Very Short Q & A :
Q1: If the location of a post office has to be marked on a map, the symbol used will be_______.
Ans : PO
Q2: Where does east lies on the map?
Ans : right of north direction.
Q3: What type of map you will carry when you are going for trekking to the Himalayas?
Ans : physical maps.
Q4: Political maps show climatic zone. True/ False
Ans : False
Q5: Define a map.
Ans : A map is a representation or a drawing of the earth's surface or a part of it drawn on a flat surface according to a scale.
Q6: What is thematic map?
Ans : Ans:
Some maps focus on specific information such as road maps, rainfall maps, distribution of forests, industries etc. These are called thematic maps.
Q7: What are the Component of a map?
Ans : Free hand drawing, sketch
Q8: If you have to show Asia on paper, then the appropriate map will be
a. small scale map.
b. large scale map.
c. medium scale map.
d. free hand diagram of Asia.
Ans : small scale map.
Q9: The number of major directions are _____.
Ans : Four
Q10: The arrow which is specified by A gives direction of ____________.
Ans : North east
Q11: Suppose a person is walking towards north and he takes left hand turn. Now he is moving in which direction?
Ans : West
Q12: The magnetic needle of compass gives direction of north-south. True/False
Ans : True
Q13: Meter gauge is represented by which symbol?
Ans :
Q14: Which symbol is used to show international boundaries?
Ans :
Q15: The symbol
represents __________.
Ans : Bridge
Q16: What do you understand by symbol
Ans : Church
Q17: How will you show a graveyard on the map using symbol?
Ans :
Q18: A scale is mostly used in_____.
Ans : map.
Q19: Name the map that represents various relief features.
Ans : Physical map
Q20: A North Line is a line showing________ direction.
Ans : North
Q21: Name the colour which represents water bodies on the map.
Ans : Blue
Q22: What is a plan?
Ans : A detail drawing of small areas on a large scale.
Q23: If we have to find a city in the state of Andhra Pradesh, what type of map we will look for?
Ans : political map
Q24: Define a globe.
Ans : A globe is a true model of the earth.
Q25: A map has a
1. diagram.
2. plan.
3. sketch.
4. scale.
Ans : Scale
Q26: What is an Atlas?
Ans : When many maps are put together we get an Atlas.
Q27: Maps provide more information than a globe. True/False
Ans : True
Q28: How symbols are useful for a map?
Ans : It makes the map simple to read.
Q29: An arrow shows______.
Ans : Direction
Q30: On a map, the scale given is 1 cm = 10 km. On the map the distance between your home and the temple is 3 cm then what will be the distance between temple and your home?
Ans : 30 km.
Q31: Which symbol show that an area has a lot of plant cover?
Ans :
Q32: Rahul wants to go to his uncle's place that is in the NE direction and Rahul is in the N direction facing S, then the direction that he should turn to ______.
Ans : left.
Q33: Mohan is traveling by car. He sees a symbol .
That means he is moving towards a______.
Ans : Canal
Q34: A small distance on paper represents a large distance on the ground. True/False
Ans : True
Q35: On a map, the scale given is 1 cm = 500 m, the type of map used will be
a. thematic map.
b. relief map.
c. small scale map.
d. large scale map
Ans : large scale map
Q36: A sketch is true in its
a. shape
b. size
c. location
d. scale
Ans : location
Q37: Which map has more information, small-scale maps or large scale maps?
Ans : large-scale map
Q38: The plain areas of the world are represented by_______ colour.
Ans : green
Q39: Which map will be used to show Distribution of industries in Europe?
Ans : thematic maps
Q40: Which colour is used to show Plateau on the map?
Ans : Yellow colour
69 videos|386 docs|80 tests
1. What is a map? | ![]() |
2. How are maps useful? | ![]() |
3. What are the different types of maps? | ![]() |
4. How are maps created? | ![]() |
5. Can maps be outdated? | ![]() |