The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE) PDF Download

The Convolution Theorem

Modulation refers to the process of embedding an information-bearing signal into a second carrier signal. Extracting the informationbearing signal is called demodulation. Modulation allows us to transmit information signals efficiently. It also makes possible the simultaneous transmission of more than one signal with overlapping spectra over the same channel. That is why we can have so many channels being broadcast on radio at the same time which would have been impossible without modulation

There are several ways in which modulation is done. One technique is amplitude modulation or AM in which the information signal is used to modulate the amplitude of the carrier signal. Another important technique is frequency modulation or FM, in which the information signal is used to vary the frequency of the carrier signal. Let us consider a very simple example of AM.

Consider the signal x(t) which has the spectrum X(f) as shown :

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Why such a spectrum ? Because it's the simplest possible multi-valued function. Also, it is band-limited (i.e.: the spectrum is non-zero in only a finite interval of the frequency axis), having a maximum frequency component fm . Band-limited signals will be of interest to us later on.
x(t) is amplitude modulated with a carrier signal . The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE) 

Thus if The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE) , then the amplitude modulated signal The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE) since The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

the Fourier transform of the amplitude modulated signal is:

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)


At the receiving end, in order to demodulate the signal, we multiply it again by  The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Now, all we need is something that keeps the The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)  part of the transmitted spectrum and simply chops away the rest of the spectrum. Such a device is called an ideal low-pass filter.


Filters :
The simplest ideal filters aim at retaining a portion of the spectrum of the input in some pre-defined region of the frequency axis and removing the rest.

A LOWPASS FILTER is a filter that passes low frequencies – i.e. around f = 0 and rejects the higher ones, i.e: it multiplies the input spectrum with the following:

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

A High pass filter passes high frequencies and rejects low ones by multiplying the input spectrum by:

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

A BANDPASS FILTER passes a band of frequencies and rejects both higher and lower than those in the band that is passed, thus multiplying the input spectrum by:


The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)


A BANDSTOP FILTER stops or rejects a band of frequencies and passes the rest of the spectrum, thus multiplying the input spectrum by:


The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)


How do these filters work? That is, what does multiplication of two signals in the frequency domain imply in the time domain?

If we multiply two Fourier transforms X(f) and H(f), let us see what the Inverse Fourier transform of this product is.

Consider the integral : The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Let us replace H(f) byThe Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)
This makes the integral,The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)
We can interchange the order of integration, so long as the new double integral converges The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE) 

we note that the term inside the bracket is just the inverse Fourier transform of X(f) evaluated at The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Thus the integral simplifies to  The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)  which is simply the convolution of h(t) with x(t) !
What we have just proved is called the Convolution theorem for the Fourier Transform.


It states:
If two signals x(t) and y(t) are Fourier Transformable, and their convolution is also Fourier Transformable, then the Fourier Transform of their convolution is the product of their Fourier Transforms.


The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Dual of the convolution theorem

We now apply the Duality of the Fourier Transform to the Convolution Theorem to get another important theorem.
Let x(t) and y(t) be two Fourier transformable signals, with Fourier transforms X(f) and Y(f) respectively. Assume X(f)*Y(f) is Fourier Invertible. We now find its inverse.
What does Duality tell us? If .The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)
Thus we know: The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)
The Convolution theorem says: The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Applying duality on this result, The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)
Thus we get the Dual version of the Convolution Theorem:

If x(t) and y(t) are Fourier Transformable, and x(t) y(t) is Fourier Transformable , then its Fourier Transform is the convolution of the Fourier Transforms of x(t) and y(t). i.e:

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Parseval's theorem 

We now prove another very important theorem using the Convolution Theorem. We first give its statement: The Parseval's theorem states that the inner product between signals is preserved in going from time to the frequency domain.

i.e.  The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)
where X(f), Y(f), are the Fourier Transforms of x(t), y(t) respectively.
If we take x(t) = y(t),The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)
This is interpreted physically as “Energy calculated in the time domain is same as the energy calculated in the frequency domain”. 

 |X(.)|2 is called the “Energy Spectral Density”.

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)


Hence Proved. 
 Convolution between a periodic and an aperiodic signal 

We now apply the Convolution theorem to the special case of convolution between a periodic and an aperiodic signal. (Note convolutions between periodic signals do not converge, we'll address that issue after this.) Recall: If a periodic signal x(t) with period obeys the Dirichlet conditions for a Fourier Series representation, then,

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

and its Fourier Transform is given by

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

If the convolution between x(t) and some Fourier Transformable aperiodic signal h(t) converges, lets see what the Fourier transform of x*h looks like (assuming it exists). Note x*h is also periodic with the same period as x(t) and its Fourier transform is also then expected to be a train of impulses.
By the convolution theorem, the Fourier Transform of x*h is:

The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)  implying, the Kth Fourier series co-efficient of x*h is   The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

Therefore, assuming a periodic signal x(t) has a Fourier series representation, and an aperiodic signal h(t) is Fourier transformable, if x*h converges (and has a Fourier series representation), it is periodic with the same period as x(t) and its Fourier series coefficients are the Fourier series coefficients of x(t) multiplied by the value of H(f) at that multiple of the fundamental frequency.



In this lecture you have learnt:
Modulation refers to the process of embedding an information-bearing signal into a second carrier signal
A High pass filter, a bandpass filter,a bandstop filter are studied.
We saw the proof of the convolution theorem.
We obtained the Dual version of the Convolution Theorem .
Parseval's theorem's physical interpretation is as follows: “ Energy calculated in the time domain is same as the energy calculated in the frequency domain ”.

The document The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE) is a part of Electrical Engineering (EE) category.
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FAQs on The Convolution Theorem - Electrical Engineering (EE)

1. What is the Convolution Theorem?
Ans. The Convolution Theorem is a mathematical property that relates the Fourier Transform of a convolution of two functions to the product of their individual Fourier Transforms. It states that the Fourier Transform of a convolution of two functions is equal to the pointwise product of their individual Fourier Transforms.
2. How does the Convolution Theorem work?
Ans. The Convolution Theorem states that if we have two functions f(x) and g(x) with Fourier Transforms F(k) and G(k) respectively, then the Fourier Transform of their convolution h(x) = f(x) * g(x) is given by H(k) = F(k) * G(k), where * denotes the pointwise product. In other words, to find the Fourier Transform of a convolution, we simply multiply the Fourier Transforms of the individual functions.
3. What is the significance of the Convolution Theorem?
Ans. The Convolution Theorem is significant because it provides a powerful tool for analyzing linear time-invariant systems in signal processing and image processing. It allows us to simplify the computation of convolutions by converting them into simple multiplications in the frequency domain. This simplification not only saves computational resources but also enables efficient filtering, deconvolution, and other operations on signals and images.
4. How is the Convolution Theorem used in signal processing?
Ans. In signal processing, the Convolution Theorem is used to analyze the frequency content of signals and to perform various operations on them. For example, it is used in filtering to separate desired signals from noise or interference. By taking the Fourier Transform of the input signal and the filter, multiplying them in the frequency domain, and then taking the inverse Fourier Transform, we can obtain the filtered output signal. This process is computationally efficient compared to directly convolving the time-domain signals.
5. Can the Convolution Theorem be applied to any type of functions?
Ans. The Convolution Theorem can be applied to a wide range of functions, as long as their Fourier Transforms exist. However, it is important to note that certain conditions may need to be satisfied for the theorem to hold. For example, if the functions are not of bounded variation or do not decay sufficiently fast, the theorem may not apply. Additionally, the theorem assumes that the functions are integrable and continuous, among other conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the functions meet these requirements before applying the Convolution Theorem.
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