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Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10 PDF Download

Letters To The Editor
All of us read newspapers. Sometimes an item of news or an article evokes a strong feeling or reaction in us, and we want to express it through the newspaper. Then we write a letter to the newspaper which is called Letter to the Editor. All letters meant to be published in a newspaper are addressed to the Editor of that paper. The proper form of salutation in such letters is Sir (not Dear Sir) and the complimentary close should be Yours truly. Below are given some examples of Letters to the Editor.


Beggar Turns Out A Robber
Amit Khosla is a resident of Gandhi Nagar Colony. After reading the following report in a local newspaper, he writes to the Editor of the newspaper, ‘Daily Reporter’ pointing out the problem of begging. Write this letter, using your own ideas.
Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10

12 Gandhi Nagar Colony
New Delhi
16 May 20_ _
The Editor
Daily Reporter
New Delhi
I have read a report in your newspaper dated 15 May, 20    regarding a case of burglary committed by a ‘beggar’. I am writing to express my views on this problem of beggars.
Beggars have become a great nuisance these days. They pester people for alms in trains, buses, bazaars and streets. They are handicapped. They are unable to earn their living. But the pity is that most of the beggars are able-bodied. Begging has become a profession with them. They find it the easiest way to earn their living. Some of them are criminals. They beg only to conceal their crimes. I think begging in public places should be made a punishable offence. The government should open asylums for those beggars who are really helpless. Able-bodied beggars should be forced to work. If they go without work, they must also go without food. We should have no sympathy for such impostors. We should not encourage them by giving alms. People can thus play a big role in eradicating this evil. Also the members of every family, especially the old people and women folk, should be warned against the strangers trying to gain entry into the houses. The people coming in the garb of beggars should be treated with well-deserved suspicion and caution.
Yours truly
Amit Khosla


Alarming Unhygienic Conditions Of Your City
Write a letter to the Editor, Hindustan Times, Surat, registering your protest against government / local body’s apathy towards cleanliness in the city during the days of reported outbreak of cholera in the city and migration of people to other cities. Look at the picture below and write your letter.
Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10
82 Palampura
26 April 20_ _   
The Editor
Hindustan Times Surat
A severe cholera broke out in the city during the last monsoon season. It all happened due to the criminal neglect of the city corporation authorities. There were heaps of garbage all around the city. The drains remained blocked and the polluted water flowed freely on all sides. The potholes on the roads provided an ideal place for the breeding of germs. The water supplied by the corporation of the city had also become polluted. It was no wonder then that cholera broke out in the city and took a heavy toll of life. Many people migrated to other cities due to the fear of the epidemic. Now that the rage of the epidemic is over, and the city is limping back to normal, the authorities should make up for their previous neglect. A vigorous cleanliness drive should be started. All potholes should be repaired. All sewers and drains should be cleaned of their silt so that they don’t get blocked during the rains. Let us not let the city pass through those horrible days ever again.
Yours truly
Meena Bansal

About Improvement In Teaching Of English
Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, stressing the need for qualitative improvement in the teaching of English, in view of its significantly increasing role and importance.

Examination Hall
XYZ City
9 May 20_ _    
The Editor
The Tribune
Kindly allow me to express through your columns my views about the need for qualitative improvement in the teaching of English.
The syllabi of most of the boards and universities do not help students to develop their skills in writing and speaking correct English. The entire teaching is examination oriented. Most of the educational institutes do not have well-qualified teachers for teaching English with correct pronunciation and intonation. Thus there is a need to frame syllabi that lay stress on communicative English instead of English literature. Now we need people who can fluently communicate and also write in grammatically correct English.
Yours truly

Consequences Of Sedentary Lifestyle

You are Arpita or Ashwin. You came across the following extract in a magazine article.
Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10
After reading this article, you realized that awareness has to be created among people on the need for health care and the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. Taking ideas from the unit, ‘'Health and Medicine'’, along with your own ideas, write a letter to the Editor of a daily.
115 Arjun Nagar
8 August 20_ _
The Editor
The UP Times
Subject : Consequences of Sedentary Lifestyle
We are living in the machine age. We have made machines our slaves. We make machines do all the work for us. We don’t have to use our legs. There are machines to carry us. We don’t have to use our hands. There are machines to work for us. We have just to sit and press the remote-control buttons. Thus our lifestyle has become altogether sedentary. Whatever we eat adds to our weight because we don’t take proper exercise to digest it and convert it into energy. Adding to one’s weight means inviting such diseases as diabetes and heart problems. The kind of food we eat further adds to the problem. We have taken to fast foods and junk foods. They are not balanced foods. They create a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals in our body.
Thus there is an urgent need that awareness should be created among the people on the need of health care. They should be educated about the consequences of sedentary lifestyle and motivated to take regular exercise. Public parks should be provided where people can have their morning or evening walk and also take some light exercise. There should be health programmes on TV and radio to tell people how they can live a healthy and long life. Without good health, we all will become a nation of underachievers.
Yours truly

Problem Of Global Warming
Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Times’, showing concern on the problem of Global Warming. Give reasons for the increase in global temperature and suggest means to curb it.
1820 Civil Lines
ABC City 17 January 20_ _
The Editor
The Times
New Delhi
During the last decade, it has been observed that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased alarmingly. A significant property of carbon dioxide is that, like glass, it allows more heat to pass into the earth’s atmosphere than to pass out. And since the carbon dioxide content in the air is increasing sharply, the earth’s atmosphere is becoming hotter and hotter. This is what is called global warming. Because of this global warming, the polar ice caps have started melting and the level of seas is rising gradually. If all this goes on unchecked and all the polar ice caps melt down into the seas, there will be such a deluge that only high peaks of mountains would be left peeping out of the waters. The presence of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is harmful for our health also. The government must take urgent and stringent steps to stop the excessive flow of carbon dioxide into the air. A general awareness in this regard has also to be developed, if we want human beings to continue living on this beautiful planet of ours.
Yours truly

Growing Crime Of Child Abuse
Deepika Lal sees the poster given below on child abuse. She decides to write to the Editor of a local newspaper, voicing her concern about the growing crime. Write the letter for Deepika.
Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10
66-Model Town
18 March 20_ _
The Editor
Lok Jagaran

In most human families, children are loved and well cared for. But sometimes, they are very badly treated by adults, even by those who are directly responsible for them. The most serious problems arise when children are maltreated by their parents or close relatives. Such cases of abuse may not be noticed by the people outside the home until it is too late.
Abuse can take a number of forms. A child may be beaten, burned, terrorized or forced to accept a series of humiliating ‘punishments’. Or a child may be neglected — left alone for days in a locked room or left unfed and unwashed. The worst form of child abuse is sexual abuse. The victim has to undergo a trauma that can end in serious results. This last form of child abuse is the most common these days. The problem is made more difficult by the fact that many cases are never reported. Though there are laws against child abuse, the law can take its course only when a case is reported. And even if it is reported, the harm that has been done to the child can’t be undone. Its bitter memory leaves an indelible impression on the young mind. It is like trampling a flower before it has blossomed.
Yours truly
Deepika Lal


The Plight Of Slum Dwellers
The fact that many of the young children of today live and grow up in unhygienic surroundings, are ill-nourished and illiterate, upsets you. You write a letter to a newspaper Editor on the problems faced by them and suggest ways of rehabilitating them so that they can have a better future. Taking ideas from the picture, along with your own ideas, write the letter.
Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10

303 Dream Land
New Delhi 17 January 20_ _   

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Our life depends on healthy environmental conditions. The overcrowding of our cities and towns is at the root of many of the prevailing evils. Many of the young children of today live in slum areas situated in unhygienic surroundings. The government should take steps to control the situation in these areas. Necessary devices should be installed for the treatment of waste products. The parents of these young children are unable to afford even the basic needs of life. Effective planning is the only way to remove their poverty. Education should be provided to these children so that they may not be a burden on the society and family from the economic point of view. Until and unless the government makes efforts to solve the problems of these slum dwellers, nothing appreciable can be achieved. People can form NGOs and volunteer corps to spread awakening among the ‘have-nots’ who, forced by the circumstances are obliged to live in unhealthy and unhygienic surroundings. If given right type of motivation and appropriate education, these unfortunate members of society can be made to lead a dignified life. It is the duty of ‘haves’ to help their not-so-lucky brethren.
Yours truly


Cruelty To Animals
Neha Bhasin is an active member of the Youth Wing of the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). She saw the following scene on one of the roads. She decided to write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, protesting against cruelty to animals. Using the information in the picture, together with your own ideas, write the letter.
Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10
67 Nehru Lane
16 March 20_ _
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Cruelty in any form is bad. It is immoral. It is a sin. There can be no two opinions about it. But do we ever think how we treat our animals ? We are never tired of talking of the rights of men and women. What hue and cry do we make if any of our rights is violated ! But do animals have no rights, simply because they are dumb and can’t protest ? Do we ever think what our life would be if there were no animals ? Where do we get the leather for our shoes ? Who gives us wool for our clothes ? How do we get our meat and milk ? From animals, of course. But, what do we give them in return ? Nothing but cruelty ! Cruelty to animals is a common sight. We whip them mercilessly. We keep them underfed. We load them with tonnes of weight. And when they grow old, we leave them to starve to death. All this is a matter of shame. There is no doubt that we have laws against cruelty to animals, But they are just on paper. They are hardly ever enforced. We hardly ever care if we see a cart driver whipping his ox. Would we behave similarly if in place of the ox, there was our own son or someone else ? As a member of the SPCA I appeal to the public in general that we should realise our responsibility towards these invaluable creatures of God.

Yours truly
Neha Bhasin

Need Of Counselling After Class X
Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper, expressing your views on the lack
of job opportunities and the need of counselling to the youth after class X. You may
refer to the unit, ‘Education’.
123 Parika Street
20 June 20    
The Editor
Jaago Bharat
New Delhi
Subject : Lack of Job Opportunities and Proper Counselling after Class X
It is very unfortunate that no guidance or counselling is available to students after they have passed their 10th class examination. A large number of students pass the Class X examination every year. But there is hardly any organization or institution to counsel them about higher studies or any job opportunities that are open to them. The result is that they plunge into traditional courses in arts or sciences. They come out with degrees and diplomas that can serve them no more than useless pieces of paper. It results in so much wastage of time, money and energy. Out of frustration, some of the youth then take to undesirable activities. So it is very important that sufficient guidance should be made available in all educational institutions, especially in all high schools. It will help the students to know from the very beginning what courses of study they should opt for, or what profession they should adopt in their life.
Yours truly
Ved Prakash

Lack Of Proper Sanitation And Hygiene
India is a highly populated country. People lack in maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene. As a result, they suffer from various diseases. India has a serious sanitation challenge; around 60 per cent of the world’s open defecation takes place in India. Poor sanitation causes health hazards including diarrheoa, particularly in children under 5 years of age, malnutrition and deficiencies in physical development and cognitive ability. You are Nitish / Nikita, head boy / girl of Anand Public School, Jaipur. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, highlighting the problem and suggesting practical ways to ensure public sanitation and the right to dignity and privacy    (Sample Paper 2018-19)
Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10
Anand Public School
20 July 20_ _
The Editor
Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Subject : Poor Maintenance of Proper Sanitation and Hygiene
India is facing a grave sanitation challenge. Millions of people go for relieving themselves in the open. India accounts for about sixty per cent of the world’s open defecation. Here people, especially rural people, lack the knowledge of proper sanitation and hygiene. They consequently fall a victim to a number of diseases. This lack of knowledge of hygiene and sanitation poses several health hazards, viz diarrhoea (especially in children below five years), malnutrition, physical development problems and cognitive ability.
The health authorities should ensure that the people should be made aware about the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and should be told about the importance of proper sanitation and hygiene and the right to dignity and privacy. For this, the services of the media can be utilised. People should be encouraged to avail themselves of the free toilet scheme being offered by the Government of India.
Yours truly
Nikita Bhandari
(Head Girl)

The document Examples: Letters To The Editor | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10 is a part of the Class 10 Course English Grammar Advanced.
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FAQs on Examples: Letters To The Editor - English Grammar Advanced - Class 10

1. What is the COVID-19 vaccine and how does it work?
Ans. The COVID-19 vaccine is a type of immunization that helps protect individuals from the coronavirus. It works by stimulating the immune system to recognize and fight the virus if exposed to it. This is typically achieved by introducing a harmless part of the virus or a weakened form of the virus into the body, triggering an immune response that creates antibodies to defend against future infections.
2. Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe?
Ans. Yes, the COVID-19 vaccines that have been authorized for emergency use by reputable health authorities have undergone extensive testing and are considered safe. These vaccines have been tested in large clinical trials involving thousands of participants to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Additionally, regulatory agencies continue to monitor the vaccines' safety post-authorization.
3. What are the common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Ans. The most common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine include pain or swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, and nausea. These side effects are generally mild and temporary, lasting only a few days. Severe side effects are rare but possible. It's important to consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about the vaccine's side effects.
4. Can the COVID-19 vaccine give me COVID-19?
Ans. No, the COVID-19 vaccines currently available do not contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. Therefore, it is not possible to get COVID-19 from the vaccine itself. The vaccines work by teaching the immune system how to recognize and fight the virus, without causing the disease.
5. Do I still need to wear a mask and practice social distancing after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?
Ans. Yes, it is important to continue following public health guidelines even after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. While the vaccine is effective at preventing severe illness, it is still possible to contract and spread the virus to others. Wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and following local health guidelines will help reduce the transmission of the virus and protect those who have not yet been vaccinated.
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