Q1: Match the pictures of the animals on the right with their description on the left.
Q2: Choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks.
(i) Some animals can hear the __________ sound.
(ii) Ants leave some __________ on the ground.
(iii) Some male animals like __________ can recognize their females by their smell.
(iv) Dogs can make out if another dog has come into their area by the smell of the __________ or potty.
(v) Birds move their __________ very often.
(vi) __________ cannot see as many colours as we can.
(vii) It is believed that animals that are awake in the daytime can see some __________.
(viii) It is believed that animals are awake at night can see things in __________ and __________.
(ix) There is a link between the size of the animals' __________ and their hearing.
(x) Animals that have bigger ears can hear __________ sounds.
(i) Some animals can hear the sharper sound.
(ii) Ants leave some Smell on the ground.
(iii) Some male animals like Silkworm can recognize their females by their smell.
(iv) Dogs can make out if another dog has come into their area by the smell of the Urine or potty.
(v) Birds move their Neck very often.
(vi) Animals cannot see as many colours as we can.
(vii) It is believed that animals that are awake in the daytime can see some Colors.
(viii) It is believed that animals are awake at night can see things in Black and white.
(ix) There is a link between the size of the animals' Ears and their hearing.
(x) Animals that have bigger ears can hear Sharper sounds.
Q3: Many animals are killed, and their parts are sold. Match the animals with the part for which they are killed. Ans:
(i) Elephant - (d) Tusk
(ii) Rhinoceros - (a) Horn
(iii) Crocodile - (e) Skin
(iv) Deer - (c) Musk
(v) Snakes - (b) Skin
Q4: Write ‘True’ for the correct statement and ‘False’ for the wrong statement.
(i) If you throw some sugar on the ground, the ants never come.
Ans: False
(ii) Mosquitoes can find you by the smell of your body.
Ans: True
(iii) Animals that are awake at night can see thing only in black and white colours.
Ans: True
(iv) Some birds make different sounds for different kinds of danger.
Ans: True
(v) A python sleeps for three hours in a day.
Ans: False
(vi) A tiger’s roar can be heard up to 3 km away.
Ans: True
(vii) It is very easy to kill animals in a national park.
Ans: False
(viii) Tiger is an endangered animal.
Ans: True
(ix) Animals can sense the coming of a storm, an earthquake and a tsunami.
Ans: True
Q5: Write the sleeping time of the following animals.
(i) Sloth 17 to 18 per day
(ii) Cow 14 hours per day
(iii) Python 22 to 23 hours per day
(iv) Giraffe 30 minutes in a day
(v) Cat 15 hours per day
Q6: One Mark Questions. (Short answer questions)
I. Give reasons for the following.
(i) As you walked softly past a sleeping dog, its ears shot up at once.
Ans: A dog has the ability to hear a very slight noise and he can feel the vibration made by the foot of the man.
(ii) Dogs are used in rescue operations by the police.
Ans: Dog have a high sense of smell.
(iii) Birds like eagles flying high in the sky can spot a mouse on the ground.
Ans: Eagle has also very good eyesight.
(iv) Ants always move in a line.
Ans: Ants follow the scent left behind by the leader.
(v) Mosquitoes bite us in a dark room also.
Ans: Mosquitoes sense the heat which is released from our body and locate us even in a dark room.
II. Answer the following questions.
(i) Why are lizards not seen during winters?
Ans: Lizards are not seen in the winter season because, being a cold-blooded animal.
(ii) What are endangered animals?
Ans: Endangered animals are animals that are in danger of becoming extinct.
(iii) Who are poachers?
Ans: Poaching is the illegal hunting, killing or capturing of animals.
(iv) Why do people kill wild animals?
Ans: People kill animals for their body parts like skin, musk, horns and tusks.
(v) Why is tiger in danger?
Ans: The biggest threat to tigers is from hunters and poachers who kill them for their skin.
Q7: Two Mark questions. (Long answer questions)
I. Answer the following questions.
(i) How do the ants recognize their friends?
Ans: Ants recognize their friends because they have a strong ability to smell. They know each other's smell. The smell is of a hormone released by ants called Pheromone.
(ii) What are sense organs?
Ans: A part of your body (such as your eyes, ears, nose, skin, or tongue) that you use to see, hear, smell, taste, or feel things. There are 5 sense organs. Eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, and skin sense of touch.
(iii) Why do dogs urinate on the road?
Ans: Dogs usually urinate on the roads to remember their path whenever they find new things on their path like tires and street lights. They also urinate on the road to remember that these things will come on their path.
(iv) Why do birds move their necks often?
Ans: They have bigger eyes they can't move their eyeballs so to have a look on both the side birds move their neck very often. Another reason for this is they have more number of bones in their neck so the neck is very flexible and can do fast movements.
(v) Why do birds have eyes on either side of their head?
Ans: Birds with eyes on the sides of their heads have a wide visual field, useful for detecting predators, while those with eyes on the front of their heads, such as owls, have binocular vision and can estimate distances when hunting.
(vi) How do snakes hear even though they do not have external ears?
Ans: The vibrations pass through the skin and muscles of the snake to a bone connected to its inner ear, from this bone the vibrations pass to the inner ear, which "hears" them.
(vii) Which are the poached animals?
Ans: The steps include, The "Indian Wildlife Act" was initiated by the government in 1972 for wildlife protection. This act banned "hunting and poaching" of animals providing legal protection to wildlife.
(viii) What steps have been taken by our government to protect wild life in our country?
Ans: The government has taken steps to protect wildlife in our country as follows:
II. Answer the following questions on tiger.
(i) What helps a tiger to move in the dark?
Ans: The reflective layer at the back of their retina reflects the small amount of light and make it clear to see.
(ii) How can a tiger know if there is another tiger in its area?
Ans: It uses the smell of the scent of unfamiliar tiger.
(iii) A tiger’s sense of hearing is very sharp (Give reasons)
Ans: Tigers can hear small sounds as it has whiskers and hair at ears.
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