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Theory & Procedure, Study of Plant Population Density by Quadrat Method | Additional Study Material for NEET PDF Download


Our aim is to study plant population density by the quadrat method.


A population is a group of individuals of the same species which inhabit a particular space at a particular time. The number of individuals in a population never remains constant. It may increase or decrease due to many factors like birth rate, death rate and migration. The number of individuals of the species in any unit area at a given time is its population density. The unit area may be as small as 5 square centimeters to as large as 10 square metres, depending on the size and nature of the plant community under study.

Let’s understand the Quadrat Method.

Counting all individuals in a population is the most accurate way to determine its size. However, this approach is not usually feasible, especially for large populations or extensive habitats. Scientists usually calculate plant populations with the quadrat method. A quadrat is a square that encloses an area within a habitat.  For herbaceous vegetation, a metre square quadrat is normally used.

Theory & Procedure, Study of Plant Population Density by Quadrat Method | Additional Study Material for NEET

Once analyzed, the sample data enables the scientist to calculate the population size and population density for the entire population. Population density is calculated by counting all the individuals present at a given time in a given space, divided by the number of units of area or space.

Population density is calculated as follows:

Density   = (Total no.of individuals of the species in all the sampling unit (S))/(Total number of sampling units studied (Q))

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Learning Outcomes:

  • Students understand the term quadrat method.
  • Students understand how to calculate plant population density.
  • Students do the experiment better in the real lab having gone through the animation and simulation.

Materials Requires:

Theory & Procedure, Study of Plant Population Density by Quadrat Method | Additional Study Material for NEET

Real Lab Procedure

  • In the selected site of study, hammer the nails firmly without damaging the vegetation.
  • Fix four nails to make a square.
  • Tie each end of the nails using a thread, to make a 1 m X 1 m quadrat.
  • Similarly make nine more quadrats randomly in the site of study.     
  • Count the number of individuals of a species “A” present in the first quadrat.
  • Record the data in the table.
  • Similarly count the number of individuals of the species “A” in other quadrats respectively and record the data in the table.
  • Count the number of individuals of a species “B” present in the all quadrat.
  • Record the data in the table.
  • Repeat the same procedure for species C and record the data in the table.
  • We can calculate the density of plant population by this equation:
  • Density =Total number of individuals of the species in all the sampling  unit (S) / Total number of sampling units studied (Q)


Plant Species
Number of individuals in Each quadrats
Total Number of Individuals (S)
Total Number of Quadrats Studied (Q)
Density D=(S/Q)


The density value thus obtained is then expressed as number of individuals per unit area.

Simulator Procedure (as performed through the Online Labs)

  • You can select the environment for study from the ‘Select the environment’ drop down list.
  • Click on the popup corresponding to each quadrat to enlarge the view.
  • Count the number of individuals of a species present in each quadrat and enter in the worksheet.
  • Click on the back button to show normal view of the quadrat.
  • Based on the values entered, the worksheet gives the plant population density for each species.
  • You can redo the experiment by clicking on the ‘Reset’ button.
The document Theory & Procedure, Study of Plant Population Density by Quadrat Method | Additional Study Material for NEET is a part of the NEET Course Additional Study Material for NEET.
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FAQs on Theory & Procedure, Study of Plant Population Density by Quadrat Method - Additional Study Material for NEET

1. What is the Quadrat method in the study of plant population density?
Ans. The Quadrat method is a commonly used method to study the population density of plants in a particular area. It involves taking a square frame of a predetermined size and placing it randomly in the study area. The number of plants within the frame is then counted, and this count is used to estimate the population density of the area.
2. What are the advantages of using the Quadrat method to study plant population density?
Ans. The Quadrat method is advantageous because it is a simple and efficient way to estimate plant population density, especially for large areas. It is also a non-destructive method that does not require the removal of plants from their natural environment. Additionally, it is easy to replicate, making it ideal for long-term studies.
3. How can the Quadrat method be used to study changes in plant population over time?
Ans. The Quadrat method can be used to study changes in plant population over time by repeating the sampling process at regular intervals and comparing the results. This allows researchers to track changes in plant population density over time, which can provide valuable insights into factors affecting plant growth and survival.
4. What are the limitations of the Quadrat method in the study of plant population density?
Ans. The Quadrat method has several limitations that must be considered when using it to study plant population density. One major limitation is that it can only provide estimates of population density, not actual counts. Additionally, the method may not be suitable for areas with highly heterogeneous plant populations or for species with low densities.
5. How can the results of the Quadrat method be used to inform conservation efforts?
Ans. The results of the Quadrat method can be used to inform conservation efforts in several ways. For example, the method can be used to identify areas with high plant diversity or areas where rare or endangered species are found. This information can then be used to guide conservation efforts, such as habitat restoration or protected area designation. Additionally, the method can be used to monitor the success of conservation efforts over time.
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