (CE) Course Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE).
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FAQs on High Pressure Vapour Liquid Equilibria - Additional Documents & Tests for Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What is high pressure vapour liquid equilibria in civil engineering?
Ans. High pressure vapour liquid equilibria in civil engineering refers to the study of the equilibrium between the vapor and liquid phases of a substance under high pressure conditions. It is an important concept in civil engineering as it helps in understanding the behavior of fluids in high pressure systems, such as pipelines and hydraulic systems.
2. What are the applications of high pressure vapour liquid equilibria in civil engineering?
Ans. High pressure vapour liquid equilibria has several applications in civil engineering. It is used to analyze and design high pressure fluid systems, such as hydraulic systems in dams and power plants. It is also used in the design and operation of high pressure pipelines for transportation of fluids. Additionally, it is employed in the study of phase behavior of fluids in geothermal energy extraction and underground storage systems.
3. How is high pressure vapour liquid equilibria determined in civil engineering?
Ans. High pressure vapour liquid equilibria is determined through experimental methods and mathematical models. Experimental methods involve measuring the equilibrium compositions of the vapor and liquid phases at different pressures and temperatures. Mathematical models, such as equations of state, are then used to fit the experimental data and predict the equilibrium behavior at other conditions. These models can be solved numerically to find the equilibrium compositions and properties.
4. What are the factors that influence high pressure vapour liquid equilibria in civil engineering?
Ans. Several factors influence high pressure vapour liquid equilibria in civil engineering. The pressure and temperature of the system are the primary factors that determine the equilibrium behavior. The nature of the fluid, including its composition and molecular interactions, also plays a significant role. Additionally, the presence of impurities and the geometry of the system can affect the equilibrium behavior.
5. How is high pressure vapour liquid equilibria important in the design of civil engineering structures?
Ans. High pressure vapour liquid equilibria is important in the design of civil engineering structures as it helps in understanding the behavior of fluids under high pressure conditions. This knowledge is crucial in designing efficient and safe fluid systems, such as hydraulic systems, pipelines, and storage systems. By considering the equilibrium behavior, engineers can ensure the proper functioning and integrity of these structures, minimizing the risks of leaks, failures, and accidents.

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