Different Body Coverings and Their Functions
S. No. | Animals | Functions | Body Coverings |
1. | Snail, turtle and tortoise | Protects the body from injury and from the attack of enemies. | Shell |
2. | Fish and reptiles | Protects the body | Scales |
3. | Birds | Helps them in flying and in keeping their body warm | Feathers |
4. | Mammals | Protects their body and keep them warm | Hair and fur |
Adaptations of Animals According to Feeding Habit
S. No. | Feeding habit | Adaptations in body parts | Animals |
1. | Herbivores | Sharp front teeth and large flat back teeth | Cow, Sheep, Goat, Rabbit |
2. | Carnivores | Sharp pointed front teeth, strong back teeth, sharp strong claws and hooked beak. | Lion, wolf, frog, lizard, snake, owl, eagle |
3. | Omnivores | Well-developed teeth. | Human, bear, rat |
4. | Sucking | Proboscis in butterfly, honey bees, sucker in leech, long beak in sunbird | Butterfly, leech, honeybee, sun-bird |
5. | Insectivores | Long tongue | Chameleon, frog , lizard |
S. No. | Animals | Breathing organs |
1. | Mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles | Lungs |
2. | Frog while in water and earthworm | Moist skin |
3. | Grasshopper, cockroach | Spiracles or air holes |
4. | Fish, tadpoles and prawns | Gills |
Fishes are first vertebrates which came 550 million years ago; adapted in different conditions of the earth, inspite of extinct of Dinosaur, they maintained their existence successfully.
Fig: A Fish
Adaptation in fishes
Poisonous fish
Puffer fish has poison in its internal organ. Poison is Tetrodotoxin which is much more poisonous than cyanide.
Piranha fish
Piranha is the most dangerous and aggressive fish found in fresh water. They can even kill and eat big mammals in minutes, when they attack in group.
Fig: The most dangerous and aggresive fish : Piranha fish
Animals that live both on land and water are called amphibians.
Fig: Amphibians
More than 9000 kinds of the birds are there. Size of birds varies from largest African ostrich (taller than man) to the smallest humming bird of 3 – 4 cm length.
Fig: Birds
Distinct Feature of Birds
Migration in Birds
Some birds leave their home during winter to find food in warmer places, called migration. The arctic tern breeds during summer and then travels a distance of 17,000km to Antarctic in the south, again goes back to same places to breed, e.g., Siberian crane migrates to India, during winter and goes back.
Reptiles are cold blooded animals having dry skin covered with scales. Reptiles are air breathing animals.
Fig: Reptiles
There are 3,000 species of lizard. They have long tails which can be shaded in unfavorable conditions.
There are 2,500 species of snakes. They are found everywhere except in Antartica.
Fig: A Snake
Adaptation in reptiles:
Fig: Mammals Diversity
11 videos|15 docs|8 tests
1. What are some examples of animal adaptations? | ![]() |
2. How do animals reproduce? | ![]() |
3. What are the different types of animal diets? | ![]() |
4. How do animals communicate with each other? | ![]() |
5. What are some examples of animal habitats? | ![]() |
11 videos|15 docs|8 tests