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The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

Instructional Objectives

After reading this chapter the student will be able to

1. Derive three-moment equations for a continuous beam with unyielding supports.
2. Write compatibility equations of a continuous beam in terms of three moments.
3. Compute reactions in statically indeterminate beams using three-moment equations.
4. Analyse continuous beams having different moments of inertia in different spans using three-moment equations.


Beams that have more than one span are defined as continuous beams. Continuous beams are very common in bridge and building structures. Hence, one needs to analyze continuous beams subjected to transverse loads and support settlements quite often in design. When beam is continuous over many supports and moment of inertia of different spans is different, the force method of analysis becomes quite cumbersome if vertical components of reactions are taken as redundant reactions. However, the force method of analysis could be further simplified for this particular case (continuous beam) by choosing the unknown bending moments at the supports as unknowns. One compatibility equation is written at each intermediate support of a continuous beam in terms of the loads on the adjacent span and bending moment at left, center (the support where the compatibility equation is written) and rigid supports. Two consecutive spans of the continuous beam are considered at one time. Since the compatibility equation is written in terms of three moments, it is known as the equation of three moments. In this manner, each span is treated individually as a simply supported beam with external loads and two end support moments. For each intermediate support, one compatibility equation is written in terms of three moments. Thus, we get as many equations as there are unknowns. Each equation will have only three unknowns. It may be noted that, Clapeyron first proposed this method in 1857. In this lesson, three moment equations are derived for unyielding supports and in the next lesson the three moment equations are modified to consider support moments.

Three-moment equation

A continuous beam is shown in Fig.12.1a. Since, three moment equation relates moments at three successive supports to applied loading on adjacent spans, consider two adjacent spans of a continuous beam as shown in Fig.12.1b. ML, MC and MR respectively denote support moments at left, center and right supports. The moments are taken to be positive when they cause tension at bottom fibers. The moment of inertia is taken to be different for different spans. In the present case IL, and IR denote respectively moment of inertia of; left and right support and  IL, and IR are the left and right span respectively. It is assumed that supports are unyielding. The yielding of supports could be easily incorporated in three-moment equation, which will be discussed in the next lesson. Now it is required to derive a relation between ML, MC and MR . This relationship is derived from the fact that the tangent to the elastic curve at C is horizontal. In other words the joint C may be considered rigid. Thus, the compatibility equation is written as,

θCLCR = 0                    (12.1)

The rotation left of the support C, θCL and rotation right of the support C , θCR  may be calculated from moment area method. Now,

The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)             (12.2)

Note that the actual moment diagram on span LC is broken into two parts (1) due to loads applied on span LC when it is considered as a simply supported beam and, (2) due to support moments. In the above equation AL and AR denote respectively area of the bending moment diagrams due to applied loads on left and right supports. xL and xR denote their respective C.G.(center of gravity) distances from the left and right support respectively. Similarly,

The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

Substituting the values of θCL and θCR in the compatibility equation                              (12.1),

The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)                    (12.4)

which could be simplified to,

The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

The above equation (12.5) is known as the three-moment equation. It relates three support moments ML, MC and MR with the applied loading on two adjacent spans. If in a span there are more than one type of loading (for example, uniformly distributed load and a concentrated load) then it is simpler to calculate moment diagram separately for each of loading and then to obtain moment diagram.

The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)
The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

The document The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) | Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE) is a part of the Civil Engineering (CE) Course Structural Analysis.
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FAQs on The Three Moment Equations-I (Part - 1) - Structural Analysis - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What are the three moment equations in civil engineering?
Ans. The three moment equations in civil engineering are mathematical equations used to analyze and solve problems related to the equilibrium and stability of structural systems. These equations, also known as the moment distribution method, are used to determine the distribution of moments in a structure and calculate the support reactions and member forces.
2. How are the three moment equations derived?
Ans. The three moment equations are derived by considering the equilibrium and compatibility conditions of a structure. By applying the principles of statics and assuming small rotations, the equations are developed to satisfy the equilibrium of forces and moments at each joint or connection point of the structure. These equations form a set of simultaneous equations that can be solved to determine the unknowns in the structure.
3. What are the applications of the three moment equations in civil engineering?
Ans. The three moment equations have various applications in civil engineering. They are used to analyze and design various structural systems, such as beams, frames, and trusses. These equations help engineers in determining the internal forces, such as bending moments and shear forces, in structural members. They are also used in the design of reinforced concrete structures, where they aid in determining the required reinforcement and section properties.
4. What are the advantages of using the three moment equations in structural analysis?
Ans. The three moment equations offer several advantages in structural analysis. They provide a systematic and efficient approach to analyze complex structural systems. These equations consider the actual stiffness and flexibility of members, leading to more accurate results compared to simplified methods. They also allow for the consideration of member deformations and redistributions of moments, resulting in a more realistic representation of the structural behavior.
5. What are the limitations of the three moment equations in civil engineering?
Ans. While the three moment equations are widely used in civil engineering, they have certain limitations. These equations assume linear behavior of structural members and neglect the effects of non-linearities, such as large displacements and material nonlinearity. They also require the structure to be statically determinate, meaning that the number of unknowns should be equal to the number of equations. Additionally, the method can become computationally intensive for large and complex structures, requiring iterative solutions.
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