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Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS

Can You Name the Animals?

Look at the pictures of animals and try to name them. Here’s a clue: the first letter of each animal’s name is given below!

Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS

  1. M _____
  2. L _____
  3. E _____
  4. Z _____
  5. B _____
  6. D _____
  7. G _____
  8. S _____

Animals are of different sizes and shapes. Some are big while others are small. 

Animals Come in Different Sizes

Animals can be big or small. Let’s learn about them!

1. Big Animals : 

Big Animals: Some animals are large, like the Rhinoceros, Giraffe, Elephant, Horse, and Camel.

Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS

Fact: The largest living animal is the blue whale.
Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS

2. Small Animals: 

Animals like the Mouse, Rabbit, Fox, Squirrel, Cat, Hen, Monkey, and Wolf are smaller than big animals.

Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS

Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS

3. Very Small Animals: 

Very Small Animals: Some animals are tiny, like the Earthworm, Butterfly, and Cockroach.

Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS

Types of Animals

  1. Domestic animals : They are tamed by us because they are useful to us. They are kept by us around our homes. 
    Example: Cow, Goat, Sheep, Horse etc.Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVSAnimals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVSAnimals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS
  2. Pet animals: Those animals which we keep in our homes. We love them and play with them. 
    Example: Dog, Cat, Parrot, Rabbit.
    Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS
  3. Wild animals : Wild animals move freely in jungles. They are difficult to tame. They are seen in zoo or national parks, e.g., Lion, Tiger etc.Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS
  4. Farm animals: Some useful animals like horses, camels, hens, cows and goats are kept in farms.
    - We get food from them. 
    - We get milk, eggs and meat from them. 
    - Some animals work for us. They carry loads, pull carts and plough our fields. 
    - We get wool from sheep.
    - Honey-bees collect honey for us.
  5. Milch Animals: Animals that give us milk are called milch animals. Cow, goat and buffalo are milch animals.

Fact: The fastest animal on land is Cheetah.

Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS


Birds have two legs to walk and have wings and feathers to fly. They have beaks but no teeth. (Note: Penguin, Kiwi and Ostrich cannot fly.)



They are very small animals. They have six legs. Some insects do not have wings like Ants and Spiders. All others have wings.


Once Again!

  1. Animals can be of any size. 
  2. Domestic animals are tamed. 
  3. Pets are kept at home. 
  4. Wild animals are free in jungles and are difficult to tame. 
  5. Birds have feathers to fly. 
  6. Insects are small animals with six legs.
The document Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS is a part of the Class 1 Course EVS for Class 1.
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FAQs on Animals Around Us Class 1 Notes EVS

1. What are the different types of birds mentioned in the article?
Ans. The article discusses various types of birds, including those commonly found in our surroundings such as sparrows, pigeons, and robins. It may also reference larger birds like eagles and smaller ones like hummingbirds.
2. How do insects differ in size compared to birds?
Ans. Insects are generally much smaller than birds. While birds can range from small species like finches to larger ones like ostriches, most insects are often just a few millimeters long, showcasing a significant size difference between these two animal groups.
3. Why is it important to learn about animals around us?
Ans. Learning about animals around us helps us understand biodiversity, the ecosystem, and our role in nature. It fosters appreciation for wildlife, encourages conservation efforts, and enhances our knowledge of how various species interact with their environment.
4. What role do birds play in the ecosystem?
Ans. Birds play several crucial roles in the ecosystem, including pollination, seed dispersal, and controlling insect populations. They help maintain the balance of nature, contribute to plant reproduction, and are indicators of environmental health.
5. Can you provide examples of how insects are beneficial to humans?
Ans. Insects are beneficial to humans in many ways, including pollination of crops, decomposition of organic matter, and serving as a food source for other animals. Additionally, some insects are used in scientific research and pest control, highlighting their importance in our daily lives.
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