The m-way search trees are multi-way trees which are generalised versions of binary trees where each node contains multiple elements. In an m-Way tree of order m, each node contains a maximum of m – 1 elements and m children.
The goal of m-Way search tree of height h calls for O(h) no. of accesses for an insert/delete/retrieval operation. Hence, it ensures that the height h is close to log_m(n + 1).
The number of elements in an m-Way search tree of height h ranges from a minimum of h to a maximum of mh -1.
An m-Way search tree of n elements ranges from a minimum height of log_m(n+1) to a maximum of n
An example of a 5-Way search tree is shown in the figure below. Observe how each node has at most 5 child nodes & therefore has at most 4 keys contained in it.
The structure of a node of an m-Way tree is given below:
struct node {
int count;
int value[MAX + 1];
struct node* child[MAX + 1];
Searching in an m-Way search tree:
// Searches value in the node
struct node* search(int val,
struct node* root,
int* pos)
// if root is Null then return
if (root == NULL)
return NULL;
else {
// if node is found
if (searchnode(val, root, pos))
return root;
// if not then search in child nodes
return search(val,
// Searches the node
int searchnode(int val,
struct node* n,
int* pos)
// if val is less than node->value[1]
if (val < n->value[1]) {
*pos = 0;
return 0;
// if the val is greater
else {
*pos = n->count;
// check in the child array
// for correct position
while ((val < n->value[*pos])
&& *pos > 1)
if (val == n->value[*pos])
return 1;
return 0;
Insertion in an m-Way search tree:
The insertion in an m-Way search tree is similar to binary trees but there should be no more than m-1 elements in a node. If the node is full then a child node will be created to insert the further elements.
Let us see the example given below to insert an element in an m-Way search tree.
// Inserts a value in the m-Way tree
struct node* insert(int val,
struct node* root)
int i;
struct node *c, *n;
int flag;
// Function setval() is called which
// returns a value 0 if the new value
// is inserted in the tree, otherwise
// it returns a value 1
flag = setval(val, root, &i, &c);
if (flag) {
n = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
n->count = 1;
n->value[1] = i;
n->child[0] = root;
n->child[1] = c;
return n;
return root;
// Sets the value in the node
int setval(int val,
struct node* n,
int* p,
struct node** c)
int k;
// if node is null
if (n == NULL) {
*p = val;
*c = NULL;
return 1;
else {
// Checks whether the value to be
// inserted is present or not
if (searchnode(val, n, &k))
printf("Key value already exists\n");
// The if-else condition checks whether
// the number of nodes is greater or less
// than the maximum number. If it is less
// then it inserts the new value in the
// same level node, otherwise, it splits the
// node and then inserts the value
if (setval(val, n->child[k], p, c)) {
// if the count is less than the max
if (n->count < MAX) {
fillnode(*p, *c, n, k);
return 0;
else {
// Insert by splitting
split(*p, *c, n, k, p, c);
return 1;
return 0;
// Adjusts the value of the node
void fillnode(int val,
struct node* c,
struct node* n,
int k)
int i;
// Shifting the node by one position
for (i = n->count; i > k; i--) {
n->value[i + 1] = n->value[i];
n->child[i + 1] = n->child[i];
n->value[k + 1] = val;
n->child[k + 1] = c;
// Splits the node
void split(int val,
struct node* c,
struct node* n,
int k, int* y,
struct node** newnode)
int i, mid;
if (k <= MIN)
mid = MIN;
mid = MIN + 1;
// Allocating the memory for a new node
*newnode = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
for (i = mid + 1; i <= MAX; i++) {
(*newnode)->value[i - mid] = n->value[i];
(*newnode)->child[i - mid] = n->child[i];
(*newnode)->count = MAX - mid;
n->count = mid;
// it checks whether the new value
// that is to be inserted is inserted
// at a position less than or equal
// to minimum values required in a node
if (k <= MIN)
fillnode(val, c, n, k);
fillnode(val, c, *newnode, k - mid);
*y = n->value[n->count];
(*newnode)->child[0] = n->child[n->count];
Deletion in an m-Way search tree:
Let K be a key to be deleted from the m-Way search tree. To delete the key we proceed as one would to search for the key. Let the node accommodating the key be as illustrated below.
There are several cases for deletion
// Deletes value from the node
struct node* del(int val,
struct node* root)
struct node* temp;
if (!delhelp(val, root)) {
printf("value %d not found.\n", val);
else {
if (root->count == 0) {
temp = root;
root = root->child[0];
return root;
// Helper function for del()
int delhelp(int val,
struct node* root)
int i;
int flag;
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
else {
// Again searches for the node
flag = searchnode(val,
// if flag is true
if (flag) {
if (root->child[i - 1]) {
copysucc(root, i);
// delhelp() is called recursively
flag = delhelp(root->value[i],
if (!flag)
printf("value %d not found.\n", val);
clear(root, i);
else {
// Recursion
flag = delhelp(val, root->child[i]);
if (root->child[i] != NULL) {
if (root->child[i]->count < MIN)
restore(root, i);
return flag;
// Removes the value from the
// node and adjusts the values
void clear(struct node* m, int k)
int i;
for (i = k + 1; i <= m->count; i++) {
m->value[i - 1] = m->value[i];
m->child[i - 1] = m->child[i];
// Copies the successor of the
// value that is to be deleted
void copysucc(struct node* m, int i)
struct node* temp;
temp = p->child[i];
while (temp->child[0])
temp = temp->child[0];
p->value[i] = temp->value[i];
// Adjusts the node
void restore(struct node* m, int i)
if (i == 0) {
if (m->child[1]->count > MIN)
leftshift(m, 1);
merge(m, 1);
else {
if (i == m->count) {
if (m->child[i - 1]->count > MIN)
rightshift(m, i);
merge(m, i);
else {
if (m->child[i - 1]->count > MIN)
rightshift(m, i);
else {
if (m->child[i + 1]->count > MIN)
leftshift(m, i + 1);
merge(m, i);
// Adjusts the values and children
// while shifting the value from
// parent to right child
void rightshift(struct node* m, int k)
int i;
struct node* temp;
temp = m->child[k];
// Copying the nodes
for (i = temp->count; i > 0; i--) {
temp->value[i + 1] = temp->value[i];
temp->child[i + 1] = temp->child[i];
temp->child[1] = temp->child[0];
temp->value[1] = m->value[k];
temp = m->child[k - 1];
m->value[k] = temp->value[temp->count];
= temp->child[temp->count];
// Adjusts the values and children
// while shifting the value from
// parent to left child
void leftshift(struct node* m, int k)
int i;
struct node* temp;
temp = m->child[k - 1];
temp->value[temp->count] = m->value[k];
= m->child[k]->child[0];
temp = m->child[k];
m->value[k] = temp->value[1];
temp->child[0] = temp->child[1];
for (i = 1; i <= temp->count; i++) {
temp->value[i] = temp->value[i + 1];
temp->child[i] = temp->child[i + 1];
rightshift() and leftshift()
// Merges two nodes
void merge(struct node* m, int k)
int i;
struct node *temp1, *temp2;
temp1 = m->child[k];
temp2 = m->child[k - 1];
temp2->value[temp2->count] = m->value[k];
temp2->child[temp2->count] = m->child[0];
for (i = 0; i <= temp1->count; i++) {
temp2->value[temp2->count] = temp1->value[i];
temp2->child[temp2->count] = temp1->child[i];
for (i = k; i < m->count; i++) {
m->value[i] = m->value[i + 1];
m->child[i] = m->child[i + 1];
120 docs|30 tests
1. What is an m-Way Search Tree? | ![]() |
2. How does an m-Way Search Tree differ from a binary search tree? | ![]() |
3. What are the advantages of using an m-Way Search Tree? | ![]() |
4. How are elements searched in an m-Way Search Tree? | ![]() |
5. How are elements inserted and deleted in an m-Way Search Tree? | ![]() |