Euler's Method :
Though in principle it is possible to use Taylor's method of any order for the given initial value problem to get good approximations, it has few draw backs like
To overcome these difficulties, Euler developed a scheme by approximating y' in the givenivp. The scheme is as follows:
The derivative term in the first order ivp
y' = f(x, y) , y(x0) = y0
is approximated by making use of Taylor series approximation of the dependent variable y(x) at the point xi+1. That is
y(xi+1) = y(xi+ Δx) = y(xi) + Δxy'(xi) + (Δx2 / 2)y''(xi) + . . .
= y(xi) + Δxf(xi, yi) + (Δx2 / 2)y''(xi) + . . .
(... y'(xi) = f(xi, yi))
if the infinite series is truncated from the term Δx2 onwards, then
y(xi+1) = y(xi) + Δx y'(xi) (or)
yi+1 = yi + Δx fi for all i
That is,
for i = 0, y1 = y0 + Δx f0
i = 1, y2 = y1 + Δx f1
i = n-1, yn = yn-1 + Δx fn-1
Since y0 and hence f0 are known (from initial condition) in the equation corresponding to i = 0, all the terms on the r.h.s are known. So y1 that is, y at x1 is calculated easily from this equation. Similarly once y1 is known, r.h.s of the equation corresponding to i = 1 is also known so y2 can be computed. As we proceed in the same way until i = n-1, yn can be obtained. This is an explicit method because in any equation there is only one unknown which can be separated to the left side of the equation.
Local truncation error :
The error in the approximation, that is the difference between the exact solution at xi+1 and the numerical solution yi+1 is called the local truncation error (assumed that yi+1 is calculated with exact arithmetic with out any round off error).
Ti+1 = y(xi+1) - yi+1
= y(xi+1) - yi - Δxfi
= h2/2 y'(ξ) (by Taylor series & remainder theorem)
where xi < ξ < xi+1. Hence the order of the local truncation error for Euler scheme is
O(Δx2) as Δx → 0
Geometrical Interpretation :
Geometrically Euler's formula is nothing but approximating the slope of the solution curve with the function value f(xi,yi) at the starting point of the each subinterval (xi, xi+1) for all i.
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