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Practice Reading Poetry (Part - 1) | English Class 8 PDF Download

Read the following poems carefully:

My mother keeps telling me
When she was in her teens
She wore quite different clothes from mine
And hadn’t heard of jeans.
T-shirts, no hats, and dresses that
Reach far above our knees,
I  laughed at first and then I thought
One day my kids will tease
And scoff at what I’m wearing now
What will their fashion be?
I’d give an awful lot to know
To look ahead and see
Girls dressed like girls perhaps once more
Add boys no longer half
Resembling us. Oh, what’s in store
To make our children laugh?

By Elizabeth Jennings


Sr. No.WordMeaning In EnglsihMeaning In Hindi
1.Teensperson of 13 to 19 years old13 से 19 वर्ष के  लोग, किशोरावस्था      
2.Teasetaunt, ridicule,छेड़ना, चिढ़ाना
3.Scoffmock, derideहँसी उड़ाना
4.Awfulvery bad, unpleasantअत्यध्कि अरुचिकर  
5.Resemblinglook like somebody else,दूसरे जैसा दिखना


On the basis of your reading of the poem, choose the correct option: 

The poetess mother often (a) _____________. (told, tells, says) when she was a (b) _____________ (girl, woman, teenager). Her way of clothing was (c) _____________ (unique, different, simple) She had (d) _____________ heard of jeans (always, very, never). In their times their dresses never (e) _____________ above their knees (reached, went, hung). The child laughed and (f) _____________ (felt, thought, said) The poetess felt that one day the children would tease her for her way of (g) ____________ (clothing, behaving, dressing). The poetess wonders how the new generation would be (h) ___________ (dressed, clothed, presenting) in times to come.


(a) tells (b) teenager
(c) different (d) never
(e) reached (f ) thought
(g) dressing (h) dressed


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FAQs on Practice Reading Poetry (Part - 1) - English Class 8

1. What is the importance of practicing reading poetry in Class 8?
Ans. Practicing reading poetry in Class 8 is important as it helps students improve their language skills, enhances their vocabulary, and develops their ability to understand and appreciate different forms of literature. It also allows students to explore emotions, creativity, and imagination through the interpretation of poems.
2. How can reading poetry benefit students in their exams?
Ans. Reading poetry can benefit students in their exams by improving their reading comprehension skills. It helps them to analyze and interpret the meaning of the poems, which is a crucial skill in many literature-based exams. Additionally, it enhances their ability to critically think, make connections, and express their thoughts effectively through writing.
3. What strategies can students use to effectively read and understand poetry?
Ans. To effectively read and understand poetry, students can use various strategies such as reading the poem multiple times, identifying key themes and symbols, analyzing the structure and form of the poem, and discussing it with peers or teachers. They can also make use of annotation techniques, like highlighting important lines or writing notes in the margins, to aid comprehension.
4. How can students develop an appreciation for poetry through practice?
Ans. Students can develop an appreciation for poetry through practice by exploring a variety of poems from different poets and time periods. They can engage in discussions or participate in poetry recitation competitions to share their interpretations and feelings about the poems. Additionally, studying the historical and cultural context of the poems can deepen their understanding and appreciation.
5. Can practicing reading poetry improve students' overall language skills?
Ans. Yes, practicing reading poetry can improve students' overall language skills. It exposes them to different literary devices, metaphors, and figurative language, which expands their vocabulary and helps them become more proficient in language usage. Additionally, it enhances their ability to analyze and interpret texts, which is beneficial for various written and oral language tasks in exams.
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