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 Three Moment Equation 

The continuous beams are very common in the structural design and it is necessary to develop simplified force method known as three moment equation for their analysis. This equation is a relationship that exists between the moments at three points in continuous beam. The points are considered as three supports of the indeterminate beams. Consider three points on the beam marked as 1, 2 and 3 as shown in Figure 5.25(a). Let the bending moment at these points is M1,M2, and M3 and the corresponding vertical displacement of these points are Δ1and Δrespectively. Let Land L2 be the distance between points 1 – 2 and 2 – 3, respectively.

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

The continuity of deflected shape of the beam at point 2 gives

θ21 = θ23         (5.4)

From the Figure 5.25(d)

θ21 = θ1 - β21 and θ23 = θ3 - β23  (5.5)


Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)  and  Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Using the bending moment diagrams shown in Figure 5.25(c) and the second moment area theorem,

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)  (5.7)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)  (5.8)

where A1 and A2 are the areas of the bending moment diagram of span 1-2 and 2-3, respectively considering the applied loading acting as simply supported beams.

Substituting from Eqs. (5.7) and Eqs. (5.8) in Eqs. (5.4) and Eqs. (5.5).

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

The above is known as three moment equation .

Sign Conventions

The M1, M2 and M3 are positive for sagging moment and negative for hogging moment. Similarly, areas A1,A2 and A3  are positive if it is sagging moment and negative for hogging moment. The displacements Δ12 and Δ3 are positive if measured downward from the reference axis.

Example 5.22 Analyze the continuous beam shown in Figure 5.26(a) by the three moment equation. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram.

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Solution: The simply supported bending moment diagram on AB and AC are shown in Fig 5.26 (b). Since supports A and C are simply supported

M = MC =0

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Applying the three moment equation to span AB and BC (Δ1= Δ2 = Δ3

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

or   MB  =-56.25 kN.m

The reactions at support A , B and C are given as

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

VB= 120 + 40 3 – 41.25 – 41.25 = 157.5 kN

The bending moment and shear force diagram are shown in Figures 5.26(c) and (d), respectively

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Example 5.23 Analyze the continuous beam shown in Figure 5.27(a) by the three moment equation. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram.

Solution: The effect of a fixed support is reproduced by adding an imaginary span AA as shown in Figure 5.27 (b). The moment of inertia, I0 of the imaginary span is infinity so that it will never deform and the compatibility condition at the end A , that slope should be is zero, is satisfied.

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Applying three moment equation to the span A0A and AB :

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

or 2M+ MB =-135      (i)  

Span AB and BC :

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

or  MA + 4MB = -225    (iii)

Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), MA = -45 kNm and M= – 45 kNm

The shear force and bending moment diagram are shown in Figures 5.27(d) and (e), respectively.

Example 5.24 Analyze the continuous beam shown in Figure 5.28(a) by the three moment equation. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram.

Solution: The simply supported moment diagram on AB , BC and CD are shown in Figure 5.28(b). Since the support A is simply supported, MA = 0 The moment at D is MD = -20 x 2 = - 40 kNm.

Applying three moment equation to the span AB and BC:

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

or  6MB + MC = -456

Span BC and CD : (M= - 20kNM)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

or MB + 5Mc = -556

Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii) will give MB = -59.448 kNm and Mc = - 99310 kNm.

The bending moment and shear force diagram are shown in Figures 5.28(d) and (c), respectively.

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Example 5.25 Analyze the continuous beam show in Fig. 5.29(a) by the three moment equation method if support B sinks by an amount of 10 mm. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram. Take flexural rigidity EI=48000kNm.

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

Solution: Since support A and D are simply supported, MA = MD = 0

Applying the three moment equation for span AB and BC : (MA = 0)

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

or 6MB + MC = 600    (i)

Span BC and CD :

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)


MB + 5MC =-240    (ii)

Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), MB = 111.72 kNm and MC = -70.344 kNm

The bending moment diagram is shown in Figure 5.29(b).

Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

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FAQs on Three Moment Equation - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What are the three moment equations in civil engineering?
Ans. The three moment equations in civil engineering are mathematical equations used to determine the unknown reactions, shear forces, and bending moments in a loaded beam or frame. These equations are derived from the equilibrium conditions and are based on the assumption that the structure is in static equilibrium. The three moment equations are as follows: 1. Sum of moments about any point A: ΣMa = 0 2. Sum of moments about any point B: ΣMb = 0 3. Sum of moments about any point C: ΣMc = 0 These equations can be used to solve for the unknown reactions and internal forces in a structure, providing valuable information for design and analysis purposes.
2. How are the three moment equations derived in civil engineering?
Ans. The three moment equations in civil engineering are derived from the equilibrium conditions of a structure. To derive these equations, we consider a small section of a loaded beam or frame and apply the principles of static equilibrium. By summing the moments about three different points (A, B, and C) along the beam or frame, we can set up three equations that equate the sum of the moments to zero. These equations represent the equilibrium conditions and can be used to solve for the unknown reactions and internal forces. It is important to note that the three moment equations assume that the structure is in static equilibrium and that the material behaves linearly. These assumptions are often reasonable for many engineering applications, but they may not hold true in all cases.
3. What is the significance of the three moment equations in civil engineering?
Ans. The three moment equations are of significant importance in civil engineering as they provide a powerful tool for analyzing and designing structures. These equations allow engineers to determine the reactions, shear forces, and bending moments in loaded beams or frames, which are crucial for ensuring structural integrity and safety. By applying the three moment equations, engineers can calculate the internal forces and stresses in a structure, allowing them to assess its capacity and performance. This information is vital for designing structures that can withstand the applied loads and meet the required safety standards. The three moment equations also aid in optimizing structural designs by providing insights into the distribution of internal forces and moments. Engineers can use this information to make informed decisions about the size, shape, and material selection for various structural components. Overall, the three moment equations play a fundamental role in civil engineering, enabling engineers to analyze, design, and optimize structures for various applications.
4. Can the three moment equations be applied to any type of structure in civil engineering?
Ans. The three moment equations can be applied to a wide range of structures in civil engineering, including beams, frames, and trusses. These equations are based on the principles of static equilibrium and are applicable to both statically determinate and indeterminate structures. For statically determinate structures, the three moment equations provide a direct solution for the unknown reactions and internal forces. However, for statically indeterminate structures, additional equations or methods such as the flexibility or stiffness matrix methods may be required to solve for the unknowns. It is important to note that the three moment equations assume certain simplifications, such as linear material behavior and small deflections. While these assumptions are often reasonable for many practical engineering applications, they may not hold true for highly complex or nonlinear structures. In such cases, advanced analysis techniques, such as finite element analysis, may be necessary to accurately determine the internal forces and moments. Nonetheless, the three moment equations remain a fundamental tool in civil engineering and provide a valuable starting point for structural analysis and design.
5. How can the three moment equations be used in practical civil engineering applications?
Ans. The three moment equations have numerous practical applications in civil engineering. Some of the common uses include: 1. Structural analysis: The three moment equations can be used to determine the reactions, shear forces, and bending moments in loaded beams or frames. This information is crucial for assessing the structural integrity and ensuring the safety of the structure. 2. Structural design: By applying the three moment equations, engineers can calculate the internal forces and stresses in a structure, allowing them to design structural members that can withstand the applied loads. This helps in designing safe and efficient structures. 3. Load distribution: The three moment equations provide insights into the distribution of internal forces and moments along a structure. This information can be used to optimize the design by redistributing loads or modifying the structural components accordingly. 4. Structural optimization: Engineers can use the three moment equations to analyze different design options and select the most optimal solution. By evaluating the internal forces and moments, they can make informed decisions about the size, shape, and material selection for structural components. 5. Retrofitting and strengthening: The three moment equations can be used to assess the behavior of existing structures and identify potential areas of weakness. This information can guide engineers in retrofitting or strengthening measures to enhance the structural performance and durability. Overall, the three moment equations are versatile tools that aid in various aspects of civil engineering, from analysis and design to optimization and retrofitting.
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