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World GK I : Major Lakes of the World

  1. Largest Lake ➜ Caspian Sea
  2. Largest saline water lake ➜ Caspian Sea
  3. Largest fresh water lake ➜ Lake Superior
  4. Highest Lake ➜ Lake Titicaca
  5. Deepest Lake ➜ Lake Baikal
  6. India’s largest lake ➜ Chilika lake


World GK II : Important Lakes of the World 

Caspian Lake

  • Location: Russia and CIS
  • Area (sq. Km.): 371000

Superior Lake

  • Location: Canada And USA
  • Area (sq. Km.): 82414

➤ Victoria Lake

  • Location: Tanzania (Africa)
  • Area (sq. Km.): 69485

➤ Huron Lake

  • Location: Canada and USA
  • Area (sq. Km.): 59596

➤ Michigan Lake

  • Location: USA
  • Area (sq. Km.): 58016

➤ Tanganyika Lake

  • Location: Africa
  • Area (sq. Km.): 32892

➤ Baikal Lake

  • Location: Russia (CIS)
  • Area (sq. Km.): 31502

➤ Great Bear Lake

  • Location: Canada
  • Area (sq. Km.): 31080

➤ Aral Lake

  • Location: Russia (CIS)
  • Area (sq. Km.): 30700

➤ Great Slave

  • Location: Canada
  • Area (sq. Km.): 28438

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Which lake is the largest freshwater lake in the world?
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World GK III: Continents of the World

1. Asia

  • Area (sq. km.): 41667920

2. Africa

  •  Area (sq. km.): 29800540

3North America

  • Area (sq. km.): 24320000

4. South America 

  • Area (sq. km.): 17599050

5. Antarctica 

  • Area (sq. km.): 14245000

6. Europe 

  • Area (sq. km.): 9699550

7. Australia 

  • Area (sq. km.): 7687120

World GK IV : Oceans of the World

1. Pacific Ocean

  • Area (sq. km.): 166,240000
  • Greatest Depth: Mariana Trench

2. Atlantic Ocean

  • Area (sq. km.): 86,560000
  • Greatest Depth: Puerto Rico Trench

3. Indian Ocean

  • Area (sq. km.): 73430000
  • Greatest Depth: Java Trench

4. Arctic Ocean

  • Area (sq. km.): 13230000

World GK V : Major Mountain Peaks of the World

1. Everest

  • Location: Nepal
  • Height (m): 8,848

2. K2(Godwin Austin)

  • Location: India
  • Height (m): 8,611

3. Kanchanjanga

  • Location: India
  • Height (m): 8,598

4. Makalu

  • Location: Nepal-China
  • Height (m): 8,481

5. Dhaulagiri

  • Location: Nepal
  • Height (m): 8,172

6. Cho Oyu

  • Location: Nepal
  • Height (m): 8,153

7. Nanga Parbat

  • Location: India
  • Height (m): 8,126

8. Hidden peak

  • Location: India
  • Height (m): 8,068

9. Annapurna

  • Location: Nepal
  • Height (m): 8,078

10. Nandadevi

  • Location: India
  • Height (m): 7,813

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Which continent has the largest area?
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World GK VI : Major Deserts of the World

1. Sahara

  • N. Africa (includes the Libyan and the Nubian Desert)

2. Australian

  • Australia (includes Gibson, Simpson, Victorian, Great Sandy)

3. Arabian

  • Arab Countries (includes Rub’al Khali & An-Nafad of S.Arabia and Dast-e-Lut & Dast-e-Kavir of Iran)

4. Kalahari

  • Africa (mainly in Botswana)

5. Gobi

  • Mongolia

6. Atacama

  • Central Chile

7. Patagonian

  • Argentina

8. Namib

  • Namibia

9. Takla Makan

  • Sinkiang, China

10. Karakum

  • Turkmenistan

11. Sonoran

  • Arizona and California (USA)

12. Thar

  • India

World GK VII : Major Gulfs of the World

1. Gulf of Mexico

  • Area (sq. km.): 15,44,000

2. Gulf of Hudson

  • Area (sq. km.): 12,33,000

3. Arabian gulf

  • Area (sq. km.): 2,38,000

4. Gulf of St. Lawrence

  • Area (sq. km.): 2,37,000

5. Gulf of California

  • Area (sq. km.): 1,62,000

6. English Channel

  • Area (sq. km.): 89,900

World GK VIII : Major Peninsulas of the World

1. Arabia

  • Area (sq. km.): 32,50,000

2. Southern India

  • Area (sq. km.): 20,72,000

3. Alaska

  • Area (sq. km.): 15,00,000

4. Labrador

  • Area (sq. km.): 13,00,000

5. Scandinavia

  • Area (sq. km.): 8,00,000

6. Iberian

  • Area (sq. km.): 584,000

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Which desert is located mainly in Botswana?
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World GK IX : Major Mountain Ranges of the World

1. Andes

  • Location: South America
  • Length: 7,200

2. Himalayas-Karakoram-Hindkush

  • Location: South Central Asia
  • Length: 5,000

3. Rockies

  • Location: North America
  • Length: 4,800

4. Great Dividing Range

  • Location: East Australia
  • Length: 3,600

5. Atlas

  • Location: North West Africa
  • Length: 1,930

6. Western Ghats

  • Location: Western India
  • Length: 1,610

7. Caucasus

  • Location: Europe
  • Length: 1,200

8. Alaska

  • Location: USA
  • Length: 1,130

9. Alps

  • Location: Europe
  • Length: 1,050
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World GK X : Important Cities on the River Banks (World)

  • Adelaide (in Australia) ➜ Torrens
  • Amsterdam (in Netherlands) ➜ Amsel
  • Alexandria (in Egyp) ➜ Nile
  • Ankara (in Turkey) ➜ Kazil
  • Bangkok (in Thailand) ➜ Chao Praya
  • Basra (in Iraq) ➜ Euphrates and Tigris
  • Baghdad (in Iraq) ➜ Tigris
  • Berlin (in Germany) ➜ Spree
  • Bonn (in Germany) ➜ Rhine
  • Budapest (in Hungary) ➜ Danube
  • Bristol (in UK) ➜ Avon
  • Buenos Aires (in Argentina) ➜ Laplata
  • Chittagong (in Bangladesh) ➜ Majyani
  • Canton (in China) ➜ Si-Kiang
  • Cairo (in Egypt) ➜ Nile
  • Chung King (in China) ➜ Yang-tse-king
  • Cologne  (in Germany) ➜ Rhine
  • Dandzing  (in Germany) ➜ Vistula
  • Dresden (in Germany) ➜ Elbe
  • Dublin (in Ireland) ➜ Liffy
  • Hamburg (in Germany) ➜ Elbe
  • Kabul (in Afghanistan) ➜ Kabul
  • Karachi (in Pakistan) ➜ Indus
  • Khartoum (in Sudan) ➜ Confluence of blue & white Nile
  • Lahore (in Pakistan) ➜ Ravi
  • Leningrad (in Russia) ➜ Neva
  • Lisbon (in Portugal) ➜ Tagus
  • Liverpool (in England) ➜ Messey
  • London (in England) ➜ Thames
  • Moscow (in Russia) ➜ Moskva
  • Montreal (in Canada) ➜ St. Lawrence
  • Nanking (in China) ➜ Yang- tse-kiang
  • New Orleans (in U.S.A) ➜ Mississippi
  • New York (in U.S.A) ➜ Hudson
  • Ottawa (in Canada) ➜ Ottawa
  • Paris (in France) ➜ Seine
  • Philadelphia (in U.S.A) ➜ Delaware
  • Perth (in Australia) ➜ Swan
  • Prague (in Czech  Republic) ➜ Vitava
  • Quebec (in Canada) ➜ St. Lawrence
  • Rome (in Italy) ➜ Tiber
  • Rotterdam (in The Netherlands) ➜ New Mass
  • Stalingrad (in Russia) ➜ Volga
  • Shanghai (in China) ➜ Yang-tse-kiang
  • Sidney (in Australia) ➜ Darling
  • Saint Luis (in U.S.A) ➜ Mississippi
  • Tokyo (in Japan) ➜ Arakava
  • Vienna (in Austria) ➜ Danube
  • Warsaw (in Poland) ➜ Vistula
  • Washington D. C. (inU.S.A) ➜ Potomac
  • Yangoon (in Myanmar) ➜ Irrawaddy

World GK XII : Smallest and Biggest Countries

➤ Biggest Nations (area - wise)

  1. Russia
  2. Canada
  3. USA
  4. China
  5. Brazil
  6. Australia
  7. India
  8. Argentina
  9. Kazakhstan
  10. Algeria

➤ Biggest Nations (population - wise)

  1. China
  2. India
  3. USA
  4. Indonesia
  5. Brazil
  6. Pakistan
  7. Bangladesh
  8. Nigeria
  9. Russia
  10. Japan

➤ Smallest Nations (area- wise)

  1. Vatican City
  2. Monaco
  3. Nauru
  4. Tuvalu
  5. San Marino
  6. Liechtenstein
  7. Marshall Islands
  8. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  9. Maldives
  10. Malta

➤ Smallest Nations (population-wise)

  1. Vatican City
  2. Nauru
  3. Tuvalu
  4. Palau
  5. Monaco
  6. San Marino
  7. Liechtenstein
  8. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  9. Antigua and Barbados
  10. Seychelles

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Which mountain range is the longest in the world?
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World GK XIII : Foreign Towns Associated With Industries

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Town(Country) ➜ Associated Industry

  1. Baku (Azerbaijan) ➜ Petroleum
  2. Bangkok (Thailand) ➜ Ship building
  3. Belfast (Ireland) ➜ Ship building
  4. Buenos Aires (Argentina) ➜ Meat
  5. Cadiz (Portugal) ➜ Cork
  6. Chicago (U.S.A) ➜ Agriculture implements, Meat
  7. Cologne (Germany) ➜ Cotton and woollen industries
  8. Dhaka (Bangladesh) ➜ Jute
  9. Detroit (U.S.A) ➜ Motor cars
  10. Dresden (Germany) ➜ Optical and photographic apparatus
  11. Glasgow (Great Britain) ➜ Machinery
  12. Havana (Cuba) ➜ Tobacco, Cigars
  13. Hollywood (U.S.A) ➜ Film Industry
  14. Johannesburg (S. Africa) ➜ Gold Mines
  15. Kimberley (S. Africa) ➜ Diamond mining
  16. Leeds (England) ➜ Woollen goods
  17. Lyons (France) ➜ Silk industries
  18. Manchester (England) ➜ Cotton industry
  19. Mauritius (Indian Oceans) ➜ Fishing, Shipping, Sugar
  20. Milan (Italy) ➜ Silk
  21. Morocco (North Africa) ➜ Leather
  22. Munich (Germany) ➜ Lenses
  23. New Orleans (U.S.A) ➜ Cotton industry
  24. Osaka (Japan) ➜ Cotton fabrics
  25. Pittsburgh (U.S.A) ➜ Iron and Steel
  26. Plymouth (England) ➜ Ship-building
  27. Sheffield (England) ➜ Cutlery
  28. Venice (Italy) ➜ Glass manufacturing
  29. Vienna (Austria) ➜ Glass manufacturing
  30. Wellington (New Zealand) ➜ Dairy product

World GK XIV : World’s Geographical Surnames

Surname ➜ Name

  1. Bengal’s sorrow ➜ Damodar River
  2. Blue Mountains ➜ Nilgiri Hills
  3. City of sky-scrapers ➜ New York
  4. City of Seven Hills ➜ Rome
  5. City of Dreaming Spires ➜ Oxford
  6. City of Palaces ➜ Kolkata
  7. City of Golden Gate ➜ San Francisco
  8. City of Magnificent buildings ➜ Washington D.C.
  9. City of Eternal Springs ➜ Quito (S. America)
  10. China’s Sorrow ➜ Huang Ho
  11. Cockpit of Europe ➜ Belgium
  12. Dark Continent ➜ Africa
  13. Emerald Isle ➜ Ireland
  14. Eternal city ➜ Rome
  15. Empire city ➜ New York
  16. Forbidden city ➜ Lhasa (Tibet)
  17. Garden city ➜ Chicago
  18. Gate of Tears ➜ Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb
  19. Gateway of India ➜ Mumbai
  20. Gift of the Nile ➜ Egypt
  21. Granite City ➜ Aberdeen (Scotland)
  22. Hermit kingdom ➜ Korea
  23. Herring pond ➜ Atlantic Ocean
  24. Holy Land ➜ Jerusalem
  25. Island Continent ➜ Australia
  26. Island of Cloves ➜ Zanzibar
  27. Isle of pearls ➜ Bahrain (Persian Gulf)
  28. Key to the Mediterranean ➜ Gibraltar
  29. Land of Cakes ➜ Scotland
  30. Land of Golden Fleece ➜ Australia
  31. Land of Maple Leaf ➜ Canada
  32. Land of Morning Calm ➜ Korea
  33. Land of Midnight Sun ➜ Norway
  34. Land of the Thousand lakes ➜ Finland
  35. Land of Thunderbolt ➜ Bhutan
  36. Land of white Elephant ➜ Thailand
  37. Land of five Rivers ➜ Punjab
  38. Land of thousand Elephants ➜ Laos
  39. Land of Rising Sun ➜ Japan
  40. Loneliest Island ➜ Tristan de Gunah (mid-Atlantic)
  41. Manchester of Japan ➜ Osaka
  42. Pillars of Hercules ➜ Strait of Gibraltar
  43. Pearl of the Antilles ➜ Cuba
  44. Playground of Europe ➜ Switzerland
  45. Quaker City ➜ Philadelphia
  46. Queen of the Adriatic ➜ Venice
  47. Roof of the World ➜ The Pamirs, central Asia (Tibet)
  48. Rose pink city ➜ Jaipur
  49. Sugar bowl of the World ➜  Cuba
  50. Venice of the North ➜ Stockholm
  51. Windy city ➜ Chicago
  52. Whiteman’s grave ➜ Guinea coast of Africa
  53. Yellow River ➜ Huang Ho (China)
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FAQs on Sample Document 3 - Italian Language and Culture

1. Quali sono i principali laghi del mondo?
2. Quali sono le caratteristiche distintive dei laghi importanti del mondo?
Ans. I laghi importanti del mondo possono essere caratterizzati dalla loro vasta estensione, profondità, importanza ecologica e ruolo nella fornitura di acqua potabile e risorse naturali.
3. Quali sono i laghi più grandi del mondo per superficie?
Ans. I laghi più grandi del mondo per superficie includono il Mar Caspio, il Lago Superiore, il Lago Vittoria, il Lago Huron e il Lago Michigan.
4. Quali sono i laghi più profondi del mondo?
Ans. Alcuni dei laghi più profondi del mondo includono il Lago Baikal in Russia, il Lago Tanganica in Africa, il Lago Crater in Oregon, il Lago Vostok in Antartide e il Lago O'Higgins/San Martín in Argentina/Chile.
5. Qual è l'importanza dei laghi nel contesto globale?
Ans. I laghi svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nell'ecosistema globale fornendo habitat per la flora e la fauna, regolando il ciclo dell'acqua e fornendo risorse idriche essenziali per l'agricoltura, l'industria e il consumo umano.
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