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Important Facts about the Human Body | General Test Preparation for CUET - CUET Commerce PDF Download


  • The human organism is composed of diverse cells, tissues, organs, and other biological systems that carry out distinct specialized functions essential for sustaining good health.
  • An organ is a collective arrangement of multiple types of tissues that cooperate to perform a specific function.
  • The study of the human body’s structures and functions is known as human anatomy and physiology.

Important Facts about the Human Body | General Test Preparation for CUET - CUET CommerceHuman Body

  • The fundamental life processes of the human body encompass:
    • Organization
    • Metabolism
    • Responsiveness
    • Movement
    • Reproduction
  • The human body is made up of multicellular organisms because they are composed of many cells. Every living organism is made up of cells. Some of them are single-celled organisms, including bacteria.


  • Blood is the only fluid connective tissue that plays a major role in the transport of nutrients, respiratory gases, and hormones, in maintaining and regulating body temperature, pH, and other thermo-regulating processes.

Important Facts about the Human Body | General Test Preparation for CUET - CUET CommerceBlood

  • Blood is six times thicker than water, and each drop of blood contains about 250 million cells.
  • The adult human body contains a minimum of 1.325 gallons of blood.
  • Blood accounts for about 7 to 8 per cent of a person’s total body weight.

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Human Brain

  • Information moves between neurons in our brain at speeds of up to 250 miles per hour.
  • About 75% of the brain is composed of water.

Important Facts about the Human Body | General Test Preparation for CUET - CUET CommerceHuman Brain

  • There are approximately one hundred billion neurons in our brain.
  • Cholesterol plays a crucial role in learning and memory.
  • The human brainshrinks as we age.
  • Stressful events can impact the brain's ability to remember details.
  • The brain consumes 20% of the oxygen and blood in your body.

Nervous System

  • There are more nerve cells in the human brain than there are stars in the sky.
  • The human brain alone contains 100 billion neurons.
  • The human spinal cord has about 13,500,000 neurons.
  • The brain of a newborn baby grows to three times its size during the first year of life.
  • The left side of the human brain is responsible for controlling the right side of the body, while the right side of the brain is responsible for controlling the left side of the body.
  • The grey matter is the place where the processing of sensation, perception, voluntary movement, learning, speech and cognition takes place. White matter's role is to provide communication between different grey matter areas and between grey matter and the rest of your body
  • The male brain has 6.5 times more grey matter than the female brain, but a female brain has 10 times more white matter than the male brain.
  • Potassium and sodium ions are necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.
  • There are 43 different pairs of nerves that connect the central nervous system (CNS) to the rest of the body. Twelve nerve pairs are connected to the brain, while the remaining thirty-one are connected to the spinal cord. 

Question for Important Facts about the Human Body
Try yourself:How many neurons does the human brain contain?
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  • The average size and dimensions of the heart are as follows: length: 12 cm, width: 8.5 cm, and thickness: 6 cm.
  • The average heart weight ranges from 280 to 340 g in males and from 230 to 280 g in females.
  • The heart beats approximately 115,000 times a day and pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood per day.
  • Women's hearts tend to beat slightly faster compared to men's heartbeats.
  • The sound of a heartbeat is produced when the valves of the heart open and close.
  • Cancer in the heart is extremely rare due to the fact that heart cells do not divide.
  • The first open-heart surgery was performed by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams in 1893.

Circulatory System

  • The circulating blood in our body consists of approximately 55% plasma, 40% red blood cells, 4% platelets, and 1% white blood cells.
  • Human blood contains atoms of metals, including iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, lead, copper, and small amounts of gold.
  • Human blood cells have separate life cycles: on average, red blood cells (RBCs) circulate in the body for about 4 months, platelets for about 9 days, and white blood cells (WBCs) for a few hours to several days.
  • The human circulatory system encompasses more than one million miles of blood vessels.
  • An adult human body contains an average of 100,000 miles of blood vessels.Important Facts about the Human Body | General Test Preparation for CUET - CUET Commerce

Lungs and Respiratory System

  • Pulmonary hypertension is a rare lung disease that causes increased blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries.
  • Lungs are the only organ in the human body capable of floating on water.
  • Human children and females have higher breathing rates than males.
  • Humans release 17.5 ml of water per hour.
  • On average, people breathe about 13 pints of air per minute.
  • It is possible to live with just one lung.

Important Facts about the Human Body | General Test Preparation for CUET - CUET Commerce

  • Approximately 80% of deaths are caused by lung cancer, a result of smoking.
  • Peristalsis is a giant wave action in the oesophagus, helping move food or drink down to the stomach.
  • The gut-brain axis is the close bond between the digestive system and the brain.
  • The small intestine is about 22–23 feet long, while the large intestine is only around 5 feet long.
  • The stomach is made up of flexible muscles and can hold up to 4 pounds of food at a time.

Some Important Facts about Cells

Cells are the basic, fundamental unit of life. So, if we were to break apart an organism to the cellular level, the smallest independent component that we would find would be the cell. Each cell contains a fluid called the cytoplasm, which is enclosed by a membrane. Also present in the cytoplasm are several biomolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. Moreover, cellular structures called cell organelles are suspended in the cytoplasm.

Below are some facts about cells:

Important Facts about the Human Body | General Test Preparation for CUET - CUET Commerce

Some Important Facts about the Human Body

Length of Alimentary Canal

Approximately 8 metres

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

1600 K. Cal/day

Number of Cells in the Body

75 trillion

Longest Bone

Femur (Thigh bone)

Smallest Bone

Ear ossicle, stapes (less than 3 millimetres in length and weighing from 2 to 4.3 mg)

Weight of Brain

1400 gms

Blood Volume

6.8 litres (in 70 kg body)

Normal B.P

120/80 mm Hg

Number of R.B.C

(a) In Male: 4.5-5.0 million/cubic mm.
(b) In Females: 4.0 - 4.5 million/cubic mm

Life Span of R.B.C

120 days

Normal W.B.C Count

5000 - 1000/cubic mm

Life Span of W.B.C

3 - 4 days

D.L.C. (Differential Leucocyte Count)

(a) Basophils: 0.5 - 1%
(b) Eosinophils: 1–3%
(c) Monocytes : 3–8%
(d) Neutrophils: 40 - 70%
(e) Lymphocytes: 2–25%

Blood Platelets Count

2,00,000 - 4,00,000/cubic mm


(a) In Male: 14 - 15.6 gm/100 c.c. of blood
(b) In Females: 11 - 14 gm/100 c.c. of blood

Hb Content in Body

500 - 700 gm

Universal Blood Donor

O Rh-ve

Universal Blood Recipient


Blood Clotting Time

2 - 5 minutes

Average Body Weight

70 kg

Normal Body Temperature

98.4° F or 37°C

Breathing Rate

16 - 20/minute

Dental Formula

Adult: 2123 / 2123 = 32;
Child : 2120 / 2120 = 22 Milk Teeth

Number of Cranial Nerves

12 pairs

Number of Spinal Nerves

31 pairs

Largest Endocrine Gland


Gestation Period

9 months (253 - 266 days)

Normal Heart Beat

72 - 75/minute

Largest Gland


Largest Muscle in the Body

Gluteus maximus (Buttock Muscle)

Largest Smooth Muscle

The uterus of a Pregnant Woman

Smallest Muscle in the Body


Largest Artery

Abdominal Aorta  (10 millimeters to 25 millimeters in diameter)

Largest Vein

Inferior Venacava

Largest W.B.C


Smallest W.B.C


Greatest Regeneration Power

In liver

Longest Nerve


Longest Cell

Neuron (Nerve Cell)

Menstrual Cycle

28 days

Menopause Age

45 - 50 Years

Minimum Regeneration Power

In Brain Cells

Minimum Distance for proper vision

25 cm

Type of Placenta

Haemochorial (Chorioallantoic)

Pulse Rate


Volume of Semen

2 - 4 ml/ejaculation

Normal Sperm Count

200 - 350 million/ejaculation

FSR (normal Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate)

4 - 10 min/hr

Thinnest Skin


pH of Gastric Juice


pH of Urine


pH of Blood

7.35 - 7.45

pH of Bile


pH of Pancreatic Juice


Total Number of Muscles in the Body


Total Number of Bones in the Body


The largest Organ of the Human Body


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FAQs on Important Facts about the Human Body - General Test Preparation for CUET - CUET Commerce

1. What is the function of blood in the human body?
Ans. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells, removes waste products, helps regulate body temperature, and plays a crucial role in the immune system.
2. How does the human brain control the body's functions?
Ans. The human brain controls the body's functions through the nervous system, sending electrical signals to different parts of the body to initiate actions and responses.
3. Why is the heart considered the most important organ in the human body?
Ans. The heart is considered the most important organ in the human body because it pumps blood, which carries vital oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in the body, keeping them alive and functioning.
4. How does the respiratory system work to provide oxygen to the body?
Ans. The respiratory system includes the lungs and airways, which take in oxygen from the air and remove carbon dioxide from the body through the process of breathing.
5. What are some interesting facts about the human body that most people may not know?
Ans. Some interesting facts about the human body include the fact that the brain can generate the same amount of electricity as a small light bulb, and the human nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
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