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Class 8 English: Sample Question Paper with Solutions - 5 | Sample Papers For Class 8 PDF Download

Ques 1: Read the following passage carefully:
On a very hot sunny day, an ant was very thirsty. He went to a pond to drink water. The poor ant almost lost balance while drinking water and it fell inside the water. A dove was watching all, from a nearby tree. The ant was struggling for life in the water.
The dove felt very sad for the ant. It plucked a leaf from that tree and dropped it in to the pond. The leaf fell near the ant. The ant got over the leaf and then reached the shore.
The ant thanked the dove for his kind help. Days passed by/and one day the ant was going near the pond, he saw a hunter with a gun. The hunter was targeting the dove sitting on the tree.
The dove didn't know about the hunter. Just when the hunter was about to shoot the dove, the little ant got over his leg and bit him. The hunter shouted in pain and also missed the focus.

Hearing this loud sound, dove realized the danger he was about to face. The dove flew away from the tree and escaped. Later he thanked the ant for the help. They both understood that every good deed we do for others will surely come back to us.
(i) On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions:
(a) Where did the ant go to drink water?
(b) What did the dove do to save the ant?
(c) How did the ant react on the dove's help?
(d) How did the ant save the dove's life?
(e) What is the moral of the story?
Ans: (i) (a) The ant went to a pond to drink water.
(b) The dove plucked a leaf from the tree and dropped it into the pond.
(c) The ant thanked the dove for his kind help.
(d) Just when the hunter was about to shoot the dove/ the ant got over his leg and bit him.
(e) The moral of the story is that every good deed we do for others will surely come back to us.

Ques 2: Read the following passage carefully:
On a very hot sunny day, an ant was very thirsty. He went to a pond to drink water. The poor ant almost lost balance while drinking water and it fell inside the water. A dove was watching all, from a nearby tree.
The ant was struggling for life in the water. The dove felt very sad for the ant. It plucked a leaf from that tree and dropped it in to the pond. The leaf fell near the ant. The ant got over the leaf and then reached the shore.
The ant thanked the dove for his kind help. Days passed by/and one day the ant was going near the pond, he saw a hunter with a gun. The hunter was targeting the dove sitting on the tree. 

The dove didn't know about the hunter. Just when the hunter was about to shoot the dove, the little ant got over his leg and bit him. The hunter shouted in pain and also missed the focus.
Hearing this loud sound, dove realized the danger he was about to face. The dove flew away from the tree and escaped. Later he thanked the ant for the help. They both understood that every good deed we do for others will surely come back to us.
(ii) Find words from the passage as directed.
(a) The word which means same as 'viewing'
(b) The opposite of 'cruel' and 'cloudy'

Ans: (ii) (a) watching
(b) kind and sunny.  

Ques 3: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Modern pesticides are like a two-edged sword. On one hand, they save lives. Indeed, through their use, many millions of people in developing nations have escaped the scourge of diseases such as malaria and typhus. These chemicals have also staved off potential famine by halting crop-destroying hordes of locusts in Africa and Middle East. And they've spared millions from malnutrition and premature death by helping to boost global food production.
But on the other hand, many pesticides like Aldrin, Lindane and DDT are so poisonous that they have become a growing peril in the Third Worked. "They're getting completely out of control in developing countries," charges attorney Jacob Scherr of the Natural Resources Defense Councils, a US environment organization that monitors government agencies. "They're being used indiscriminately.
Because they are constant threat to human health and environment most of these pesticides have either been pulled off from the market or tightly restricted in the US. However, there are no current figures on the amount of banned or restricted chemical shipped abroad.
The US Environmental Protection Agency knows little about most of these unregistered products shipped abroad. The US is not alone in selling such pesticides to the developing nations. Most of the rest come from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Japan.

All pesticides involve real or potential hazards. For peasants in Guatemala putting a pesticide in their water doesn't matter if it's registered or unregistered. Its poison by definition but the problem is lack of knowledge, lack of training on the part of the applicators/ lack of awareness of what these chemicals are and how dangerous they can be."
Lou Falcon is an entomologist from the University of California and a veteran of pest control projects in Central America says, "You can buy DDT or parathion over the counter in the little market shops.
They'll ladle it out just like wheat or rice." Sometimes highly toxic pesticides are sold in paper bags or used in coke and beer bottles. In Guyana, for example three inebriated peasants died when they mistakenly drank a solution of malathion from such beer bottles.
(i) Answer the following questions:
(a) Why does the author compare pesticides to a two-edged sword?
(b) What were some of the benefits of using pesticides initially?
(c) The developed world is indulging in some unethical practices against the developing nations. How?
(d) How are people in Guatemala becoming an easy prey to such toxic pesticides?

Ans: (i) (a) The author compares pesticides to a two-edged sword because on the one hand they have helped to save many people from dying due to malnutrition and on the other they are proving to be a hazard to human health and environment.
(b) To ward off diseases like malaria and typhus, staved off potential famine by halting crop- destroying hordes of locusts, spared millions from malnutrition and premature death by helping to boost global food production (any two).
(c) The US and many other European countries including Japan are selling unregistered and banned pesticides to the underdeveloped countries and are indirectly responsible for creating health problems in these countries.
(d) They are uneducated and unaware of the danger of consuming these pesticides. These pesticides are easily available in market and sold in used beer bottles which are consumed directly

Ques 4: You're Mudit of class VIII of St. Stephens School, Mathura. You have lost your wrist watch in the school campus. Draft a notice for your school notice board with complete information and then put the notice in a box.
6th Aug, 20XX
Wrist Watch Lost
This is to bring to your kind notice that a Titan wrist watch with golden dial and black leather strap has been lost in the school premises. Whoever finds it may kindly give it to the undersigned.
He or she will be duly rewarded.

Ques 5: Pollution has become a great problem. It is becoming the cause of many diseases. Write an article on the harmful effects of pollution in about 100-200 words
Rahul is entrusted with a topic "Slow and Steady wins the race", he has to deliver a speech at school during the morning assembly. Make a fair draft writing his views.

Ans: Pollution                                                  
(Class VII)
Pollution has become a big problem. The material prosperity and technological advancement has been responsible for sound/ air and water pollution. Mushrooming up of industries and domestic waste pollutes air and water. The industrial waste also makes the agricultural fields infertile. Cutting of forests and conversion of agricultural land into residential areas are becoming a major cause of pollution.
Increase in vehicles is also a leading reason to add to the problem and people are forced to wear masks. The temperature is increasing globally, glaciers and icebergs are melting/disturbing the seasonal cycle. We are the ones who are responsible for this pollution, so we should only take the steps to reduce it. We should have chimneys in industries which let out clear smoke. Industrial waste should be treated before being thrown into the rivers and the vehicles should be tested from time to time. Pollution, if not stopped, can at least be reduced to certain extent.
Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. Wish you all a very happy good morning. Here I am, Rahul, before you to say a few words on the topic "Slow and Steady wins the race". The maxim holds the essence of life. It is well said that we must learn to work hard constantly with determination, courage and patience. Slow progress should not make us impatient and difficulties should not discourage us.
Anything that is done in haste is only meant for undoing. Every great achievement, in order to be lasting, must be gradual in its progress. We forget that there is no royal road to success.
The meteoric rise of Hitler and his subsequent fall may be compared to the slow rise to eminence of Lincoln after decades of toil. No doubt, the lofty character of Lincoln continues to be admired by the posterity.
The city of Rome which finally became the wonder of the civilized world, must have consisted originally of a few houses and huts; and it was only slow degrees that it became famous.
Those who begin to run fast from the outset in the race competition, get tired midway and lose the race. On the other hand, those who run slowly and steadily win the race in the end. Our civilization itself is nothing but the result of slow and steady progress in the field of science and technology. So let all of us vow. We will remain slow but constant until we achieve our destination.
Thank You.

Ques 6: Read the outlines of a story given below. Write it in full using these outlines and your own ideas.
Assign a suitable title to it:
Outlines:- A dark stormy night a traveler reached a house knocked but no response knocked hard door opened no lights no body seen traveler pulled inside.
Complete the story on the basis of the beginning of the story:

I was lost in my thoughts while sitting in a train compartment. I was going to Shimla. Then an old women got in. The old women was very sad was very weak. She was not able to walk properly. I started reading a magazine then suddenly I saw.....................
Ans: Mysterious Night
Once a traveller was travelling on horseback with a view to explore the city. While riding, he happened to come across a remote area and all of a sudden the sky was covered with dark clouds and it started raining heavily. He rushed but due to rain the horse also couldn't run fast. Finally he came across a cottage. Without hesitating he knocked at the door but he got no response, although he could hear the sounds coming from inside. He knocked even loudly.
Suddenly the door opened and he was pulled inside. He was shocked and when he became a bit normal he realised that the people silting there were indulging in drugs. He was shocked and soon he also started behaving as though he also needed drugs. He bought drugs from them and hid them in his pocket acting as though he was under the spell of those narcotics.
When everybody was totally doped, he slipped out of the room, climbed on his horse and ran away from there. He straight away went to the police station, informed the police and with his efforts police was able to raid the place. Addicted people were sent to the rehabilitation centre and next day it was in the news headlines.
That the old woman had fallen in the aisle and nobody seemed to pay any attention. I quickly asked a couple of people around to help her get on her feet and placed her on the berth. Someone gave her a glass of water. I checked her for any injury. Luckily, there was none. The heat and the exertion, of travelling made her feel weak as such she fell down. Soon everybody settled in.
Once the old lady was relaxed and settled down we gave her some biscuits to eat which boosted her up. She told us so many jokes and stories which left us spellbound. She proved to be a great entertainer. We never came to know when we reached our destination. Time just flew by. At Shimla station, her son had come to pick her up and was surprised to see her being escorted by so many strangers. Both mother and son thanked all of us profusely.

Ques 7: Change the following sentences into reported speech.
(i) "Oh, no! I did not bring my lunch box!" said Deepak.
(ii) Sohan said, "What a beautiful dress!"
(iii) Mother said to me, Please tidy your room,"
(iv) "Did you see that car" he asked me.

Ans: (i) Deepak exclaimed that he hadn't brought his lunch box.
(ii) Sohan exclaimed that the dress was very beautiful.
(iii) Mother requested me to tidy my room.
(iv) He asked me if I had seen that car.

Ques 8: Re-arrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences:
(i) The/body/sleep is/essential/a good night's/for
(ii) To/catch/people/get/sleep/cold/Z hours/who/less then/or/are/likely
(iii) Loss of/may also/appetite/they/experience
(iv) Sleep deeply/comfortable/hence to/clothes/relax/and/wear/one must

Ans: (i) A good night's sleep is essential for the body.                                                        
(ii) People who get less than 7 hours of sleep are likely to catch cold.
(iii) They may also experience loss of appetite.
(iv) Hence to relax one must wear comfortable clothes and sleep deeply.

Ques 9: Section 'C' Literature
Read the following stanza carefully and answer the questions given below:
Macavity's ginger cat, he's very tall and thin;
You would know him if you saw him, for his eyes are sunken in
His brow is deeply lined with thought, his head is highly doomed;
His coat is dusty from neglect, his whiskers are uncombed.
(i) Why is Macavity called a ginger cat?
(ii) How would you know that it is a Macavity cat?
(iii) What kind of coat and whiskers did Macavity have?
(iv) Identity the rhyme scheme of the above lines.
(i) Macavity is called ginger cat because he's very tall and thin.
(ii) We would know it is a Macavity cat as its eyes were sunken in and his brow is deeply lined with thought, his head is highly doomed.
(iii) Macavity had dusty coat and uncombed whiskers.
(iv) The rhyme scheme of the above lines is aabb.  

Ques 10: Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
Then all the people looked, and saw that what the poet said was true. The prophecy was fulfilled. But Ernest, having finished what he had to say, look the poet's arm and walked slowly towards home, still hoping that some wiser and better man than himself would appear, bearing a resemblance to the Great Stone Face.
(i) What prophecy was fulfilled?
(ii) Where did the poet and Ernest walk to?
(iii) What did Ernest still hope for?
(iv) What does the word 'prophecy' means?
(i) The prophecy that a man resembling the Great Stone Face would come one day was fulfilled.
(ii) The poet and Ernest walked towards home.
(iii) Ernest still hoped that a man would come back bearing a resemblance to the Great Stone face.
(iv) Statement that tells what will happen in the future.

Ques 11: How did the deer drink milk from the gourd?
Ans: Jody poured milk into a small gourd, dipped his fingers in the milk and thrust them into Fawn's soft mouth. Then it sucked milk greedily.

Ques 12: Why is adventure, which is risky, also pleasurable?
Ans: When an adventure is completed, it becomes a joy which lasts for life time. It gives a sense of battle fought and won. There is a feeling of victory and happiness.

Ques 13: Where did the author find the letter?
Ans: The author had brought a very old roll-top desk. Inside its drawer there was a secret drawer. The author found the letter inside it.

Ques 14: How did the East Indian Company subdue the Indian Princes?
Ans: The rivalries among Indian Princes helped the East India Company to subdue the Indian Princes.

Ques 15: Why did the grandmother ask the children not to kill the chuchundar?
Ans: She asked the children no to kill chuchundar because she believed chuchundars were lucky and they brought money.

Ques 16: What tasks/ do you think, were aligned to the dog and the ox?
Ans: The dog was assigned the task of carrying and fetching things. The ox was asked to carry the yoke on his neck and thereby plough the field.

Ques 17: What wonderful sight did the Giant see?
Ans: The Giant saw that the children had crept inside through the hole, trees were covered with blossoms, the birds were flying and the flowers were looking up. It was a lovely scene.

Ques 18: What was Princess September's reaction to the loss of her parrot?
Ans: Princess September was heart-broken at the loss of her parrot. She cried and wept bitterly for a long time, due to intense grief she experienced.

Ques 19: What did Ranji find difficult to explain at home?
Ans: Ranji found it difficult to explain the cuts and bruises that showed on his face leg and arms. It was difficult to conceal the fact that he had been in an unusually violent fight and his mother insisted him to stay indoors. 

Ques 20: Give two reasons for why didn't the boy take the coins advice?
Ans: The boy didn't take the coins advice-because he came from a good family and he realised that the money was meant for his fees.

Ques 21: Answer any one of the following: 
(i) What had happened in the Sappleton family as narrated by the niece?
(ii) Give a few reasons that helped the British to subdue Indian princes. Also give two examples of evil social practices prevailing during British rule and two of their oppressive policies.
The narration by the girl (niece) about the Sappleton family was connected to the tragedy which happened just three years ago. The niece described how through the window, three years ago, Mrs. Sappleton's husband and her two younger brothers went off for their day's shooting but never came back. While crossing the moor to their favourite shooting ground, all three of them were engulfed in a treacherous piece of bog, even their bodies were not recovered. The niece further stated that her aunt fascinated their entry through the window so it was always kept open every evening till it was dusk. Her aunt always awaited for their return.
The reasons that helped the British to subdue Indian princes were the short sightedness of Indian Princes/taking help of British rulers to help them against their rivalries and the superstitious beliefs of the Indians.
Two examples of evil social practices prevailing in India were the belief that who-so-ever crosses the seas loses his religion and ask the misery in the world is due to women.
Two oppressive policies of British were:
Any Indian could be sent to jail without trial and exporting British Goods to India was spoiling the business of Indians.

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FAQs on Class 8 English: Sample Question Paper with Solutions - 5 - Sample Papers For Class 8

1. What are some sample question papers for Class 8 English exams?
Ans. Some sample question papers for Class 8 English exams can be found on educational websites, such as CBSE Sample Papers or NCERT Solutions. These papers are designed to give students an idea of the type of questions that may be asked in the actual exam and help them practice and prepare effectively.
2. How can I find solutions to Class 8 English question papers?
Ans. Solutions to Class 8 English question papers can be found in various places. One option is to refer to the textbook or study guide provided by the school or educational board. Another option is to search online for websites that offer solutions to specific Class 8 English question papers. These websites often provide step-by-step explanations and answers to help students understand and learn from their mistakes.
3. Are there any websites that provide Class 8 English question papers with solutions?
Ans. Yes, there are several websites that provide Class 8 English question papers with solutions. Some popular ones include CBSE Sample Papers, NCERT Solutions, and Vedantu. These websites offer a wide range of question papers for practice, along with detailed solutions that help students understand the concepts better.
4. How can I prepare for Class 8 English exams effectively?
Ans. To prepare for Class 8 English exams effectively, it is important to follow a structured study plan. Start by understanding the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly. Make a timetable and allocate specific time slots for each topic or chapter. Practice solving sample question papers and previous year's papers to get familiar with the exam format. Additionally, read English literature and practice writing essays, letters, and comprehension passages to enhance your language skills.
5. What are some tips to score well in Class 8 English exams?
Ans. To score well in Class 8 English exams, it is crucial to focus on both comprehension and writing skills. Read the questions carefully and make sure to answer them precisely. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling while writing answers. Use appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure to express your thoughts effectively. Practice regularly and revise the topics thoroughly to boost your confidence and improve your overall performance in the exams.

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