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Vocabulary Based on Chapter - The Tsunami | English Class 8 PDF Download

Page 25:

Sr. No.WordMeaning in EnglishMeaning in Hindi
1.Tsunamilarge, powerful sea wave caused by earthquakes under the seaएक विशाल शक्तिशाली समुंद्री तूफानी लहर जो समुंद्री तल में भूकंप आने से उठती है 
3.Survivallife saving जीवन रक्षा
4.Senseknow beforehandभनक मिल जाना 
5.Archipelagoa group of islandsद्वीप समूह   
6.Set offmoved from its placeचले जाना
7.Put downplacedरखना
8.Tremorsjerks झटके
10.Swept awaygone with the water, washed awayबह गई


Page 26:

Sr. No.WordMeaning in EnglishMeaning in Hindi
1.Rescueprotect or saveबचाना
2.Floatingdrifting बहते हुए  
3.Holding onclinging onपकडते हुए 
5.Overheadin the sky above उपर  
6.Recedewithdraw, flow back पीछे हटना
7.Grandhuge, powerfulविशाल 
8.Clingingholding tightlyचिपके हुए
9.Uprootedpulled outजगह से उखाड दिया 
10.Faintedbecame unconsciousबेहोश हो गई


Page 27:

Sr. No.WordMeaning in EnglishMeaning in Hindi
1.Traumatisedshocked and distressedसदमे में
2.Beachsea coastसमुदी्र तट
3.Interviewedanswer the questionsसाक्षात्कार किया जाना 
4.Resorta small hotel एक छोटा होटल
5.Triggeredstartedशुरू होता हुआ 
7.Swellingrising up उठता हुआ


Page 28:

Sr. No.WordMeaning in EnglishMeaning in Hindi
1.FoamBubblesझाग उठना  
2.Bubbleballs of gas or air in liquid formed in the ocean बुलबुले उठना  
3.Volcanoesan outburst of earthज्वालामुखी 
4.Landslidesdisplacement of mass of land भूस्खलन  
6.Get offcome away भागना
7.Hystericalagitatedउन्माद में   
8.Frightenedafraid, terrifiedभयभीत 
9.Entirewhole सम्पूर्ण
10.Refuge shelterआश्रय
11.Withstoodto be strong enough and not to be damaged by any oneसहन करना 
12.Surgethe level of water suddenly rises and that too forciblyउफान 
13.Forewarnedgot advance warningपूर्व चेतावनी  
14.Terrifyingfrightening डरावनी


Page 29:

Sr. No.WordMeaning in EnglishMeaning in Hindi
1.Giantbig and powerful विशाल, शक्तिशाली  
2.Slammedhit, entered forciblyप्रवेश करना 
4.Fledran off भाग गया 
5.Eye witnessa person who saw something happenआँखों देखी   
6.Accountsdetails विवरण
7.Abandonedleftछोड़ा हुआ 
8.Breeding areasnesting placeरहने की जगह  
9.Enticedpersuadedफुसलाया जाना 
10.Possesshave, are gifted with रखना   
11.Shaketo move backwards and forwardsहिलना  
12.Acute strongमजबूत 
14.Disastercalamity विपदा  
15.Perisheddestroyedबरबाद हो गया  
16.Varietymany kindsअनेक प्रकार का


Page 30:

Sr. No.WordMeaning in EnglishMeaning in Hindi
1.Carcassesdead bodies विशाल, शक्तिशाली  
2.Usuallyin a normal wayकंकाल, मृत शरीर  



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FAQs on Vocabulary Based on Chapter - The Tsunami - English Class 8

1. What causes a tsunami and how does it form?
Ans. A tsunami is typically caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. When these events occur, they displace a large volume of water, creating waves that can travel across oceans at high speeds. As the waves approach shallow coastal areas, they slow down and increase in height, leading to the destructive waves known as tsunamis.
2. What are the warning signs of an impending tsunami?
Ans. Some warning signs of an impending tsunami include a noticeable and rapid rise or fall in sea level, a loud roar from the ocean, or a strong earthquake. If these signs are observed, it is crucial to move to higher ground immediately, as a tsunami can arrive within minutes.
3. How can communities prepare for a tsunami?
Ans. Communities can prepare for a tsunami by developing an emergency response plan that includes evacuation routes, conducting regular drills, and educating residents about tsunami risks and warning signs. Additionally, constructing buildings that can withstand tsunami waves and maintaining clear access to evacuation routes are essential preparations.
4. What safety measures should individuals take during a tsunami?
Ans. Individuals should follow these safety measures during a tsunami: immediately move to higher ground away from the coast, stay informed through emergency broadcasts, avoid the beach, and do not return to low-lying areas until authorities declare it safe. It is also important to have an emergency kit ready in case of evacuation.
5. How does a tsunami differ from regular ocean waves?
Ans. A tsunami differs from regular ocean waves in several ways: it is caused by seismic activity rather than wind, travels at much higher speeds, and has a longer wavelength. While regular waves are typically limited to a few meters in height, tsunamis can reach heights of over 30 meters when they hit the shore, making them much more destructive.
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