Page 25:
Sr. No. | Word | Meaning in English | Meaning in Hindi |
1. | Tsunami | large, powerful sea wave caused by earthquakes under the sea | एक विशाल शक्तिशाली समुंद्री तूफानी लहर जो समुंद्री तल में भूकंप आने से उठती है |
2. | Hit | struck | टकराइ |
3. | Survival | life saving | जीवन रक्षा |
4. | Sense | know beforehand | भनक मिल जाना |
5. | Archipelago | a group of islands | द्वीप समूह |
6. | Set off | moved from its place | चले जाना |
7. | Put down | placed | रखना |
8. | Tremors | jerks | झटके |
9. | Chaos | disorder | अस्त-व्यस्त |
10. | Swept away | gone with the water, washed away | बह गई |
Page 26:
Sr. No. | Word | Meaning in English | Meaning in Hindi |
1. | Rescue | protect or save | बचाना |
2. | Floating | drifting | बहते हुए |
3. | Holding on | clinging on | पकडते हुए |
4. | Relief | help | मदद |
5. | Overhead | in the sky above | उपर |
6. | Recede | withdraw, flow back | पीछे हटना |
7. | Grand | huge, powerful | विशाल |
8. | Clinging | holding tightly | चिपके हुए |
9. | Uprooted | pulled out | जगह से उखाड दिया |
10. | Fainted | became unconscious | बेहोश हो गई |
Page 27:
Sr. No. | Word | Meaning in English | Meaning in Hindi |
1. | Traumatised | shocked and distressed | सदमे में |
2. | Beach | sea coast | समुदी्र तट |
3. | Interviewed | answer the questions | साक्षात्कार किया जाना |
4. | Resort | a small hotel | एक छोटा होटल |
5. | Triggered | started | शुरू होता हुआ |
6. | Massive | powerful | शक्तिशाली |
7. | Swelling | rising up | उठता हुआ |
Page 28:
Sr. No. | Word | Meaning in English | Meaning in Hindi |
1. | Foam | Bubbles | झाग उठना |
2. | Bubble | balls of gas or air in liquid formed in the ocean | बुलबुले उठना |
3. | Volcanoes | an outburst of earth | ज्वालामुखी |
4. | Landslides | displacement of mass of land | भूस्खलन |
5. | Scream | shout | चिल्लाना |
6. | Get off | come away | भागना |
7. | Hysterical | agitated | उन्माद में |
8. | Frightened | afraid, terrified | भयभीत |
9. | Entire | whole | सम्पूर्ण |
10. | Refuge | shelter | आश्रय |
11. | Withstood | to be strong enough and not to be damaged by any one | सहन करना |
12. | Surge | the level of water suddenly rises and that too forcibly | उफान |
13. | Forewarned | got advance warning | पूर्व चेतावनी |
14. | Terrifying | frightening | डरावनी |
Page 29:
Sr. No. | Word | Meaning in English | Meaning in Hindi |
1. | Giant | big and powerful | विशाल, शक्तिशाली |
2. | Slammed | hit, entered forcibly | प्रवेश करना |
3. | Domestic | pet | घरेलू |
4. | Fled | ran off | भाग गया |
5. | Eye witness | a person who saw something happen | आँखों देखी |
6. | Accounts | details | विवरण |
7. | Abandoned | left | छोड़ा हुआ |
8. | Breeding areas | nesting place | रहने की जगह |
9. | Enticed | persuaded | फुसलाया जाना |
10. | Possess | have, are gifted with | रखना |
11. | Shake | to move backwards and forwards | हिलना |
12. | Acute | strong | मजबूत |
13. | Vibration | trembling | कंपन |
14. | Disaster | calamity | विपदा |
15. | Perished | destroyed | बरबाद हो गया |
16. | Variety | many kinds | अनेक प्रकार का |
Page 30:
Sr. No. | Word | Meaning in English | Meaning in Hindi |
1. | Carcasses | dead bodies | विशाल, शक्तिशाली |
2. | Usually | in a normal way | कंकाल, मृत शरीर |
3. | Probably | perhaps | शायद |
36 videos|329 docs|56 tests
1. What causes a tsunami and how does it form? | ![]() |
2. What are the warning signs of an impending tsunami? | ![]() |
3. How can communities prepare for a tsunami? | ![]() |
4. What safety measures should individuals take during a tsunami? | ![]() |
5. How does a tsunami differ from regular ocean waves? | ![]() |