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Reproduction in Animals - 1 Class 4 Worksheet Science

Q1: Label the different stages in the life cycle of a butterfly.

Q2: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).

(i) ________________ is the process in which the young one breaks open the egg shell to come out.
(a) Metamorphosis
(b) Hatching
(c) Moulting
(d) Incubation

(ii) Which of the following is not a part of a bird’s egg?
Reproduction in Animals - 1 Class 4 Worksheet Science(a) Pupa
(b) Shell
(c) Yolk
(d) Albumen 

(iii) This organism does not incubate its eggs.
(a) Butterfly
(b) Parrot
(c) Pigeon
(d) Hen

(iv) Which of these defines a mammal?
(a) It gives birth to babies and feeds them with its own milk.
(b) It gives birth to babies and brings food to feed it.
(c) It lays eggs and looks after them and the babies after they hatch.
(d) It lays eggs but does not look after them or the babies after they hatch.

(v) _____________ lays adhesive eggs.
Reproduction in Animals - 1 Class 4 Worksheet Science(a) Snake
(b) Frog
(c) Cat
(d) Lizard

Q3: Fill in the blanks.

(i) The period of time for which a living organism lives is called _____________.

(ii) The animals which lay eggs are called _____________ animals.

(iii) The _____________ in a tadpole vanishes when it grows into an adult frog.

(iv) The animals which give birth to their young ones are called _____________ animals.

(v) _____________ provides nutrition to the embryo inside an egg.
Reproduction in Animals - 1 Class 4 Worksheet Science

Q4: True & False.

(i) The eggshell of a hen is totally waterproof and airproof.

(ii) Mammals leave their young ones on their own as soon as they are born.

(iii) Jelly-like covering protects the eggs of a frog.

(iv) Birds, snakes and turtles lay hard-shelled eggs.

(v) Butterfly and frogs show metamorphosis.

Q5: Match the following.

Reproduction in Animals - 1 Class 4 Worksheet ScienceQ6: Answer the following questions in brief.

(i) How do insects take care of their eggs?

(ii) What is metamorphosis?

(iii) How do birds protect their young ones?

(iv) How does air cell form inside an egg?

(v) What is incubation?

Q7: Answer the following questions in detail.

(i) What is the difference between a tadpole and an adult frog?

(ii) Differentiate between viviparous and oviparous animals. Give examples.

Q8: Give two examples of the following.

(i) Viviparous animals ________________ ________________

(ii) Insects with 3-stage life cycles ________________ ________________

(iii) Moulting animals ________________ ________________

(iv) Aquatic oviparous animals ________________ ________________

(v) Insects with 4-stage life cycles ________________ ________________
Reproduction in Animals - 1 Class 4 Worksheet Science


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FAQs on Reproduction in Animals - 1 Class 4 Worksheet Science

1. What are the different modes of reproduction in animals?
Ans. Animals can reproduce through sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of male and female gametes, while asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring without the involvement of gametes.
2. How does sexual reproduction occur in animals?
Ans. Sexual reproduction in animals involves the fusion of male and female gametes. The male gametes, called sperm, are produced by the male reproductive system, while the female gametes, called eggs, are produced by the female reproductive system. During sexual intercourse or mating, sperm are transferred to the female reproductive system where they fertilize the eggs, leading to the formation of a zygote.
3. What is asexual reproduction in animals?
Ans. Asexual reproduction in animals is a mode of reproduction where offspring are produced without the involvement of gametes or the fusion of genetic material from two parents. It is a common form of reproduction in many invertebrates and some vertebrates. Asexual reproduction methods include binary fission, budding, fragmentation, and parthenogenesis.
4. Can animals reproduce through both sexual and asexual reproduction?
Ans. Yes, some animals have the ability to reproduce through both sexual and asexual reproduction. This is called facultative parthenogenesis. In this process, if conditions are favorable, animals can reproduce asexually, but if conditions become unfavorable, they can switch to sexual reproduction.
5. How does fertilization occur in animals?
Ans. Fertilization in animals occurs when a sperm and an egg fuse together to form a zygote. In most animals, fertilization occurs internally, where the male deposits sperm inside the female reproductive tract. The sperm then swim towards the eggs, and if successful, one sperm will penetrate and fuse with the egg, resulting in fertilization. However, there are also animals that undergo external fertilization, where eggs and sperm are released into the environment and fertilization occurs outside the body.
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