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Class 6 History Chapter 9 Question Answers - New Empires and Kingdoms

Short Answer Type Questions

Q1: Write a short note on Harsha- The ruler of Kanauj.

Harsha, also known as Harshavardhana, ruled Kanauj from 606 to 647 CE. He made Kanuaj a major centre of power in Northern India. Harsha expanded his empire through successful military campaigns. He was known for his administrative skills and efforts to improve the economic condition of his empire. He was a patron of Buddhism and organized large gatherings and debates of Buddhist scholars. Despite his achievements, Harsha faced challenges from other regional powers. His expansion was eventually halted by Pulakeshin II of the Chalukya dynasty.

Q2: Write a short note on Banabhatta.

Banabhatta was a distinguished poet and scholar in the court of King Harshavardhana. Living during the 7th century, he was a prominent Sanskrit writer and served as the court chronicler. His notable works include Harshacharita and Kadambari. In Harshacharita, Banabhatta provides a detailed account of King Harshavardhana's life and achievements.

Class 6 History Chapter 9 Question Answers - New Empires and Kingdoms

Q3: Write short notes on Chandragupta I.

Chandragupta I was born in 305 A.D. He married a Lichchhavi princess named Kumaradevi. Through this matrimonial alliance, he gained enormous power and used it to his great advantage. He launched a series of military expansions, pushing the kingdom's boundaries westward. By 320 A.D., he proclaimed himself Maharaj-adhiraja. Many historians consider 320 A.D. was the beginning of the Gupta dynasty.

Q4: Briefly describe assemblies in the Southern kingdoms.

A number of local assemblies were mentioned in the inscriptions of the Pallavas. Most probably these assemblies were controlled by rich and powerful landowners and merchants.

  • Sabha was an assembly of brahmin land owners. It performed various roles and functioned through subcommittees, which looked after irrigation, agricultural operations, making roads, local temples etc.
  • The ur was a village assembly found in areas where the land owners were not brahmins.
  • The nagaram was an organisation of merchants.

Q5: Mention three authors who wrote about the King and the lives of ordinary people.

Kalidasa, Fa Xian and Banabhatta wrote about the lives of the ordinary people in the kingdom.

  • In his plays, Kalidasa has shown the king and most brahmins speaking Sanskrit, while women and men other than the king andbrahmins use Prakrit. There is a remarkable description of the plight of a poor fisherman in his play Abhijnana Shakuntalam.
  • The Chinese pilgrim Fa Xian has given a detailed account of the plight of the untouchables. They were mistreated by the high and mighty and were expected to live on the outskirts of the city.
  • Banabhatta provides us with a vivid picture of the king’s army on the move.

Q6: What were the changes in the army after the Gupta period?

The protection of an Empire required huge and strong army. Thus, special attention was paid to maintain a huge and efficient army.

  • Infantry, cavalry and elephants were the main divisions of the army.
  • Besides, there were military leaders known as samantas, who provided troops to the king whenever required.
  • Samantas were not paid regular salaries. Instead, some of them received grants of land. They collected revenue from the land and used this to maintain soldiers, horses and provide equipment for warfare.

Q7: Explain the new developments in the field of administration after the Gupta period.

During the Gupta period, there were some new developments in the administrative field. Kings adopted numerous measures to win the support of powerful men such as:

  • Some important administrative posts now became hereditary. For example, the poet Harishena was a maha-danda-nayaka, or chief judicial officer, like his father.
  • At times, one person held many offices. For instance, besides being a maha-danda-nayaka, Harishena was a kumar-amatya, and asandhi- vigrahika.
  • Besides, important men probably had a say in local administration.

Q8: Who was Pulakeshin II? How have we come to know about him?

Pulakeshin was one of the famous Chalukyan rulers. A prashasti, composed by his court poet Ravikirti, is an important source of information regarding his early life and his expeditions. This provides us with the information about his ancestors for four generations.It tells us that Pulakeshin evidently got the kingdom from his uncle. According to Ravikirti, he led expeditions along both the west and east coasts. He also checked the advance of Harsha.

Class 6 History Chapter 9 Question Answers - New Empires and Kingdoms

Q9: Write a short note on the Pallavas and Chalukyas.

The most important ruling dynasties in south India were the Pallavas and Chalukyas. The realm of the Pallavas spread from the region around their capital, Kanchipuram, to the Kaveri delta. The kingdom of the Chalukyas was centred on the Raichur Doab between the rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra. Aihole was the capital of the Chalukyas. It was an important trading centre as well as a religious centre. The Pallavas and Chalukyas frequently attacked each other’s lands, especially the capital cities, which were prosperous towns.

Q10: Mention an important source of information about Samudragupta.

An important source of information about Samudragupta is a long inscription in the form of poem written in Sanskrit by his court poet, Harisena nearly 1700 years ago.

Q11: How did the poet of Prashastis praise Samudragupta?

The poet praised the king as warrior and as a king who won victories in battle. He was learned and the best of poets. He is also described as equal to the gods.

Q12: What was the title adopted by Chandragupta, the father of Samudragupta?

Chandragupta was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty who adopted the grand title of maharaj-adhiraja. Later on this title was also adopted by Samudragupta.

Q13: Who controlled the local assemblies such as Sabha, ur, and nagaram?

These assemblies were controlled by rich and powerful landowners and merchants.

Q14: Write about the kingdom of the Pallavas.

The kingdom of the Pallavas spread from the region around their capital, Kanchipuram, to the Kaveri delta. They were one of the most important ruling dynasties in south India during the 3rd to 5th A.D.

Q15: Write the meaning of these terms: nagara shreshthi, Sarthavaha, Prathama-kulika

Nagara-shreshthi: Chief banker or merchant of the city
Sarthavaha: Leader of the merchant caravans
Prathama-kulika: Chief craftsman and head of the then kayasthas or scribes.

Q16: Who were samantas?

Samantas were military leaders who provided the king with troops whenever he needed them. For their service they were not paid regular salaries. Instead, they received the grants of land from the king. They collected revenue from the land and used it for the maintenance of soldiers and horses and to provide war equipments. Whenever the king was weak they tried to become independent.

Q17: What was the Sabha during the Pallavas rule?

A number of local assemblies have been mentioned in the inscriptions of the Pallavas. The Sabha was one of the local assemblies. It was an assembly of brahmin land owners. This assembly had sub-committees that looked after irrigation, agricultural operations, making roads, and local temples, etc.

Q18: The Prayag Prashasti lists the conquests of Samudragupta. What is the other information that it provides us, about the ruler?

The Prayag Prashasti mainly talks of the military conquests and achievements of Samudragupta. Apart from that it also traces the genealogy of Samudragupta. This is the obvious information that is available to us. These inscriptions also give us information about his state policies which can be interpreted from the accounts of his treatment of the conquered territories. They also provide information about his court and the people who attended it.

Q19: What do you think were the causes of the downfall of the Gupta Empire?

The administration was decentralised and land grants were given to administrative officers in lieu of regular salaries. At times, these officers became powerful and started fighting for their independence. Also during Skandagupta’s reign, the empire was attacked by the Huns, the nomadic tribes from Central Asia. These attacks proved to be the death knell on the Gupta Empire.

Q20: What was the political scenario after the fall of the Gupta Dynasty?

The end of the Gupta Empire saw a period of disorder which prevailed for a while. There were many small kingdoms that became powerful and fought against each other. These were finally conquered by Harshavardhana who established a powerful empire.

Q21: Describe in brief the administrative system prevalent during the Gupta period.

The administration had been decentralised to a large degree. The king reigned at the top of the hierarchy with his council of ministers. The kingdom was divided into provinces. These were called `bhuktis` and were ruled by governors who were assisted by their officers. These provinces were further divided into districts or `vishayas` and were administered by the `ayuktas`. At the bottom of the hierarchy were the villages which were administered by the village elders. At each level, people were powerful enough to take decision so as to ease the administration and function efficiently.

Q22: Harshavardhana wanted to expand his kingdom but could not proceed beyond the Deccan. Why was this so?

The Chalukya king Pulakesin II defeated Harshavardhana in battle on the banks of Narmada thus checking his advancement into the Deccan and then further south.

Q23: How was the money spent which was collected in the form of revenue?

The money collected was spent on facilitating good administration. Grants and donations for religious and educational establishments were made. A portion of the revenue was also spent on maintaining the armies.

Long Answer Type Questions 

Q1: What does the Prashasti of Samudragupta reveal about his achievements and governance?

The Prashasti of Samudragupta, composed by the poet Harishena and inscribed on the Ashokan pillar at Allahabad, is a significant historical source that sheds light on the achievements and governance of Samudragupta, one of the most prominent rulers of the Gupta dynasty. This inscription glorifies Samudragupta as a mighty warrior and a just ruler, emphasizing his military prowess, intellectual capabilities, and divine qualities.

The Prashasti highlights Samudragupta's numerous military victories, describing him as a king who triumphed over many rulers and expanded his empire significantly. He is depicted as a warrior whose body bore the scars of countless battles, showcasing his bravery and dedication to defending and expanding his kingdom. The Prashasti mentions that Samudragupta uprooted nine rulers in the Aryavarta region, integrating their territories directly into his empire. This aggressive expansionist policy demonstrates his determination to consolidate power in northern India.

Class 6 History Chapter 9 Question Answers - New Empires and Kingdoms

In contrast, his approach towards the rulers of Dakshinapatha (the southern regions) was different. After defeating twelve rulers in this region, Samudragupta allowed them to continue ruling their territories, provided they accepted his suzerainty and paid tribute. This diplomatic strategy highlights his ability to adapt his governance style based on the region and the situation, ensuring control over a vast empire while maintaining stability.

The Prashasti also details Samudragupta's relations with neighboring states and distant rulers. It mentions that rulers from the inner circle of neighboring states, such as Assam, coastal Bengal, and Nepal, brought tribute, followed his orders, and attended his court, acknowledging his supremacy. Additionally, rulers from more distant regions, including the descendants of the Kushanas and Shakas, and the ruler of Sri Lanka, submitted to him and offered daughters in marriage, further solidifying his influence.

Overall, the Prashasti portrays Samudragupta as a versatile ruler who excelled in both military conquests and diplomatic strategies, allowing him to establish and maintain a vast and powerful empire. His ability to inspire loyalty and fear among various rulers, coupled with his strategic governance, made him one of the most celebrated kings of ancient India.

Q2: Discuss the position of the ordinary people in India in this period, being studied in this chapter.

Position of the Ordinary People of India:

1. Literary sources of this period (such as plays and accounts provided by foreign travels) give us glimpse of the lives of ordinary people of India. For example Kalidas (a great Sanskrit poet and writer of the Gupta period) is known for his plays (dramas) depicting life in the King’s court. An interesting feature about these plays is that the ruler and most Brahmins are shown as speaking Sanskrit, while women and men other them the ruler and Brahmins used Prakrit.

2. The most famous play of Kalidasa Abhijanans Shakuntalam, is the story of the love between the king named Dushyanta and a young girl named Shakuntala. We find an interesting and impressive description of the plight (condition) of a poor fisherman in this play. This character of the play (i.e., the fisherman) found a costly ring, which the king (Dushyanta) had given to Shakuntala, but which had been accidentally swallowed by a fish. When he went to the palace with that ring, the gatemen (of the palace) accused him of theft and the chief police officer was rather rude. However, the king was happy when he saw the ring and sent a reward for the fisherman. Then the police officer and the gatemen decided to take a share of the reward, and went along with the fisherman to have a drink.

3. During the reign of Chandragupta II, the Chinese Buddhist pilgrim Fa Xian noticed the plight of those who were treated as untouchables by the high and mighty people of the Indian society of those days. They were expected to live on the outskirts of the city (capital city-patliputra was referred by Fa Xian). He writes, “If such a man enters a town or a market place, he strikes a piece of wood, in order to keep himself separate, people, hearing this sound, know what it means and avoid touching him or brushing against him”.

Q3: Discuss two important ruling dynasties in south India of Harsha’s period of north India.
Describe some of the main achievements of the Pallavas and the Chalukyas.

The Pallavas and the Chalukyas:
1. The Pallavas and Chalukyas were the most important ruling dynasties in south India during this period (i.e. the Harash’s reign in north India). The Kingdom of the Pallavas spread from the region around their capital, Kanchipuram to the Kaveri delta, while that of the Chalukyas was centred around the Raichur Doab, between the rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra.

2. The Pallavas and Chalukyas frequently attacked one another’s areas, particularly they attacked the capital cities, which were prosperous towns.

3. Aihole, the capital of the Chalukyas, was an important trading and commercial centre. Initially, this town developed as a religious centre, with a number of temples.

4. During the days of Pulkashin II, the Chalukyas defeated Harsha of Kanauj and Thaneswar. But this victory was short lived.

5. Ultimately, both the Pallavas and the Chalukyas gave way to new rulers belonging to Rashtrakuta and Chola dynasties.

The document Class 6 History Chapter 9 Question Answers - New Empires and Kingdoms is a part of the Class 6 Course Social Studies (SST) Class 6.
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FAQs on Class 6 History Chapter 9 Question Answers - New Empires and Kingdoms

1. What were the major empires and kingdoms that emerged during the period of New Empires & Kingdoms?
Ans. Some of the major empires and kingdoms that emerged during the period of New Empires & Kingdoms include the Byzantine Empire, the Abbasid Caliphate, the Tang Dynasty in China, the Carolingian Empire in Europe, and the Gupta Empire in India.
2. How did the new empires and kingdoms impact trade and commerce during this period?
Ans. The new empires and kingdoms facilitated the growth of trade and commerce through the establishment of stable political systems, the construction of trade routes such as the Silk Road, and the promotion of cultural exchanges between different regions.
3. What role did religion play in the expansion of empires and kingdoms during this period?
Ans. Religion played a significant role in the expansion of empires and kingdoms during this period, as rulers often used religious ideologies to justify their conquests and gain the support of their subjects. For example, the spread of Islam helped the expansion of the Abbasid Caliphate.
4. How did the new empires and kingdoms contribute to the development of art and architecture?
Ans. The new empires and kingdoms contributed to the development of art and architecture by patronizing artists and architects, constructing grand monuments and buildings, and promoting the exchange of artistic ideas and techniques across different regions.
5. What were some of the key factors that led to the decline of the empires and kingdoms during this period?
Ans. Some of the key factors that led to the decline of the empires and kingdoms during this period include internal conflicts and power struggles, invasions by external forces, economic instability, and the spread of diseases.
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