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Q.1. (a) If potential energy is given by v(x) = x2/2 - x3/3. Then plot V (x) vs x.
(b) If particle of mass m = 1unit oscillates about stable equilibrium point find time period of oscillation
(c) Draw phase space curve for possible energy

Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For equilibrium dV/dx = 0 ⇒ (x - x2) = 0 ⇒ x = 0,1
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsd2V/dx2 = (1 - 2x) = 1 > 0 at x = 0 so x = 0 is stable equilibrium point which is minima 

d2V/dx2 = (1 - 2x) = 1 < 0 at x = 1 so x = 1 is unstable equilibrium Point, which is maxima
(b) Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.2. If total energy of simple pendulum of mass m and length l is E = Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics- mgl cos θ where pθ is angular momentum and V (θ) = -mgl cosθ potential energy .
(a) Draw the phase space for simple pendulum assuming potential.
(b) Find the condition on energy  E such that for pendulum is oscillates.
(c) Find the condition on energy  E such that for pendulum will have unbounded motion.

Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics- mglcosθ, v (θ) = - mgl cos θ
For equilibrium point
dV/dθ = 0 ⇒ = mgl sin θ = 0
θ = nπ, ⇒ θ = 0,π,2π...
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For stable equilibrium point
d2V/dθ2 = mgl cos θ > 0
For q = 0, 2π, 4π ...
For unstable equilibrium point
d2V/dθ2 = mgl cos θ > 0
For θ = π, 3π, 5π ...
(b) The pendulum will do small oscillation for energy -mgl < E < mgl

Q.3. A particle of mass m is moving in a potential V(x) = 1/2 mw02x2 + a/2mxwhere ω0 and a are positive constants.  Find The angular frequency of small oscillations for the simple harmonic motion of the particle about a stable point  of the potential V (x).

The pendulum will execute  unbounded motion E > mgl
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For equilibrium point Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.4. Consider a particle of mass m moving in one dimension under a force with potential
U(x) = k(2x3 - 5x2 + 4x) where k > 0
(a) Find the stable and unstable equilibrium point
(b) If particle oscillate about stable equilibrium point then natural frequency of oscillation is given by

(a) U(x) = k (2x3 - 5x2 + 4x), k >
dU/dx = k [6x2 - 10 x + 4] = 0 ⇒ (x - 1(6x - 4) =  ⇒ x1 = 1 x2 = 2/3
To check stability
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics= k[12x - 10] = 2k > 0 so it is stable equilibrium point.
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics= - 8k < 0 so it is unstable equilibrium
(b) Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics= k[12 x - 10] = 2k > 0 ω = Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Q.5. A particle of mass m trapped in one dimensional box of length a so that one edge is at x = 0 and other end at x = a. Assume after every collision of particle at x = a particle loose ΔE amount of energy. Draw phase space if initially particle has energy E.

E = p2/2m
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
At particle will reach first time  at point x = a the energy will become E - ΔE so momentum p = Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics.Every time particle will reach at point x = a the energy will decrease with amount ΔE
Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

The document Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics is a part of the Physics Course Mechanics & General Properties of Matter.
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FAQs on Stability Analysis and Phase: Assignment - Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

1. What is stability analysis?
Ans. Stability analysis refers to the examination and assessment of the stability of a system, process, or structure. It involves analyzing the behavior and response of the system under different conditions to determine its stability or the likelihood of it remaining in a stable state.
2. How is stability analysis important in engineering?
Ans. Stability analysis is crucial in engineering as it helps in ensuring the safe and reliable operation of various systems and structures. It allows engineers to assess the stability of buildings, bridges, electrical grids, and other critical infrastructure to prevent failures or accidents caused by instability.
3. What are the different types of stability analysis methods?
Ans. There are several methods used for stability analysis, including: - Lyapunov stability analysis: It determines the stability of a system by examining the behavior of a scalar function called the Lyapunov function. - Bifurcation analysis: It studies how the stability of a system changes as its parameters vary, often leading to the emergence of new stable states. - Frequency domain analysis: It analyzes the stability of a system based on its frequency response characteristics. - Time-domain analysis: It evaluates the stability of a system by observing its transient response over time.
4. What is phase in stability analysis?
Ans. In stability analysis, the phase refers to the relationship between the input and output signals of a system. It represents the time delay and phase shift between these signals and is crucial for understanding the stability and behavior of a system. The phase can be measured or analyzed using various techniques such as Fourier transform or phase margin analysis.
5. How does stability analysis relate to the IIT JAM exam?
Ans. Stability analysis is an important topic covered in the IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test for M.Sc.) exam for subjects like Physics. The exam may include questions related to stability analysis concepts, methods, and applications. It is essential for the aspirants to have a good understanding of stability analysis to perform well in the exam and secure admission to prestigious institutes for their master's degree.
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