Leases : is defined as a lease is an arrangement whereby the lessor conveys to lessee in return for a payment or series of payments the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time.
In an agreement of Lease the Lessor and the Lessee enter into an arrangement in which lessor transfer right to use an asset to Lessee against a payment of Lease Rental for a period of time. In some cases if mentioned in the agreement or according to terms and conditions of the lease, Lessee has right to acquired ownership of the asset leased at the end of lease period.
A Hire Purchase agreement is also considered as Lease Agreement.
The Accounting standard No. 19 is promulgated to provide accounting policies to be followed by the lessors and lessees, in lease transaction and relevant disclosures have been made in the Financial Statements.
Types of Leases:
Finance Lease : Transfers substantially all the Risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset
Operating Lease : A lease other than Financial Lease (i.e. dose not transfer of substantial risk and rewards linked with ownership)
Definition of Some Terms;
Finance Lease; main ingredient are
Inception of Lease; is from the earlier of
Lease Term; Non cancellable period for which;
Minimum Lease Payments; The payments which have to be made by lessee over term of lease as agreed in the Lease Agreement and added any residue value as guaranteed or agreed by the lessee at the inception of the lease.
Minimum Lease Premium= Lease Payment over lease terms + Residual Value guaranteed by or on behalf of lessee.
Gross Investment Value; Aggregate of MLPs under a Finance Lease from lessor’s perspective (+) Unguaranteed Residual Value accruing to the lessor.
Gross Investment Value= Minimum Lease Premium under a Finance Lease + Unguaranteed residual value.
Net Investment = Gross Investment Value- Unearned finance Income.
Unearned Finance Income; it is difference between
1. Gross Investment in the lease; and
2. The present value of
(i) The MLP under a fiancé lease from the standpoint of the lessor; and
(ii) Any unguaranteed residual value accruing to the lessor, at the interest rate implicit in the lease.
Implicit Interest Rate; it is that discount rate which at the inception of the lease makes the aggregate present value of the following just equal to the fair value of the leased asset;-
Incremental Borrowing rate of interest; it the rate of interest that the lessee would have to pay on a similar lease. It the rate, which a lessee has to pay if it borrowed from market other than assets leased by it.
Contingent Rent; it is generally not fixed but based on a factor other than just passage of time. Such as sales, amount of uses, price indices or market rate of interest.
Non-Cancellable Lease; it is cancellable only;
Implicit Interest Rate: discount rate that makes present value of Gross Investment just equal to fair value (arms’ length price) of leased asset.
Lease Incremental Borrowing rate of interest; Rate of interest that the lessee would have to pay on a similar lease.
Fair Value; Amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability settled at arms’ length.
Residual Value; Estimated Fair Value of the asset at the end of lease term. It may be
Economic Life;
Useful Life;
Accounting Treatment of Finance Lease;
In The Books of Lessor;
In The Books of Lessee;
Accounting Treatment of Operating Lease;
In The Books of Lessor;
In The Books of Lessee;
Disclosures of Finance Lease in Financial Statements;
Disclosures of Operating Lease in Financial Statements;
Sale & Lease Back Transaction;
Finance Lease; defer any excess or deficiency of sale proceeds over carrying amount and amortize it over lease term in proportion of depreciation on leased asset.
Operating Lease; Let’s consider Sale Price of leased asset is A and Fair Value is B;
2 videos|51 docs|19 tests
1. What are the components of financial statements related to leases? | ![]() |
2. How are leases analyzed in financial analysis and reporting? | ![]() |
3. What are the reporting requirements for leases under the B Com exam? | ![]() |
4. How do leases impact a company's financial position and performance? | ![]() |
5. What are the key considerations in financial analysis and reporting of leases? | ![]() |