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Class 7 Science Question Answers - Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animal

Short Q&A:

Q1: Explain weather of a place.

Ans : Weather describes the condition of the atmosphere. It might be sunny, hot, windy or cloudy, raining or snowing. The weather depends on the temperature, precipitation, humidity and atmospheric pressure of the part of atmosphere (air) closest to the surface of the earth. The weather is constantly changing as temperature and humidity change in the atmosphere.

Q2: What do you mean by climate of a place?

Ans : Climate is the average weather conditions - temperature, pressure, precipitation and humidity - expected for a certain place. Climate is based on the average weather experienced over 30 years or more.

Q3: Differentiate between weather and climate.

Ans : 

  1. Definition:
  2. Components:
  3. Forecast:

  1. Describes the average conditions expected at a specific place at a given time.
  2. Climate may include precipitation, temperature, humidity, sunshine, and wind velocity, phenomena such as fog, frost, and hail storms over a long period of time.
  3. By aggregates of weather statistics over periods of 30 years
  1. Describes the atmospheric conditions at a specific place at a specific point in time.
  2. Weather includes sunshine, rain, cloud cover, winds, hail, snow, sleet, freezing rain, flooding, blizzards, ice storms, thunderstorms, steady rains from a cold front or warm front, excessive heat, heat waves and more
  3. By collecting meteorological data, like air temperature, pressure, humidity, solar radiation, wind speeds and direction etc.

Q4: Name the elements determining weather of a place.

Ans : Temperature, air pressure, wind speed, humidity and rainfall are the essential elements determining weather of a place.

Q5: Differentiate between meteorology and meteorologists.

Ans : Meteorology is the science of monitoring and studying the atmosphere and predicting its weather and climate whereas Meteorologists are the People who study the weather and climate

Q6: Explain how latitude affects Indian climate.

Ans : Due to the curvature of the Earth, the amount of solar energy received is different according to the latitudes and thus it affects India’s climatic condition.

Q7: Explain how altitude affects Indian climate.

Ans : As we go higher, temperature generally decreases (From equator to poles) as the atmosphere becomes less dense, and thus it affects India’s climatic condition.

Q8: Explain how climate of a place is affected by distance from the sea.

Ans : The sea has a moderating effect on the climate. As distance from sea increases, this effect decreases and places experience extreme weather conditions and thus it affects India’s climatic condition.

Q9: Explain how climate of a place is affected by ocean current.

Ans : Ocean currents affect the climate of the coastal areas with the onshore winds.

Q10: How wind affect climate of a place?

Ans : If the temperature of the wind is cold/hot coming from a particular place the place it should go to could have the opposite temperature of the place that the wind is coming from.

Q11: How does an elephant living in tropical rain forest adapt itself?

Ans : It has adapted to the conditions of rainforests in many remarkable ways. It uses its trunk as a nose because of which it has a strong sense of smell. The trunk is also used by it for picking up food. Moreover, its tusks are modified teeth. These can tear the bark of trees that elephant loves to eat. So, the elephant is able to handle the competition for food rather well. Large ears of the elephant help it to hear even very soft sounds. They also help the elephant to keep cool in the hot and humid climate of the rainforest.

Q12: Write a short note on the characteristics of Beard ape?

Ans : The lion-tailed macaque (also called Beard ape) lives in the rainforests of Western Ghats. Its most outstanding feature is the silver-white mane, which surrounds the head from the cheeks down to its chin. It is a good climber and spends a major part of its life on the tree. It feeds mainly on fruits. It also eats seeds, young leaves, stems, flowers and buds. This beard ape also searches for insects under the bark of the trees. Since it is able to get sufficient food on the trees, it rarely comes down on the ground.

Q13: What is camouflage?

Ans : Camouflage is the built-in protection in the animals which increase their chances of survival by tricking predators.

Q14: Why is camouflage important for animals?

Ans : Many tropical animals have sensitive hearing, sharp eyesight, thick skin and a skin colour which helps them to camouflage by blending with the surroundings. This helps them to protect themselves from predators. Example, big cats like lions and tigers have thick skin and sensitive hearing.

Q15: How polar bear is adopted in the polar climatic condition.

Ans : 

A polar bear has following adaptation features:

  1. They have white fur so that they are not easily visible in the snowy white background which helps it to protect them from their predators. It also helps them in catching their prey.
  2. They have two thick layers of fur to protect them from extreme cold.
  3. They also have layer of fat under their skin.
  4. The polar bear goes for swimming for physical activities on warm days necessary for cooling.
  5. Its paws are wide and large, which help it not only to swim well but also to walk with ease in the snow.
  6. Polar bears can remain under water for long durations.
  7. It has a strong sense of smell so that it can catch its prey for food.

Q16: Which type of animals are inhabitants of tropical rain forest area?

Ans : Polar bear can catch its prey for food by using its strong sense of smell.

Q17: What is the advantage of having a long sense of smell of polar bear?

Ans : The major types of animals living in the rainforests are monkeys, apes, gorillas, lions, tigers, elephants, leopards, lizards, snakes, birds and insects. The climatic conditions in rainforests are highly suitable for supporting an enormous number and variety of animals. As there is competition for food, some animals are adapted to get food, which is not easily reachable.

Q18: State some characteristics of tropical rain forest.

Ans : Tropical rainforests lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, or 1,400 miles north and south of the Equator. This region receives rainfall distributed regularly throughout the year, about 6-33 feet a year. It remains frost free and warm all year long, with temperatures between 70° and 85°F with very little daily fluctuation. Tropical rainforests are found in Western Ghats and Assam in India, Southeast Asia, Central America and Central Africa. Because of continuous warmth and rain, this region supports wide variety of plants and animals.

Q19: Explain with examples how animals have adapted themselves to overcome the competition for food and shelter in the rainforests.

Ans : To overcome the competition for food and shelter, some animals are adapted to get food which is not easily reachable. Example, red-eyed frog has developed sticky pads on its feet to help to climb trees on which it lives. Another example is of the Toucan bird, which possesses a long, large beak. This helps a toucan to reach the fruits on branches which are otherwise too weak to support its weight.

Q20: Explain migration.

Ans : The regular seasonal journey undertaken by many species of animals and birds to escape the harsh and cold conditions of weather is known as migration. Many animals, birds and fishes migrate to warmer regions in winter and come back when winter is over. Migration is marked by its annual seasonality. For example, the Siberian crane that comes from Siberia migrates to India at places like Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Sultanpur in Haryana

Q21: Give examples of some living organisms showing the phenomenon of migration.

Ans : The regular seasonal journey undertaken by many species of animals and birds to escape the harsh and cold conditions of weather is known as migration. Many animals, birds and fishes migrate to warmer regions in winter and come back when winter is over. Migration is marked by its annual seasonality. For example, the Siberian crane that comes from Siberia migrates to India at places like Bharatpur in Rajasthan and Sultanpur in Haryana

Q22: What are adaptations? Explain the types of adaptations.

Ans : 

Adaptation is trait of an organism that has been favoured by natural selection. Adaptations are of following types: - 

Structural adaptations are special body parts of an organism that help it to survive in its natural habitat (e.g., skin colour, shape, and body covering). Behavioural adaptations are special ways of a particular organism that behaves to survive in its natural habitat. Physiological adaptations are systems present in an organism that allow it to perform certain biochemical reactions (e.g., making venom, being able to keep a constant body temperature).

Q23: What is the role of temperature and pressure in influencing weather pattern?

Ans : Higher temperature warms the air near the equator and causes them to expand and rise, that produces high wind and ocean currents. Similarly, pressure difference between warm and cold air causes air to flow from high pressure region to low pressure region leading production of high winds.

Q24: When the maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to occur in day?

Ans : The maximum temperature of the day occurs generally in afternoon while the minimum temperature occurs generally in the early morning.

Q25: Which of the two changes frequently, and why?

Ans : Weather changes frequently because it is based on atmospheric conditions like rainfall, humidity, wind speed etc. in that place of that day, climate is the long term average of a region’s weather (e.g. 25 years)

Q26: What is the role of meteorological department of a country?

Ans : The meteorological department collects data on temperature, wind, humidity, etc. and prepares various kinds of weather reports; it also makes weather prediction and provides services to aviation sector like fog information. It also provides tsunami and earthquake information. It also provides monsoon and rainfall information and helps the farmers and agriculture sector.

Q27: Explain the relationship between climate, evolution and adaptation.

Ans : Climate plays an important role in the life of living organisms; it brings about certain changes in shape, structure and function of animal body so that it can live easily in that climatic condition. These features and habits that help an organism to survive in their particular environment condition are a result of the process of evolution.

Q28: Why do penguins huddle together?

Ans : Penguin huddle together to keep themselves warm in the extreme cold climatic condition of polar region.

Q29: Why tropical rain forest has large population of animals?

Ans : Tropical rain forest’s climate is hot and it gets plenty of rainfall, because of continuous warmth and rain this region supports wide variety of plants and animals, its climatic condition is highly suitable for supporting and enormous number and variety of animals and plants.

Q30: Why in summer we feel so miserable in the afternoon and comparatively comfortable in the early morning?

Ans : Why in summer we feel so miserable in the afternoon and comparatively comfortable in the early morning because the maximum temperature of the day occurs generally in the afternoon and minimum temperature occurs generally in the early morning.

Q31: State some adaptation of animals living in tropical rain forest.

Ans : Some adaptation of the animals living in tropical rain forest includes living on trees, development of strong tails, long and large beaks, bright colours, loud voice, diet of fruits, sensitive hearing, sharp eyesight, thick skin and ability to camouflage in order to protect themselves from predators.

Q32: How camouflage helps in adaptation?

Ans : 

Camouflage is the built-in protection in the animals which increase their chances of survival by tricking predators.

Many tropical animals have sensitive hearing, sharp eyesight, thick skin and a skin colour which helps them to camouflage by blending with the surroundings. This helps them to protect themselves from predators. Example, big cats like lions and tigers have thick skin and sensitive hearing.

Long Q & A :

Q1: Rainforests offers hospitable climatic conditions to support huge population of animals. Explain how?

Ans : The climatic conditions in rainforests are highly suitable for supporting an enormous number and variety of animals. Tropical rainforests lie near to the Equator. This region receives rainfall distributed regularly throughout the year, about 6-33 feet a year. It remains frost free and warm all year long, with temperatures between 70° and 85°F with very little daily fluctuation. Because of continuous warmth and rain, this region supports wide variety of plants and animals. The major types of animals living in the rainforests are monkeys, apes, gorillas, lions, tigers, elephants, leopards, lizards, snakes, birds and insects. Tropical rainforests are found in Western Ghats and Assam in India, Southeast Asia, Central America and Central Africa.

Q2: All the changes in the weather are caused by Sun." explain how?

Ans : Sun is the primary source of energy that causes changes in the weather because sun is a huge sphere of hot gases at a very high temperature. The distance of the sun from us is very large. Even then, the energy sent out by the sun is so huge that it is the source of all heat and light on the earth. Energy absorbed and reflected by the earth’s surface, oceans and the atmosphere play important roles in determining the weather at any place. Weather varies from place to place. It is different in a desert, near coastal areas or near a mountain.

Q3: Differentiate between weather and climate.

Ans : 

Weather describes the condition of the atmosphere. It might be sunny, hot, windy or cloudy, raining or snowing. The weather depends on the temperature, precipitation, humidity and atmospheric pressure of the part of atmosphere (air) closest to the surface of the earth. The weather is constantly changing as temperature and humidity change in the atmosphere.

Climate is the average weather conditions - temperature, pressure, precipitation and humidity - expected for a certain place. Climate is based on the average weather experienced over 30 years or more.


  1. Definition:
  2. Components:
  3. Forecast:

  1. Describes the average conditions expected at a specific place at a given time.
  2. Climate may include precipitation, temperature, humidity, sunshine, and wind velocity, phenomena such as fog, frost, and hail storms over a long period of time.
  3. By aggregates of weather statistics over periods of 30 years
  1. Describes the atmospheric conditions at a specific place at a specific point in time.
  2. Weather includes sunshine, rain, cloud cover, winds, hail, snow, sleet, freezing rain, flooding, blizzards, ice storms, thunderstorms, steady rains from a cold front or warm front, excessive heat, heat waves and more
  3. By collecting meteorological data, like air temperature, pressure, humidity, solar radiation, wind speeds and direction etc.
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FAQs on Class 7 Science Question Answers - Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animal

1. What is the difference between weather and climate?
Ans. Weather refers to the day-to-day atmospheric conditions such as temperature, rainfall, wind speed, etc. Climate, on the other hand, refers to the long-term average weather patterns in a particular region.
2. How do animals adapt to different climates?
Ans. Animals adapt to different climates through various mechanisms. They may develop physical adaptations like thick fur in cold climates or large ears in hot climates to regulate their body temperature. They may also develop behavioral adaptations such as migration, hibernation, or burrowing to survive extreme weather conditions.
3. What is the importance of weather and climate for animals?
Ans. Weather and climate play a crucial role in the survival of animals. The availability of food, water, and shelter is influenced by weather and climate. Animals rely on specific weather patterns for breeding, migration, and hibernation. Changes in weather and climate can disrupt these patterns and impact animal populations.
4. How do animals in cold climates stay warm?
Ans. Animals in cold climates have various adaptations to stay warm. They may have thick fur or feathers that provide insulation. Some animals, like polar bears, have a layer of fat called blubber that acts as insulation. Animals may also have smaller extremities and compact bodies to reduce heat loss.
5. Can animals adapt to changes in climate?
Ans. Animals have the ability to adapt to changes in climate, but it depends on the rate and extent of the change. Slow and gradual changes allow for genetic adaptation over generations. However, rapid and extreme climate changes can pose challenges for animals to adapt quickly enough, leading to population decline or extinction.
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