Instructional Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
3.7.1 Introduction
This lesson explains the determination of moment of resistance of given singly reinforced rectangular beam sections with the help of illustrative analysis type of problem. The numerical problem is solved by (i) direct computation method, (ii) using charts of SP-16 and (iii) using tables of SP-16. Step by step solutions illustrate the procedure clearly.
3.7.2 Analysis Type of Problems
It may be required to estimate the moment of resistance and hence the service load of a beam already designed earlier with specific dimensions of b, d and D and amount of steel reinforcement Ast. The grades of concrete and steel are also known. In such a situation, the designer has to find out first if the beam is under-reinforced or over-reinforced. The following are the steps to be followed for such problems. xu, max
The maximum depth of the neutral axis xu, max is determined from Table 3.2 of Lesson 5 using the known value of fy. xu
The depth of the neutral axis for the particular beam is determined from Eq. 3.16 of Lesson 5 employing the known values of fy, fck, b and Ast. Mu and service imposed loads The moment of resistance Mu is calculated for the three different cases as follows:
(a) If xu < xu, max, the beam is under-reinforced and Mu is obtained from Eq. 3.22 of Lesson 5.
(b) If xu = xu, max, the Mu is obtained from Eq. 3.24 of Lesson 5.
(c) If xu > xu, max, the beam is over-reinforced for which xu is taken as xu, max and then Mu is calculated from Eq. 3.24 of Lesson 5, using xu = xu, max.
With the known value of Mu, which is the factored moment, the total factored load can be obtained from the boundary condition of the beam. The total service imposed loads is then determined dividing the total factored load by partial safety factor for loads (= 1.5). The service imposed loads are then obtained by subtracting the dead load of the beam from the total service loads.
3.7.3 Analysis Problems 3.2 and 3.3
Determine the service imposed loads of two simply supported beam of same effective span of 8 m (Figs. 3.7.1 and 2) and same cross-sectional dimensions, but having two different amounts of reinforcement. Both the beams are made of M 20 and Fe 415.
3.7.4 Solution by Direct Computation Method - Problem 3.2
Given data: b = 300 mm, d = 550 mm, D = 600 mm, Ast = 1256 mm2 (4-20 T), Leff = 8 m and boundary condition = simply supported (Fig. 3.7.1). xu, max
From Table 3.2 of Lesson 5, we get xu, max = 0.479 d = 263.45 mm xu
= 209.94385 mm < xu, max = (263.45 mm)
Hence, the beam is under-reinforced. Mu and service imposed loads
For xu < x u, max , we have Mu = 0.87 fy Ast (d - 0.42 xu) (3.22)
= 0.87 (415) (1256) {550 - 0.42(209.94385)}
= 209.4272 kNm Total factor load
= 26.1784 kN/m
Total service load =17.452266 kN/m
Dead load of the beam = 0.3 (0.6) (25) = 4.5 kN/m
Hence, service imposed loads = (17.452266 - 4.5) kN/m
= 12.952266 kN/m
Given data: b = 300 mm, d = 550 mm, D = 600 mm, Ast = 1658 mm2 (4-20 T + 2-16 T), Leff = 8 m and boundary conditions = simply supported (Fig. 3.7.2) xu, max
From Table 3.2 of Lesson 5, we get xu, max = 0.479 d = 263.45 mm xu
= 277.13924 mm > xu, max = (263.45 mm)
Hence, the beam is over-reinforced. Mu and service imposed loads
For xu > xu,max, we have
= 0.36 (0.479) {1 - 0.42(0.479)} (300) (550) (550) (20) Nmm
= 250.01356 kNm
If we use Eq. 3.22 using xu = xu,max, for Mu
Mu = 0.87 fy Ast (d - 0.42 xu, max) (3.22)
Then, (Mu)steel = 0.87 (415) (1658) {550 - 0.42 (263.45)} Nmm
= 263.00468 kNm > (Mu)concrete (= 250.01356 kNm)
The higher Mu as obtained from steel is not true because the entire amount of steel (1658 mm2) cannot yield due to over-reinforcing. Prior to that, concrete fails at 250.01356 kNm. However, we can get the same of Mu as obtained from Eq. 3.24 of Lesson 5, if we can find out how much Ast is needed to have xu = 263.45 mm. From Eq. 3.16 of Lesson 5, we can write:
= 1576.1027 mm2
If we use this value for Ast in Eq. 3.22 of Lesson 5, we get ( M u ) = 0.87 (415) (1576.1027 ) {550 − 0.42 (263.45 )}
= 250.0135 (same as obtained from Eq. 3.24).
From the factored moment Mu = 250.01356 kNm, we have:
Total factored load = kN/m
Total service load =
Now, Dead load of the beam = 0.3 (0.6) (25) = 4.5 kN/m
Hence, service imposed loads = 20.834463 - 4.5 = 16.334463 kN/m
3.7.6 Solution by Design Chart - Problems 3.2 and 3.3
For the two problems with known b, d, D, Ast, grade of concrete and grade of steel, chart 14 of SP-16 is applicable. From the effective depth d and percentage of reinforcement he chart is used to find Mu per metre width. Multiplying Mu per meter width with b, we get Mu for the beam. After that, the service imposed load is calculated using the relation Service imposed load =
- Dead load (3.27)
The results of the two problems are furnished in Table 3.7.
Table 3.7 Results of Problems 3.2 and 3.3 (Chart of SP-16)
3.7.7 Solution by Design Tables - Problems 3.2 and 3.3
Table 2 of SP-16 presents the value of reinforcement percentage for different combinations of fy and (Mu/bd2) for M-20. Here, from the known values of p and fy, the corresponding values of Mu/bd2 are determined. These in turn give Mu of the beam. Then the service imposed load can be obtained using Eq. 3.27 as explained in the earlier section (sec. 3.7.6). The results of the two problems are presented in Table 3.8.
Table 3.8 Results of Problems 3.2 and 3.3 (Table of SP-16)
* Linear interpolated
** pt = 1.2058181 is not admissible, i.e. over-reinforced. So at pt = 0.955, Mu/bd2 =2.76.
3.7.8 Comparison of Results of Three Methods
The values of Mu and service imposed loads of the under-reinforced and over-reinforced problems (Problems 3.2 and 3.3), computed by three methods, are presented in Table 3.9.
Table 3.9 Comparison of results of Problems 3.2 and 3.3
3.7.9 Practice Questions and Problems with Answers
Q.1: Determine the moments of resistance Mu and service imposed loads on a simply supported beam of effective span 10.0 m with b = 300mm, d = 500 mm, D = 550 mm and grades of concrete and steel are M20 and Fe500, respectively for the two different cases employing (a) direct computation method and (b) using charts and tables of SP-16: (i) when Ast is minimum acceptable and (ii) when Ast is maximum acceptable (Fig. 3.7.3).
A.1: Given data: b = 300 mm, d = 500 mm, D = 550 mm, Leff = 10.0 m, fck = 20 N/mm2 and fy = 500 N/mm2
(a) Direct computation method:
Case (i) When Ast is minimum acceptable (Eq. 3.26 of Lesson 6)
Minimum (3.26)
So, = 255 mm2. Providing 4-12T gives Ast = 452 mm2.
Equation 3.16 of Lesson 5 gives the depth of the neutral axis xu:
= 91.03 mm
Table 3.2 of Lesson 5 gives xu, max = 0.46(500) = 230 mm.
The beam is, therefore, under-reinforced (as xu < xu, max).
Equation 3.22 of Lesson 5 gives the Mu as follows: Mu = 0.87 fy Ast (d - 0.42 xu) (3.22)
= 0.87(500) (452) {500 - 0.42(91.03)} Nmm
= 90.79 kNm
Total factored load = = 7.26 kN/m
The dead load of the beam = 0.3 (0.55) (25) = 4.125 kN/m
So, the service imposed loads = {(Total factored load)/(Load factor)} - (Dead load)
= 7.26/1.5 - 4.125 = 0.715 kN/m
This shows that the beam can carry maximum service imposed loads, 17 per cent of its dead load only, when the acceptable minimum tensile reinforcement is 452 mm2 (4 bars of 12 mm diameter).
Case (ii) when Ast is maximum acceptable:
To ensure ductile failure, it is essential that the acceptable maximum tensile reinforcement should be between 75 and 80 per cent of pt, lim and not as given in clause, i.e. 0.04 bD. Thus, here the maximum acceptable pt should be between 0.57 and 0.61 per cent (as pt, lim = 0.76 from Table 3.1 of Lesson 5). However, let us start with 0.76 per cent as the span is relatively large and keeping in mind that while selecting the bar diameter, it may get reduced to some extent.
So, (Ast)max = 0.76 (300) (500)/100 = 1140 mm2
Selecting 4-16 and 2-12 mm diameter bars, we get Ast = 1030 mm2 when pt becomes 0.67 per cent. So, the maximum acceptable tensile reinforcement is 1030 mm2.
= 207.43 mm (Eq. 3.16 of Lesson 5)
xu < xu, max (as xu, max = 230 mm; see Case (i) of this problem).
Therefore, Mu is obtained from Eq. 3.22 of Lesson 5 as, Mu = 0.87 fy Ast (d - 0.42 xu) (3.22)
= 0.87(500) (1030) {500 - 0.42(207.43)} Nmm
= 184.99 kNm
Total factored load = = 14.8 kN/m
With dead load = 4.125 kN/m (see Case (i) of this problem), we have:
Service imposed load = 14.8/1.5 - 4.125 = 5.74 kN/m This beam, therefore, is in a position to carry service imposed loads of 5.74 kN/m, about 40% higher than its own dead load.
(b) Using chart and tables of SP-16:
Tables 3.10 and 3.11 present the results using charts and tables respectively of SP-16. For the benefit of the reader the different steps are given below separately for the use of chart and table respectively for the minimum acceptable reinforcement.
The steps using chart of SP-16 are given below:
Step 1: With the given fck, fy and d, choose the particular chart. Here, for fck = 20 N/mm2, fy = 500 N/mm2 and d = 500 mm, the needed chart no. is 17.
Step 2: Chart 17 shows minimum pt = 0.13% which gives Ast = 195 mmm2
Step 3: Provide bars of 4-12 mm diameter, which give pt = 0.301%
Step 4: For pt = 0.301, Chart 17 shows Mu = 300 kNm per metre width, which gives Mu = 300 (0.3) = 90 kNm for the beam.
Step 5: The service imposed loads are calculated as follows: Service imposed loads = - 4.125 - 0.675 kN/m, using the dead load of the beam as 4.125 kN/m (see case (i) of this problem).
Step 6: The capacity of the beam is to carry 0.675 kN/m which is (0.675/4.125) 100 = 16.36%.
Table 3.10 Results of Q.1 using chart of SP-16
Similar calculations are done for the maximum acceptable reinforcement. The steps are given below:
Step 1: With the given fck = 20 N/mm2, fy = 500 N/mm2, Table 2 of SP-16 is selected.
Step 2: (pt)min = 0.07 from Table 2, which gives Ast = 105 mmm2
Step 3: Provide bars of 4-12 mm diameter, which give pt = 0.301%
Step 4: For (pt)provided, we get (Mu/bd2) from Table 2 of SP-16 by linear interpolation as follows:
Hence, Mu = 1 .204 (300) (500)2 = 90.3 kNm
Step 5: Same as Step 5 while using chart of SP-16.
Step 6: Same as Step 6 while using chart of SP-16.
Table 3.11 Results of Q.1 using table of SP-16
3.7.10 Test 7 with Solutions
Maximum Marks = 50,
Maximum Time = 30 minutes
TQ.1: Determine the moment of resistance for the beams shown in Figs. 3.7.4 and 3.7.5 using M 20 and Fe 250 by direct computation and using charts and tables of SP-16.
A.TQ.1: Case A: TQ.1 A of Fig. 3.7.4
(i) Direct computation method
Ast = 1963 mm2 (4-25 φ) xu , max = 0.53 (450) = 238.5 mm (Table 3.2 of Lesson 5 gives 0.53)
= 197.66 (See Eq. 3.16 of Lesson 5)
So, xu < xu , max shows that it is under-reinforced section for which Mu is obtained from Eq. 3.22 of Lesson 5 Mu = 0.87 fy Ast (d - 0.42 xu) (3.22)
= 0.87(250) (1963) {450 - 0.42(197.66)}
= 156.68 kNm
(ii) Chart of SP-16
Ast = 1963 mm2
= 1.45,
From chart 11 of SP-16, when pt = 1.45, d = 450,
we get Mu per metre width = 522 kNm/m
Mu = 522 (0.3) = 156.6 kNm
(iii) Table of SP-16 Table 2 of SP-16 is for M-20 and Fe250. At pt = 1.451, we get
= 2.58 N/mm2
So, Mu = 2 .58 (300) (450) (450) (10-6) kNm = 156.74 kNm
The three values of Mu are close to each other.
A.TQ.1: Case B: TQ.1 B of Fig. 3.7.5
(i) Direct computation method
Ast = 1963 + 981 = 2944 mm2 (6-25 φ)
= 296.44
mm (See Eq. 3.16 of Lesson 5)
xu , max = 0.53 (450) = 238.5 mm (Table 3.2 of Lesson 5 gives 0.53)
So, xu > x u, max and the beam is over-reinforced. In such a situation, we take xu = xu, max = 238.5 mm. The Mu will be calculated from Eq. 3.24 of Lesson 5.
= 0.36 (0.53) {1 - 0.42 (0.53)} (300) (450)2 (20) Nmm
= 180.22 kNm
(ii) Chart of SP-16
= 2.18
. In chart 11 (for M 20 and Fe 250), maximum admissible pt is 1.75 and for this pt when d = 450, Mu = 600 kNm/m.
So, Mu = 600 (0.3) = 180 kNm
(iii) Table of SP-16
Table 2 (for M 20 and Fe 250) has the maximum pt = 1.76 and at that value, (Mu/bd2) = 2.98. This gives Mu = 2.98 (300) (450)2 (10-6) = 181.03 kNm.
Here also the three values of Mu are close to each other.
3.7.11 Summary of this Lesson
This lesson explains the use of equations derived in Lesson 5 for the analysis type of problems. The three methods (i) direct computation, (ii) use of charts of SP-16 and (iii) use of tables of SP-16 are illustrated through the step by step solutions of numerical problems. Their results are compared to show the closeness of them.
1. What is a singly reinforced rectangular beam? | ![]() |
2. How is the design of a singly reinforced rectangular beam done? | ![]() |
3. What are the factors considered in the design of singly reinforced rectangular beams? | ![]() |
4. How is the bending moment determined in a singly reinforced rectangular beam? | ![]() |
5. What are the advantages of using singly reinforced rectangular beams? | ![]() |