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Problems: Heat Transfer by Natural Convection | Heat Transfer - Mechanical Engineering PDF Download

Frequently Asked Questions and Problems for Practice (Module 5)


Define Grashof number and its physical significance. What is the analogous in forced convection?


What are the criteria to know natural and forced convection?


Define Rayleigh number and its physical significance.


Show the flow pattern of natural convection for a (a) hot surface down, (b) hot surface up, (c) cold surface down, and (d) cold surface up.


Warm air at 65oC, 3 m/s enters into a square (25 cm) duct made up of steel metal. The un-insulated duct is 10 m long and is in contact with the atmospheric air at 25oC. If the heat losses to the atmosphere by natural convection then what will be the exit warm air temperature from the duct. It may be assumed that the natural convective flow at one surface does not affect the others as the two surfaces are horizontal, one at the top and at the bottom, and the two surfaces are vertical. Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for the obviously forced convection inside of the duct. 


A horizontal tube having diameter of 10 mm is heated to a surface temperature of 240 oC. The tube is exposed to air at 25oC. Calculate the natural convective heat transfer.


A sphere having diameter of 25 cm is heated to a surface temperature of 240 oC. The sphere is exposed to air at 25oC. Calculate the natural convective heat transfer.


A square (1 m) flat plate inclined at 45 oC with the horizontal is exposed to air at 25oC and 1 atm. The plate receives 750 W/m2 from the Sun and dissipated the heat to the atmosphere by natural convection. What will be the average temperature of the plate at steady-state?

The document Problems: Heat Transfer by Natural Convection | Heat Transfer - Mechanical Engineering is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Heat Transfer.
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FAQs on Problems: Heat Transfer by Natural Convection - Heat Transfer - Mechanical Engineering

1. What is natural convection heat transfer?
Ans. Natural convection heat transfer is a process where heat is transferred between a solid surface and a fluid (liquid or gas) due to the fluid's natural movement caused by density differences. This movement occurs without the need for any external forces such as fans or pumps.
2. How does natural convection occur?
Ans. Natural convection occurs when there is a temperature difference between the solid surface and the surrounding fluid. The fluid near the heated surface becomes less dense and rises, creating a buoyancy force. This buoyant fluid displaces the cooler fluid, which in turn becomes heated and rises. This cycle continues, forming a natural convection current.
3. What factors affect natural convection heat transfer?
Ans. Several factors influence natural convection heat transfer. These include the temperature difference between the solid surface and the fluid, the fluid properties (such as viscosity and thermal conductivity), the geometry of the system, and the orientation of the surface. Additionally, the presence of obstacles or boundaries can also affect the flow patterns and heat transfer.
4. How is natural convection heat transfer calculated?
Ans. Natural convection heat transfer can be calculated using empirical correlations or by solving the governing equations of fluid flow and heat transfer, known as the Navier-Stokes and energy equations. Empirical correlations are often used for simple geometries and conditions, while computational methods like finite element analysis or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are employed for complex systems.
5. What are some applications of natural convection heat transfer in chemical engineering?
Ans. Natural convection heat transfer is widely applicable in various chemical engineering processes. Some examples include cooling towers, heat exchangers, boilers, condensers, and natural draft furnaces. Understanding and optimizing natural convection heat transfer is crucial for efficient operation and design of these systems, ultimately leading to energy savings and improved performance.
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