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Character Sketches - The Adventures of Toto | English Class 9 PDF Download


The writer's grandfather, who kept a small zoo at home, bought a naughty monkey named Toto from a tonga driver for five rupees. Since the grandmother didn't like animals, they hid Toto, but he created chaos by breaking things and bothering other animals. When the grandfather took Toto on a trip to Saharanpur, he put him in a canvas bag, and passengers were amused when Toto peeked out. At the station, a ticket collector charged the grandfather for Toto, thinking he was a dog. Despite trying to make Toto comfortable, including putting him with a donkey named Nana, Toto kept causing trouble, like almost getting himself boiled in hot water and ruining a family meal. In the end, the grandfather sold Toto back to the tonga driver for three rupees.

Character Sketches - The Adventures of Toto | English Class 9

Toto: The Mischievous Baby Monkey

Physical Appearance
Toto is a cute and captivating baby monkey, bought by the narrator’s Grandfather for five rupees. He has bright eyes that sparkle with mischief and deep-set eyebrows. His pearly white teeth are enough to frighten elderly Anglo-Indian ladies when he smiles. His hands look as if they’ve been dried up under the sun, giving them a unique appearance. Toto’s tail, which acts as his third hand, adds to his beauty and helps him carry out his playful antics.

Playful and Restless Nature
Toto is full of energy and never stays still for long. His playful, restless nature makes it difficult to keep him hidden. He is destructive as well, tearing away at the narrator’s blazer and the bedroom wallpaper. His mischief doesn’t stop there; he is constantly causing trouble with his antics, making it impossible for him to blend in with the other animals.

Mischievous and Curious
Toto is a curious creature, always eager to explore and imitate things around him. He closely observes the narrator’s manner of bathing and tries to copy it. He enjoys warm baths during the cold winters, but he becomes sensitive if anyone laughs at his way of drying himself afterward. Toto’s curiosity often leads him into trouble, such as the time he almost boiled himself alive due to his mischievous behaviour.

Destructive Yet Entertaining
Despite his troublesome ways, Toto’s antics are amusing, bringing laughter to those who watch him. His mischievousness makes it hard to keep him as a pet, as he often causes damage or spoils things. However, his adventurous spirit and playful nature make him a memorable and entertaining character.

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What makes Toto a misfit with other animals?
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Grandfather: Witty, Wise, and Loving

Passion for Animals
Grandfather has a deep love for animals, so much so that he has created his own private zoo. His passion for animals leads him to spend money on acquiring various creatures, despite the risk of annoying his wife. He already has a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, and a squirrel when he buys Toto, a baby monkey, for five rupees.

Appreciation for Animal Beauty
Grandfather has a keen eye for the beauty of animals and believes that a tail adds to any animal's charm. He finds joy in keeping pets, even when it causes material loss, and he views Toto’s mischievous acts as cleverness rather than destruction.

Clever and Witty
Grandfather is a smart man who comes up with creative ways to hide Toto from others. He finds humor in the situation, especially when he deals with situations like the ticket-collector who mistakes Toto for a dog and tries to charge fare. Grandfather’s sarcastic wit shines through when he suggests that the ticket-collector should also charge him for the tortoise he carries in his pocket.

Character Sketches - The Adventures of Toto | English Class 9

Wise and Realistic
Although he is passionate about his animals, Grandfather is also wise enough to understand that a destructive animal like Toto cannot be kept as a pet for long. He eventually decides to sell the monkey back to the tonga-driver, even though it means a financial loss of two rupees. His ability to make practical decisions adds to his wisdom.

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What does Grandfather do when Toto destroys the wallpaper and the narrator's school blazer?
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Grandmother: The Tough Yet Tender Soul

Tough Exterior, Soft Heart
Grandmother appeared to be a strict and tough woman, especially when Grandfather brought home a new animal. She would fuss and complain, but her disapproval would fade once she was in a good mood. This is why she eventually accepted Toto as the new pet, despite her initial resistance.

Disciplinarian with Compassion
Though Grandmother seemed like a strict disciplinarian, the narrator’s first worry when Toto tore his school blazer was how she would react. However, it was her compassionate nature that shone through, as she showed understanding and kindness toward Toto's mischievousness. She overlooked his destructive behavior and even gave him a bowl of warm water for a bath.

Protector with a Gentle Heart
Grandmother's caring side is evident when she rescues Toto from almost boiling himself in the kettle. Despite her outward tough demeanor, she has a soft and kind heart, showing that her love and care for the animals in the house are limitless.

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His brief role at the beginning of the story provides a contrast to Grandfather. Where the tonga-driver sees Toto as just another animal to be tied up and controlled, Grandfather sees a creature worthy of care and freedom. This contrast sets up the thematic element of treating animals with kindness and understanding.

Character Sketches - The Adventures of Toto | English Class 9

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The Ticket-collector

This character introduces a humorous conflict during the train journey. His literal interpretation of the rules—he insists on charging a fare for Toto as if he were a dog—brings a bureaucratic absurdity to the story. His interaction with Grandfather over the tortoise adds a touch of humor and cleverness, showcasing how humans often apply arbitrary rules in varying situations.

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FAQs on Character Sketches - The Adventures of Toto - English Class 9

1. Who is Toto and what are his main characteristics in 'The Adventures of Toto'?
Ans. Toto is a playful and mischievous monkey who is adopted by the narrator's grandfather. He is characterized by his curiosity, lively nature, and a knack for getting into trouble. His antics often lead to humorous situations, showcasing his intelligence and playful spirit.
2. How does Grandfather's personality influence the story?
Ans. Grandfather is portrayed as a kind-hearted and adventurous person who loves animals. His nurturing attitude towards Toto reflects his willingness to embrace unconventional pets, which drives the story forward. He often serves as a source of wisdom and humor, enhancing the overall charm of the narrative.
3. What role does Grandmother play in the story?
Ans. Grandmother serves as a contrasting figure to Grandfather in the story. While she is loving and caring, she is also more practical and concerned about the chaos Toto brings into their home. Her reactions to Toto's antics highlight the balance between affection for pets and the challenges of having them.
4. Describe the character of the Tonga-driver in 'The Adventures of Toto'.
Ans. The Tonga-driver is a simple and honest character who drives a horse-drawn carriage. He is depicted as being a bit bewildered by Toto's antics but ultimately shows good humor. His interactions with Toto and the narrator add depth to the story, illustrating the impact of Toto's mischievousness on the people around him.
5. What is the significance of the Ticket-collector in the story?
Ans. The Ticket-collector represents authority and the rules of society. His encounter with Toto emphasizes the theme of adventure versus conformity. The Ticket-collector's reactions to Toto's presence serve to highlight the absurdity of the situation and create a humorous conflict, adding to the overall enjoyment of the narrative.
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