Question 1 : You are 3 cm inside the chandilier of a 5 storey mall. There are people shopping, a car dance show, and the other crowds moving up & down towards the colourful displays. Imagine this view and sketch it. (50)
Question 2 : Design a logo for a 5-star hotel circles, rectangles, squares. (25)
Question 3 : Make an interesting 3D Composition using the parts of a bicycle so that it expresses some other meaningful theme of your choice (25)
Question 4 : You are visiting your grandparent's town and you visit a river bank with ur friends, you see women washing clothes and some are carrying pots,and there is a temple at a distance. Draw this scene from your imagination. (50)
Question 5 : Re-design a logo for your IPL cricket team. (25)
Question 6 : You have 4 pencils, 4 sharpners, 5 erasers, a pencil holder and some wires. Make a 3D composition of an object made of these which can be used to enhance the beauty of children's room ceiling. (25)
Question 7 : You are a very naughty boy of 5 yrs of age and your mom kept you on the top of the Almirah. Draw the view of the room you see. (50)
Question 8 : Using 5 peepal leaves draw any composition using light colour combination (25)
Question 9 : You have 3 cubes and 2 cuboids. Draw a still composition with light and shadow. (25)
Question 10 : Draw a view from key hole of your door. (50)
Question 11 : Create a logo for a beach side Snackbar. (25)
Question 12 : A clay vase, a glass vase & a steel vase kept on a table. Sketch them with the appropriate shade & shadow effects considering the light on the right top. (25)
Question 13 : Imagine that your size has been reduced significantly and you are standing in a pencil box that has three pencils, one sharpener, one compass, one small piece of paper, one eraser and one fountain pen. Draw what you would see standing inside the pencil box with the lid of the box open. (50)
Question 14 : Draw a visually appealing composition using the five given shapes and colour it using four colours. You can use any shape more than once. However each shape has to be used at least once. (25)
Question 15 : Make an interesting three dimensional stable composition using three bottles, two balls and one lampshade in the space provided. Also show the effect of light and shadow on the composition. (25)
Question 16 : You are a baby and your mom is giving you a toy (your in the cradle). Draw what you see. (50)
Question 17 :Using triangles, rectangles, circles, semi-circles, squares, represent a tree! (use 3 colors only) (25)
Question 18 : Draw a stable composition using a cricket bat, 3 cricket balls, a cricket cap and stumps.Show the light and shading effect. (25)
Question 19 : Imagine you are sitting in the rear inside an auditorium and attending a dance program. Sketch a view from your position (50)
Question 20 : Design a snack bar Logo using 2 colors and any three shapes. (25)
Question 21 : Use 4 cylinders, 3 pyramids and 2 cubes to design a stable 3D form. Assume light falling from any particular direction and show shade, shadow and light on the objects. (25)
Question 22 : You are standing in the lobby of a secondary school which is located at the first floor. You are looking at the courtyard which is surrounded by class rooms and play area. Draw what you would see. (50)
Question 23 : Design a mural to be put on the wall of a secondary school using 4 hexagons, 3 squares, 2 circles and colour it using any 3 colors (25)
Question 24 : I have a small shelf in my bathroom (3" x 6"). I have to keep 3 toothbrushes in a holder, a shampoo bottle, shaving cream, soap dispenser. Arrange them in an interesting manner and sketch it. (25)
Question 25 : Imagine you are standing in front of a rose plant and a coconut tree. Such that the size of the coconut tree is reduced to the size of the rose plant and vice-versa. Sketch this scene. (50)
Question 26 : Design of a saree using triangles and circles, use only 3 colors (25)
Question 27 : Use 3 candles one square box and 3 prisms to create an interesting 3 dimensional composition. (25)
2 videos|10 docs|17 tests
1. What is NATA and how does it relate to the JEE exam? | ![]() |
2. How can I prepare for the NATA exam? | ![]() |
3. Can I use a calculator during the NATA exam? | ![]() |
4. Is it mandatory to appear for both NATA and the JEE Main paper 2 for architecture admissions? | ![]() |
5. Can I apply for NATA if I have a science background? | ![]() |