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Shankar IAS Summary: Environmental Organizations | Famous Books for UPSC Exam (Summary & Tests) PDF Download


  • Statutory advisory body on Animal Welfare Laws and promotes animal welfare in the country
  • The Animal Welfare Board of India, the first of its kind to be established by any Government in the world, was set up in 1962, in accordance with Section 4 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Acts 1960
  • Shrimati Rukmini Devi Arundale pioneered the setting up of the Board 
  • The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI). Headauartered at Ballabhgarh in Haryana state,(Before it was in Chennai-Latest 2018 Updated)

(i) Functions

  • To keep the law in force in India for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals under constant Study and to advise the government on the amendments to be undertaken in any such law from time to time.
  • To advise the Central Government on the making of rules under the Act with a view to preventing unnecessary pain or suffering to animals generally, and more particularly when they are being transported from one place to another or when they are used as performing animals or when they are kept in captivity or confinement.
  • To take all such steps as the Board may think fit for amelioration of animals by encouraging, or providing for the construction of sheds, water troughs and the like and by providing for veterinary assistance to animals. 
  • To advise the Government or any local authority or other person in the design of slaughter houses
  • To take all such steps as the Board may think fit to ensure that unwanted animals are destroyed by local authorities
  • To encourage by the grant of financial assistance or otherwise, the formation or establishment of pinjarapoles, rescue homes, animals sanctuaries and the like, where animals and birds may find a shelter when they have become old and useless or when they need protection. 
  • To advise the Government on matters relating to the medical care and attention which maybe Provided in animal hospitals, and to give financial and other assistance to animal hospitals Whenever the Board think it is necessary to do so.
  • The Board consists of 28 Members. The term of office of Members is for a period of 3 years


The amendment made to the Wild Life (Protection) Act in 1991 added a new chapter dealing With zoos to the Act and allowed for the Central Government to constitute an authority known as the Central Zoo Authority

Imp Functions

  • To specify the minimum standards for housing, upkeep and veterinary care of animals kept in a zoo
  • To identify endangered species of wild animals for purposes of captive breeding and assigning responsibility in this regard to a zoo
  • To co-ordinate the acquisition, exchange and loaning of animals for breeding purposes
  • To ensure maintenance of stud-books, of endangered species of wild animals bred in captivity 
  • To co-ordinate training of zoo personnel in India and abroad


  • Established in 2003 to implement India’s Biological Diversity Act (2002).
  • The NBA is a Statutory, Autonomous Body and it performs facilitative, regulatory and advisory function for the Government of India on issues of, conservation, sustainable use of biological resources- and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resources.

(i) Objectives of the NBA

  • Anybody seeking any kind of intellectual, property rights on a research based upon Biological resource or knowledge obtained from India has to obtain prior approval of the NBA.
  • The NBA will impose benefit-sharing conditions.

(ii) Main functions:

  • The National biodiversity Authority may
    (i) A-advise the Central Government on matters relation into-the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components
    (ii) B-advise the State Governments in the selection of areas of biodiversity importance to be notified as heritage sites and measures for the management of such Heritage sites;
  • The National Biodiversity Authority may, on behalf of the Central Government, take any measures necessary to oppose the grant of intellectual property rights in any country outside India on any biological resource obtained from India or knowledge associated with such biological resource which is derived from India.


The Government of India constituted a statutory body, the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau on 6th June 2007, by amending the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The bureau would complement the efforts of the state governments, primary enforcers of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and other enforcement agencies of the country.

(i) Functions

  • Collection, collation of intelligence and its dissemination and establishment of a Centralized Wildlife Crime data bank; 
  • Co-ordination of actions by various enforcement authorities towards the implementation of the provisions of this Act.
  • Assistance to concerned authorities in foreign countries and concerned international 
  • Development of infrastructure and capacity building for Scientific and professional investigation; organizations to facilitate co-ordination and universal action for wildlife crime control;
  • Implementation of obligations under the various international Conventions and protocols
  • Advice the Government of India on issues relating to wildlife crimes having national and International ramifications, and suggest changes required in relevant policy and laws from time to time.

Ministry of Environment and Forests for conservation and management of polluted and degraded lakes in urban and semi-urban areas through an integrated ecosystem approach.

Activities Covered Under NLCP

  • Prevention of pollution from point sources by intercepting, diverting and treating the pollution loads entering the lake.
  • In situ measures of lake cleaning such as de-silting, de-weeding, bioremediation, aeration, biomanipulation, nutrient reduction, withdrawal of anoxic hypolimn ion, constructed wetland approach or any other successfully tested eco-technologies etc depending upon the site conditions.
  • Lake front eco-development including public interface. 
  • Solid waste management & provision of dhobi ghats is generally not covered under NLCP. 
  • Prevention of pollution from non-point sources by providing low cost sanitation. Public awareness 
  • And public participation. Capacity building, training and research in the area of Lake Conservation.


  • NGRBA was constituted on February 2009 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
  • The objective of the NGRBA is to ensure effective Abatement of pollution and conservation
  • The Authority has both regulatory and developmental functions. 
  • The NGRBA is a planning, financing, monitoring and coordinating body of the centre and the states. Of the river Ganga by adopting a river basin approach for comprehensive planning and management.
  • Development of a river basin management plan;


  • NGO founded: 1998
  • Aim: To conserve nature, especially endangered species and threatened habitats, in partnership with communities and governments.

National Green Tribunal (NGT)

The preamble of the act calls for the establishment of a National Green Tribunal (NGT) to ensure the effective and prompt resolution of cases related to environmental protection, conservation of forests, and other natural resources. This includes the enforcement of legal rights related to the environment, granting relief, compensating for damages to persons and property, and other connected matters (The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010).Shankar IAS Summary: Environmental Organizations | Famous Books for UPSC Exam (Summary & Tests)

  • With the formation of the NGT, India has joined a select group of nations that have a dedicated adjudicatory body for addressing environmental disputes. Ranking as the third country globally to have a fully-fledged green tribunal, India follows in the footsteps of New Zealand and Australia.
  • The specialized structure of the NGT is designed to expedite the resolution of environmental cases, providing significant momentum to the implementation of various sustainable development initiatives. The NGT is mandated to adjudicate cases within six months of their respective appeals, ensuring a swift and efficient process.
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FAQs on Shankar IAS Summary: Environmental Organizations - Famous Books for UPSC Exam (Summary & Tests)

1. What is the role of the Animal Welfare Board of India?
Ans. The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) is responsible for promoting animal welfare and ensuring the enforcement of animal rights within India. It advises the government on animal welfare laws, provides guidelines for the care and treatment of animals, and works to prevent cruelty towards animals.
2. How does the Central Zoo Authority function in India?
Ans. The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) oversees the functioning and management of zoos in India. It formulates guidelines for the establishment and operation of zoos, ensures the maintenance of standards for animal care, and promotes conservation and education through zoos.
3. What is the purpose of the National Biodiversity Authority of India?
Ans. The National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) aims to promote the conservation of biological diversity in India. It works on the sustainable use of biological resources, ensures fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of biological materials, and implements the provisions of the Biological Diversity Act.
4. What is the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) and its significance?
Ans. The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) is a specialized agency established to combat wildlife crime in India. Its significance lies in its role in coordinating efforts to prevent poaching and trafficking of wildlife, enforcing wildlife laws, and promoting awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation.
5. What initiatives are taken by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) for environmental protection?
Ans. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is a specialized environmental court that adjudicates matters related to environmental protection and conservation. It hears cases related to environmental issues, promotes sustainable development, and provides a platform for citizens to seek justice in environmental matters.
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