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JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced PDF Download

Q.1. Solve for x : JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced          (1978)


Sol.  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced x = 3/2


Q.2. If (m , n) = JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced (1978)
 where m and n are positive integers (n ≤ m), show that (m, n + 1) = (m – 1, n + 1) + xm – n – 1 (m – 1, n).


Sol. RHS = (m – 1, n + 1) + xm – n –1 ( m - 1,n)

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

=  (m, n +1) = L.H.S. Hence Proved


Q.3. Solve for x :JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced (1978)


Sol. JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Squaring both sides, we get

x +1 = 1+ x -1+ JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ 1 = 4 (x – 1)

⇒ x  = 5/4


Q.4. Solve the following equation for x : (1978)

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced


Sol.  Given a > 0, so we have to consider two cases :

a ≠ 1and a = 1.  Also it is clear that x > 0 and  x ≠ 1, ax ≠ 1, a2x ≠ 1.

Case I : If a > 0, ≠ 1

then given equation can be simplified as

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Putting loga x = y, we get

2 (1 +  y) (2 + y) + y (2 + y) + 3y (1 + y) = 0

⇒ 6y2 +11y + 4 = 0 ⇒y = -4/3 and-1/2

⇒ loga x =-4 / 3 and logax =-1/2

⇒ x = a -4/3 and x=a-1/2

Case II : If a = 1 then equation becomes

2 logx1 + logx1 + 3 logx1 = 6 logx1 = 0

which is true ∀ x > 0,≠1

Hence solution is  if  a = 1, x > 0, ≠ 1

if a > 0, ≠ 1 ; x= a-1/2,a-4/3

Q.5. Show that the square of JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced  is a rational number.                      (1978)

Ans. Sol.  

Let JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advancedwhich is a rational number..


Q.6. Sketch the solution set of the followin g system of inequalities: x2 + y2 – 2x ≥ 0; 3x – y – 12 ≤ 0; y – x ≤ 0; y ≥ 0. (1978)


Sol. JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ (x – 1)2 + y2 ≥ 1 which represents the boundary and exterior region of the circle with centre at (1,0) and radius as 1.
For 3x – y ≤ 12, the corresponding equation is 3x – y = 12; any two points on it can be taken as (4, 0), (2, – 6). Also putting (0, 0) in given  inequation, we get 0 ≤ 12 which is true.

∴  given inequation represents that half plane region of line 3x – y = 12 which contains origin.
For y ≤ x, the corresponding equation y = x has any two points on it as (0, 0) and (1, 1). Also putting (2, 1) in the given i nequation, we get 1 ≤ 2 wh ich is true, so y ≤ x represents that half plane which contains the points (2, 1). y ≥ 0 represents upper half  cartesian plane.
Combining all we find the solution set as the shaded region in the graph.

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced


Q.7. Find all integers x for which (1978)
 (5x – 1) < (x + 1)2 < (7x – 3).


Sol. There are two parts of this question (5x – 1) < (x + 1)2  and  (x + 1)<  (7x – 3)

Taking first part (5x -1) < (x +1)2 ⇒ 5x -1 < x2 + 2x+1

⇒ x2 - 3x + 2 > 0 ⇒ (x-1)(x - 2)>0

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced       (using wavy method)

⇒ x < 1  or x > 2 ....(1)

Taking second part

(x +1)2 < (7x -3) ⇒ x2 - 5x +4< 0

⇒ ( x - 1)(x - 4)<0

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced         (using wavy method)

⇒ 1 <  x  < 4 ....(2)

Combining (1) and (2) [taking common solution], we get 2 < x < 4 but x is an integer therefore x = 3.


Q.8. If α, β are the roots of x+ px + q = 0 and γ, δ are the roots of x2 + rx + s = 0, evaluate (α - γ) (α - δ) (β - γ) (β - δ) in terms of p, q, r and s.
 Deduce the condition that the equations have a common root.


 Sol. ∵ α, β are the roots of x2 + px + q = 0
∴  α + β = – p,     αβ = q
∵  γ,δ are  the roots of x+ rx + s = 0
∴ γ + δ=-r, γδ=s

Now, (α - γ)(α -δ)(β- γ)(β-δ

= [α2 - (γ + δ)α + γδ][β2 - (γ + δ)β + γδ]

= [α2 + rα+ s][β2 + rβ+s]

[∵ α , β are roots of x2 + px + q = 0

∴ α2 + pα + q = 0 and β2 + pβ +q= 0]

= [(r - p)α + (s- q)][(r - p)β + ( s-q)]

= (r - p)2 αβ + (r- p)( s -q)(α + β) + ( s-q)2

= q(r - p)2 - p(r - p)(s -q) + (s-q)2

Now if the equations x2  +  px + q = 0 and x2 + rx + s = 0 have a common root say α, then α2 + pα + q = 0 and α2 + rα + s = 0

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ (q – s )2 = (r – p )(ps – qr) which is the required condition.


Q.9. Given n4 < 10n for a fixed positive integer n ≥ 2,  prove that (n + 1)4 < 10n + 1. (1980)


Sol. Given that n4 < 10n for a fixed  + ve integer n ≥ 2.

To prove that (n + 1)4 < 10n + 1

Proof : Since  n4 < 10n ⇒ 10n4 < 10n +1 ....(1)

So it is sufficient to prove that (n + 1)4 < 10n4

Now JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ (n + 1)4 < 10n4 .... (2)

From  (1) and (2), (n +1)< 10n + 1


Q.10. Let  y = JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced         (1980)
 Find  all the real values of x for which y takes real values.

Ans. Sol. 

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

y will take all real values if   JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

By wavy method

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

[2 is not included as it makes denominator zero, and hence y an undefined number.]


Q.11. For what values of m, does the system of equations
 3x + my = m
 2x – 5y = 20
 has solution satisfying the conditions x > 0, y > 0. (1980)

Ans. Sol.  The given equations are 3x + my – m = 0 and 2x – 5y – 20 = 0 Solving these equations by cross product method, we get

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced NOTE THIS STEP

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

For JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced  ....(1)

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced                   

For  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced....(2)

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Combining (1) and (2), we get the common values of m as follows :

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced


Q.12. Find the solution set of the system (1980)
 x + 2y + z = 1;
 2x – 3y – w = 2;

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Ans. Sol. The given system is
x + 2y + z = 1 ....(1)
2x - 3y - ω =2 ....(2)
where  x, y, z, ω ≥ 0
Multiplying eqn. (1) by 2 and subtracting from (2), we get

7y + 2z + ω = 0 ⇒ ω = - (7 y+ 2z)

Now if y, z > 0, ω < 0 (not possible)

If  y = 0, z = 0 then x = 1 and ω = 0 .

∴ The only solution is x = 1, y = 0, z = 0, ω = 0 .


Q.13. Show that the equation esin x –e – sinx – 4 =0 has no real solution. (1982 - 2 Marks)


Sol.  esin x - e- sinx - 4=0

Let esin x = y then e - sinx = 1/y

∴ Equation becomes,JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ y2 – 4y – 1 = 0  ⇒JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

But y is real +ve number,

∴   JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ esin x = 2+ JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced  ⇒ sin x = loge (2+JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced)

ButJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedHence, sin x > 1
Which is not possible.

∴ Given equation has no real solution.


Q.14. mn squares of euqal size are arranged to from a rectangle of dimension m by n,  where m and n are natural numbers.Two squares will be called ‘neighbours’ if they have exactly one common side. A natural number is written in each square such that the number written in any square is the arithmetic mean of the numbers written in its neighbouring squares.
 Show that this is  possible only if all the numbers used are equal. (1982 - 5 Marks)

Ans. Sol. For any square there can be at most 4, neighbouring squares.

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Let for a square having largest number d, p, q, r, s be written then

According to the question, p + q + r + s = 4d

⇒ (d – p) + (d – q) + (d – r) + (d – s) = 0

Sum of four +ve numbers can be zero only if these are zero individually

∴ d – p = 0 = d – q = d – r = d – s

⇒ p = q = r = s = d

⇒ all the numbers written are same.
Hence Proved.


Q.15. If one root of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is equal to the n-th power of the other, then show that

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced (1983 - 2 Marks)

Ans. Sol. 

Let α, β be the roots of eq. ax2 + bx + c = 0

According to the question, β = an

Also α + β = – b/a  ; αβ = c/a

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

then α + β = – b/a ⇒ JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

or JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Hence Proved.


Q.16. Find all real values of x which satisfy x2 - 3x + 2 > 0 and x2 - 2 x - 4 ≤ 0 (1983 - 2 Marks)

Ans. Sol.  x2 -3x+ 2 >0, x2 -3x- 4 ≤ 0

⇒ (x – 1) (x – 2)  > 0 and (x – 4) (x + 1) < 0

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced  andx ∈ [-1, 4]

∴ Common solution is JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced


Q.17. Solve for x;   JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced = 10  (1985 - 5 Marks)

Ans. Sol. The given equation is

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced....(1)

Let      JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced....(2)

then  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced(Using (2))

∴ The given equation (1) becomes  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced = 10

⇒ y2 - 10y + 1=0 ⇒ JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ y = 5 + JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Consider, y = 5+  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ x2 – 3 = 1 ⇒ x2 = 4  ⇒ x = ± 2

Again consider

y = 5 - JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced⇒ x2 – 3 = – 1

⇒ x2 = 2  ⇒ x  = ±JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Hence the solutions are 2, – 2, JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced, -JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced


Q.18. For a ≤ 0, determine all r eal roots of the equation x2 - 2a | x - a | - 3a= 0 (1986 - 5 Marks)


Sol. The given equation is, x2 – 2a | x – a | – 3a= 0

Here two cases are possible.
Case I : x – a > 0 then | x – a | = x – a

∴ Eq. becomes x2 – 2a (x – a) – 3a= 0

or x2 – 2ax – a2 = 0 ⇒  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ x = a±aJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Case II : x – a < 0 then | x – a | = – (x – a)
∴ Eq. becomes
x2 + 2a (x – a) – 3a2 = 0

or x2 + 2ax – 5a2 = 0  ⇒  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

  ⇒JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced  ⇒JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Thus the solution set is JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced


Q.19. Find the set of all x for which JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced (1987 - 3 Marks)

Ans. Sol. We are given  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒   JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ (3x + 2) (x + 1) (x + 2) (2x + 1) < 0 ....(1)

: Critical pts are x = – 2/3,  –1, – 2, – 1/2
On number line

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Clearly Inequality (1) holds for,

x ∈(– 2, – 1) ∪ (– 2/3, – 1/2)
[asx ≠ -2, -1, -2 / 3,-1 / 2]


Q.20. Solve | x2 + 4 x + 3 | +2x + 5=0 (1988 - 5 Marks)

Ans. Sol.  The Given equation is, | x2 + 4x + 3  | + 2x + 5 = 0 Now there can be two cases.

Case I : x+ 4x + 3≥0 ⇒ (x +1)(x + 3)≥0 ⇒ x ∈ (-∞, - 3] ∪ [-1,∞) ....(i)

Then given equation becomes,

⇒ x2 + 6x + 8=0

⇒ ( x + 4)(x + 2)= 0 ⇒ x  = – 4, – 2

But x = – 2 does not satisfy (i), hence rejected

∴ x = – 4 is the sol.

Case II :   x2 + 4x + 3 < 0

⇒ (x + 1) (x + 3) < 0

⇒ x ∈ (– 3, – 1) ....(ii)

Then given equation becomes, – (x2 + 4x + 3) + 2x + 5 = 0

⇒ – x– 2x + 2 = 0 ⇒ x2 + 2x – 2 = 0

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced ⇒  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Out of which    x = – 1 – JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced  is sol.
Combining the two cases we get the solutions of given equation as      x = – 4, – 1–JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced


Q.21. Let a, b, c be real. If ax2 + bx + c = 0 has two real roots α and β, where α < -1 and β > 1 , then show that

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced (1995 -  5 Marks)

Ans. Sol. Given that for a, b, c ∈ R, ax2 + bx + c = 0 has two real roots a and b, where a < – 1 and b > 1. There may be two cases depending upon value of a, as shown below.
In each of cases (i) and (ii) af (–1) < 0 and af (1) < 0

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ a (a – b + c) < 0 and a (a + b + c) < 0 Dividing by a2 (> 0), we get

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced       ....(1)

and  JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced....(2)

Combining (1) and (2) we get

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedHence Proved.


Q.22. Let S be a square of unit area. Consider any quadrilateral which has one vertex on each side of S. If a, b, c, and d denote the lengths of the sides of the quadrilateral, prove that 2 ≤ a2+b2+c2+d2 ≤ 4. (1997 - 5 Marks)


Sol. a2 = p2 + s2, b2 = (1– p)2 + q2
c2 = (1– q)2 + (1 – r)2,  
d2 = r2 + (1– s)
∴ a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 = {p2 + (1– p)2}+{q2 – (1– q)2}
+ { r2 + (1– r)2 } +{s2 + (1– s)2 }

where p, q, r, s all vary in the interval [0, 1].
Now consider the function

y2 = x2 + (1– x)2, 0 ≤ x≤ 1,

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Hence y is minimum at x = JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced and its minimum

value is JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Clearly value is maximum at the end pts which is 1.

∴ Minimum value of a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 =JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced and maximum value is 1 + 1+ 1 + 1= 4. Hence proved.


Q.23. If α, β are the roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0, ( a ≠ 0 ) and α + δ, β + δ are the roots of Ax2 + Bx + C = 0,  ( A ≠ 0) for some constant δ, then prove that JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced (2000 - 4 Marks)

Ans. Sol. We know that, (α-β)2 = [(α+δ) - (β +δ)]2

⇒ (a+β)2 - 4αβ = (α +δ+β+δ)2 -4(α+δ)(β +δ)

⇒ JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & AdvancedJEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

[Here α + β=JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

(α+δ) (β +δ)

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

Hence proved.


Q.24. Let a, b, c be real numbers with a ≠ 0 and let α, β be the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0. Express the roots of a3x2 + abcx + c3 = 0 in terms of α, β. (2001 - 4 Marks)

Ans. Sol. Divide the equation by α3, we get

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced

⇒ x2 – (α + β). (αβ) x + (αβ)3 = 0
⇒ x2 – α2βx – αβ2 x  + (αβ)3 = 0
⇒ x (x – α2β) – αβ2 (x – α2β) = 0
⇒ (x – α2β) (x – αβ2) = 0
⇒ x = α2 β, αβ2
which is the required answer.


Q.25. If x2 + (a – b) x + (1 – a – b) = 0 where a, b ∈ R then find the values of a for which equation has unequal real roots for all values of b. (2003 - 4 Marks)

Ans. Sol. The given equation is, x2 + (a – b) x + (1– a – b) = 0, a, b ∈ R
For this eqn to have unequal real roots ∀ b D > 0
⇒ (a – b)2 – 4 (1– a – b) > 0
⇒ a2 + b– 2ab – 4 + 4a + 4b > 0
⇒ b2  + b (4 – 2a) + a2 + 4a – 4 > 0
Which is a quadratic expression in b, and it will be true ∀ b∈R if discriminant of above eqn less than zero.

i.e., ( 4 –2a)2  – 4 (a+ 4a – 4) < 0
⇒ (2 – a)2 – (a+ 4a – 4) < 0
⇒  4 – 4a + a2 – a2 – 4a + a < 0
⇒  – 8a + 8 <  0
⇒ a > 1


Q.26. If a, b, c are positive real numbers. Then prove that (a + 1)7 (b + 1)7 (c + 1)7>77 a4b4c4 (2004 - 4 Marks)

Ans. Sol. Given that a, b, c are positive real numbers. To prove that (a + 1)7 (b + 1)7 (c + 1)7  > 7 7 a4b4c
Consider L.H.S. = (1+ a)7. (1+ b)7. (1+ c)7                        
=  [(1 + a) (1+ b) (1+ c)]7[1 + a + b + c + ab + bc + ca + abc]
> [a + b + c + ab + bc + ca + abc]7 ....(1)
Now we know that AM ≥ GM using it for +ve no’s a, b, c, ab, bc, ca and abc, we get

JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced
 ⇒ (a + b + c + ab + bc + ca+ abc)7 ≥ 77 (a4b4c4)a
From (1) and (2),
we get [(1 + a) (1 + b) ( 1 + c)]7  > 77a4 b4 c4
Hence Proved.


Q.27. Let a and b be the roots of the equation x2 – 10cx – 11d = 0 and those of x2 – 10ax – 11b = 0 are c, d then the value of a + b + c + d, when a ≠ b ≠ c ≠ d, is. (2006 - 6M)

Ans. Sol. Roots of   x2 – 10cx – 11d = 0 are a and b ⇒ a + b = 10c and ab = – 11d
Similarly c and d are the roots of x2 – 10ax – 11b = 0
⇒ c + d = 10a and cd = – 11b
⇒ a + b + c + d = 10 (a + c) and abcd = 121 bd
⇒ b + d = 9(a + c) and ac = 121
Also we have a2 – 10 ac – 11d = 0 and c2 – 10ac – 11b = 0
⇒ a2 + c2 – 20ac – 11 (b + d) = 0
⇒ (a + c)2 – 22 × 121 – 99 (a + c) = 0
⇒ a + c = 121 or – 22 For a + c = – 22,
we get a = c
∴ rejecting this value we have a + c = 121
∴ a + b + c + d =10 (a + c) = 1210

The document JEE Advanced (Subjective Type Questions): Quadratic Equation & Inequalities (Inequalities) | Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced is a part of the JEE Course Chapter-wise Tests for JEE Main & Advanced.
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