Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the application of computer, electronics, and communication technologies and management strategies in an integrated manner to provide traveler information to increase the safety and efficiency of the surface transportation systems. These systems involve vehicles, drivers, passengers, road operators, and managers all interacting with each other and the environment, and linking with the complex infrastructure systems to improve the safety and capacity of road systems.
As reported by Commission for Global Road Safety(June 2006) , the global road deaths were between 750,000 to 880,000 in the year 1999 and estimated about 1.25 million deaths per year and the toll is increasing further. World health organization report (1999), showed that in the year 1990 road accidents as a cause of death or disability were the ninth most significant cause of death or disability and predicted that by 2020 this will move to sixth place. Without significant changes to the road transport systems these dreadful figures are likely to increase significantly.
Traditional driver training, infrastructure and safety improvements, may contribute to certain extent to reduce the number of accidents but not enough to combat this menace. Intelligent Transport Systems are the best solution to the problem. Safety is one of the principal driving forces behind the evolution, development, standardization, and implementation of ITS systems. ITS improves transportation safety and mobility and enhances global connectivity by means of productivity improvements achieved through the integration of advanced communications technologies into the transportation infrastructure and in vehicles. Intelligent transportation systems encompass a broad range of wireless and wire line communication based information and electronics technologies to better manage traffic and maximize the utilization of the existing transportation infrastructure. It improves driving experience, safety and capacity of road systems, reduces risks in transportation, relieves traffic congestion, improves transportation efficiency and reduces pollution.
ITS user services
In order to deploy ITS, a framework is developed highlighting various services the ITS can offer to the users. A list of 33 user services has been provided in the National ITS Program Plan. The number of user services, keep changing over time when a new service is added. All the above services are divided in eight groups. The division of these services is based on the perspective of the organization and sharing of common technical functions. Some of the user services offered by ITS are shown in Fig. 48:1. The eight groups are described as follows:
1. Travel and traffic management
2. Public transportation operations
3. Electronic payment
4. Commercial vehicle operations
5. Advance vehicle control and safety systems
6. Emergency management
7. Information management
8. Maintenance and construction management
Travel and traffic management
The main objective of this group of services is to use real time information on the status of the transportation system to improve its efficiency and productivity and to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of the system. This group of user service is further divided in 10 user services. Most of these services share information with one another in a highly integrated manner for the overall benefit of the road transportation system. These services are described as below:
Pre trip information
This user service provides information to the travelers about the transportation system before they begin their trips so that they can make more informed decisions regarding their time of departure, the mode to use and route to take to their destinations. The travelers can access this information through computer or telephone systems at home or work and at major public places. Pre travel information can be accessed through mobile phones as shown in Fig. 48:2. Different routes and respective travel time durations indicated on VMS are shown in Fig. 48:3. The information include real time flow condition, real incidents and suggested alternate routes, scheduled road construction and maintenance tasks, transit routes, schedules, fares, transfers, and parking facilities.
En-route driver information
This user service provides travel related information to the travelers en route after they start their trips through variable message signs (VMS), car radio, or portable communication devices. Fig. 48:4 shows the various congested and non congested routes shown on display screen. VMS
Figure 48:4: Showing congested routes
indicating different routes and travel time is shown in Fig. 48:5. This helps the travelers to better utilize the existing facility by changing routes etc to avoid congestion. This also provides warning messages for roadway signs such as stop signs, sharp curves, reduced speed advisories, wet road condition flashed with in vehicle displays to the travelers to improve the safety of operating a vehicle. The information can be presented as voice output also.
Route guidance
This service provides information to the travellers with a suggested route to reach a specified destination, along with simple instructions on upcoming turns and other manoeuvres. This also provides travellers of all modes the real-time information about the transportation system, including traffic conditions, road closures, and the status and schedule of transit systems. The benefits of this service are reduced delay and drivers stress levels particularly in an unfamiliar area.
Ride matching and reservation
This user service provide real-time ride matching information to travellers in their homes, offices or other locations, and assists transportation providers with vehicle assignments and scheduling.
Travellers give information to the service center and get number of ride sharing options from which they can choose the best.
Traveler Services Information
This service provides a business directory of information on travel-related services and facilities like the location, operating hours, and availability of food, lodging, parking, auto repair, hospitals, gas stations and police facilities. This also makes reservations for many of these traveler services. The traveler services information are accessible in the home, office or other public locations to help plan trips. These services are available en-route also.
Traffic Control
This service collects the real time data from the transportation system, processes it into usable information, and uses it to determine the optimum assignment of right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians. This helps in improving the flow of traffic by giving preference to transit and other high occupancy vehicles or by adjusting the signal timing to current traffic conditions. The information collected by the Traffic Control service is also disseminated for use by many other user services.
Incident Management
This service aims to improve the incident management and response capabilities of transportation and public safety officials, the towing and recovery industry, and others involved in incident response. Advanced sensors (close circuit TV cameras), data processors and communication technologies are used to identify incidents quickly and accurately and to implement response which minimizes traffic congestion and the effects of these incidents on the environment and the movement of people and goods. Fig. 48:6 shows the occurrence of incident and its detection by the center and decision implemented responding to the incident on a highway pertaining to incident management
Travel Demand Management This user service develop and implement strategies to reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles while encouraging the use of high occupancy vehicles and the use of more efficient travel mode. The strategies adopted are:
1. Congestion pricing
2. Parking management and control
3. Mode change support
4. Telecommuting and alternate work schedule.
Emissions Testing and Mitigation
The main objective of this service is to monitor and implement strategies to divert traffic away from sensitive air quality areas, or control access to such areas using advanced sensors. This also used to identify vehicles emitting pollutants exceeding the standard values and to inform drivers to enable them to take corrective action. This helps in facilitating implementation and evaluation of various pollution control strategies by authorities.
Highway Rail Intersection
This service is to provide improved control of highway and train traffic to avoid or decrease the severity of collisions between trains and vehicles at highway-rail intersections. This also monitors the condition of various HRI equipments.
Public transportation operations
This group of service is concerned with improving the public transportation systems and encouraging their use. Fig. 48:7 shows different public transportation facilities. This group is divided in four services which are described as below:
Figure 48:7: Different public transportation systems
1. What is an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)? |
2. How does an Intelligent Transportation System improve traffic management? |
3. What are the benefits of implementing an Intelligent Transportation System? |
4. How does an Intelligent Transportation System improve road safety? |
5. What role does communication play in an Intelligent Transportation System? |