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Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering PDF Download

Q1: The three-dimensional state of stress at a point is given by   [2024, Set-l]
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

The maximum shear stress at the point is 
(a) 25MPa 
(b) 5MPa 
(c) 15MPa 
(d) 20MPa
In the given matrix, shear stresses are zero. So, the elements on diagonal of this matrix are principal stress. So,

Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

Q2: A 2D thin plate with modulus of elasticity, E = 1.0 N/m2 , and Poisson's ratio, μ = 0.5, is in plane stress condition. The displacement field in the plate is given by μ = C2y and v = 0, where us and v are displacements (in m) along the X and Y directions, respectively, and C is constant (in m−2). The distance x and y along X an Y, respectively, are in m. The stress in the X direction is σ xx  =40xy N/m2 , and the shear stress is τxy = ax2 N/m2. What is the value of α (in N/m4 , in integer) ? [2023, Set-lI]
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 45
(d) 55
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

Q3: The components of pure shear strain in a sheared material are given in the matrix form:  [2022, Set-lI]
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Here, Trace(ε) = 0. Given, P = Trace(ε8) and Q = Trace(ε11). 
The numerical value of (P + Q) is ________. (in integer)
(a) 12
(b) 28
(c) 32
(d) 46
∣A − λI∣ = 0
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
λ = ±√2
Eigen values of ε are √2  and − √2  
Eigen values of ε8 are (√2)8 and (−√2)8
Eigen values of ε11 are (√2)11 and (−√2)11
P = Trace(ε8) = sum of Eigen values = (√2)8 + (−√2)8 = 32  
Q = Trace(ε11) = sum of Eigen values = (√2)11 + (−√2)11  
P + Q = 32 + 0 = 32

Q4: The hoop stress at a point on the surface of a thin cylindrical pressure vessel is computed to be 30.0 MPa. The value of maximum shear stress at this point is  [2022, Set-I]
(a) 7.5 MPa
(b) 15.0 MPa
(c) 30.0 MPa
(d) 22.5 MPa
Hoop stress (σh) = pd/2t = 30 MPa
Maximum shear stress in plane (τmax) in planePast Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering= 7.5 Mpa

Q5: For a channel section subjected to a downward vertical shear force at its centroid, which one of the following represents the correct distribution of shear stress in flange and web?  [2019 : 1 Mark, Set-ll]
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Shear flow distribution for channel.

Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

Q6: Cross section of a built-up wooden beam as shown in figure (not drawn to scale) is subjected to a vertical shear force of 8 kN. The beam is symmetrical about the neutral axis (NA), shown, and the moment of inertia about N.A. is 1.5 x 109 mm4. Considering that the nails at the location P are spaced longitudinally (along the length of the beam) at 60 mm, each of the nails at P will be subjected to the shear force of [2019 : 2 Marks, Set-I]
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering(a) 240 N
(b) 480 N
(c) 60 N
(d) 120 N
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringShear Flow, Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Distance between two nails l = 60 mm
∴ S.F. resisted by each nail = q x l = 240 N

Q7: For a given loading on a rectangular plain concrete beam with an overall depth of 500 mm, the compressive strain and tensile strain developed at the extreme fibers are of the same magnitude of 2.5 x 10-4. The curvature in the beam cross-section (in m-1, round off to 3 decimal places), is _______. [2019 : 1 Mark, Set-I]
Given: D= 500 mm
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringPast Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

= 1*10-6

Q8: An 8 m long simply-supported elastic beam of rectangular cross-section (100 mm x 200 mm) is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 10kN/m over its entire span. The maximum principal stress (in MPa, up to two decimal places) at a point located at the extreme compression edge of a cross-section and at 2 m from the support is ______ .    [2018 : 2 Marks, Set-II]
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringPast Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringPast Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
[Due to symmetry]
MA = (-10 x 2 x 1) + 40 x 2
= 60 kNm
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineeringσ = My/I
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Direct shear stress = 0
Principal stress,
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
So principal stress
= 90 N/mm2 = 90 MPa

Q9: A cantilever beam of length 2 m with a square section of side length 0.1 m is loaded vertically at the free end. The vertical displacement at the free end is 5 mm. The beam is made of steel with Young’s modulus of 2.0 x 1011 N/m2. The maximum bending stress at the fixed end of the cantilever is [2018 : 2 Marks, Set-I]
(a) 20.0 MPa
(b) 37.5 MPa
(c) 60.0 MPa
(d) 75.0 MPa
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringPast Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
= 37.5 x 106 N/m2 = 37.5 MPa

Q10: A 450 mm long plain concrete prism is subjected to the concentrated vertical loads as shown in the figure. Cross section of the prism is given as 150 mm x 150 mm. Considering linear stress distribution across the cross-section, the modulus of rupture (expressed in MPa) is ___ .   [2016 : 2 Marks, Set-II]
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringBMQ = 11.25 x 150
= 1.6875 x 106 N-mm
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
where, Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
⇒ Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

Q11: A simply supported reinforced concrete beam of length 10 m sags while undergoing shrinkage. Assuming a uniform curvature of 0.004 m-1 along the span, the maximum deflection (in m) of the beam at mid-span is ______. [2015 : 2 Marks, Set-II]

Method - I
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringRadius, Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
= 249.95 m
Deflection = AA' = 250 - 249.95
= 0.05 m
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering1/R = 0.004

Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
δ 0.05 m
= 71.12N/mm2

Q12: A symmetric l-section (with width of each flange = 50 mm, thickness of web = 10 mm) of steel is subjected to a shear force of 100 kN. Find the magnitude of the shear stress (in N/mm2) in the web at its junction with the top flange _____ . [2013 : 1 Mark]
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringPast Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

Q13: The “Plane section remain plane” assumption in bending theory implies    [2013 : 1 Mark]
(a) strain profile is linear
(b) stress profile is linear
(c) both profiles are linear
(d) shear deformation is neglected
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringSince, E ∝ δy
So, strain varies linearly.

Q14: Consider a simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load having a neutral axis (NA) as shown. For points P(on the neutral axis) and Q (at the bottom of the beam) the state of stress is best represented by which of the following pairs?    [2011 : 1 Mark]
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringPast Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical EngineeringPoint P: Point Plies on NA, hence bending stress is zero at point P.
Point Palso lies at mid span, so shear force, V = 0
⇒ Shear stress, τ = 0
∴ State of stress of point Pwill be,
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering
Point Q: At point Q flexural stress is maximum and nature of which is tensile due to downward loading. Point Q lies at the extreme of beam, therefore, shear stress at point Q is zero.
∴ State of stress of point Q will be,
Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering 
The document Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses | Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Solid Mechanics.
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FAQs on Past Year Questions: Bending & Shear Stresses - Solid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering

1. What are bending stresses and how are they calculated in beams?
Ans. Bending stresses are internal stresses developed in a beam when it is subjected to bending moments. They can be calculated using the formula: \(\sigma = \frac{M \cdot c}{I}\), where \(\sigma\) is the bending stress, \(M\) is the bending moment at the section, \(c\) is the distance from the neutral axis to the outermost fiber, and \(I\) is the moment of inertia of the beam's cross-section.
2. What is shear stress and how does it differ from bending stress in structural members?
Ans. Shear stress is the internal force per unit area acting parallel to the surface of a material. It differs from bending stress, which occurs due to moments causing bending; shear stress arises from forces acting perpendicular to the beam's length. The shear stress can be calculated using the formula: \(\tau = \frac{V}{A}\), where \(\tau\) is the shear stress, \(V\) is the internal shear force, and \(A\) is the area over which the force acts.
3. How do you determine the location of maximum bending and shear stresses in a beam?
Ans. The location of maximum bending and shear stresses in a beam can be determined using shear and bending moment diagrams. The maximum bending stress typically occurs at points of maximum bending moment, while maximum shear stress occurs at points of maximum shear force. Analyzing the loading conditions and support reactions helps identify these critical points.
4. What is the significance of the neutral axis in bending stress calculations?
Ans. The neutral axis is the line within the beam's cross-section where there is no tensile or compressive stress when the beam is subjected to bending. It is significant in bending stress calculations because the distance from the neutral axis to the outermost fibers (denoted as \(c\)) is crucial in determining the bending stress. The location of the neutral axis varies with the shape and material of the beam.
5. How does the material properties affect bending and shear stresses in engineering applications?
Ans. Material properties, such as yield strength, modulus of elasticity, and ductility, significantly affect how materials respond to bending and shear stresses. A material with a high yield strength can withstand greater stresses without deformation, while the modulus of elasticity affects how much a material will deflect under load. Understanding these properties is essential for engineers to ensure safety and structural integrity in design.
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