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Spectrum Summary: Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments | History for UPSC CSE PDF Download

The inception of the East India Company in 1600 and its evolution from a trading entity to a governing authority in 1765 initially had minimal influence on Indian politics and governance. However, the era spanning from 1773 to 1858, during Company rule, followed by British Crown rule until 1947, experienced a multitude of constitutional and administrative transformations. While these changes were intended to align with British imperial ideology, they inadvertently infused elements of the modern State into India's political and administrative framework.

Logo of East India CompanyLogo of East India Company

Constitutional Development between 1773 and 1858

  • After the Battle of Buxar (1764), the East India Company got the Diwani (right to collect revenue) of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.
  • 1767- The first intervention in Indian affairs by the British government came in 1767.
  • 1765-72- This period was characterized by:
    (i) Rampant corruption among servants of the Company who made full use of private trading to enrich themselves.
    (ii) Excessive revenue collection and oppression of peasantry.
    (iii) Company’s bankruptcy, while the servants were flourishing.

The Regulating Act of 1773

  • British government’s involvement in Indian affairs in the effort to control and regulate the functioning of the East India Company. It recognized that the Company’s role in India extended beyond mere trade to administrative and political fields, and introduced the element of centralized administration.
  • Directors of the Company were required to submit all correspondence regarding revenue affairs and civil and military administration to the government.
  • In Bengal, the administration was to be carried out by the governor-general and a council consisting of 4 members, representing the civil and military government. They were required to function according to the majority rule.
  • A Supreme Court of judicature was to be established in Bengal with original and appellate jurisdictions where all subjects could seek redressal. In practice, however, the Supreme Court had a debatable jurisdiction vis-a-vis the council which created various problems.
  • Governor-general could exercise some powers over Bombay and Madras again, a vague provision that created many problems.
  • Amendments (1781)
    (i) Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court was defined within Calcutta, it was to administer the personal law of the defendant.
    (ii) Servants of the government were immune if they did anything while discharging their duties.
    (iii) Social and religious usages of the subjects were to be honored.

Question for Spectrum Summary: Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments
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What was the purpose of the Regulating Act of 1773?
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 Pitt’s India Act of 1784

  • The company became a subordinate department of the State. The Company’s territories in India were termed British possessions’.
  • A Board of Control consisting of the chancellor of the exchequer, a secretary of state and four members of the Privy Council (to be appointed by the Crown) were to exercise control over the Company’s civil, military, and revenue affairs. All dispatches were to be approved by the board. Thus a dual system of control was set up.
  • In India, the governor-general was to have a council of three (including the commander-in-chief), and the presidencies of Bombay and Madras were made subordinate to the governor-general.
  • A general prohibition was placed on aggressive wars and treaties (breached often).

 The Act of 1786

Charles Cornwallis

  • Cornwallis wanted to have the powers of both the governor-general and the commander-in-chief. The new act conceded this demand and also gave him power.
  • Cornwallis was allowed to override the council’s decision if he owned the responsibility for the decision. Later, this provision was extended to all the governors-general.

The Charter Act of 1793

  • The Act renewed the Company’s commercial privileges for the next 20 years.
  • The Company, after paying the necessary expenses, interest, dividends, salaries, etc., from the Indian revenues, was to pay 5 lakh pounds annually to the British government.
  • The royal approval was mandated for the appointment of the governor-general, the governors, and the commander-in-chief.
  • Senior officials of the Company were debarred from leaving India without permission—doing so was treated as a resignation.
  • The Company was empowered to give licenses to individuals as well as the Company’s employees to trade in India. The licenses, known as 'privilege’ or 'country trade', paved the way for shipments of opium to China.
  • The revenue administration was separated from the judiciary functions and this led to the disappearance of the Maal Adalats.
  • The Home Government members were to be paid out of Indian revenues which continued up to 1919.

 The Charter Act of 1813

  • The Company’s monopoly over trade in India ended, but the Company retained the trade with China and the trade in tea.
  • The Company’s shareholders were given a 10.5 percent dividend on the revenue of India. The Company was to retain the possession of territories and the revenue for 20 years more, without prejudice to the sovereignty of the Crown.
  • The powers of the Board of Control were further enlarged.
  • A sum of one lakh rupees was to be set aside for the revival, promotion, and encouragement of literature, learning, and science among the natives of India, every year.
  • The regulations made by the Councils of Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta were now required to be laid before the British Parliament. The constitutional position of the British territories in India was thus explicitly defined for the first time.
  • Separate accounts were to be kept regarding commercial transactions and territorial revenues. The power of superintendence and direction of the Board of Control was not only defined but also enlarged considerably.
  • Christian missionaries were also permitted to come to India and preach their religion.

 The Charter Act of 1833

  • The lease of 20 years to the Company was further extended. Territories of India were to be governed in the name of the Crown.
  • The company’s monopoly over trade with China and in tea also ended.
  • All restrictions on European immigration and the acquisition of property in India were lifted.
  • In India, a financial, legislative, and administrative centralization of the government was envisaged:
    (i) Governor-general was given the power to superintend, control, and direct all civil and military affairs of the Company.
    (ii) Bengal, Madras, Bombay, and all other territories were placed under complete control of the governor-general.
    (iii) All revenues were to be raised under the authority of the governor-general who would have complete control over the expenditure too.
    (iv) Governments of Madras and Bombay were drastically deprived of their legislative powers and left with a right of proposing to the governor-general the projects of law which they thought to be expedient.
  • A law member was added to the governor-general’s council for professional advice on lawmaking. vi. Indian laws were to be codified and consolidated. vii. No Indian citizen was to be denied employment under the Company on the basis of religion, color, birth, descent, etc.
  • The administration was urged to take steps to ameliorate the conditions of slaves and to ultimately abolish slavery. (Slavery was abolished in 1843).

 The Charter Act of 1853

  • The company was to continue possession of territories unless the Parliament provided otherwise.
  • The strength of the Court of Directors was reduced to 18.
  • The company’s patronage over the services was dissolved—the services were now thrown open to a competitive examination.
  • Law member became the full member of the governor-general’s executive council.
  • separation of the executive and legislative functions of the Government of British India progressed with the inclusion of six additional members for legislative purposes.

 The Act for Better Government of India, 1858Spectrum Summary:  Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments | History for UPSC CSE

  • India was to be governed by and in the name of the Crown through a secretary of state and a council of 15. The initiative and the final decision was to be with the secretary of state and the council was to be just advisory in nature.
  • Governor-general became the viceroy.

Question for Spectrum Summary: Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments
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Which act introduced the element of centralized administration in India during Company rule?
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Developments after 1858 till Independence

 Indian Councils Act, 1861

  • The 1861 Act marked an advance in that the principle of representatives of nonofficials in legislative bodies became accepted, laws were to be made after due deliberation, and as pieces of legislation, they could be changed only by the same deliberative process.
  • The portfolio system introduced by Lord Canning laid the foundations of cabinet government in India, each branch of the administration having its official head and spokesman in the government, who was responsible for its administration.
  • The Act by vesting legislative powers in the Governments of Bombay and Madras and by making provision for the institution of similar legislative councils in other provinces laid the foundations of legislative devolution.

 Indian Councils Act, 1892

  • In 1885, the Indian National Congress was founded. Congress saw the reform of the councils as the "root of all other reforms" . It was in response to the Congress's demand that the legislative councils be expanded that the number of non-official members was increased both in the central (Imperial) and provincial legislative councils by the Indian Councils Act, 1892.
  • Legislative Council of the Governor-General was enlarged.
  • Universities, district boards, municipalities, zamindars, trade bodies, and chambers of commerce were empowered to recommend members to the provincial councils.
  • Thus was introduced the principle of representation.
  • Though the term election was firmly avoided in the Act, an element of the indirect election was accepted in the selection of some of the non-official members.
  • Members of the legislatures were now entitled to express their views upon financial statements which were henceforth to be made on the floor of the legislatures.
  • Could also put questions within certain limits to the executive on matters of public interest after giving six day's notice.

Indian Councils Act, 1909

  • Popularly known as the Morley-Minto Reforms, the Act made the first attempt to bring in a representative and popular element in the governance of the country.
  • The strength of the Imperial Legislative Council was increased.
  • With regard to the central government, an Indian member was taken for the first time in the Executive Council of the Governor-General.
  • Members of the Provincial Executive Council were increased.
  • Powers of the legislative councils, both central and provincial, were increased.

 Government of India Act, 1919

  • This Act was based on what is popularly known as the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms.
  • Under the 1919 Act, the Indian Legislative Council at the Centre was replaced by a bicameral system consisting of a Council of State (Upper House) and a Legislative Assembly (Lower House). Each house was to have a majority of members who were directly elected. So, the direct election was introduced, though the franchise was much restricted being based on qualifications of property, tax, or education.
  • The principle of communal representation was extended with separate electorates for Sikhs, Christians, and Anglo-Indians, besides Muslims.
  • The act introduced dyarchy in the provinces, which indeed was a substantial step towards the transfer of power to the Indian people.
  • The provincial legislature was to consist of one house only (legislative council).
  • Act separated for the first time the provincial and central budgets, with provincial legislatures being authorized to make their budgets.
  • A High Commissioner for India was appointed, who was to hold his office in London for six years and whose duty was to look after Indian trade in Europe.
  • Secretary of State for India who used to get his pay from the Indian revenue was now to be paid by the British Exchequer, thus undoing an injustice in the Charter Act of 1793.
  • Though Indian leaders for the first time got some administrative experience in a constitutional set-up under this Act.

 Simon CommissionSpectrum Summary:  Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments | History for UPSC CSE

  • 1919 Act had provided that a Royal Commission would be appointed ten years after the Act to report on its working. 
  • Three Round Table Conferences were called by the British government to consider the proposals. 
  • Subsequently, a White Paper on Constitutional Reforms was published by the British government in March 1933.

Government of India Act, 1935

  • Act, with 451 clauses and 15 schedules, contemplated the establishment of an All- India Federation in which Governors’ Provinces and the Chief Commissioners’ Provinces and those Indian states which might accede to be united were to be included.
  • Dyarchy, rejected by the Simon Commission, was provided for in the Federal Executive.
  • Federal Legislature was to have two chambers (bicameral): The Council of States and the Federal Legislative Assembly. The Council of States (the Upper House) was to be a permanent body.
  • There was a provision for joint sitting in cases of deadlock between the houses. There were to be three subject lists: The Federal Legislative List, the Provincial Legislative List, and the Concurrent Legislative List. Residuary, legislative powers were subject to the discretion of the governor-general.
  • Dyarchy in the provinces was abolished and provinces were given autonomy
  • Provincial legislatures were further expanded. Bicameral legislatures were provided in the six provinces of Madras, Bombay, Bengal, United Provinces, Bihar, and Assam, with the other five provinces retaining unicameral legislatures.
  • Principles of communal electorates’ and 'weightage' were further extended to depressed classes, women, and labor.
  • The franchise was extended, with about 10 percent of the total population getting the right to vote.
  • Act also provided for a Federal Court (which was established in 1937), with original and appellate powers, to interpret the 1935 Act and settle inter-state disputes, but the Privy Council in London was to dominate this court. India Council of the Secretary of State was abolished.
  • All-India Federation as visualized in the Act never came into being because of the opposition from different parties of India. The British government decided to introduce the provincial autonomy on April 1, 1937, but the Central government continued to be governed in accordance with the 1919 Act, with minor amendments. The operative part of the Act of 1935 remained in force till August 15, 1947.

Question for Spectrum Summary: Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments
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Which Act introduced the principle of representative and popular element in the governance of India?
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Evolution of Civil Services in India

The civil service system introduced by the East India Company in India originally served the Company's commercial interests. Over time, it underwent a transformation, evolving into a well-structured machinery responsible for administering the acquired territories. Initially, the term 'civil service' was used to differentiate Company servants engaged in commerce from those in the military and naval services. As time progressed, civil servants were entrusted with additional responsibilities and authority, marking a genuine evolution in their role.

Cornwallis’ Role

  • Cornwallis, governor-general from 1786 to 1793, initiated the establishment and organization of civil services.
  • Implemented measures to combat corruption, including:
    1. Raising civil servants' salaries.
    2. Strict enforcement of rules against engaging in private trade.
    3. Prohibiting civil servants from accepting presents or bribes.
    4. Enforcing promotions based on seniority.

Wellesley’s Role

In 1800, Wellesley (governor-general, 1798-1805) established Fort William College to train new recruits. However, the Court of Directors disapproved of Wellesley's College in 1806. Instead, they established the East India College at Haileybury in England to provide two years of training for recruits. 

Charter Act of 1853

  • The 1853 Charter Act abolished the Company's patronage, introducing open competition for recruitment.
  • Indians were excluded from high posts due to beliefs that only the English could serve British interests.
  • Cornwallis's view that "Every native of Hindustan is corrupt" contributed to the early exclusion of Indians.
  • The Charter Act of 1793 reserved posts worth 500 pounds per annum for covenanted servants of the Company.
  • Reasons for excluding Indians included the perception of their incapability, untrustworthiness, and insensitivity to British interests.
  • Despite the theoretical opening of services in the 1833 Charter Act, effective implementation for Indians was lacking.
  • After the 1857 Indian Rebellion, the Proclamation of 1858 expressed British intent to include Indians in civil service roles freely and impartially.

Indian Civil Service Act, 1861 

This legislation set aside specific positions for covenanted civil servants, with examinations conducted in England and administered in the English language, emphasizing classical knowledge of Greek and Latin. The maximum allowable age was progressively lowered from 23 (in 1859) to 22 (in 1860), further reduced to 21 (in 1866), and eventually to 19 (in 1878). Notably, in 1863, Satyendra Nath Tagore achieved the distinction of being the first Indian to successfully qualify for the Indian Civil Service. 

Satyendra Nath TagoreSatyendra Nath Tagore

Statutory Civil Service

During 1878-79, Lytton implemented the Statutory Civil Service, allocating one-sixth of covenanted posts for individuals from influential Indian families. The appointments were to be made through nominations by local governments, pending approval from the Secretary of State and the Viceroy. However, this system proved unsuccessful and was subsequently abolished. 

Congress Demand and Aitchison Committee

The Indian National Congress, established in 1885, demanded a reduction in the age limit and simultaneous civil service examinations in India and Britain. In 1886, the Aitchison Committee recommended changes:

  • Removal of 'covenanted' and 'uncovenanted' terms.
  • Classification into Imperial Indian Civil Service (exam in England), Provincial Civil Service (exam in India), and Subordinate Civil Service (exam in India).
  • Increase the age limit to 23.

In 1893, the House of Commons approved simultaneous exams, but it was never implemented. Secretary of State Kimberley stated the need for a sufficient number of European members in the civil service.

Montford Reforms (1919)

  • Montford reforms emphasized a realistic policy: "If a responsible government is to be established in India, the more Indians we can employ in public service, the better."
  • Proposed the implementation of simultaneous examinations in India and England.
  • Recommended that one-third of recruitments be conducted in India, with an annual increase of 1.5 percent.

Lee Commission (1924)

The Lee Commission put forth recommendations, including:

  • Continued recruitment by the Secretary of State for the ICS, Irrigation branch of the Service of Engineers, Indian Forest Service, etc.
  • Transferred fields like education and civil medical service to be managed by provincial governments for recruitment.
  • Direct recruitment to ICS with a 50:50 parity between Europeans and Indians to be achieved within 15 years.
  • Immediate establishment of a Public Service Commission, as mandated by the Government of India Act, 1919.

Government of India Act, 1935
The 1935 Act suggested the creation of a Federal Public Service Commission and a Provincial Public Service Commission within their respective domains. However, the pivotal roles of control and authority continued to be held by the British, preventing the Indianization of the civil service from translating into effective political power for Indians. This was due to Indian bureaucrats functioning as agents of colonial rule.

Evaluation of Civil Services under British Rule 

  • Indians were systematically excluded from law and policy-making bodies, and European dominance persisted in policy implementation institutions.
  • Entry into the Indian Civil Services (ICS) remained challenging for Indians, with the exam held in London in English and including classical Greek and Latin learning.
  • Europeans held key, well-paid positions of power and authority, hindering Indianization. Despite gradual changes post-1918, important roles were still occupied by Europeans.
  • The realization grew that the Indianization of the civil service didn't effectively transfer power to Indians, as they continued to serve imperialist interests under British masters.

Question for Spectrum Summary: Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments
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What was the significance of the Regulating Act of 1773?
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Evolution of Police System in Modern India

In pre-colonial India, under Mughal and native states, governments were autocratic, lacked a formal police system. Watch guards protected villages, while faujdars and amils maintained law and order under the Mughal rule. The Kotwal oversaw city law enforcement. During dual rule in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa (1765-1772), zamindars were responsible for law and order duties but often neglected them.
In 1770, the faujdar and amil institutions were abolished, but Warren Hastings reinstated them in 1774. The police system saw developments under the British, with Cornwallis organizing a regular police force in 1791, relieving zamindars of police duties. Mayo appointed SPs in 1808, but their spies faced issues. In 1814, darogas were abolished in Company possessions except Bengal.
Bentinck (1828-1835) abolished the SP office, placing collectors/magistrates in charge. The Police Commission's (1860) recommendations led to the Indian Police Act, of 1861, establishing a civil constabulary system. The police, while successful in curbing criminal acts, had an unsympathetic attitude and was used to suppress the national movement.
The British did not create an All-India Police. The Police Act, 1861 provided guidelines for provincial setups, introducing uniform ranks nationwide. In 1902, the Police Commission recommended establishing CID in provinces and a Central Intelligence Bureau at the Centre.

Military Under the British 

  • Before the 1857 revolt, two distinct military forces operated under British control in India: the Queen's army and the Company's troops.

  • Post-1857, there was a systematic reorganization of the Indian Army to prevent another revolt and defend the Indian territory against imperialist powers like Russia, Germany, and France.

  • The European branch dominated the Indian branches, with commissions in 1859 and 1879 enforcing a one-third white army principle.

  • Proportions of Europeans to Indians were fixed at one to two in the Bengal Army and two to five in the Madras and Bombay Armies.

  • Strict European monopoly was maintained over key departments, and Indians were excluded from officer ranks until 1914.

British Army CorpsBritish Army Corps

  • The policy of balance and counterpoise, or divide and rule, guided the reorganization of the Indian branch, with an emphasis on 'martial races' and 'non-martial races.'

  • An ideology of 'martial races' justified discriminatory recruitment policies towards Sikhs, Gurkhas, and Pathans, while soldiers from regions involved in the 1857 revolt were labeled 'non-martial.'

  • Communal, caste, tribal, and regional consciousness was encouraged to deter the growth of nationalist feelings among soldiers.

  • Measures were taken to isolate soldiers from the broader population, including restricting access to newspapers, journals, and nationalist publications.

  • The British Indian Army remained a costly military machine with conscious efforts to maintain control and prevent internal dissent.

Question for Spectrum Summary: Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments
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What was one of the positive aspects of the judiciary under British rule in India?
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Development of Judiciary in British India

In pre-colonial India, including the Mughal era, the judicial system lacked proper procedures, organizational structure, and a systematic hierarchy of law courts. Hindu litigation was often resolved by caste elders, village panchayats, or zamindars. For Muslims, the qazi, typically a religious figure, administered justice in provincial capitals, towns, and large villages. The dispensation of justice was often arbitrary, with rajas and badshahs considered the source of justice.
The introduction of a common law system, based on recorded judicial precedents, began with the establishment of 'Mayor's Courts' in Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta in 1726 by the East India Company. As the Company transitioned from a trading entity to a ruling power, it replaced the existing Mughal legal system with new elements in the judicial system.

Reforms under Warren Hastings (1772-1785)

District Diwani Adalats were instituted in districts to handle civil disputes, presided over by the collector, with Hindu law applied to Hindus and Muslim law for Muslims. Appeals from these adalats were directed to the Sadar Diwani Adalat, led by a president and two members of the Supreme Council.
District Fauzdari Adalats were established to address criminal disputes, under an Indian officer with the assistance of qazis and muftis. These adalats also operated under the collector's general supervision, administering Muslim law. Approval for capital punishment and property acquisition appeals were directed to the Sadar Nizamat Adalat in Murshidabad, headed by a deputy nizam (Indian Muslim) with support from chief qazi and chief mufti.
The Regulating Act of 1773 established a Supreme Court in Calcutta, competent to try all British subjects within Calcutta and subordinate factories, including Indians and Europeans. It held original and appellate jurisdictions, often conflicting with other courts.

Reforms under Cornwallis (1786-1793)— Separation of Powers 

  • Abolition of District Fauzdari Courts led to the establishment of circuit courts in Calcutta, Dacca, Murshidabad, and Patna, featuring European judges for civil and criminal case appeals.

  • Sadar Nizamat Adalat relocated to Calcutta, placed under the governor-general and members of the Supreme Council, assisted by chief qazi and chief mufti.

  • District Diwani Adalat was renamed District, City, or Zila Court, overseen by a district judge, with the collector limited to revenue administration.

  • Hierarchy of civil courts established for Hindu and Muslim laws:

    1. Munsiff’s Court (under Indian officers)
    2. Registrar’s Court (under a European judge)
    3. District Court (under the district judge)
    4. Four Circuit Courts (provincial courts of appeal)
    5. Sadar Diwani Adalat in Calcutta
    6. King-in-Council for appeals of 5000 pounds and above.
  • Cornwallis Code introduced:

    1. Separation of revenue and justice administration.
    2. Inclusion of European subjects under jurisdiction.
    3. Government officials made answerable to civil courts for official actions.
    4. Establishment of the principle of the sovereignty of law.

Reforms under William Bentinck (1828-1833) 

  • The abolition of the four Circuit Courts led to their functions being transferred to collectors under the supervision of the commissioner of revenue and circuit.

  • Sadar Diwani Adalat and Sadar Nizamat Adalat were established at Allahabad for the convenience of the people in Upper Provinces.

  • Previously, Persian was the official language in courts; now, suitors had the option to use Persian or a vernacular language. In the Supreme Court, English replaced Persian.

  • In 1833, a Law Commission under Macaulay was established for the codification of Indian laws, resulting in the preparation of a Civil Procedure Code (1859), an Indian Penal Code (1860), and a Criminal Procedure Code (1861).

Later Developments

  • In 1860, it was stipulated that Europeans could claim no special privileges except in criminal cases, and judges of Indian origin were prohibited from trying them.
  • By 1865, the Supreme Court and the Sadar Adalats were consolidated into three High Courts located in Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras.
  • In 1935, the Government of India Act introduced a Federal Court established in 1937, empowered to settle disputes between governments and hear limited appeals from the High Courts.


Positive Aspects of Judiciary under the British:
1. Establishment of the rule of law.
2. Replacement of religious and personal laws with codified laws.
3. Inclusion of European subjects under jurisdiction, with criminal cases tried by European judges.
4. Government servants made accountable to civil courts.

Negative Aspects:
1. Increased complexity and expense in the judicial system, allowing manipulation by the wealthy.
2. Abundant opportunities for false evidence, deceit, and chicanery.
3. Prolonged litigation resulting in delayed justice.
4. Overburdened courts due to a surge in litigation.
5. European judges often unfamiliar with Indian customs and traditions.

Question for Spectrum Summary: Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments
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What was the purpose of the administrative changes introduced by the British in India after the 1857 revolt?
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Major Changes in Administrative Structure after 1857

Genesis of Administrative Changes: New Stage of Colonialism


Learning from the 1857 experience, the British aimed to narrow the ruler-subject gap, reducing alienation and involving natives in administration to better understand local customs and values. This strategic move was intended to handle potential challenges more tactfully.
In the latter half of the nineteenth century, the industrial revolution intensified, with emerging industrial powers like the USA, Japan, and European countries engaging in fierce competition for colonies, raw materials, markets, and capital investment. British economic supremacy declined, but significant investments were made in Indian railways, government loans, tea plantations, coal mining, jute mills, shipping, trade, and banking.
These factors marked the onset of a new stage of colonialism in India. The colonial authority aimed to consolidate its position, safeguard British economic interests, and expand its influence globally. Imperial control and ideology surged again, evident in reactionary policies during the vice-royalties of Lytton, Dufferin, Lansdowne, Elgin, and Curzon. These changes in governmental structure and policies played a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of modern India.

Administration: Central, Provincial, Local 

Central Government 

The Act for Better Government of India in 1858 transferred governing power from the East India Company to the British Crown. This shift was prompted by the Company's limitations revealed during the 1857 revolt and a lack of accountability. The new system placed authority in the hands of a secretary of state, a member of the British cabinet assisted by a council of 15, accountable to the British Parliament. The title of viceroy was given to the governor-general, who continued to govern India with an executive council.
While the secretary of state's increased authority gradually diminished the viceroy's status and alienated Indian public opinion, it also heightened the influence of British industrialists, merchants, and bankers over Indian government policy. The Indian Councils Act of 1861 added a fifth member, a jurist, to the viceroy's executive council. However, the legislative council formed under this act was advisory and lacked substantial powers:
1. It couldn't discuss important matters or any financial matters without government approval.
2. It had no control over the budget or the discussion of executive actions.
3. The final passing of bills required the viceroy's approval, subject to disapproval by the secretary of state.
4. Non-official Indian members were elite representatives and not reflective of broader Indian opinions.
5. The viceroy could issue emergency ordinances with a 6-month validity.
The legislative council primarily served to endorse official measures, giving them the appearance of being passed by a legislative body, maintaining the British Government in India as an alien despotism.

Provincial Government

  • The Indian Councils Act of 1861 restored legislative powers to Madras and Bombay provinces, revoked in 1833, and later extended legislative councils to other provinces.
  • The presidencies of Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta had more rights and powers with governors and executive councils appointed by the Crown, while other provinces had lieutenant governors and chief commissioners appointed by the governor-general.
  • Financial decentralization attempts occurred, mainly administrative reorganizations focused on increasing revenues and reducing expenditure.
  • Lord Mayo initiated central and provincial financial bifurcation in 1870 by allocating fixed sums from central revenues for specific services to provincial governments.
  • Lord Lytton in 1877 transferred certain expenditure heads like land revenue, excise, general administration, and law and justice to the provinces.
  • Provinces were entitled to a fixed share of income from sources like stamps, excise, and income tax within their borders.
  • In 1882, revenue sources were categorized into general (going entirely to the center), provincial (going entirely to the provinces), and those to be divided between the center and the provinces.
  • Despite these changes, the central government retained supremacy, maintaining detailed control over provinces, as both were entirely subordinated to the secretary of state and the British Government.

Local Bodies

  1. 1864-1868: Local Bodies Formation
    • Nominated members led by district magistrates.
    • Primarily used for additional tax collection.
  2. Mayo’s Resolution of 1870
    • Legislative devolution, started by Indian Councils Act of 1861.
    • Provincial governments authorized local taxation for budget balance.
    • Local finance initiated for services like medical care, education, and roads.
    • Provincial governments passed municipal acts based on the policy outlined.
  3. Ripon’s Resolution of 1882
    • Lord Ripon considered the father of local self-government in India.
    • Urged development of local bodies for improved administration and political education.
    • Non-officials to be majority, chairpersons, and decision-makers.
    • Bureaucracy resisted liberal views of the viceroy, maintaining strict control.
  4. Royal Commission on Decentralisation (1908)
    • Identified lack of financial resources hindering local bodies' effectiveness.
    • Emphasized empowering village panchayats and sub-district boards.
    • Recommended withdrawal of restrictions on taxation powers and stoppage of grants-in-aid.
  5. Government of India Resolution of 1915
    • Official response to Decentralisation Commission's recommendations.
    •  Most recommendations remained on paper; local bodies' conditions unchanged.
  6. Resolution of May 1918
    • Review of local self-government with an eye on constitutional advance.
    • Suggested making local bodies representative with real authority.
    • Under Dyarchy, local self-government became a 'transferred' subject with limited financial autonomy.
  7. Simon Commission (May 1930)
    • Pointed out limited progress in village panchayats except in certain provinces.
    • Suggested increased provincial control over local bodies for efficiency.
    • Adverse comments on elected members' reluctance to impose taxes.
  8. Government of India Act, 1935 and After
    • Provincial autonomy under the Act enhanced local self-governing institutions.
    • Funds available for local bodies' development under popular ministries.
    • Demarcation of taxation between provincial and local finance removed.
    • New Acts passed, granting more authority to local bodies."
    • Financial resources and power of taxation for local institutions remained similar to the Ripon era.
    • Some new restrictions on local bodies' taxation powers introduced after 1935.
    • Seventy-third and Seventy-fourth Amendments aimed at strengthening local self-governance in free India.
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FAQs on Spectrum Summary: Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments - History for UPSC CSE

1. What were the major constitutional developments between 1773 and 1858?
Ans. Between 1773 and 1858, several significant constitutional developments took place in India. The key developments include: 1. Regulating Act of 1773: This act established the first Supreme Court in Calcutta and the Board of Control to oversee the East India Company's affairs in India. 2. Pitt's India Act of 1784: This act reformed the East India Company's governance and established the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India to regulate the company's activities. 3. Charter Act of 1833: This act abolished the East India Company's trading monopoly and provided for the appointment of a Governor-General for the whole of British India. 4. Charter Act of 1853: This act further expanded the legislative powers of the Governor-General and introduced the Indian Councils, consisting of nominated and elected members, to assist in lawmaking. 5. Indian Rebellion of 1857: The rebellion against British rule prompted the British government to take direct control over India and led to the end of the East India Company's rule.
2. What changes occurred in the administrative setup of India after 1858 till Independence?
Ans. After 1858, when the British government assumed direct control over India, several changes were made in the administrative setup. These changes include: 1. The Viceroy and Governor-General: The British Crown appointed a Viceroy as the representative of the monarch in India. The Viceroy had powers to govern British India, while the Governor-General oversaw the provinces. 2. Indian Civil Service: The Indian Civil Service was established to administer the British administration in India. It was initially dominated by British officers but gradually included Indians as well. 3. Division of Provinces: The British divided British India into provinces, each headed by a Governor or Lieutenant Governor. The provinces were further divided into districts for effective governance. 4. Introduction of Legislative Councils: Legislative Councils were established at the central and provincial levels to assist in lawmaking. These councils consisted of nominated and elected members. 5. Reforms and Acts: Several reforms and acts were introduced, such as the Indian Councils Act of 1861, Government of India Act of 1919, and Government of India Act of 1935, which aimed to provide limited self-government and representation to Indians.
3. What were the key judicial developments in India during the period of 1773-1858?
Ans. The period of 1773-1858 witnessed significant judicial developments in India. The key developments include: 1. Establishment of Supreme Courts: The Regulating Act of 1773 established the first Supreme Court in Calcutta, followed by the establishment of Supreme Courts in Madras (1801) and Bombay (1823). These courts had jurisdiction over the presidency towns. 2. Introduction of English Law: The British introduced English law in India through these Supreme Courts. They followed English legal principles and procedures, which significantly influenced the Indian legal system. 3. Judicial Reforms: The Charter Act of 1833 brought reforms in the judicial system by separating the legislative and judicial functions. It established a Law Commission to codify laws and introduced a new hierarchy of courts. 4. Expansion of Judicial System: The British expanded the judicial system by establishing district and appellate courts in various regions of India. These courts provided justice at the local and regional levels. 5. Role of Judges: British judges played a crucial role in interpreting and applying English law in India. They were responsible for maintaining law and order, resolving disputes, and upholding British colonial interests.
4. How did the Indian Constitution evolve from 1773 to Independence?
Ans. The Indian Constitution evolved significantly from 1773 to Independence. Although India did not have a separate written constitution during this period, several constitutional developments laid the foundation for the eventual framing of the Indian Constitution. These developments include: 1. Introduction of Legislative Councils: The Indian Councils Acts of 1861, 1892, and 1909 established legislative councils at the central and provincial levels. These councils provided a platform for Indians to participate in lawmaking. 2. Formation of Political Associations: Various political associations, such as the Indian National Congress (1885), emerged during this period. These associations advocated for Indian representation, civil rights, and constitutional reforms. 3. Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms: The Government of India Act of 1919, also known as the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, introduced partial self-government in India. It expanded the legislative councils' powers and provided for a system of dyarchy in the provinces. 4. Simon Commission and Nehru Report: The Simon Commission (1927) and the subsequent Nehru Report (1928) demanded constitutional reforms and full responsible government for India. They influenced the later constitutional discussions. 5. Government of India Act of 1935: This act introduced provincial autonomy, expanded the franchise, and provided for the establishment of a federal structure in India. It laid the groundwork for the eventual framing of the Indian Constitution.
5. How did the Indian Rebellion of 1857 impact the constitutional developments in India?
Ans. The Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny or the First War of Independence, had a profound impact on the constitutional developments in India. The rebellion led to significant changes in the British administration and set the stage for future constitutional reforms. The impact of the rebellion can be seen in the following ways: 1. End of East India Company's Rule: The rebellion exposed the weaknesses of the East India Company's rule and led to its dissolution. The British government assumed direct control over India, marking a shift in the constitutional setup. 2. Transfer of Power to the Crown: The rebellion prompted the British government to transfer power from the East India Company to the British Crown. This led to the government's increased involvement in Indian affairs and governance. 3. Policy of Divide and Rule: The rebellion led the British to adopt a policy of divide and rule to prevent future uprisings. They emphasized communal divisions and introduced separate electorates, which eventually influenced constitutional developments. 4. Introduction of Reforms: As a response to the rebellion, the British government implemented several reforms to address Indian grievances. These reforms aimed to improve governance, administration, and the relationship between the British and Indian population. 5. Growing Indian Nationalism: The rebellion played a crucial role in fostering a sense of Indian nationalism and political consciousness. It paved the way for the rise of political associations, demands for constitutional reforms, and eventually, the struggle for independence.
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