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Vocation Summary Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 7


The child walks to his school at ten in the morning, Everyday he meets a bangle-seller. The man goes about at ease all day long. The child is tempted to adopt the vocation of that happy hawker.
In the afternoon the child comes back from the school. He sees a gardener working with spade in a kothi. The gardener is his own master. He soils his clothes and gets wet in the rain. But nobody scolds or punishes him. The child wishes he too were a gardener, free to do what he liked.
At night the child sees the watchman on duty. The lone man carries a lantern and keeps walking in the lane all night. The child envies the watchman. He too wants to go about freely and do what he likes.


बच्चा प्रात: दस बजे स्कूल के लिये निकल पड़ता है। हर दिन वह एक चूड़ी विक्रता को देखता है। वह व्यक्ति सारा दिन मौज से घूमताफिरता है। बच्चे की भी इच्छा होती है कि उस सुखी फेरी वाले का धंधा अपना ले।
दोपहर बाद बच्चा स्कूल से घर लौटता है। वह एक कोठी में किसी माली को फावड़ा चलाते देखता है। माली अपनी मर्जी का मालिक स्वयं होता है। वह अपने वस्त्र भी गंदे कर लेता है और वर्षा में गीले कर लेता है। पर कोई भी व्यक्ति उसे न डाँटता है, न दण्ड देता है। बच्चे की तमन्ना होती है कि काश वह भी माली बन जाये और अपनी इच्छानुसार काम स्वतंत्र रूप से किया करे।
रात को बच्चा चौकीदार को ड्यूटी देते देखता है। वह अकेला व्यक्ति हाथ में लालटेन लिये सारी रात गली में घूमता रहता है। बच्चे को चौकीदार से भी ईष्य होने लगती है। वह कामना करता है कि वह स्वच्छन्द विचरण करे और अपनी इच्छानुसार काम करे।

The document Vocation Summary Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 7 is a part of the Class 6 Course English Class 6 (Honeysuckle).
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FAQs on Vocation Summary Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 7

1. What is the meaning of vocation?
Ans. Vocation refers to a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation.
2. Is it necessary to choose a vocation at a young age?
Ans. No, it is not necessary to choose a vocation at a young age. One can discover their vocation at any age, and it is never too late to pursue it.
3. How can one identify their vocation?
Ans. One can identify their vocation by exploring their interests, strengths, and values. They can also seek guidance from a career counselor or take aptitude tests to get a clearer picture.
4. What are the advantages of pursuing a vocation?
Ans. Pursuing a vocation brings a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as one is doing something they love. It also leads to better performance, increased productivity, and a higher chance of success.
5. Can one change their vocation in the future?
Ans. Yes, one can change their vocation in the future. It is okay to realize that one's current vocation is not fulfilling and to explore new options. It is important to remember that one's vocation may evolve over time, and it is okay to adapt accordingly.
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