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NCERT Exemplar: Reproductive Health - 1 | Biology Class 12 - NEET PDF Download


Q.1. The method of directly injecting a sperm into ovum in Assisted Reproductive Technology is called:
(a) GIFT
(b) ZIFT
(c) ICSI
(d) ET
Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a method in which embryo is formed in the laboratory in which a sperm is directly injected into the ovum.

Q.2. Increased IMR and decreased MMR in a population will:
(a) Cause rapid increase in growth rate
(b) Result in decline in growth rate
(c) Not cause significant change in growth rate
(d) Result in an explosive population
Increased IMR and decreased MMR in a population will result in decline in growth rate.

Q.3. Intensely lactating mothers do not generally conceive due to the:
(a) Suppression of gonadotropins
(b) Hyper secretion of gonadotropins
(c) Suppression of gametic transport
(d) Suppression of fertilisation
Ans. (a)

Presence of prolactin hormone in the blood of lactating mothers suppresses the release of gonadotropins (FSH and LH) from the pituitary gland. Gonadotropins are required for ovulation to occur. Thus, in the absence of gonadotropins, ovum is not released and hence chances of fertilisation are nil upto 6 months following parturition (if the mother is regularly breast-feeding). Therefore, intensely lactating mothers do not generally conceive. So, the correct answer is 'Suppression of gonadotropins'.

Q.4. Sterilisation techniques are generally fool proof methods of contraception with least side effects. Yet, this is the last option for the couples because:
i. It is almost irreversible
ii. Of the misconception that it will reduce sexual urge
iii. It is a surgical procedure
iv. Of lack of sufficient facilities in many parts of the country Choose the correct option:
(a) i and iii
(b) ii and iii
(c) ii and iv
(d) i, ii, iii and iv
Solution. Sterilisation techniques are generally fool proof methods of contraception with least side effects. Yet, this is the last option for the couples because of (i), (ii) , (iii) and (iv).

Q.5. A national level approach to build up a reproductively healthy society was taken up in our country in:
(a) 1950s
(b) 1960s
(c) 1980s
(d) 1990s
Solution. A national level approach to build up a reproductively healthy society was taken up in our country in 1950s.

Q.6. Emergency contraceptives are effective if used within:
(a) 72 hrs of coitus
(b) 72 hrs of ovulation
(c) 72 hrs of menstruation
(d) 72 hrs of implantation
Solution. Combination or IUDs within 72 hours of coitus have been found to be very effective as emergency contraceptives as they could be used to avoid possible pregnancy due to rape or casual unprotected intercourse.

Q.7. Choose the right one among the statements given below:
(a) IUDs are generally inserted by the user herself
(b) IUDs increase phagocytosis reaction in the uterus
(c) IUDs suppress gametogenesis
(d) IUDs once inserted need not be replaced

  • Hormone- releasing IUDs: Progestasert, LNG-20
  • IUDs increases phagocytes of sperm within the uterus

Q.8. Following statements are given regarding MTP. Choose the correct options given below:
i. MTPs are generally advised during first trimester
ii. MTPs are used as a contraceptive method
iii. MTPs are always surgical
iv. MTPs require the assistance of qualified medical personnel
(a) ii and iii
(b) ii and iii
(c) i and  iv
(d) i  and ii

  • MTPs are considered relatively safe during the first trimester (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy).
  • 2nd trimester abortions are much more risky.
  • MTPs require the assistance of qualified medical personnel.

Q.9. From the sexually transmitted diseases mentioned below, identify the one which does not specifically affect the sex organs:
(a) Syphilis
(b) AIDS
(c) Gonorrhea
(d) Genital warts
Diseases or infections which are transmitted through sexual intercourse called sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or VD (Venereal diseases) or RTI (Reproductive tract infections).

Examples of STDs:

  • HIV (AIDS)
  • Hepatitis-B
  • Genital herpes
  • Chlamydiasis ,
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Genital warts
  •  Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis

Q.10. Condoms are one of the most popular contraceptives because of the following reasons:
(a) These are effective barriers for insemination
(b) They do not interfere with coital act
(c) These help in reducing the risk of STDs
(d) All of the above
Condoms are barriers made of thin rubber/latex sheath. Condoms are used to cover the penis in male or vagina and cervix in the female, just before coitus so that the ejaculated semen would not enter into the female reproductive tract. This can prevent conception. Use of condoms has increased in recent years due to its additional benefit of protecting the user from contracting STDs and AIDS. Both male and female condoms are disposable and gives privacy to the user. ‘Nirodh’ is a popular brand of condom for the male. Condom is the most widely used contraceptive by males in India as it is cheap and easily available. It is simple and effective and has no side effects.

Q.11. Choose the correct statement regarding the ZIFT procedure:
(a) Ova collected from a female donor are transferred to the fallopian tube to facilitate zygote formation.
(b) Zygote is collected from a female donor and transferred to the fallopian tube
(c) Zygote is collected from a female donor and transferred to the uterus
(d) Ova collected from a female donor and transferred to the uterus

  • ZIFT (Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer): The zygote or early embryos (up to 8 blastomeres) could then be transferred into the fallopian tube.
  • Transfer of an ovum collected from a donor into the fallopian tube (GIFT: Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer) of another female who cannot produce one but can provide suitable environment for fertilization and further development.

Q.12. The correct surgical procedure as a contraceptive method is:
(a) Ovariectomy
(b) Hysterectomy
(c) Vasectomy
(d) Castration
Vasectomy and tubectomy are surgical procedure as a contraceptive method.

Q.13. Diaphragms are contraceptive devices used by the females. Choose the correct option from the statements given below:
i. They are introduced into the uterus
ii. They are placed to cover the cervical region iii. They act as physical barriers for sperm entry
iv. They act as spermicidal agents
(a) i and ii,
(b) i and iii,
(c) ii and iii,
(d) iii & iv
Diaphragms, Cervical caps and Vaults: These are also barrier made of rubber that are inserted into the female reproductive tract to cover the cervix during coitus. They prevent conception by blocking the entry of sperms through the cervix. They are reusable. Spermicidal creams, jellies and foams are usually used along with these barrier to increase their contraceptive efficiency.


Q. 1. Reproductive health refers only to healthy reproductive functions. Comment.
Reproductive health refers to a total well-being in all aspects of reproduction, i.e., physical, behavioural, psychological, social and physiological.

Q.2. Comment on the Reproductive and Child Health Care programme of the government to improve the reproductive health of the people.
Creating public awareness regarding reproduction related aspects and providing facilities to build up a healthy society with added emphasis on the health of mother and child are the basic aims of the RCH programmes.

Q.3. The present population growth rate in India is alarming. Suggest ways to check it.
The most important step to overcome this problem is to motivate smaller families by using various contraceptive methods.

  • Government of India advertises in the media as well as in posters, showing a happy couple with two children with a slogan “Hum Do Hamare Do” (We two, our two).
  • Many couples, mostly the young, urban working ones have even adopted a one child norm.
  • Statutory raising of marriageable age of the female to 18 years and that of males to 21 years and incentives given to couples with small families are two of the other measure taken to tackle this problem.

Q.4. STDs can be considered as self-invited diseases. Comment.
STDs can be considered as self-invited diseases caused due to the conscious behaviour of person. STDs occur in those individuals that have unprotected sex with multiple or unknown partners.

Q.5. Suggest the reproduction-related aspects in which counselling should be provided at the school level.

  • Introduction of sex education in schools should also be encouraged to provide right information to the young so as to discourage children from believing in myths and having misconceptions about sex-related aspects.
  • Proper information about reproductive organs, adolescence and related changes, safe and hygienic sexual practices, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), AIDS, etc., would help people, especially those in the adolescent age group to lead a reproductively healthy life.

Q.6. Mention the primary aim of the “Assisted Reproductive Technology” (ART) programme.
The primary aim of the “Assisted Reproductive Technology” (ART) programme is the couples could be assisted to have children through certain special techniques.

Q.7. What is the significance of progesterone-estrogen combination as a contraceptive measure?
Oral administration of small doses of progesterone-estrogen combination is a contraceptive measure which inhibit ovulation and implantation as well as alter the quality of cervical mucus to prevent/retard the entry of sperms.

Q.8. Strict conditions are to be followed in medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) procedures. Mention two reasons.
Government of India legalised MTP in 1971 with some strict conditions to avoid its misuse. Such restrictions are all the more important to check indiscriminate and illegal female foeticides which reported to be high in India.

Q.9. Males in whom testes fail to descend to the scrotum are generally infertile. Why?
If the testes fail to descend to the scrotum, gametogenesis could be inhibited, the process of spermatogenesis require a marginally lesser ambient temperature than that in the abdominal cavity.

Q.10. Mention two advantages of lactational amenorrhea as a contraceptive method.

(i) There is no ovulation and therefore the menstrual cycle do not take place.
(ii) As no medicines or devices are used in these methods, side effects are almost nil.

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplar: Reproductive Health - 1 - Biology Class 12 - NEET

1. What is reproductive health?
Ans. Reproductive health refers to the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being in matters related to the reproductive system. It includes the right to have a satisfying and safe sex life, as well as the ability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so.
2. How can one maintain reproductive health?
Ans. To maintain reproductive health, it is important to practice safe and responsible sexual behavior, including using contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies and practicing safe sex to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Regular check-ups with healthcare professionals, getting vaccinated against diseases like HPV, and seeking prompt medical advice for any reproductive health concerns are also essential.
3. What are the common reproductive health issues faced by women?
Ans. Women may face various reproductive health issues, including menstrual disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, infertility, and menopause-related symptoms. It is important for women to be aware of these issues, seek medical advice when necessary, and adopt healthy lifestyle practices to promote their reproductive health.
4. How does reproductive health education benefit individuals and society?
Ans. Reproductive health education plays a crucial role in promoting healthy sexual behavior, preventing unwanted pregnancies, and reducing the spread of sexually transmitted infections. It empowers individuals with knowledge about their bodies, contraception, and safe sex practices. In turn, this leads to improved overall reproductive health outcomes for individuals and contributes to the well-being of society as a whole.
5. What are the challenges faced in ensuring reproductive health rights for all?
Ans. Ensuring reproductive health rights for all individuals faces various challenges, including social stigma, lack of access to quality healthcare services, limited availability of contraceptives, cultural and religious barriers, and inadequate education and awareness. Overcoming these challenges requires comprehensive policies, advocacy, and efforts to promote inclusivity, gender equality, and reproductive health rights for all individuals.
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