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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:Two identical trusses support a load of 100 N as shown in the figure. The length of each truss is 1.0 m, cross-sectional area is 200 mm2; Young's modulus E = 200 GPa. The force in the truss AB (in N) is
GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis | Engineering Mechanics - Civil Engineering (CE)


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:A two member truss PQR is supporting a load W. The axial forces in members PQ and QR are respectively
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:For the truss shown in the figure, the magnitude of the force (in kN) in the member SR is
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:For the truss shown in figure, the magnitude of the force in member PR and the support reaction at R are respectively
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:For the truss shown in the figure, the forces F1 and F2 are 9 kN and 3 kN, respectively. The force (in kN) in the member QS is (All dimensions are in m)
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:Two steel truss members, AC md BC, each having cross sectional are of 100 mm2, are subjected to a horizontal force F as shown in figure. All the joints are hinged.
GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis | Engineering Mechanics - Civil Engineering (CE)
The maximum force F in kN that can be applied at C such that the axial stress in any of the truss members DOES NOT exceed 100 MPa is


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:Two steel truss members, AC md BC, each having cross sectional are of 100 mm2, are subjected to a horizontal force F as shown in figure. All the joints are hinged.
GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis | Engineering Mechanics - Civil Engineering (CE)
If F = 1 kN, the magnitude of the vertical reaction force developed at the point B in kN is


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:Consider a truss PQR loaded at P with aforce Fas shown in the figure.
GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis | Engineering Mechanics - Civil Engineering (CE)
The tension in the number QR is


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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:The figure shows a pin-jointed plane truss Ioaded at the point M by hanging a mass of 100 kg. The member LN of the truss is subjected to a load of
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Question for GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis
Try yourself:A truss consists of horizontal members (AC, CD, DB  and EF) and vertical members (CE and DF) having length l each. The-members AE, DE and BF are inclined at 45° to the horizontal For the uniformly distributed load p per unit length on the members EF of the truss shown in figure given below, the force in the member CD is
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FAQs on GATE Past Year Questions: Structural Analysis - Engineering Mechanics - Civil Engineering (CE)

1. What is structural analysis in civil engineering?
Ans. Structural analysis in civil engineering is the process of analyzing and calculating the behavior and strength of structures such as buildings, bridges, and dams. It involves studying the internal forces, stresses, and deformations that a structure undergoes when subjected to different types of loads, such as dead loads, live loads, and environmental loads. The analysis helps engineers ensure that structures are safe, stable, and capable of withstanding the forces they will encounter during their lifetime.
2. What are the different methods used for structural analysis?
Ans. There are several methods used for structural analysis in civil engineering. Some commonly used methods include: 1. Static Analysis: This method assumes that the structure is in a state of equilibrium and analyzes the internal forces and deformations caused by applied loads. 2. Dynamic Analysis: This method takes into account the dynamic behavior of structures subjected to time-varying loads, such as earthquakes or wind. 3. Finite Element Analysis (FEA): FEA breaks down a complex structure into smaller, more manageable elements and analyzes their behavior under different loads. 4. Matrix Analysis: Matrix analysis represents the structure as a system of interconnected elements and solves the resulting equations to determine the response of the structure. Each method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the complexity of the structure and the desired level of accuracy.
3. What are the types of structural loads considered in structural analysis?
Ans. In structural analysis, different types of loads are considered to determine the behavior and strength of structures. Some common types of structural loads include: 1. Dead Loads: These are the permanent loads that are constantly acting on a structure, such as the weight of the structure itself, fixtures, and equipment. 2. Live Loads: Live loads are temporary or moving loads that can change in magnitude or position, such as people, furniture, vehicles, or wind. 3. Snow Loads: Snow loads account for the weight of snow accumulation on the structure, which can vary depending on the region's climate. 4. Wind Loads: Wind loads consider the pressure and forces exerted by wind on the structure, which can cause lateral and uplift forces. 5. Seismic Loads: Seismic loads account for the forces generated by earthquakes, which can induce vibrations and dynamic effects on a structure. By considering these different types of loads, engineers can design structures that can safely withstand the expected forces and deformations.
4. What is the importance of structural analysis in civil engineering?
Ans. Structural analysis plays a crucial role in civil engineering for several reasons: 1. Safety: By analyzing the behavior and strength of structures, engineers can ensure that they are safe and stable, reducing the risk of collapse or failure. 2. Performance: Structural analysis helps engineers optimize the design of structures by determining their response to different loads, ensuring they perform as intended. 3. Cost-effectiveness: By accurately analyzing the forces and deformations, engineers can avoid overdesigning structures, leading to cost savings in construction. 4. Durability: Structural analysis allows engineers to assess the long-term durability of structures, considering factors like material degradation, corrosion, and environmental effects. 5. Innovation: Through structural analysis, engineers can explore new design concepts, materials, and construction techniques, leading to innovative and sustainable structures. Overall, structural analysis provides the necessary tools and knowledge to design and construct safe, efficient, and durable structures in civil engineering.
5. What are the main challenges in structural analysis?
Ans. Structural analysis in civil engineering poses several challenges that engineers need to overcome: 1. Complexity: Structures can be highly complex, with intricate geometries, different materials, and a variety of loads. Analyzing such complex systems requires advanced mathematical models and computational tools. 2. Uncertainties: Structural analysis involves dealing with uncertainties in material properties, loadings, and boundary conditions. Engineers need to account for these uncertainties to ensure a reliable analysis. 3. Nonlinear Behavior: Structures can exhibit nonlinear behavior under certain conditions, such as large deformations, material nonlinearity, or contact between components. Analyzing and predicting this behavior accurately is challenging. 4. Time and Cost Constraints: Structural analysis can be time-consuming and costly, especially for large and complex structures. Engineers need to balance the accuracy of the analysis with project deadlines and budget constraints. 5. Integration with Design: Structural analysis should be closely integrated with the design process to ensure that the analysis results are effectively used to optimize the design and meet the project requirements. By addressing these challenges, engineers can overcome the complexities of structural analysis and design safe, efficient, and cost-effective structures.
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