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Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE) PDF Download

Cross Walk 

Marked crosswalks indicate optimal or preferred locations for pedestrians to cross and help designate right-of-way for motorists to yield to pedestrians. Crosswalks are often installed at signalized intersections and other selected locations.

1. It should be located at all open legs of signalized intersection.

2. It should be perpendicular to roadway.

3. The parallel line should be 0.2-0.6 m in width and min. length 1.8 m (standard 3m).

4. Marking may be of different type to increase visibility like as solid, standard, continental, dashed, zebra, ladder. It is shown in Fig. 47:13.


Traffic Islands 

Traffic islands to reduce the length of the crossing should be considered for the safety of all road users. It is used to permit safe crossing when insufficient gap in two directions traffic & helps elderly, children and disabled.

1. It works best when refuse area median is greater than cross walk width or 3.6 m, have a surface area of at least 4.6 sq.m, are free of obstructions, have adequate drainage, and provide a flat, street level surface to provide accessibility to people with disabilities.

Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE)

2. The Refuge area width should be at least 1.2 m wide and depend upon traffic speed. It should be 1.5m wide on streets with speeds between 40-48 kmph, 1.8 m wide(48-56 kmph), and 2.4 m (56-72 kmph).


Pedestrian Overpass and Underpass 

Pedestrian facilities at-grade and as directly as possible are always preferred. However, where grade separation is indicated, paths that are attractive, convenient and direct can become well-used and highly valued parts of a city’s pedestrian infrastructure.

1. These are expensive method but eliminate all or most conflicts. These may be warranted for critical locations such as schools factory gates, sports arenas, and major downtown intersections (specially in conjunction with transit stations).

2. Overpasses are less expensive than underpass. However , vertical rise and fall to be negotiated by pedestrians is usually greater for an overpass, and it may be aesthetically inferior.

3. Minimum width is required 1.22 m, although 1.83 is preferred.

4. Ramps slopes not greater than 1:12 (8.33%) are preferable to flights of stairs to accommodate wheelchair, strollers, and bicycles and to comply with ADA.


Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE)


Street Corner 

Available Time-Space: The total time-space available for circulation and queuing in the intersection corner during an analysis period is the product of the net corner area and the length of the analysis period. For street corners, the analysis period is one signal cycle and therefore is equal to the cycle length. The following equation is used to compute time-space available at an intersection corner. Intersection Corner Geometry is shown in Fig. 47:15.

TS = C(Wa ∗ W− 0.215R2 )                                            (47.4)

where, TS =available time-space (m2-s), Wa = effective width of Sidewalk a (m), Wb = effective width of Sidewalk b (m), R = radius of corner curb (m), and C = cycle length (s).

 Pedestrian signals

Pedestrian signals are designed basically considering minimum time gap required for crossing the pedestrians. This minimum time gap can be calculated by using following gap equation.

Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE)

where, Gs=min time gap in sec, W= width of crossing section, ts= startup time, tc=consecutive time between two pedestrian, N=no of rows, and Sped =pedestrian speed.

 Numerical example 

Calculate time gap for a platoon of 27 school children 5 in a row, consecutive time 2 sec width of crossing section is 7.5 m and walking speed of children .9 m/s start up time 3 sec. Solution

Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE)
Figure 47:16: In-Pavement Raised Markers with Amber LED Strobe Lighting and LED Signs


Given w=7.5m; tc= 3 sec Sped= 0.9m/s Find out N N=27/5 i.e. 6 row (5 containing 5 & 6th containing 2) Time gap

Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE)

Traffic signage There are many signage used for pedestrian facilities like as in-pavement flashers, overhead signs, animated pedestrian indications and school zone symbol. These are shown below.

1. In-Pavement Flashers (Fig. 47:16)

2. Overhead Signs (Fig. 47:17)

3. Animated Pedestrian Indications (Fig. 47:18)

4. School Zone Symbol (Fig. 47:19)


This lectures covers pedestrian problems, their characteristics, different level of services and design principles of pedestrian facilities. Pedestrian as the most basic unit / component for street and public space design. Pedestrian includes vulnerable road users - elderly, disabled, children,


Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE)


Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE)

people with luggage etc. Safety of pedestrians to be on top priority (to be never compromised by design / policy). Effective integration of technical innovations, policies, institutional mechanisms for pedestrian safety.

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FAQs on Pedestrian Studies (Part - 4) - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What is pedestrian studies in civil engineering?
Ans. Pedestrian studies in civil engineering involve the analysis and design of infrastructure to accommodate pedestrians, ensuring their safety, comfort, and efficiency. It includes studying pedestrian behavior, traffic flow, sidewalk design, crosswalks, pedestrian signals, and other aspects related to pedestrian movement.
2. Why are pedestrian studies important in civil engineering?
Ans. Pedestrian studies are important in civil engineering to ensure the safety and convenience of pedestrians in urban areas. By understanding pedestrian behavior and designing pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, civil engineers can create a more sustainable and inclusive environment, reduce accidents, and promote active modes of transportation.
3. What methods are used in pedestrian studies?
Ans. Pedestrian studies use various methods to analyze pedestrian behavior and movement patterns. These may include video observations, surveys, interviews, GPS tracking, and simulation models. By combining these methods, civil engineers can gain insights into pedestrian needs and preferences, and make informed decisions about infrastructure design.
4. How does sidewalk design affect pedestrian movement?
Ans. Sidewalk design plays a crucial role in pedestrian movement. Factors such as sidewalk width, surface conditions, accessibility features, and amenities impact the comfort and safety of pedestrians. Well-designed sidewalks with sufficient width, clear signage, and proper maintenance can encourage walking, improve pedestrian flow, and create a more pedestrian-friendly environment.
5. What are the challenges in conducting pedestrian studies?
Ans. Conducting pedestrian studies can pose several challenges. These may include obtaining accurate data on pedestrian behavior, dealing with diverse and dynamic pedestrian flows, addressing privacy concerns, and considering the unique characteristics of different urban contexts. Additionally, logistical challenges such as weather conditions, crowded areas, and ethical considerations need to be taken into account during data collection and analysis.
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